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The Mediation of Christ PDF

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THEM EDIATIOONF C HRIST TheM ediatioofnC hrist THOMASF TORRANCE T&TCLARK EDINBURGH T&TC LARKL TD 59G EORGES TREET EDINBURGHE I-21L2Q SCOTLAND Copyrig©hTth omasF Torranc1e9,9 2 Allr ighrteservs ed.N o parotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproduced, storienda r etrievsayls temo,r t ramnistteidna, n yfo rm orb ya nym eans, electromneichca,n icalp,h otocopyirneg,c ordoirno gt herwise, withotuhte p rior permoifsT s&iToC nl ark. Firpsutb lishienGd r eaBtr itabiyn PaternosPtreesrs 1,9 8a3n d int he USbAyW . B.E erdmans PublishCionmgp an1y9 84 Thirse visedeidti on publi1s9h9e2d ISBN0 5672 92035 BritiLsihb rary Cataloguing-iDna-tPau blication A Catalogrueec orfdo trh ibsoo k isa vailable from theB ritiLsihb rary Typese tb yT riniTtypesey tting,E dinburgh Printaendd bo und inG reaBtr itabiyBn i lli&n Sogn sL tdW,o rcester To Alisoonu,rbe lovedda ughter vii Preface Thep urposoeft heslee ctuirset soh elspt udenmtisn,i sters andp astoarnsd,o theCrh urclhe adearnsdw orkertsot, h ink theologiacbaolulttyh G eo speslo,t hatth emya yg eatfi rmer griupp oni tcso ntefnotr thveairri omuisn istrTihees . mateiraplr esentheedr ree latteoes a rliaedrd ressoents he MediatioofCn h rigsitv eantS ummerSc hoolosfT heoloigny StA ndrewsSc,o tlanadn dP rinectonN,e w Jersewyh,i ch weren aturaaldlayp tteodt hcei rcumstacnocnedsi,t iaonnds needosf t hep eoplweh oa ttendetdh emT.h ibso okr epre­ sentasn e xtendfeodr mo f tDhied sbuLreyc turwehsi ch it wasm y privilteogd ee livienrT heB ritiIsshl eNsa zarene 198I2 . ColleigneM anchesdtuerri ngO ctober wouldl ikteo expremsys w armg rtaitufodret hkei ndneascsc ordteomd e byt hset aff satnudd enotfts h Ce olelgea,n dn otl eafsottr h e freindshoifpt he Deoaftn h eC olletghee,R evT.. A . Noble, whomI g ott ok nowf irdsutr ing ohwints h eologsitcuadli es at EdinbUunrigvhre siwthye nh ed istinsghueidh imseilnf Biblical, aPnadtD roigsmtaitcti hce oloignay w ayt hawto n thed eepa dmiratoifoh ni st each.eF rosro nceI h aved is­ pensewdi trhe ferenacneds histnoortiecisan,tl h he opet hat am ores traightforpwraersdte antioofmn y e xpositwiiolbnle ofh elp twoi daem ri nistorfty h eG ospeilnp raechinagn d teachianlgi ke. My wife haandvb eeI e mna rvellobulselsys wedi tahv ery deadra ughtAelri,s ownh,o sleo vaen dt hougthfucla rfeo urs areb eyonmde asure. bTohoikis sd edicattoeh de ri nt oken ofo uru nboundetdh anfkulneasnsdj oy. CanBtayy , EatLs othian 1982 October, THOMAS F.T ORRANCE ix Forweordt oN ew Edition Int hinse we ditioofTn he M ediaitoonfC hriIsh atv ien serted somes ub-tiitnltteohs te h iarndd f ourcthha ptetrofs a,c ilitate theriera dianngd,a ddeadn ewc haptoenr' ThAet onement andt heH olyT riniTthyi'is.s i ntendesda yts oo mething aboutth pel acaen dn ecessoifat d yo ctroifnt eh aet onement foard ocrtinoeft hTer inibtuyat,l stoos howt hatth deo ctrine oft heT riniitsny e cessfaorryp rao per docotfAr tionnee ­ mentI.nr elattihnipgsr esetnitoatnot hdei scusisineo anr lier chapteIhr asv,ce o ntintuoep da ya ttenttioto hnpe r obloefm dualiisnmt heolobgyys ,h owinigtd sa magienfgf eicnt an ultrtar ansceenntdalciosntc eptoifGo ond a, ndi ns plitting apartth ed ocrtinoef t heo neG odf romt hed octroinfte h e triuGnoed I.h avael sdoe velopfeudr thtehre wianyw h