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Preview The Meaning of Quantum Theory: A Guide for Students of Chemistry and Physics (Oxford Science Publications)

SCIENCE JIM BAGGOTT The Meaning of Quantum Theory A Guide for Students of Chemistry and Physics Jim Baggott OXFORD NEW YORK TOKYO OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press, Walu:m SIre;!!, Oxford OX} flDP . Oxford New YOI·k Toronto Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Kuala Lumpur Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne Auckland Madrid and assocf(l/ed companies in Berlin lbadan Oxford is trade mark oj Oxford UniversifY Press (J Published in the Unired Stales by Oxford University Press Inc, New York © Jim Baggo/(, 1992 FlYSl PubUsned J992 Reprinfed (wirh correcrions) J993 (rwice) All rights reserve-d. No part of this publication may be reproduced" stored In a retrieval system, or transmitted, In any form or by any mr:ans. elecfronic, mechanical, pholocopying, r{'('ording, or olherwL,e, 'WifhoUl Ihe prior permission of Oxford University Press Thi'S book is soid subj(!('t w the conditIOn [hat if shall nor, by way oj trade 01' otherwise, be tent, re·sold, hired QUI, or otherwIse circulared wi!hotlf (he publisher's prior COMenl in any form of binding or ('over other ,han that in which it is published and without similar condifion (J including this condition being imposed tm fht subsequent purchaser A cola/ague record for tHis book is ovai/cofe from the Bdtish Library Library of Congress CUM/oging in Publication Data Boggofl, J. E. The meaning oj Quantum theory .- IJ guide for s(udf'nl5 of chemistry and physics I Jim Baggoft. Includes bibliographical refe-rences and index. 1. Quantum theory. 2. QuanfUm chemisfry. f. Title. QCJ74,12.834 1992 503.1'2-dclO 91-)4937 ISBN O-19-855575-X (Pbk) Pdnfed in Harrisonburg, Va. by R.R.Donnelley &: Sons Company To Timothy KERNER: Now we come to the exciting par!. We will watch the bullets of light to see which way they go. This is not difficult, the apparatus is simple. So we look carefully and we see the bullets one at a lime, and some hit the armour plate and bounce back, and some go through one slit, and some go through the other slit, and, of course, none go through both slits. B LA i R: I knew that. KERNER: You knew that. Now we come to my favourite bit. The wave pattern has disappeared! It has become particle pattern, jusllike with real machine-gun bullets. BLAIR: Why? KERNER: Because we looked. So, we do it again, exactly the same except now without looking to see which way the bullets go; and the wave pattern comes back. So we try again while looking, and we get particle pattern. Every time we don't look we get wave pattern. Every time we look to see how we get wave pattern, we get particle pattern. The act of observing determines the reality. Tom Stoppard, Hapgood Preface Why have I written this book? Perhaps a more burning question for YOll is: Why should you read it? . . i' I wrote this book because in August 1987 I made a discovery that shocked me. If, before this date, you had asked me at what stage in the ~ process of emission and subsequent detection of a photon its state of polarization is established, I would have answered: At thc moment of emission, of coursel Imagine then that two photons emitted in rapid suc cession from an excited calcium atom are obliged, by the laws of atomic physics, to be emitted in opposite states of circular polarization: one left circularly polarized and one right circularly polarized. Surely, they set off from the atom towards their respective detectors already in those states of circular polarization. Yes? Well, ... no. I have since learned that this view-the assumption that the physical states of quantum particles like photons are 'real' before they are measured - is called (rather disparagingly, I sometimes think) naive realism. Now in the J92O$ and 19305, some of the most famous figures in twentieth century physics were involved in a big debate about the meaning of the new quantum theory and its implications for physical reality. In August 1987 I knew a lillIe bit about this debate. But I had assumed that it had the status of a philosophical debate, with little or no , relevance to practical matters that could be settled in the laboratory. I had been trained as a scientist, and although I enjoyed reading about philosophy (like I enjoyed listening to musk), I was too busy with more important matters to dig deeply into the subject. In July and August 1987, I made a short study visit to the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where I bought a book (always dangerous) from the University bookstore. This was a book published in celebration of the centenary of the birth of Niels Bohr. In it were lots' of articles about his contribution to physics and his great debate with Einstein on the meaning of quantum theory. One of these articles, written by N. David Mermin, gave me a tremendous shock. Mermin described the results of experiments that had been carried out as recently as 198210 test something called Bell's theorem using two-photon 'cascade' emission viii Preface .. "" "'"" .... '"" "" ... ,,,",' ....................... ...... _.. ...... .. "" ,., " " " " --"" ......... ,. .., ,,..,.. - ... >-.... - , ~ ~ '" ............ " ''''''-- ~ I .. • _- _ --_-- ..._ _ ..-... --....... .... n<,;.. ... ...'....... ...'..' ' ''''''_''''-'''" _ "....- _ -~. ._-" I ..".....'. '..'.',.'.' ,. .""..'. .". .~.-.. _.- ...-........ ............. ... ....\I.4.W.. •. ..... ....--.._-.. '_."","_1' ..r........... ...., . _._ _- I~ ""*''''''' •. .-.... ". "~-h',) .._. "-"'---'''"'b'__'"o>: _-- .. -_-- -.--... ~_,.._.....,. .......-.'........."......~........... ....._..-. ."w....."w.. ."...'T0..., .._4..."" ...,) .-. .,. ....I.- ..._'. .u -..< _-I. ___.". _._..." ..~..,T.. . .'1.,~.7... _.!". ~..f "."_._"..1""_ J1.. ..._ . , "~I1.«_ ...."Iu. "- ">"-_ , . "- ...'~.". . -,.. ,. ........-... ..- ,..,... -..~ " .. ... .- -...-...~ -... ..,.. ._ , ......... . ~-. ...... ... I • - -,.-.._...".. .-. '.. '.'<.. "'... •'_. ..'. ".,.". '.. "...... -., -". .'-,,-_.._._ ....-... -" __",--- ..-.- .-._-_.. .... .. ..