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The Meaning of the Great Mosque of Cordoba in the Tenth Century Author(s): Nuha N. N. Khoury Source: Muqarnas, Vol. 13 (1996), pp. 80-98 Published by: BRILL Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1523253 Accessed: 09/10/2009 09:33 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=bap. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. BRILL is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Muqarnas. http://www.jstor.org NUHA N.N. KHOURY THE MEANING OF THE GREAT OF CORDOBA MOSQUE IN THE TENTH CENTURY The Great Mosque of Cordoba is universally recognized however, is morphologically and aesthetically distinct: a as one of the most singular monuments of medieval unique reformulation of preexisting architectural architecture. Celebrated for its harmony, balance, dra- details (horseshoe arches, double-tiered arcades, alter- matic use of light and decoration, and its overall unity nating stone and brick voussoirs) within a novel arrange- and aesthetic sensitivity, the monument belongs to an es- ment of universal forms (hypostyle halls, axial naves, tablished functional type, the hypostyle mosque, but domed spaces).4 The Cordoba mosque can therefore be amounts to more than a mere variant of this type. Its situated at different junctures within a larger architectu- amalgamation of old, reused, and original architectural ral history. Its connections to the past make it the culmi- elements in new inventive combinations, its system of nation of an older Umayyad tradition, while its particu- double tiered arcades with superimposed horseshoe lar creative location in al-Andalus makes it the point of arches supported by slender pilasters on marble inception for a new tradition with different subsequent columns, and the originality of its overall compositional histories in Spain and North Africa.5 effect are all factors that enhance its value to the history Within its specifically Andalusian architectural con- of western Islamic architecture in particular and Medi- text, the Cordoba mosque represents a process of synthe- terranean architecture in general. The mosque's archi- sis that reached its apogee under al-Hakam II al-Mustan- tectural importance is matched by its historical signifi- sir (961-976). Al-Hakam's tenth-century expansion is a cance. As the premier monument of al-Andalus, the visually and morphologically complex configuration of Cordoba mosque embodies the history of the Iberian forms that lies at a crossroad between past and future. It peninsula from its Islamic takeover in 711 through suc- exhibits an architectural vocabulary developed over a pe- cessive stages of Umayyad and post-Umayyad dominion riod of almost two hundred years of Andalusian Umay- and beyond. Following the fall of Cordoba in 1236, the yad architecture, but reformulates this vocabulary into a mosque was preserved as the repository of Castillian new idiom that, though often cited, will never be repli- Spain's signs of victory, and became a source of aesthetic cated in its entirety. and architectural inspiration that was eventually trans- Beyond its aesthetic value, this specific moment in the ported to the New World. In Islamic medieval writings of Cordoba mosque's history will be shown to exhibit an the same era and later, the Great Mosque of Cordoba was iconographic charge that is born out of a subtle inter- transformed from an Umayyad monument into the pri- weaving of historical, cultural, and mythical paradigms. mary cultural and religious relic of al-Andalus, an Arising from the context of the recently reestablished Islamic land lost to Islam. While the mosque's Muslim Umayyad caliphate, this charge aligned the mosque's historians made it the concrete visual representation of a dynastic identity with its new caliphal one by rewriting distinct creative culture, its geo-political position in the the past from the vantage point of the present. The story history of medieval Spain made it the symbol of a of this historical revision, a critical aspect of the national personality forged out of the interaction of two mosque's tenth-century meaning, culminated in the at times ideologically opposed worlds.1 Cordoba mosque's rededication as a monument of A similar plurality of identity informs the Cordoba Umayyad victory. The Great Mosque of Cordoba thus mosque's creative and material culture. As the primary both absorbed and reflected various aspects of the artifact of an Umayyad dynasty that had fled from Syria Umayyad past, transcending association with any individ- to Spain in 756,2 the monument belongs to at least two ual monument from this past. At the same time, the architectural and cultural traditions, and its architectu- mosque reflected the universality of the Andalusian ral vocabulary at once points to local Spanish and Syrian Umayyad da'wa through a second level of meaning that Umayyad sources.3 The totality of its final composition, re-created it as an iconographic