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The Measurement of the Muon's Anomalous Magnetic Moment Isn't PDF

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UCI-TR-2002-29, UFIFT-HEP-02-26, CERN-TH/2002-187 The Measurement of the Muon’s Anomalous Magnetic Moment Isn’t Jonathan L. Feng,1 Konstantin T. Matchev,2,3 and Yael Shadmi4,∗ 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 2Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA 3Theory Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland 4Department of Physics, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel Recentresultsannouncedasmeasurementsofthemuon’sanomalousmagneticmomentareinfact measurementsofthemuon’sanomalousspinprecessionfrequency. Thisprecessionfrequencyreceives contributions from both the muon’s anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments. We note thatallexistingdatacannotresolvethisambiguity,andthecurrentdeviationfromstandardmodel predictions may equally well be interpreted as evidence for new physics in the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment, new physicsin themuon’s electric dipole moment, or both. 3 PACSnumbers: PACS:13.40.Em,14.60.Ef 0 0 2 Recently the Muon(g−2)Collaborationannounceda n newmeasurementofthemuon’sanomalousmagneticmo- a ment [1]. More precisely, however, what has been mea- J suredisthemuon’sanomalousspinprecessionfrequency. 0 2 Thisreceivescontributionsfromboththemuon’sanoma- lousmagneticandelectricdipolemoments,andwepoint 2 out that the reported data and all existing constraints v cannot distinguish between the two. 6 The recent result is the latest tour de force from the 0 1 Muon(g−2) Experiment[2]. This experimentmeasures 8 the anomalousspinprecessionfrequency ofmuons circu- 0 latinginaperpendicularanduniformmagneticfield. For 2 fermions with gyromagnetic ratio g = 2, the cyclotron 0 and spin precession frequencies are identical. Measure- / h ments of the anomalous spin precession frequency have p therefore been reported as measurements of the anoma- FIG.1: Regionsofthe(dµ,aµ)planeconsistentwiththemea- p- lous magnetic dipole moment (MDM) aµ =(gµ−2)/2. sured |ωa| at 1σ (dark) and 2σ (light). The most recent SM e The spin precession frequency is also sensitive to the aµ predictions [5, 6, 7] are also shown, with horizontal off- h sets to the SM prediction of dµ ≈0 inserted for clarity. The muon’s electric dipole moment (EDM), however [3, 4]. : vertical linesare thecentral valueand ±1σ direct boundson v For a muon traveling with velocity β perpendicular to dµ [3]. i both a magnetic field B and an electric field E, the X anomalous spin precession vector is r a Assuming anegligible d , the measurementshowstenta- e 2c µ ω =−a B−d β×B tiveevidencefornewphysicsina withuncertainsignif- a µm µ ¯h µ µ icance, given the spread in theoreticalpredictions. How- e 1 2 − −a β×E−d E , (1) ever, the |ω | result could just as well be taken as evi- m c γ2−1 µ µ¯h a µ (cid:16) (cid:17) dence for new physics in d . The best direct bound on µ d [3] is also shown. Clearly it does not resolve this am- where m and d are the muon’s mass and EDM. In µ µ µ recentexperiments,theβ×E termofEq.(1)isremoved biguity; if anything, it favors the EDM interpretation. In fact, even taking the lowest SM prediction for a , a by running at the ‘magic’ γ ≈ 29.3, and the last term µ is negligible. For highly relativistic muons with |β| ≈ 1, striking and unambiguous conclusion is that, barring a fine-tunedcancelation,theMuon(g−2)Experimenthas then, the anomalous spin precession frequency is now set the most stringent upper bound on the muon’s e 2 2c 2 1/2 electric dipole moment with |dµ|<3.2×10−19 e cm. |ω |≈|B| a2 + d2 , (2) a (cid:20)(cid:16)mµ(cid:17) µ (cid:16)¯h (cid:17) µ(cid:21) The MDM/EDM ambiguity may be resolved by ap- pealing to theoretical prejudice that d is small. In su- µ and it constrains only a combination of d and a . persymmetry, for example, the maximal value of a is µ µ µ InFig.1weshowregionsofthe(d ,a )planethatare amax ∼ 10−7, assuming only flavor conservation [8]. By µ µ µ consistent with the new |ω | measurement. Also shown a phase rotation of the relevant operator, this implies a are the latest standard model (SM) predictions [5, 6, 7]. a maximal EDM of roughly dmax ∼ (e¯h/2m c)amax ∼ µ µ µ 2 10−20 e cm. This conclusion is far from universal, how- [1] G. W. Bennett [Muon g-2 Collaboration], Phys. Rev. ever. For example, large muon EDMs are possible in Lett. 89, 101804 (2002) [hep-ex/0208001]. modelswhereEDMsscaleapproximatelyasd ∝m3 [9]. [2] For previous results, see R. M. Carey et al., Phys. f f Rev. Lett. 82, 1632 (1999); H. N. Brown et al. Given our current profound ignorance of the origins of [Muon (g-2) Collaboration], Phys. Rev. D 62, 091101 electroweak symmetry breaking, flavor, and CP viola- (2000) [hep-ex/0009029]; H. N. Brown et al. [Muon tion, no definitive statement can be made. g-2 Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2227 (2001) The effects of dµ and aµ are, of course, distinguish- [hep-ex/0102017]. able[3]: aµ causesprecessionaroundthemagneticfield’s [3] J. Bailey et al.[CERN-Mainz-Daresbury Collaboration], axis,but d leadsto oscillationofthe muon’s spinabove Nucl. Phys. B150, 1 (1979). µ and below the plane of motion. A search for up-down [4] J. L. Feng, K. T. Matchev and Y. Shadmi, Nucl. Phys. B 613, 366 (2001) [hep-ph/0107182]. asymmetry in the current data is in progress [10]. A [5] F. Jegerlehner, talk given at the Workshop Centre de dedicated EDM experiment [11] would provide a conclu- PhysiqueTh´eoriqueMarseille,France,14-16March2002. siveresolutionbyeithermeasuringanon-vanishingd or µ [6] K. Hagiwara, A. D. Martin, D. Nomura and T. Teub- constrainingthecontributionofdµ to|ωa|tobeinsignif- ner,talkgivenbyT.TeubneratICHEP’02,Amsterdam, icant. Netherlands, 24-31 July 2002. For now, however, the reported data is not a model- [7] M. Davier, S. Eidelman, A. Hocker and Z. Zhang, independentmeasurementofthemuon’sanomalousmag- hep-ph/0208177. [8] J.L.FengandK.T.Matchev,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,3480 netic moment. If measurements of precession frequency (2001) [hep-ph/0102146]. are interpreted as measurements of a , the assumption µ [9] See, e.g., K. S. Babu, S. M. Barr and I. Dorsner, Phys. of a negligible muon EDM is best made explicit. Al- Rev. D 64, 053009 (2001) [hep-ph/0012303]. ternatively, the experimental status may be summarized [10] J. Miller, private communication. without theoretical assumptions as in Fig. 1. [11] Y. K. Semertzidis et al., hep-ph/0012087; J. L. Feng, K. T. Matchev and Y. Shadmi, in Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPBSummerStudyontheFutureofParticle Physics(Snowmass2001) ed.R.DavidsonandC.Quigg, hep-ph/0110157. ∗ Incumbent of a Technion Management Career Develop- ment Chair.

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