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THE MEANING SHIFTS IN THE INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN JANE AUSTEN’S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Gaining the Bachelor Degree in English Literature By: IMA RIFATUN NAFIAH 10150081 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND CULTURAL SCIENCES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA 2014 A FINAL PROJECT STATEMENT I testify that this graduating paper is my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this graduating paper. All the sources that I have quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by the ethical standards and the complete references. ii Program Studi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta NOTA DINAS Hal : Skripsi a.n. Ima Rifatun Nafiah Yth. Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga Di Yogyakarta Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb. Setelah memeriksa, meneliti, dan memberikan arahan untuk perbaikan atas skripsi saudari: Nama : Ima Rifatun Nafiah NIM : 10150081 Prodi : Sastra Inggris Fakultas : Adab dan Ilmu Budaya Judul : THE MEANING SHIFTS IN THE INDONSESIAN TRANSLATION OF JANE AUSTEN’S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE saya meyatakan bahwa skripsi tersebut sudah dapat diajukan pada sidang Munaqasyah untuk memenuhi sebagian syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra Inggris. Atas perhatian yang diberikan, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb. Yogyakarta, 14 April 2014 Pembimbing, iv THE MEANING SHIFTS IN THE INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN JANE AUSTEN’S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE By: Ima Rifatun Nafiah ABSTRACT Pride and Prejudice is an interesting novel because it is a picture of England culture in nineteenth century. This novel has become popular around the world about 150 years since it was firstly published. Hence, it has been translated into many languages all over the world including Indonesian. In this Indonesian translation of Pride and Prejudice, there are many meaning shifts that occur. That is the aspect which makes the writer interested to observe the meaning shift occurrences in the Indonesian translation of Pride and Prejudice. In this research, the writer only focuses on the analysis of the meaning shift of the noun phrase translation and the description of the reason using Vinay and Dalbernet’s procedures of translation. This research uses the descriptive qualitative type of research because this research is done in order to analyze the phenomena that occur in a particular condition by describing the motive of the occurrence in words. By following the techniques of the data analysis, the writer concludes that the most frequent case of the meaning shift occurs in the head of the noun phrase and the most frequently used procedure is the equivalence. Key words: meaning shift, noun phrase, translation, procedure of translation, Pride and Prejudice v THE MEANING SHIFTS IN THE INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN JANE AUSTEN’S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Oleh: Ima Rifatun Nafiah ABSTRAK Pride and Prejudice adalah sebuah novel yang sangat menarik karena novel tersebut merupakan sebuah potret budaya Inggris pada abad ke sembilan belas. Novel ini sangat populer di seluruh penjuru dunia sekitar 150 tahun sejak pertama kali diterbitkan. Oleh karena itu, novel ini telah diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa di dunia termasuk bahasa Indonesia. Di dalam penerjemahan bahasa Indonesia tersebut, banyak terdapat pergeseran makna. Hal inilah yag membuat penulis tertarik untuk mengamati terjadinya pergeseran makna dalam Pride and Prejudice yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis hanya fokus pada analisis pergeseran makna pada penerjemahan noun phrase dan deskripsi tentang alasan mengapa pergeseran makna pada noun phrase terjadi dengan menggunakan teori prosedur penerjemahannya Vinay dan Dalbernet. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian descriptive qualitative karena penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi pada sebuah kondisi tertentu dengan mendeskripsikan alasan kejadian tersebut dalam bentuk rangkaian kata. Hasilnya, setelah mengikuti secara runtut teknis analisis data, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pergeseran makna paling sering terjadi pada head dalam noun phrase dan prosedur penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah equivalence. Kata kunci: pergeseran makna, noun phrase, penerjemahan, prosedur penerjemahan, Pride and Prejudice vi MOTTO ۚ “Is there any Reward for Good ‐ other than Good?” (Ar Rahman, 60)” اًرسْ ُي ِرسْ ُعْلا َعمَ ّنَ إِ "Verily, with every difficulty there is relief." (Al Insyirah, 6) “Live in this moment ... for it is the only moment we have!” Stephen Richards “Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us so perfect for one another” Jane Austen vii DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: My Beloved Father and Mother; My Dearest Little Sister; and Someone who is fated to love me and to be loved by me in this precious life. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. There is no suitable word to express my gratefulness. This graduating paper is the answer for my hard effort. However, my effort is nothing without God’s mercy and guidance. Finally, by the unity of the God’s will and my hard effort, I can finish my graduating paper entitled “The Meaning Shift in the Indonesian Translation of Noun Phrases in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice”. My greatest gratitude is firstly dedicated for Allah the All-Merciful and the All- Beneficent and His prophet Muhammad as the best motivator throughout my life. Everything which Allah has given for me, including the existence of some kind people around me are the greatest gift for me. Therefore, in this occasion, I would like to deliver my deepest gratitude and appreciation for those who have always given their hand, motivation, and prayer for me, they are: 1. My beloved parents and my beloved little sister, thanks for the best thing that you have given for me: your encouragement, your patience, your struggle, and also your love; 2. Dr. Hj. Siti Maryam, M.Ag., as the Dean of Adab and Cultural Sciences Faculty; 3. Fuad Arif Fudiyartanto, S.Pd., M.Hum, M.Ed. as the Head of English Department; ix 4. Jiah Fauziah, M.Hum., as my academic advisor and my graduating paper advisor who has always been giving me instruction, correction, guidance, and advice in the greatest patience. Dear my beloved lecture, I will always remember what you have said to me “be proud of yourself and your hard efforts”; 5. All my beloved lectures of English Literature Department who have always given me support, guidance, and prayer: Danial Hidayatullah, M.Hum., Febriyanti Dwiratna, M.Hum., Arif Budiman, M.A., Witriani, M.Hum., Ubaidillah, M.Hum., Dwi Margo Yuwono, M.Hum., Bambang Hariyanto, M.A., Ulyati Retnosari, M.Hum., Teria Anargathi, M.Hum., and so on. 6. Prof. Dr. Musa Asy’arie as the rector of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta; 7. My big family who have always motivated and prayed for me during my study; 8. My closest friends, thank you for the ears that you have always given for me to listen to everything of me, the hands which you have given to help me, and the voice that have always motivated and prayed for me; 9. The big family of Sanggar Sarasilah who have always inspired me to do everything creatively; 10. The big family of Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding House Yogyakarta who have given me the precious lesson to be the God’s creature who can be useful for others around me; x

Predicate. SA. : Subject Attribute. A. : Adverbial. DO. : Direct Object. IO. : Indirect http://ccl.pku.edu.cn/douBTfire/Semantics/Chapter_1_What_is_me.
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