image of a monument THE GREAT MOSQUE OF CORDOBA IN THE TENTH CENTURY 81 ate by 'Abd al-Rahman III al-Nasir (912-961), the Cor- doba mosque's expansion is historically positioned as a completion of an integrated program meant to enhance the image of the Andalusian Umayyad caliphate and ful- fill caliphal prerogative. CAbda l-Rahman III had in 952 al- ready refurbished the mosque's courtyard and endowed it with its monumental minaret, when, immediately upon his accession in 961, al-Hakam II ordered the expansion that transformed the mosque's interior (fig. 1).6 The speed with which al-Hakam is reported to have initiated this expansion, the ceremony in which he publicly endowed it with a large portion of the private funds he inherited from CAbd al-Rahman III, and reports that attribute an extensive enlargement to the earlier caliph are testaments to the unity of the architectural statement and its importance to the overall ideological program of the Andalusian caliphate.7 Echoes of this program are preserved in the extant portions of the mosque's tenth- Fig. 1. Cordoba mosque. Plan in 965. (After C. Nizet, La Mosquied e Cordouep, . 3) whose value transcends temporal boundaries: the Proph- et's Mosque at Medina. This ideological construction aligned the Umayyads with the original source of cali- I -I- -A -. - 1 I ___-- - - r/ K I 1, ! I phal authority and represented them as the true caliphs of the Umayyad-Abbasid-Fatimid triumvirate. Fig. 2. Cordoba mosque. Plan in 1236. (After C. Nizet, La Mosqueed e Following the 929 restoration of the Umayyad caliph- Cordouen, o. 2) 82 NUHA N.N. KHOURY FiCg.o roba . mosque Cros cti.o n of msura. (fter - - Fig. 3. Cordoba mosque. Cross-section of maqsura. (After C. Nizet, La Mosqueed e Cordouep, . 25) Fig. 4. Cordoba mosque. View down central aisle to al-Hakam's mihrab. THE GREAT MOSQUE OF CORDOBA IN THE TENTH CENTURY 83 century epigraphic program, in related historiographi- aret, in the composition of its court facades, the lateral cal accounts, and in allusions to the Umayyad past real- disposition of its aisles, the hierarchical arrangement of ized in special myths and ceremonies that were primary its architectonic elements, and the use of mosaics as the tools in the process of transforming the mosque into an primary decorative medium of its most important areas, eloquent expression of the caliphs' pretensions and features that occur at one or the other, and in some cases intentions. all, of its predecessors, but that are best preserved at the Occupying the southwest rectangle of the present Great Mosque of Damascus.1' The cultural heritage of mosque, al-Hakam's twelve-bay expansion constitutes an the Cordoba mosque is equally evident in historical and autonomous functional space, but one that is emphati- mythical accounts that act as reminders of the Umayyad cally linked to the mosque's larger architectural and his- past and, more specifically, of the mosque's own past as it torical fabric (fig. 2). The expansion continues the was written in the tenth century. These accounts distin- mosque's preestablished architectural vocabulary, but guish certain features of the tenth-century mosque as carries this vocabulary to new levels of elaboration; particularly articulate carriers of meaning. Elaborations horseshoe arches are broken up into complex intersect- upon the mosque's (erroneous) due-south qibla orienta- ing and polylobed designs, and constituent elements are tion, its site, its mosaics, and the special rituals revolving rearranged into a discrete, hierarchically ordered com- around relics of the Caliph CUthman preserved in the position (fig. 3).8 This composition provides the mosque mosque's treasury- four bloodied leaves of the mushaf with its southern boundary; a domed space at the north- he was reading at the time of his assassination in Medina ern end of a wide central aisle attaches it to the older sec- in 656 - are intertwined in creating the mosque's tenth- tion and provides it with an entrance. The aisle itself, century identity. with its painted and gilded ceiling, defines an axial This identity is defined partly through the Andalusian approach to the mosque's new maqsura enclosure where capital's own association with Cilma nd with Maliki princi- a series of three domes announces the qibla (fig. 4). The ples of ittibac, thereby providing a primary link with domes correspond in size and placement to the deeply Medinese practices and underlining the Andalusian recessed, shell-hooded mihrab niche and its two smaller Umayyads' preservation of established Islamic ideals." flanking openings, one of which leads to a series of Later compilations of the merits (fada'il) of al-Andalus chambers that once constituted the mosque's treasury make it a desirable location for the acquisition of knowl- and the other to a passage (sabat) that linked the edge (dar hijra li-al-Cilm)a nd a land whose Islamization mosque with the caliphal palace - most likely by means was prophesied by