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Preview The McGill Daily Culture Vol. 80 No. 049: January 10, 1991

\ ' ,t'IJ ·M Volume 80, Number 49 Reading weighty tomes since 1911. Thursday, January 10, 1991 Hammond's talkin' Union · by Rob Macrarlane The blues is an old and vener able fonn, usually played by old and venerable black men with whiskey in their voices and dia monds in their eyes. It's hard to tell how old John Hammond is. Rumours rage that would place him anywhere from thirty to eighty-two. But he sure is venerable. His name and songs top every -late-night blues dj's play lists, ·and collectors and imitators (the two arc usually one) listen through his albums until they wear deep bluesy divots in the grooves. Still, McGill is an odd place to play the blues. "Being stressed" • . usually rates higher on McGill students' list of fonnative experi ences than "Delta river floodin"', "mean ol' boulc got me down" or "hellhound on my trail." The aver age McGill student knows about as much about the blues as does, say, Mic.hacl J. Fox -lhal·is, no thin'. Butnevcrundercstimatea bunch of posers. Self-styled blues conois scurs twnedoulen massc last night -to see John Hammond play the blues guitar in the Union Ballroom-and a few real fans struggled in for the spectacle too. Hammond played such blues favorites as, "I'm leavin' my woman," "My woman left me," "Woman ain't comin' back," and ~'I don't want her back anyway." Hammond is known for his spi- Wailin and wailin and wailin: John Hammond's baby left him again last night at the McGill Union Ballroom. , dcr-fingered fretwork and wailing Blues enthusiasts looked on, bemused. (Another message from McGill Just Say No to the Blues 91.) . ' hannonica. But his real talent is his ·voeoamcicihtet·e. sdIun cw cooensreds isvn eufr movmbee rrst,eh ,He aulymnrtmiicl so hniidns jfluimvseta nclleryydci naugmp ocfnoteor lwtihfocer adrte.l hsTti hsoepf ao tuihndeti ,eeanvncede ari obtFo, oworzi ttehh- oatshneed wj-odhirnout gwjsu-emirneps apinnitr'i eacdnip dba eltuivneegs alva alslat dnis id gsihismta'sppcployo ninncoteitrn ttgmh.e iW gMhinathrtdeariv GCebaracrnse.in Jtahonehd n a pHmluabcmikemnerc,oe n waden'sldlg, idftthrsie naysk ap. dvreooebcpaa bliolsyft '· voi.c e t.O. Ok on a percussive quality, ning . . rybody hollerin' fit to raise heaven, But those who came to ignore went home real satisfied. . · ;Kfozis, nasties, Sonia and the tree .. ,.. . . :~: :~ Y k~~~ -~yme figUres in the film's present day righteousness by The NaStY Girf s · selling arc threatened by the factual and. non-self-referential· ••. The Nasty Girl, a Gcrman-lan- probings of the spunky Sonja. 'objectivity'. The wrongdoings of guagC?.f ilm directed by Michacl Eventually, the town rears up the Nazi townsfolk are offset by Verhoeven in 1989, depicts the like an angry dog whose sinister those of the occupying American .. struggle of an individual pursuing rectum has been sniffed once too army. .~:t ctoiumtmhiunntihtye foapcpeoosfinticoanr.l yunanimo~ often and too disturbingly by the ,, · Lena Stolze (The White Rose, diligentanddarelsaynobleSonja. . Finally, the.f~ is worlh\Yhile The Last Days) portrays Sonja, an Neo-Nazis (skinhead stere- ·for its.v~ual. quality alone. Akin to otypes reassuringly absent this 4 the·' monolithie,coloumiliiess~ of, ambitious student whose entry into time) harass, beat and terrorize her, Peter Gree!laway;~~:.r~~ ••J ~ei . a pan-European essay contest wins but her determination leads to the Nasty Girl' uses such devices~as her a trip to France and lands her in publication of the truth concerning colour-slide backdrops {or. the~li~· what grows to be the focus of her hertown'sNazi past and a climactic ,b rary and ch~h ~nes· tO convey young life: a second essay contest scene in which two of the living the hollowness' ·and ·'two- ~ Sonja's attemptS to unearth the offenders are denounced. dimensionality. that the narrator obscured facts about her home- · Verhoeven's film carries a assumes towards non-essen~ town•s complicity in the Third greater weight than others of its such as backgrounds. Reicharelooselybascdon the Story ::L ,, genre. The prolagonistfighting for - . . . ofGCrmanschoolgirlAnjaRosmus, truth and justice against the world Also, if you are a fdm ~uaem.