Industrial Reversals of Fortune: The Meaning of Invention in the Early Airplane Industry Kevin A. Bryan∗ Abstract TheearlyairplaneindustrywasdominatedbyEuropean(cid:28)rms. These(cid:16)industrialreversalsoffortune,(cid:17) where early industries arise far from the location of the technical invention, are common. We show that, for 21 canonical inventions, the early industry grows far from the invention location at least 16 times. We argue theoretically that this split is most likely for multi-component inventions that are arti(cid:28)cially induced by patents, prizes, orMertoniancredit. Inthecontextoftheairplane, anoveldatasetofmicroinventionsshows that even before 1903 America lagged in most of the complementary technology necessary for a commercial airplane. ∗Department of Strategic Management, University of Toronto. [email protected]. Thanks to Melanie Yu for research assistance, and Peter Meyer, Joel Mokyr, and Robert Seamans for useful discussions. 1 Tis frivolous to (cid:28)x pedantically the date of particular inventions. - Emerson1 1 Introduction OnDecember17,1903,theWrightBrothersfamouslyachievedthe(cid:28)rstcontrolled,powered,heavier- than-air(cid:29)ightatKittyHawk,NorthCarolina. Thistechnologicalbreakthroughdidnotimmediately lead to a commercial aviation industry, an outcome which would require a further decade of devel- opment across many dimensions of the plane’s design. Despite the Wrights’ invention occurring in the United States, the American industry withered. In 1914 there were only 168 aviation workers in the entire U.S., producing 49 planes which were far from the state of the art (Morrow [1993]). Only a single American design would be (cid:29)own by any country during World War I. This collapse is even more incredible since, by nearly any metric, American designers had technological superiority until 1908, and perhaps until as late as 1910. These(cid:16)industrialreversalsoffortune,(cid:17) withacommercialindustrydevelopinginacompletelydi(cid:27)er- ent geographic location from the industry’s keystone invention, are quite common in the historical record. Indeed, American (cid:28)rms have often been the bene(cid:28)ciary; for example, both (cid:28)lm (Bakker [2005]) and steel (Bessen and Nuvolari [2012]) saw critical inventions made in Europe, only to have (cid:28)rms on that continent lose early industry dominance to American producers. Indeed, we will show that most canonical inventions see their early commercial leaders arise in locations far from the site of the invention. Such a loss of technological leadership in a booming industry is important to explain given the continued role of government policy in the development of infant industries, particularly its role funding basic research with the understanding that the fruits of such research might spill over locally. What explains why some technical achievements lead to industrial clusters in the region of the invention, while others see the industry, its jobs, and its rents shift to distant shores? The answer concerns the distinction between technical invention and innovation. The airplane, like many im- portant inventions, involved a series of minor and major technical breakthroughs, rarely arriving in 1From the essay (cid:16)Fate(cid:17) in The Conduct of Life. It is perhaps not well-known that the same Emerson piece is the source of the saying, relevant in two senses to the present essay, that (cid:16)ideas are in the air.(cid:17) 2 a predestined sequential order, leading eventually to a commercial product. These microinventions encompass ideas that may be obvious and in the air, or alternatively ideas that are the province of a rare genius.2 They may involve signi(cid:28)cant R&D spending to elucidate or may involve simple recombination of existing knowledge. What is critical is that the economically important steps in the invention process may be quite distinct from the technologically important steps, and that the ex-post assignation of a particular nexus of microinventions to a single designer, or to the creators of a single element in this nexus, is not merely a sociological quirk, but a tendency that can mislead the historian and feed back through policy in a way that creates real economic harms.3 Inparticular,consideraninventionwhichinvolvesaseriesofcomponents-inthecaseoftheairplane, thereistheengine, thematerials, thecontrolmechanism, andsoon. Inordertoinventtheairplane, it is necessary that each of these components is su(cid:30)ciently advanced to pass the technical milestone of getting the plane into the air brie(cid:29)y in a controlled way. On the other hand, a commercially viable airplane necessitates each of these components to be at a higher level of development, with production cheap and safe, and with the capability of performing auxiliary value-increasing tasks. If a region is to see a technological breakthrough lead to a commercial industry, it must possess (cid:28)rms with the ability not just to create the original breakthrough but also to create the full nexus of