the Prophet.l2 Throughout its various of a covered bridge that spanned Cordoba's main pro- stages, the mosque is presented as the physical embod- cessional thoroughfare (al-mashraCa al-kubrd).9 The iment of these qualities and a fulfillment of the proph- expansion, and especially the maqsura-qibla ensemble, etic message. The character of the mosque's dynastic is further distinguished by a rich decorative program founder, 'Abd al-Rahman I, was extolled by Imam executed in carved marble, stucco, and mosaic that Malik.13T he mosque's second expansion, undertaken by includes an epigraphic program whose archaizing Kufic 'Abd al-Rahman II in 836, is attributed to the patron's inscriptions comprise both Qur'anic verses and histori- strict adherence to Malikism and his consequent refusal cal statements. In its totality, al-Hakam's expansion acts to allow more than one congregational Friday assembly as an independent "mosque within a mosque" that pro- in Cordoba despite a rise in its population.'4 Al-Hakam's vides visual focus for its larger architectural frame while own expansion is attributed to identical considerations, deriving added significance from the dynastic and histor- and his refusal to correct the mosque's qibla is articu- ical content of this frame. lated succinctly in the words, "we are a people of prece- Typologically, the Cordoba mosque's tenth-century dent" (madhhabuna al-ittiba), to express a similar senti- expansion belongs to the category of urban mosques ment.'5 The debate surrounding this issue positions the built by the Syrian Caliph al-Walid between 705 and 715. qibla as a major memento of the mosque's history from Distributed in major cities of the older Umayyad caliph- the time of its foundation by Musa ibn Nusayr and ate, including Damascus, Medina, andJerusalem among Hanash al-SanCani in 711 through its later adoption by others, these mosques exhibit individual differences but "the choice members of this people, and by [al- form a single group that plays an important role in the Hakam's] ancestors the imams."16 Unlike CAbd al-Rah- dynamics of their Andalusian descendant. This architec- man III's new royal mosque at Madinat al-Zahra, the Cor- tural heritage is apparent in the Cordoba mosque's min- doba mosque's qibla comes to signify historical and 84 NUHA N.N. KHOURY dynastic continuity. In maintaining it, al-Hakam at once doba mosque express the symbolic appropriation of the preserves a legacy safeguarded throughout more than history of Islam in al-Andalus by constructing a mythical two centuries of Islamic and Umayyad presence in Cor- identity for the monument that parallels that of earlier doba and reinforces a historical link between the Umayyad architectural artifacts. The intent of the myth mosque founded during the original conquest and the of the church of Saint Vincent is most clearly revealed "new" mosque built after the reestablishment of the through its predecessor, that of the church of SaintJohn Umayyad caliphate of al-Andalus. of Damascus, and through the image of the Umayyads as A myth that associates the mosque's site with the upholders of Islam that is implied by this myth. Contem- church of Saint Vincent acts as an intermediary step in porary Abbasid histories recognize al-Walid's demolition the transformation of the mosque into a monument of of the church of SaintJohn as an expression of power, dynastic conquest whose history begins with CAbda l-Rah- and follow with the dialogue between al-Walid and the man I. On the authority of the tenth-century al-Razi, lat- Byzantine emperor that culminated in al-Farazdaq's er medieval historians assert that the original founders famous response to the Byzantine monarch, likening the of the Cordoba mosque shared the church of Saint Vin- wisdom of al-Walid's actions vis-a-vis those of his prede- cent with the city's Christian population, "following the cessors (who had let the church stand) to that of Solo- example of Abu CUbayda and Khalid [ibn al-Walid], and mon and David.21T he discovery of a Solomonic tablet on the judgment of Caliph CUmar in partitioning Christian the site is further recorded as the impetus behind the churches like that of Damascus and other [cities] that inscription in which al-Walid records, in gold characters, were taken by peaceful accord."17 In 785, thirty years af- the demolition of the church and the construction of a ter his arrival in Cordoba as a refugee of the Abbasid mosque dedicated to the worship of one God.22 CAbd al- takeover of the caliphate, CAbd al-Rahman I, later Rahman I's definitive transformation of church into dubbed al-Dakhil, purchased the great church (al-kanzsa mosque similarly purifies the Cordoba mosque's site and al-Cuzmd) of Saint Vincent, demolished it, and con- consecrates it as an Islamic sanctuary. Thus, despite the structed Cordoba's main Friday mosque.18 The account presence of an earlier mosque, the definite Islamization posits a parallel with two earlier Islamic paradigms, one of