·· who is now a well-known historian oftheNazipcriod. · Catholic priest (who spoke out desire to let. sleeping dogs lie, motifisafavouriteoftl_leunderdog- lure major (or somewhaf..o. r:·an At the oulSel of Sonja's invcsti- againstthcReich'srilciallaws)musl Sonja's struggle to produce a well- coddling, American-dominated anhole bent) tbCz;e ~;~¥e ii?~: gation, the town's guilt is embed- remain unanswered. ~espediear:hed essa~ escalates as her mm industry. · .8Y!'lbols in~~~-('~ Piefdt..l zinin gth'se · ofnilgyu r'er eoalf' ZNuamzit,o baneld, outP, Serosnisjate pnut rasnude sa sh eprl uescskayy a tso pailcl-, 1smus piciomuesn ctso vpeorm-uplt ocwabaarld. a very ·intiBmuatt eh enraer,r aVtievreh oaenvde nd oucsuemse nan~ lh:.. i tWhehr.a:Aidsoke ys"otlu1resterlefe: m..::e an~1." ·W\)ha t mayor during the Nazi reign. "My Hometown During the Third The town's ~putation as a bar- lacy tone thatle~ds the ~lm a pet: /d~ the ~·.~e¥i1l'9 ~ Convenienlly,Zumbotelisdcadand Reich". Stonewalled by archivists bour of heroic anti-fascist freedom sonal and charmmg quality. Tho~ ; ·{ · ·[ Ibcr Nasty,. Qul plays, all next Sonja 's questions concerning his and librarians, as well aS becoming fighlets is shaken to the ground. we know are in the right (we feel it..::· \l' w~~kal t~ Rialto, 5723 Avenue du involvement in the death of a a symbol of the older generation's The lives o( several prominent in our bones) are saved ~m. self-.:· ·.'Part;,'phone 274~3550. · :. ~2 . DAiLY CULTURE . ·. ': EVENTS . La Federation des Etudiantes Thursday 10 January members. Memberships $6.00 . llh-16h, Union 107/108, lotso' : ·-et Etudiants du Quebec £FEEQ1 "The Adventures or Baron Fraitk Dawson Adams prizes. "Come try your skiUs with Munchausen", presented by the Auditorium. 19h30. the Redmen and the Martlets." FEEQ Is developing Its student discount card McGill Film Society. $1.00 Hockey hockey horsepucks. Prizes Prizes P~es. Winter program .for Implementation next September, members and seniors. $3.00 non- Hockey speed and skiUs booth, Carnival '91. · and Is looking ·for 8tudenta intereated v.· ' . in part-time employment to help make it Friday 11 January · -:-·work.· "' ~ Assistant Directors Candidates must be fluently bilingual, and Friends or First Nations has i!:. experience In sales or fundralslngls preferred. . its first meeting of 1991. Drop by ! For more lnfo, contact Alex Usher, VP Residence Fellows ; · External, 398-6798. to help organize Native · Awareness Week. lnfo: 842- Dons 0906. Leacock 738. 17h. .·YOUR ... TICKET TO EUROPE Caribbean Students' Society general meeting. Leacock 232. :··cAN;BE:.As LITTLE AS •• ·• . The McGill Residences are accepting 18h30. applications for the above staff ''Mystery Train", by Jim · . ~i·,~.~.,rq ".' ~'; ~· ",. :-•., . ~: • .'• r. , , • • positions for the 1991-92 academic · JEalr vmisu. s$c1h.0, 0fe matuermesb ethrse agnhdo st o•f ~l~_ONTREAC TO •• : year. Applicants should be McGill seniors. $3.00 non-members. · students at the time of the appointment. FDA Auditorium. 19h30. $429 Pie Auction for charity. Bid on Interested persons should "pie"-ing your non-favourite $449 . contact the Director•s Secretary · SSMU executive or Gert's $569 in Bishop Mountain Hall at · bouncer, aU proceeds to Dans La $529 Rue. Noon, Union 108. Winter 398·6363 to obtain application Carnival '91. $429 forms. $429 Saturday 12 January . The deadline for submitting :· "The Cook, The 'rhier, His , Pr.ices do not include tax and applications is January 31, 1991. Wife and Her Lover" is another -are return, based on Film Society programming coup. ·...lo w-season departures. $1.00 members and seniors. $3.00 .I ~ l , , ·,' · ~..... ..