microinventions between that (cid:28)rst step and the commercial product, or the potential to import thesetechniques. Aparticulartechnologicalleapoccurringinaparticularlocationtellsusverylittle about whether (cid:28)rms in that location collectively have any advantage in the necessary next steps of theinnovationprocess. Inapolicysense, theTeece[1986]complementaryassetsstoryappliestothe nation as well as the individual (cid:28)rm, with nations possessing deep understanding of the components underlying the initial invention best equipped to expand that invention into a commercial product. Note further than the marginal improvements just necessary to achieve the technical invention may 2Withanodtowardreadability,andwithapologiestoMokyr[1990]whocoinedthetermmicroinventionsinaway thatspeci(cid:28)callyexcludesscienti(cid:28)cdiscoveries,fromnowonwewilluse(cid:16)microinvention(cid:17) tomeanbothindividualsteps or improvements in a more general product, and individual minor scienti(cid:28)c discoveries which, at least potentially, could have aided the development of that product. 3The di(cid:30)culty of de(cid:28)ning (cid:16)the(cid:17) invention has been considered by sociologists including Brannigan [1981] in his book about the social construction of ex-post credit, and Scha(cid:27)er [1996] in his lucid article (cid:28)lled with examples of discoveriesthatwereonlyseentobe(cid:16)the(cid:17) importanttechnologicalinsightafterdecadeshadpassed,andaftercertain social conditions made assigning such credit an important goal for particular groups. Even earlier, the sociologist S.C. Gil(cid:28)llan masterfully examines what Nathan Rosenberg would later call (cid:16)low-visibility inventions(cid:17) in the history oftheship(Gil(cid:28)llan[1935]). Indeed,asRosenberghaswritten,(cid:16)[t]hehistoryofinventionsis,mostemphatically,not the history of inventors(cid:17) (Rosenberg [1982]). 3 be economically inconsequential: if a powerful engine exists, it is the Wrights’ control mechanism that (cid:16)invents(cid:17) the airplane, whereas if the control mechanism had been learned earlier, it would have been the inventor of a suitable engine who was given credit for the invention. But the airplane required both components, and hence it is unclear from an economic standpoint why di(cid:27)erential reward should be given depending on which one is invented (cid:28)rst and which is invented second. Evenworse,givingextra rewardonthebasisoneconomicallyinconsequentialtechnicalachievements biasesinventorsawayfromresearchmorelikelytodevelopintoastronglocalindustrywithspillovers to other (cid:28)rms and workers. ThisframesuggeststhatexplainingthepoorearlydevelopmentoftheU.S.aviationindustryrequires investigating the components which make up the eventual commercial airplane, and the state of knowledge on those components across nations and time. Further, it requires understanding why, if nobody possesses all of the requisite knowledge, (cid:28)rms from certain areas are able to integrate the missing outside knowledge, while (cid:28)rms from other areas are unable to do so. We attempt such an explanation using a novel dataset of aviation-related microinventions from 1897 to 1917. Our explanation relies entirely on the underlying states of knowledge in di(cid:27)erent locations, and di(cid:27)ers from standard explanations for the poor performance of the early aviation industry, of which there are two. First, U.S. industry is said to decline because of a (cid:16)patent thicket(cid:17). An anticommons exists where any improvement involves getting licenses from multiple parties, and various forms of transactional di(cid:30)culties mean such licenses are not signed (Heller and Eisenberg [1998]). The broad rights granted to the Wrights’ patent, and important patents on improvements held by Curtiss, are said to have caused potential airplane manufacturers to avoid building in the United States (Shulman [2002]). The two parties could not agree to licensing terms with each other or to third parties. The development of the airplane patent pool derives from precisely this worry (see, for example, Lampe and Moser [2011]). A second explanation, made forcefully by historian Tom Crouch (Crouch [2003a]), is that the in- dustry failed simply because it receives little government support. The buildup to World War I meant large amounts of investment in all sorts of military technology across Europe, particularly in 4 France. In 1910 and 1911, 208 airplane orders were made by the French government versus 14 by the U.S (Mangolte [2010]). Between 1909 and 1913, Germany spent $28 million on aircraft, France $22 million, and Russia $12 million; the U.S. government spent $435,000, the 14th highest total internationally and behind even Bulgaria (U.S. House of Representatives [1913]). Given the quick improvement in certain types of aviation technology during the war, it is perhaps not surprising if government-induced innovation in the buildup to World War I, including wars in North Africa and the Balkans preceding 