Cordoba, as also of Damascus,23 is realized unequiv- established during the first caliphal period and the other ocally through Umayyad intervention. by the Umayyad Caliph al-Walid's reported purchase and The twelfth-century Ibn Bashkuwal provides yet an- demolition of the church of Saint John in Damascus. other symbolic dimension to this act of purification by However, the church of Saint Vincent is neither archae- interpolating a Solomonic prophecy into the mosque's ologically attested as the major edifice mentioned by the history. The mosque's site had been the great garbage historians and designated al-kanzsa al-cuzma nor speci- (qumama) pit of Cordoba until Solomon ordered his jinn fied by name in accounts of the events following CAbd al- to clear and level it for, he observed, "here will be con- Rahman I's initial arrival in al-Andalus.19 Rather, the structed a house in which God is worshiped" (baytun anonymous tenth-century AkhbarM ajmuCao n the history yuCbadu allahu fihi).24 Ibn Bashkuwal reflects the of al-Andalus mentions a church, "the site of the present- mosque's identity by placing it squarely within the estab- day Friday mosque," as the place where seventy Muslims lished Umayyad cultural koine through his adaptation of were killed by the Mudarite al-Sumayl ibn Harith - a a mythical account pertinent to the Dome of the Rock. contestant for control of al-Andalus during the clan war He also makes it the subject of a prophecy that is fulfilled that followed the collapse of the Umayyad caliphate and by the Umayyad arrival in al-Andalus. The element of culminated in CAbd al-Rahman I's establishment of the predestination, which is also an important feature of the Umayyad amirate of Cordoba in 756.20 The enhance- Abbasid and Fatimid dacwas, is realized in Umayyad his- ment of the church's identity furnishes two interpretive toriography through CAbd al-Rahman I, who is recog- strands, of which one commemorates CAbd al-Rahman nized by his grandfather as the one with whom "the mat- I's survival and victory against Muslim opponents and ter is at hand." CAbd al-Rahman's special destiny is also the other amplifies this victory by translating it into one the subject of a Jewish prophecy.25 His escape and con- against Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The double vic- quest of al-Andalus are portrayed as part of a larger cos- tory signals a new conquest that reinitiates the Cordoba mic design that left its imprint on the mosque's history. mosque's history and endows it with a new identity as an This design was completed in 929 when CAbda l- Rahman Andalusian Umayyad commemorative monument. III, in the words of his court poet Ibn CAbd Rabbih (d. Tenth- and post-tenth-century histories of the Cor- 940), "conquered al-Andalus anew as his namesake had THE GREAT MOSQUE OF CORDOBA IN THE TENTH CENTURY 85 conquered it at the beginning," and caused disbelievers Umayyad Caliph Marwan and of eighty-two members of "to enter the faith in droves."26 The second victory com- the Umayyad family, reported in detail in Ibn CAbd Rab- mands the reconsecration and rededication of the Cor- bih's al-'Iqd, provides the theme and impetus for CAbda l- doba mosque and its site, needs that are fulfilled by the Rahman I's escape to al-Andalus, beginning a second appropriation of earlier conquest paradigms into Anda- cycle of injustices against the Umayyads that had begun lusian Umayyad history. with CUthman's murder.33 Consequently, the symbol of The two stages of the Umayyad conquest and Islamiza- CUthman's murder - the mushaf he was reading at the tion of al-Andalus are represented by the adaptation of time of his assassination in Medina and through which the myth of the church of Saint Vincent/Saint John to he sought protection against his would-be murder- two phases of the Cordoba mosque's history. At the con- ers34- reappears at the Cordoba mosque in the tenth clusion of al-Walid's transformation of the church into century, where it acts as a reminder of a series of wrongs the Damascus mosque, he "commands" the Byzantine visited upon the Umayyads while at the same time under- emperor to supply the mosaics and mosaicists required lining the justice of their daCwa. for the decoration of this mosque. Al-Hakam is said to References to the four leaves from CUthman's mushaf, have issued a similar order described by the fourteenth- which were carried out of the treasury in a candle-lit cer- century Ibn CIdhari as "in emulation of what al-Walid emonial procession, project these relics as physical had done when constructing the mosque of Damas- objects that are essential to the mosque's consecration to cus."27T he application of this second power paradigm to the Umayyad cause.35 Their symbolic value operates on the Cordoba mosque's caliphal phase signals a thematic two distinct but related levels of meaning. CUthman's continuity between two moments in the monument's his- religious authority, embodied in his collecting of the tory.28A