SHAYKH SALEH FAWZAAN THE MEANE fom | doll Lad cabal THE UMMAH’S SALVATION SHAYKH SALEM FAWZAAS. MakLabaLulirshad Publications? Hirst Itdilion, September 2012/ Shawmsal 1433 H All rights reserved. No part of this book shull be reptoduced in any form, shape, or [ushion. Cover Design By: www Published by: Waktabatulirehad Publicadons Printed by: ‘Translation by Abu Sulaysusun Muhumunad Abdul “anima Ibn Baker Website: wane Subject: Minhaj 8 ‘Aqeedah Tee: 978 1 4675 1884-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS TWPRODUCTION, ALLAH'S ASSISTANGR 10 THE BELIEVERS TIE SUNNAM OF ALLAH. HAVING PATIENCE & TAQWAA. ‘TH MEANS FOR SALVATION. QUESTIONS. u 1s 53 4 INTRODUCTION LOGO INTRODUCTION AH praise belongs wo llth, the Tord of all that exists. May AUAN send Llessings, pause, ane salvation upon our propher Muhammad, Flis family, aod all of bis companions, a9 to procece! Indeed Allah #8) from his infinire wisdom He inilics tests and tsials on the childten of Adam trom the fies! of creation 1 the last of them, The first of thean was our father Adain (#4), and whist happened to him of resring: anc tial with his ecemy, Iblees, cho covied him, and was proud inwards bins, What happened to Adan (32) ond his wife Haven Aftecuards, Aah ($4) indeed geented the parents of mankind suceess to make Tasriah Ge, Repentance) and wo romuen to Allah ($2) fhe, "Ube truth}, Iepeciaaug sey "Thy sale "One Laval We base smonged axes, ffs faye nel, at Desay tae as Your Mery. shall contain othe dans." |SL Neuf 7:23] ‘TIE MBANS FOR THE UMMAH'S SALVATION | 5 ‘Therefore, Alh accepted dheir repentance, He, the Must Tigh, says, Sab "Then Adasn rested fon bis Lord Words, and bir Lard pearioned bine (accep his ripeitanc), Verily, His the One wh forges (osciptsropemtance), che Mast Merind” [Bacjara 2:37] Tikewise, the Tess conie continanusly to the childcea of Adam throughout the centuries the messengers, their Gollowets, and their enemies from the disbelievers aul the hypocrites, the Shyathr from huneans and jinn, [le, the Most High, says, ‘and a ae fare pated for ees Sigg (dente) amine mann e113] Prophet ensanse- ins." [naa Oe CR 6 | ALLAH'S ASSISTANCE TO THE BELIEVERS, ALLAH'S ASSISTANCE TO THE BELIEVERS "Thue ave ws ae for sary Propet a enemy antag the Mirna (disocovrs, pusthes, ein te). Bt Suffer 5 your Lord ws @ Gide and Leber.” [oma 25:31) However, Allgh (48) had saved the Messengets, their followers saong, the boiewers, He, the most High, The (im the nel we save Our Messengers and those wo Detser! Vs, 8 &israben? agen Sa save the Belson.” [yanus 10-103} Hence, other than the messengers wall nut be saved bby auything except by Hemam Afterwatds, Me omphasized that with His statement, es gal tpl Gait Vs MEANS KOR THE UMMAES SALVATION, "Lbs it ds ineanabent upon ws ns ase the iver." In addition, He, the Mus! High, says, 4 Si 5s Os ° And fas fre bles it was dncanbon. apo ws to belp (eem)." [am 30:17] ‘With this descriprion, The (ANAh) described oman fac, ‘Vroth faith}, 30 If the believers clings to their Hrrnean, nod maincain theis seligion Allih ($2 will save them tom Hf, and He will grant protection atid well-heing for them throughout rhe times until the lust hours established, andl the Diag PEs gidcesisl 1051, bbs "Ube tat ib appt end xo, 0dr may bose thi ts Sana of the Mast Cen.” Vhis is the wisdom ef All (38) from aftet distinguishing the peuple of Eman from the people of Lippoctisy. He, the Most High, Pi Co § 8 | ALLAH'S ASSISTANCE TO TUE LusLUeViRS "Di pail think that shen sl be lf atone Beans they "I bivalved. cl we bead tested Phase vn aware bene them. And. Lith ail certains mea (i) serown (te tath of) ue who ar te and wil ontain snark (it) Enon (te ikea of thse wha ae Bars” [Ankabut 29:2.3] Momoves, He 5 saps, EVES, 6 tee EL "Vhat, and if Aah willed indsed Be would hare saved shew; Bosweser they were rated vith one cnother.” [Mabanuned 474] YEE ws peace TT RTE lc ails ae Dud tase sb ile inthe Woy of Ail, He will nor ‘ee tir ded fn, Lo wil guile Hs ad eb ral heir ate, a iis then to Paradise wich Le bas mate Brame to them" (Mubamnroad 47:46] e GEL A Os Sits Al Ups ate Sal On whe belie! Tf ye bp the ects of) i, Le il bef yom, and meaike your jaatbold rs." [Muhamra a] THR MEANS FOR 11ub UMMAH'S SALVATION, ‘THE SUNNAH OF ALLAH Therefore, dy nor he amazed ia these days at jnsolence of the dishelievers and the bypoceites over the people of Hawa and the Mustims; diy not be arnaved ar the Simmab Allah repauling His ceeatiem, ih may aaknguish tbe wicked (ixbeives, olhibist and om if vi cs) fone te good (beeves of sinc Sonnticiom cand dues of rghieane deeds), and pat the wicked (aioltsers, potheats wd deere of ei des) one on canoer, ap there fgetber and sast th snta Fell. Tho! Tt Sb hey whe ave th srs. |S" 837] Do nisi he: astonished iF sounctbing happeris to dhe Moslims in this Eza By meuns af the enemies of Ailah from the disbelievers contrary to Muslims! honor and fds, Lf you see and hear ahoue tests and tials froin dhe Hypoctttes, and those who have in theis hearts a plague among those who claim co have Telarn: if ir occurs wo the Muslims from these individuals: however, iis necessary to have patience, and anticipate the reward from Allah, °