1914, led to di(cid:27)erent industry outcomes in the United States and Europe. Surely both factors had some e(cid:27)ect, but consider a third explanation derived from splitting the commercial airplane into its nexus of microinventions: the United States (cid:16)got lucky(cid:17) by being (cid:28)rst to possess the minimal combination of technologies necessary to lift a plane into the air, even though designers in the U.S. lagged in many other areas which would become important to the commercialairplane. ThoughtheU.S.hadtheWrights,itdidnothaveanysubstantialleadinengine technology, and was well behind Europe in material science and in technical scienti(cid:28)c research. The Wright patent suits of manufacturers may not have played a large direct role - after all, dominant manufacturers in essentially every new industry try to sue their competitors out of existence - but these patents still indirectly limited the growth of the American industry by decreasing technology transfer from Europe to the United States, thereby limiting the ability of American (cid:28)rms to catch up in lagging technological areas.4 What was this indirect harm of patents? Di(cid:27)usion of technology, particularly in the early 20th century, largely required face-to-face interaction; the information was not entirely codi(cid:28)ed.5 The Wright Brothers, beginning in 1910, found it easiest to enforce their patent by suing exhibition organizersratherthanplanedesignersthemselves. Thiscausedanexodusofprominentaeronautical shows and contests from the U.S. toward Europe. European (cid:28)rms had possessed a technological 4The legal literature puts the (cid:16)disclosure(cid:17) role of patents front and center. An oft-cited line from the Supreme CourtcaseGrahamv. John-Deere,383US1,11[1966]: (cid:16)Theinherentproblemwastodevelopsomemeansofweeding outthoseinventionswhichwouldnotbedisclosedordevisedbutfortheinducementofthepatent.(cid:17) Notethatdisclose is mentioned before devise (on this point, see Ouellette [2012]). 5The importance of face-to-face contact for knowledge di(cid:27)usion prior to the middle of the 20th century has been investigated by many economic historians. Hornung [2014] describes how the Huguenot expulsion from France im- provedmanufacturingproductivityinmodernGermanyinthe18thcentury,Epstein[2004]summarizestheliterature asshowingthat(cid:16)notasinglepremoderninventionwastransferredsimplythroughtheprintedword,(cid:17) andRosenberg [1970] notes that, in machine tooling, journals were often e(cid:27)ective at generating interest but totally ine(cid:27)ective at teaching new techniques. 5 advantage in many components important to the commercial airplane as far back as 1900, and the decrease in face-to-face spillovers of that knowledge due to the Wright suits made it even more challenging for American (cid:28)rms to reach the technological frontier. Theremainderofthisarticleisorganizedasfollows. Section2,weinvestigatethegrowthoftheearly industry of 21 canonical inventions from the classic book (cid:16)Sources of Invention(cid:17) by Jewkes et al. [1962]. Section 3 contains a stylized model of the incentive to invest in invention and commercial development, showing how di(cid:27)erential credit for the technical invention via prizes, pioneer patents, or Mertonian credit can distort research e(cid:27)ort toward projects which are unsuited for further local development. In section 4, we describe the global state of knowledge on airplanes at the end of the 19th century, the developments of the Wright Brothers, and the rise and fall of the US aircraft industry through 1917. Section 5 uses the database of microinventions to locate exactly where certain inventions complementary to the commercial airplane were being developed, showing the early gap between American and European technology. Section 6 concludes. 2 The Airplane and 21 More: A Stylized Fact Before investigating why industrial reversals of fortune happen, through theory and a case study of theearlyairplaneindustry, weought(cid:28)rstclarifyhowcommonthesereversalshavebeenhistorically. That is, of a given set of important technological breakthroughs, what fraction saw their early commercial industry arise with some geographical proximity to the site of the invention? There does not exist a canonical database of inventions and their resulting industry - indeed, the link is often di(cid:30)cult to establish. Therefore, we select 21 inventions of the late 19th and early 20th century from the classic Jewkes et al. [1962] book (cid:16)The Sources of Invention(cid:17), and detail the early industry that follows each of those inventions using historical texts and contemporaneous sources.6 In particular, we investigate the early history of: the automobile, synthetic plastic, the ballpoint pen, catalytic petroleum cracking, the cotton picker, the refrigerator, the helicopter, the jet engine, magnetic recording, short pulse radar, radio, rockets, disposable blade razors, silicones, stainless 6The book describes just over 50 inventions. We drop some where the (cid:16)industry(cid:17) ought be more broadly de(cid:28)ned, such as when we combine bakelite, neoprene, polystyrene and nylon into (cid:16)synthetic plastics(cid:17), or expand automatic transmission into (cid:16)automobiles(cid:17). 