s reflections of the tenth-century form and iden- Qur'an, is manipulated as an Umayyad legacy that allows tity of the Cordoba mosque, the adapted power para- his heirs to act as guides for the Muslim community. Ca- digms - whether absorbed as myths or transformed into liph CAbd al-Malik (685-705) provides an early illustra- reality29- commemorate the Umayyad role in establish- tion of the Marwanid Umayyad exploitation of CUth- ing and reestablishing Islam in the Iberian peninsula by man's act in a khutba to the Medinese in which he rejects framing the Andalusian Umayyad daCwai n the familiar the "ahadzth that have trickled to us from [your] mythical and architectural language of the older Umay- region," recognizes the Qur'an as sole source of author- yad caliphate. Accordingly, the tenth-century expansion ity, and exhorts the Medinese to "keep fast to your of the Cordoba mosque is the physical embodiment of mushaf, which the unjustly slain (mazlum) Imam [CUth- the continuation of Umayyad history, an act of reconse- man] gathered for you, and follow the rules [fara'id] cration that echoes CAbd al-Rahman III's reinstatement that the unjustly slain Imam ordained for you."36 CUth- of caliphal status as the reappropriation of an "immuta- man's memory, embodied in the blood-stained leaves of ble designation" and a divinely ordained heritage.30 his mushaf, also provides the Umayyads with certain Although the Cordoba mosque's mythical identity sig- divinely sanctioned rights. As CUthman's heir, Mucawiya nals specific meanings that are derived from Syrian rallied Syrian support by quoting from the Revelations, Umayyad history, in the Akhbar Majmuca, the mosque's "If anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heirs au- site is identified as the location where seventy Muslims thority" (wa man qutila mazlumanfa qadjacalna liwaliyyihi were martyred before CAbd al-Rahman I took control of sultanan), a statement emphasizing the haqq (justice/ Cordoba, and his battle is compared to the 657 battle of truth) of Mucawiya's cause and one which Ibn CAbd Rab- Siffin between Mucawiya and cAli.31 This comparison bih attributes to Ibn CAbbas,w ho was thus able to foretell takes Andalusian Umayyad historical associations fur- Mucawiya's success against cAli.37T his cause is also sanc- ther back in time by recalling an earlier civil war of major tioned by the Prophet who predicted that CUthman, well importance to Umayyad history. Siffin is famed as the guided (cala al-hudd) during the future schisms,38 will be battle in which Mucawiya's troops raised copies of the killed while reading surat al-baqara, so that his blood Qur'an on their spears demanding justice for Caliph would drip on the words, fasaykfikuhumu alldhu, wa huwa cUthman's murder; it resulted in arbitration (tahkim) al-samiCua l-calim ("God will suffice thee as against them, and eventually in the establishment of the Umayyad ca- and he is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing").39 Subse- liphate in 661.32T he comparison evokes an earlier injus- quently, the caliph's cause will be taken up in both the tice and an earlier victory that began the cycle of Umay- east and the west, and he will become an intercessor on yad caliphal history. The Abbasid massacre of the Judgment Day.40C Uthman's historic act, the collecting of 86 NUHA N.N. KHOURY the Qur'an, transfers authority to his family; the justice arch quote verses 6:101-102, "To Him is due the primal of their cause and their "well-guided" caliphate are sanc- origins of the heavens and the earth, how can He have a tioned by the Prophet and sanctified by the leaves son when He has no consort? He created all things and washed in their forefather's blood. The Prophetic mes- He has full knowledge of all things. That is God your sage thus asserts Umayyad rights and authority, whether Lord, there is no God but He, the Creator of all things; at the battle of Siffin, the comparable 756 battle of Cor- then worship Him, He has power to dispose of all doba, or the 929 competition for the caliphate. Accom- affairs." These quotations are followed by invocations panied by CAbda l-Rahman III's revival of an old practice, (duCad)f or divine mercy spoken by the believers in part cursing the cAlids,41 CUthman's mushaf is once again of 2:286, inscribed in the mosaic band framing the raised as the instrument of tahkim in the blood feud horseshoe arch, "Our Lord condemn us not if we forget against the Abbasids who had usurped the caliphate and or fall into error; our Lord lay not on us a burden like the Fatimids who had declared their own in 910, both that which You laid on those before us; our Lord lay not unjustly. on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear, As the architectural reliquary of CUthman's mushaf, the blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness, have mercy on Cordoba mosque reflects concepts of the doctrinal us, You are our Protector, help us against those against debates