ich them issioofnI sraaenldt hem issioofnC hriasrted eeply interlociknefa di htfuuln derstanding of revelation and reconcilipaatritoinc,u ilantr hlewy a yi nw hicJhe wsa nd. Christnieaenodsn ea nothiensr e ekitnoug n derstmaonrde oft hew ayi nw hicGho dh as given utso k ancocwhe isms throuhgihm sealnfdi nh imselhfo.p etI h iwsi lmla ket he book mocroemp leitnde r awionugft u rthtehmre o vemeontf atonipnrgo pitabettiwoene nG oda ndm an,i nt hew ayi n whicwhe a re giavcecnet sost hFea thtehrr outghhce r ososf Chriasntd t hec ommunioonft heH olySp irIih ta.v ea lso offerdeids scusioonft hissu bjeicntt h beo oTk heW itnseso tf he JewtsGo o ded,i tbeyd mbyr othtehrRe,e vD.a viWd. T orrance, 1982 publisihne d byt heH andsel PErdeisnsb,u rgh. Ih avbee egnr eatelnyc ourabgyet dh ree ceptgiiovnet no my boookn b otshi deosft hAet lanntoiltce ,a bsytl apye ople whoh avfeo unhde alianngdf reoedmi nt hiwsa yo fu nder­ standitnhgem ediatowroirakol f t heL orJd esuCsh riasntd xi xii TheM edioianto fC hrist thwea yh ifsa ithfuilnvn iecsasr aicotuisuv nidteyr gtihred s respoonffas iet cha llfeodrf trho ums t hrouhgimhse diation oft hHeo lSyp irSiotm.ep eopelvei defnetetlhlya tth set ress Ih avlea iudp ounn conditgiroanucaneld ermintehsie n teg­ ritoyft hree spownesa er cea llteomd a kei nr epentfaonrc e siann di na cceptoafJn ecseCu hsr iassot u pre rsoSnaavli our. Parotft hper oblheemr iest hautn conditgiroanciaestl o o costfolryi ,ct a lilnqs u estailotlnh awte a raen dd os,o t hat eveinno urre pentainndbg e liewveic nagn nroetlu yp oonu r ownr espobnusoten luyp otnh ree spoCnhsreih satos f fered tot hFea thienor u prl aacnedo no ubre haHlofw.t h'eIo 'ft he humanb elieavnedtr h e' Io'f C hriasrter elatteood n e another, expressiendt hPfeao url ienxea msptl'aeIt ,e ment, yento Itb uCth riisastm 'i,r aocflt ehSe p iraintdi, us l timately asi nexpliacsta hbmeli er acolfte h Vei rgBiinr otfhJ esus whicfho mre i st huen iqGuoed -gipvaetnt oefrnu ncondi­ tiongarla cAelt.lh routghhie n carlniaaftneeda ctiovfit thye LorJde swuesa rseh owtnh a'ta olflg racdeo'e nso tm ean 'nothoifmn agn 'b,up tr ecitsheel yo ppaolosglfi rt eam:cea en s alolfm an,fo trh feu llnoefgs rsa ccer eatiivnecllyut dhees fullneasnsdc ompleteonfoes usrh umanr espoinnst eh e equatBiuotn . tihsni osst o methtihnacgta nb eu nderstood logicfaollrlo yg,i c'aalollfgly r acweo'u lmde an' nothoifn g manw'h,i ch mayp etoepmtlpoaet p porttihroeon lo efC hrist ando ft hbee liebvyae rrg uifnog'ros methionfgg r acaen'd 'sometohfim nagn 's,o methdionngfe ro m eb yC hriasntd somethIi ndfgoro m yeslAfl'.ol fg ramceea naslo lfm anW!e musrte membtehrai tna lhli hse alianngdsa vinrge lations wituhsJ esCuhsr iisestn gagienpd e rsonaalnidsh iunmga n­ isi(nnge vdeerp ersonaolrdi eshiunmga niascitnigv)si ot y, thaitna lolu rre latwiiotnhhsi mw ea rmea dmeo rter ualnyd fulhluym ani no urp ersorneaslp oonfsfa ei tthh aenv er befoTrhei.ts a kpelsa icneu st hroutghhce r eataicvtei ovfi ty thHeo lSyp iarsih teu nituests ot hpee rfheucmta niotfty h e LorJde scuosn ceibvyte hdHe o lSyp irbiotrn,o ft hVei rgin Marya ndr aisaegda ifnr otmh dee adT.h em iracolffae i th andn ewb irttahk pelsa icnue s a fttehrpe a ttoefrnt hVei rgin BirotfJh e shuism saenldfh irse surrefcrtotimho genr avIet. isn otth aotu rre spotnoCs her ist etfafkieecnust so nlaysi t

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