- . . .... ..... L -- ~~~ A pictorial history of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Montage by p, J. Kennedy. Reprinted by permission ot the publishers from French, A. P. and Kennedy, P. J. {eds) (1985). Niels Bohr: 8 centenary volume. Harvard Univer sjty Press. MA. Copyright © 1985 by The International Commission on Physics Education. Preface ix from excited calcium atoms. Put simply, Bell's theorem says that my idea. of naive realism is in conflict with the predictions of quantum theory in a way that can be tested in the laboratory in spedal experiments on pairs of quantum particles. These experiments had been done: quantum theory had been proved right and naIve realism wrong! There in a montage was a pictorial history of the debate about reality and the experiments that had been done to test it (reproduced opposite). This work struck me as desperately important to my understanding of physical reality, something that as a scientist I felt I ought to know about. This discovery also made me feel rather embarrassed. Here I was, proud of my scientific qualifications and with almost 10 years' experi ence in chemical physics research at various prestiflious institutions around the world, and I had been going around with a conception of physical reality that was completely wrong! Why hadn't somebody told me about this before? I could not rest until I had sorted all this ouL How can it be that quan tum particles are not '':91]' until they are detected? Are alternative inter pretation' of quantum theory ·possible? If so, what arc they like? I bought lots more books (some very expensive) and spent hours and hours trying to understand what was going on. There are many excellently wrilleu popular books on Ihis subject that are easy to understand, but these left me dissatisfied. These books just told me that there is a problem, whereas I needed to know why there is a problem: to know what it is aboutlhe mathematics of quantum theory that leads to all these difficultie,s . . The trouble is that many of the most important works pUblished on the imerpretatiofl of quantum theory are heavy going and I (with a mathematical background I will flatteringly describe as 'poor') made heavy wdther of them. Nevertheless, I persevered and managed to arrive at something approaching comprehension. I decided to write it all out in a book, in such a way that undergraduate students of chemistry and physics should be able to comprehend the material without needing to spend hours poring over more advanced texts. And this, of course, answers the second question: this is why you should read this book. Students of physical science are usually introduced to the subject matter of quantum theory at an early, sensitive period in their under graduate sludies. Sensitive, because their earlier instruction will not have taught them the whoie truth about the nature of scientific activity and the way in which scientific progress is made. Sensitive also because they will not yet have been trained to question what they are told or what they read in textbooks. Quantum theory is unnerving. Not only is the theory mathematically x Preface complex, it is also conceptually challenging. For the first time, students arc taught about a theory which they have to accept and which they have to learn how to apply, but for which Ihey cannot expect to be told its meaning. Many will not realize that their inability to understand the theory is due not to a failing on their part, but to the fact that quantum theory in its present form is inherently non-understandable. As Richard Feynman has said: ' ... I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics" (my italics). Most undergraduate courses on quantum theory never touch on the theory's profound conceptual problems. This is because the theory brings us right back to some of the cenlral questions of philosophy and, as we know, there is no room for philosophy in a modern science degree. I find this an absurd situation. It is my opinion, expressed in this book, that quantum theory is philosophy. 011, we can dress it up in grand phrases littered with jargon-state vector, hermitian operator, Hilbert space, projection amplitude, and SO on - we can make it all very mechanistic and mathematical and scientific, b\Jt this does not com pletely hide the truth. Beneath the formalism must be an interpretation, and the interpretation is pure philosophy. This is the reason why quantum theory is such a difficult subject. Until they reach undergraduate level, students of chemistry and physics are brought up on classical science in which there appears 10 be no need for I philosophy. They arc consequently ill prepanod 10 come 10 terms with quantum theory. And be warned: students are rarely told the whole truth about this theory. Instead they are fed the orthodox interpretation either by design or default. It is perhaps surprising that for a theory so funda mental to our understanding of much of chemistry and physics our teachers do not find it necessary to explain that it has many alternative interpretations. This is a great pity, Students have a right 10 know the truth, even if it is bizarre. In this book I have posed five questions which I believe students might have expected to be provided with answers. These five questions are: Why is quantum theory necessary? How does it work? What does it mean? How can it be tested? What are the alternatives? I have tried to answer these questions, one in each of the book's five chapters. While I am no! in a position to tell you what quantum theory means, I can tell you why its meaning is so elusive, I feynman,. R, p, (1%1). The characfer of physical law. M,LT Press, Cambridge, MA. Preface Xl Thanks go to Mike Pilling, Ian Smith and Brian Elms for their con structive comments on early drafts of this book. Spedal thanks go to Peter Atkins, not only for the very helpful comments he made on the draft manuscript in his role as reviewer for Oxford University Press, but also for his excellent textbook Molecular quantum mechanics from which much of my knowledge of quantum theory and its applications has been derived. This book would oot have been possible without the r encouragement of my editor at OUP. will remain eternally grateful for having an opportunity to get this lot off my chest.' JOHN S. BELL It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of the physicist John S. Bell during my writing of this book. I had never met Bell, nor heard him lecture, but in my reading of his scientific papers I have developed a great admiration for him and his work. I have especially admired hrs attempts to dismantle the orthodox Copenhagen interpreta tion of quantum theory, written with such tremendous style and obvious enjoyment. Although in this book I have tried to present a balanced account -arguing one way and then another-l hope that I have done justice to Bell's superbly constructed criticisms. The debate Over the meaning of quantum theory will certainly be poorer without him. Reading April 1991 J. E. B.

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