that arose after his murder. The schisms within faith." The quotations emphasize faith (as opposed to the community that divided support between two com- actions, acmal) as the primary definition of belief (zman) peting caliphs were paralleled in the tenth century by the and God's mercy as the predicate of salvation while liter- unprecedented reign of three caliphs. Accordingly, the ally extracting the element of human choice (in commit- mosque's extant tenth-century inscriptions issue a call for ting good or evil acts, the essence of the subtracted part a unified caliphate through a combination of an unusual of the verse) as a factor in judgment.46 They are followed series of Qur'anic verses and an unusually large number by additional statements on predestination that stress of historical texts that result in a meaningful icono- the Umayyads' own predilection for success in verse 3:8, graphic program.42 This program incorporates state- "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate now that You have ments that appear to be significantly related to ideolog- guided us (idh hadaytand), but grant us mercy from Your ical formulations developed by al-Hasan ibn Muhammad presence for You are the Grantor (of bounties without ibn al-Hanafiyya late in the seventh century and originally measure)."47 In asking for constancy in guidance the espoused by Caliph CAbd al-Malik as a means of unifying verse defines a preexisting and consistent condition the community.43 The inscriptions reflect the earlier dog- whose applicability to the Umayyad caliphate is emphat- mas by defining believer status through a minimum of ically underscored in the final, non-Qur'anic formula, requirements while continuously emphasizing God's "The Dominion is God's upon guidance (al-mulku lillahi choice (tawfiq) in supplying the huda (divine guidance) Calaa l-hudd), God's praises upon Muhammad the seal of required for the righteous and truthful (haqq) founda- Prophets." This formula introduces two historical texts tions of the expansion and its accompanying mulk (power, that commemorate the construction of the mashrac and dominion), thus providing the necessary ideological basis the mosaic decoration of "this venerable house." for the mosque's historical and mythical associations.44 The emphasis on predestination that appears around Inscriptions above al-Hakam's entrance (al-mashrac ila al-Hakam's entrance is reiterated in the inscriptions in musalldh) begin with verses that enumerate spiritual obli- the maqsura area, which include statements on God's gations, promising paradise to those who profess belief, omnipotence and omniscience and list a minimum of accept the Prophetic message and reject trinitarian shirk, obligations, primarily prayer, as the means for fulfilling and are steady in their faith. Verses 41:30-32 in the fram- religious requirements. In the dome (fig. 5), verse 22:77 ing arch of the composition state, "Those who say 'our and part of 7848 issue a universal call, "O you who Lord is God', and further stand straight and steadfast, believe, bow down and prostrate yourselves, and adore the angels descend on them, 'fear ye not nor grieve, but your Lord, and do good, that you may prosper. And receive glad tidings of the garden which you were prom- strive in His cause as you ought to strive, He has chosen ised. We are your protectors (awliyadukum) in this life you and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion, it and the hereafter, therein shall you have all that your is the cult of your father Abraham; it is He who has souls desire, therein shall you have what you ask for; a named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revela- gift from One Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful'."45 The tion), that the Apostle may be a witness for you."49I n the inscriptions surrounding the grilled window within the mihrab niche (fig. 6), verse 2:238 exhorts believers to THE GREAT MOSQUE OF CORDOBA IN THE TENTH CENTURY 87 Fig. 5. Cordoba mosque. Central dome. Fig. 6. Cordoba mosque. Cross-section of al-Hakam's mihrab. (Af- ter C. Nizet, La Mosqueed e Cordouep, . 29) "guard strictly your prayers, especially the middle prayer, the worlds."5' These quotations are followed by al- and stand before God in a devout frame of mind." This Hakam's foundation inscription and a text commemo- verse is followed by a historical inscription commemorat- rating the mosque's tashbik, possibly a reference to the ing al-Hakam's order to sheathe the mihrab with marble, segmented and reticulated vaults. '2 The main founda- "after having constructed it with God's aid," and, finally, tion text makes al-Hakam's expansion a pious response by verse 31:22, "Whosoever submits his whole self to to the needs of the Islamic community with the words,53 God, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most "Thanks be to God Lord of the worlds who chose trustworthy handhold, and with God rests the end and (muwaffiq) the Imam al-Mustansir