6 steel, synthetic detergents, television, leaded gasoline, the transistor, xerography, and the zipper. These selected inventions span both high- and low-tech industries, and were invented on both sides of the Atlantic. Table 1 lists these 21 inventions, with their most commonly credited inventor(s), date(s) of invention, and place(s) of invention.7 The table further lists the location of the early commercial leaders in that industry. The striking stylized fact is that at minimum 16 of those 21 inventions saw their early related indus- try develop far from the geographical location of the initial invention. The only possible exceptions areradar(forwhichprivategovernmentdevelopmentduringWorldWarIImakesassigningaspeci(cid:28)c industry location impossible), synthetic plastic, the refrigerator, the safety razor with disposable blades, and stainless steel. Omitting radar due to its development largely in wartime government labs, what do the four inven- tions which stayed local have in common? Three of them - plastics, the refrigerator, and stainless steel-wereinventedinalocationwithanexistinggloballydominantindustryinarelated(cid:28)eld. New Jersey was a center of American chemistry research when Baekeland invented Bakelite in nearby New York, Frigidaire was the dominant refrigeration company when its employee Thomas Midgely worked out the nature of freon refrigeration, and She(cid:30)eld in the United Kingdom was the (cid:16)Steel City(cid:17) when Brearley famously dropped his stainless steel in the wastebasket. The one exception, the safety razor, required a strong patent, worldwide marketing, and rapid speed to become the world industry leader. That is, of the 21 canonical inventions in Table 1, only one plausibly created an industry leader where one did not previously exist. Note that the safety razor is unusual in that the invention and the commercial product are essentially identical, a topic we return to in the theory of the following section. What happened with the 16 inventions whose early industry appeared elsewhere? In a number of cases, the inventor themselves physically moved. Houdry took his French lab developing catalytic crackingofpetroleumtoNewJersey. MarconiandtheradiomovedtoLondonfor(cid:28)nancingreasons. Judson brought his zipper manufacturer from Chicago to Pennsylvania where his employee Gideon 7Data sources and further details on sample construction are in Appendix A. 7 Sundback perfected the zipper improvement which at last induced sales. Inothercases,thetechnologyislicensedtomanufacturersfaraway. XerographyislicensedtoHaloid in Rochester. The ballpoint pen is licensed by the Hungarian-Argentine inventors to producers with better mass-market sales experience in France and Chicago. The Bell Consent Decree leads to expanded licensing of transistor technology, and an exodus of engineers in this area to Texas, Massachusetts, and California. In a (cid:28)nal set of cases, the gap between the initial invention and the commercial product is long. Synthetic detergents, (cid:28)rst produced commercially in Germany during World War I, require decades of further development at Proctor & Gamble before Tide is released. Kipping’s research on silicones intheUnitedKingdomisfarfromtheinexpensiveproductionofsiliconespioneeredatDowCorning in Michigan. Goddard’s rocket experiments in Massachusetts in no way immediately imply the militaryusesoftheV-2developedatPeenem(cid:252)ndeinGermany. Poulsen’sworkonmagneticrecorders inDenmarkseeslittlecommercialsuccess, untilre(cid:28)nementsatAEGandintheUnitedStatescreate marketableproductsusingthetechnology. Benz’automobilewouldnotcreateaworldleaderwithout the ability to produce in volume at low cost - as the French and Americans (cid:28)gured out how to do. It is important to note a factor which does not appear critical in explaining why industries and their core invention appear in di(cid:27)erent places: policy mistakes. Industries move when IP protection is strong, and when it is weak. They move to major cities, as in the case of the ballpoint point, and away from them, as in the case of the zipper. They move with the inventor, and when the inventor stays home and tries to develop an industry there. They move to countries with strong high technology support, and away from them. The technologies selected are (cid:16)macroinventions,(cid:17) and the data in Table 1 in no way contradicts the large empirical literature (e.g., Ja(cid:27)e et al. [1993] and Thompson and Fox-Kean [2005]) on the extent of local knowledge spillovers. Research activity may in general spill over to local (cid:28)rms, but research performed in an area with existing advantages in bringing that research to market will bene(cid:28)t more. Looking at universities who su(cid:27)ered a large shock to