Billah, 'abd allah al- decision of all affairs."50 Hakam amir al-mu'minzn, may God preserve him in righ- The mosaic inscription bands that frame the niche teousness (aslaahhu allahu), for this venerable construc- (fig. 7), executed in gold Kufic characters on a blue tion (al-bunya al-mukarrama)a nd who was his aid (muczn) ground, begin with statements on God's omniscience, in [effecting] his [His?] eternal structure (bunyah al-kha- and on the believers' duty of total submission to Him, in lida), for the goal of making it more spacious for his fol- verses 32:6 and 40:65, "Such is He, the Knower of all lowers (al-tawsica li raciyyatihi).. .in fulfillment of his and things, hidden and open, the Exalted, the Merciful. He their wishes, and as an expression of his grace toward is the Living, there is no God but He; call upon Him, giv- them." The horizontal frieze directly within this frame, ing Him sincere devotion, praise be to God the Lord of inscribed in blue mosaic characters over a gold ground, 88 NUHA N.N. KHOURY mihrab niche,57 into the metaphorical supports - the haqq and huda- of an "eternal house" whose founda- tions are piety and divine sanction (taqwd wa ridwan). Together, these foundations uphold a single statement, the universal davwa inscribed as a call to the Abrahamic milla in the mosque's central dome, the qubbata l-Islam to which CAbd al-Rahman III led unbelievers by "adjusting the course of the faith."58 The "venerated house", "ven- erable" and "eternal" construction facilitated by God's aid, thus amounts to more than the physical structure of the mosque. It implies the caliphate itself, a necessity for the unification of a Muslim community torn apart by the schisms instigated by false caliphs. The metaphorical meaning and iconographic identity of the caliphal phase of the Cordoba mosque are accen- tuated by the phraseology and terminology of its epi- graphic program. Nowhere do the inscriptions refer to a mosque, but rather to a house of worship that fulfills a series of prophecies and completes the final cycle of Umayyad history. Al-Hakam's historical inscriptions, which express gratitude for being chosen as the instru- ment through which the structure was built and com- pleted, follow a protocol that belongs to the language of shrines, evident in inscriptions at Mecca and Medina.59 This protocol provides the Umayyad caliphate with an essential, yet inaccessible, prerogative by presenting the dynastic mosque as a universal Islamic shrine.6" The in- sistence on the detailed historical record for this shrine, repeatedly listing the names of patron, supervisor, Fig. 7. Cordobam osque.A l-Hakam'ms ihrab. designers, and scribes, follows from the identification and serves to sanctify the enterprise while at the same time providing various constituent elements (the tashbik repeats the theme of God's unity and omniscience with of the domes or maqsura, the mihrab and its marble verse 59:23, "God is He, [other] than whom there is no revetment, the mashrac, the inscriptions and mosaics) other god, who knows (all things), both secret and open; with an additional charge. The totality borrows the phra- He, most Gracious, most Merciful."'4 seology of verses 9:108-109 which state in part, "There is The last inscription in this area is located on the a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day imposts of the niche mihrab's horeseshoe arch (fig. 8). It upon piety" and "God's sanction" to transmit a single introduces a text commemorating al-Hakam's order to message: the reinitiation of true Islam whose fundamen- "set up these two supports of what he has founded upon tal architectural symbol is the "first house of worship" or, purity and with sanction from God" (nasb hadhayn al- in Umayyad terms, the Prophet's Mosque at Medina.6' minkabayn fimd assasahu Cald taqwa min allahi wa The epigraphic program of the Cordoba mosque com- ridwIan),55w ith the middle portion of verse 7:43, "Praise bines with its mythical and historical dimensions to pro- be to God, who has guided us to this (hadana ii hadha), ject the monument yet another step back in time, mak- never could we have found guidance (wa ma kunna linah- ing it a counterpart of the mosque-shrine founded by the tadi) had it not been for God's guidance (lawla 'an Prophet. Like its prototype, the Cordoba mosque is con- hadadn); indeed it was the truth (al-haqq) that the apos- structed after exile and hijra. It is a mosque of conquest tles of our Lord brought to us."56 The verse accordingly and renewal that abrogates what came before it, and one transforms the minkabayn,u sually understood as a refer- that proclaims the ascendancy of a new world order and ence to the two pairs of marble columns flanking the the establishment of God's caliphate on earth. While the

mosque, al-Hakam's twelve-bay expansion constitutes an autonomous functional Ahmad Ali al-Makki (Cairo, 1971), esp. the listing of. Andalusian
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