their endowment, Kantor and Whalley [2014] (cid:28)nds that universities in areas where local (cid:28)rms commercialize technology similar to what the university produces see the largest spillovers. With big macroinventions like radio, plastics, or 8 the airplane, the relevant local complementary (cid:28)rms are those who can take an unre(cid:28)ned invention and develop it into a commercially viable product. When those (cid:28)rms don’t exist, it appears, in the broad cross-section, that the region does not directly bene(cid:28)t from the invention.8 3 A Theory of Component-Based Invention To move from this cross-sectional evidence to a more precise elucidation of the mechanism hypoth- esized above, let us add precision with a light theoretical model and a deeper investigation of the history of one particular technology, the airplane. The model will suggest the conditions under which government encouragement of invention ought lead to a local leader in the industry which follows that invention. We will then look at the history of the airplane, with particular attention to the geographic distribution of absolute advantage in aviation technologies important to commercial viability. Let there be two potential (cid:28)rms, A and B, attempting to invent in two sequential stages, 1 and 2. Firm i can work on invention stage 1 at cost c . If (cid:28)rm i invents the (cid:28)rst stage invention, it can i1 work on the second stage at cost c ; if it did not invent the (cid:28)rst stage invention, it can work on iw the second stage at cost c ≥ c (where l and w denote the loser and winner of the (cid:28)rst stage race il iw to invent). The inventor of the (cid:28)rst stage earns π and the inventor of the second stage earns π . 1 2 Timingofthegameisasfollows. Firmchoosesimultaneouslywhethertoworkonstage1. Ifonlyone (cid:28)rm chooses to pay the cost c and work on the (cid:28)rst stage invention, it invents with probability 1 i1 and earns payo(cid:27) π . If both (cid:28)rms choose to work, then (cid:28)rm A invents with probability p and (cid:28)rm 1 A1 B with probability 1−p .9 After the inventor of stage 1 received its payo(cid:27), (cid:28)rms simultaneously A1 choose whether to work on stage 2. Again, if only one (cid:28)rm pays the second stage cost, it invents with probability 1 and earns payo(cid:27) π , while if both (cid:28)rms work on the second stage invention, (cid:28)rm 2 A invents with probability p and (cid:28)rm B with probability 1−p . Assume parameters such that A2 A2 in every stage, each (cid:28)rm is willing to work if the rival does not. 8Of course, inventions also matter on the demand side, and regions may want to encourage invention for this reason alone. 9This can be derived as the reduced form of the Loury-style continuous time patent race in Bryan and Lemus [2017]. 9 The parameters of this model can be interpreted as follows. Stage 1 involves a technological in- vention which is not inherently valuable in the absence of a strong pioneer patent, a governmental prize, or the subjective value of getting credit for the invention. That is, π is to a large extent a 1 parameter chosen by policymakers. Stage 2 involves a commercially viable extension of stage 1. For a multicomponent invention, it may be the case that one (cid:28)rm possesses an advantage in the (cid:28)rst stage (p > .5) but not the second stage (p < .5). Costs c can be seen as the opportunity cost A1 A2 in of using inventive talent developing the particular inventions 1 or 2. Takingparametersasexogenous,whodoesresearchineachstage? Solvingbackward,andrestricting to pure strategies: Lemma 1. If (cid:28)rm A invented in the (cid:28)rst stage, then (cid:28)rm A works in the second stage if either p π ≥ c or (1−p )π < c and (cid:28)rm B works in the second stage if either p π < c or A2 2 Aw A2 2 Bl A2 2 Aw (1−p )π ≥ c . A2 2 Bl If (cid:28)rm B invented in the (cid:28)rst stage, then (cid:28)rm A works in the second stage if either p π ≥ c or A2 2 Al (1−p )π < c and (cid:28)rm B works in the second stage if either p π < c or (1−p )π ≥ c A2 2 Bw A2 2 Al A2 2 Bw Working backward from the second stage equilibrium, and again restricting to pure strategies, (cid:28)rm in the (cid:28)rst stage work as follows: Lemma 2. Let I(Aw,Bl) denote the indicator for the second stage equilibrium involving both (cid:28)rms working conditional on A inventing in the (cid:28)rst stage, and I(Aw,−Bl) denote the indicator for the second stage equilibrium involving only (cid:28)rm A working after A completes the (cid:28)rst stage invention. Firm A works in the (cid:28)rst stage conditional on (cid:28)rm B working in the (cid:28)rst stage if and only if p [π +(π −c )I(Aw,−Bl)+p (π −c )I(Aw,Bl)]+ A1 1 2 Aw A2 2 Aw (1−p )[(π −c )I(Al,−Bw)+p (π −c )I(Al,Bw)] ≥ c A1 2 Al A2 2 Al A1 Firm B works in the (cid:28)rst stage conditional on (cid:28)rm A working in the (cid:28)rst stage if and only if (1−p )[π +(π −c )I(−Al,Bw)+(1−p )(π −c )I(Al,Bw)]+ A1 1 2 Bw A2 2 Bw p [(π −c )I(−Aw,Bl)+(1−p )(π −c )I(Aw,Bl)] ≥ c A1 2 Bl A2 2 Bl B1 10