• . non-members. FDA Auditorium. · ·:certain booking conditions .i, 19h30. - . and restrictions apply. -= , Winter Carnival 4 Floors · ;. ·~For more information contact • (: :: • • • I' • Bash: The Chesterfield Kings, · ' ,.~n~~"'·f·· .!t,.~ ~ES CAMPUS WANTED Shadowy Men on a Shadowy :.~~M lk~~H:(Ual~ lldg.) • 391-0647 Planet and a midnight draw for a · . . trip to Europe are in the Ballroom. The Wallflowers, Dead or Canadian, Monday and RESEARCH ASSISTANT Pushme-PuUyou are in the Alley. Tickets at Sadie's or at the door. $4.00 with McGiU ID. $6.00 Main duties will be to run without ID. 3480 McTav~h. subjects in attention and problem solving experiments. Needed 20·30 hours per week. Hours are flexible. Please leave a curriculum vita with Judi Young in Room WB/36, Stewart Biological Sciences Building, or call Prof. K. Dunbar at 398·6112. Sf~RflS Thtrsdoy, Joouory 10, 1991 DAILY CULTURE .3 f:uture Cheek ·-- . :--.~ ' ';-: t ·~ • • ... ·.:' l f~r the lnfo Age • I {'l• ·'.) ··, i I ; BadAUitude: onstolenAT&Tpaperandhawkcd The Processed World Anthology, by editors wearing papicr-mach~ ; edited by Cbris Carlsson video display tenninal masks or ·' witb Mark Leger, detergent box costumes on street Verso, 1991,285 pp. comers,ProcessedWorldhasmadc ,. What was.oncc the rollin' thun~ great strides in its eight years. Ncv . ·::, ,dcr of Future Shock is now corn- crlheless, the magazine has always · r mon Muzak in any newspaper's been irregularly-publishcdandhard business section, and even on the to fmd, so the publication of Bad TV news. Company exccs and fed- Attitude: The Processed WorldAn craltax-mongcrs alike fob off their tlwlo gy by Verso is a blessed event. schemes on the public by referring BadAtlitude covers the first five to motherhood issues like "adjust- years of Processed World, ending ing ID~ the shift from industrial ID with 1987, but it '11 be a while be UifJWJE;·· service economics" and "making fore this material goes stale, since it · Canada competitive on the world makes most other social commcn 'mark~t." tary scc.m about 20 years out of ' When the New Economic date. As Alexandcr·Cockbum Agcndabelchcsoutfrcctmdcpacts blurbs on its back cover, it fulfills .: and GSTs, a sizable minority spits "thcfirstdutyofradicaljoumalism: back. Little bands of nationalists in to describe the world as it actually •I'K'l!ll:llnt.•·• . .' ToroniD and libertarians in Alberta is." :n~w~~:~;.:· ham.mcrpicketsigns iniD their front The book is large, green and · lawns and gesture towards a tax pink, like the mall culture it targets, rcvolL and its feel ranges somewhere be- Butgovcrnmcntpoliciesandthc twccn comic book and battering • •• 1 protests against them arc usually rarn.Aftcrahistoryfromanthology through a process of disillusion- messenger service. white, for example, pinpoints one : j~t sympiDms, or carriers at most, cditorChrisCarlsson (bcucrknown ment even from its cyncial starting And the marginalia in Bad Atti- of the magazine's major failings. · no.t the real ~case. The important to PW readers as "Lucius Cabins", position. What began as an organ · tude is at least as absorbing as the Too bad the' 'ediiDrs decline ID ; decisions arc at once more clois- a name taken from assassinated intending to fonncnt sabotage and main show, if not more so (to TV- tell us anything ~bout the maga-' ·{ tered and more diffuse, taking place Mexican peasant leader Lucio' revolt amongst San Francisco's of- damagedaucntion spans like mine). zinc's biggest, disaster, -though: 1 ' inofficciDwersandinlivingrooms, Cabanas and in one edition further ficclackeysnowaimstobeonlyan · The graphics arc stunning, often Much of the staff quit in the mid- i t:at~JS~<m . in plantation fields and in altered ID "Luscious Cabbages"}, outlet for imaginative critics and a redrawn or altered mass culture 80s, denouncing the rest as. ~·au- ~ cyberspacc. And outside of a few the volume is divided into four meeting place for active minds. material or sarcastic re-treatments thoritarian anti-authoritarian~", a ~ · marble-mouthed Parisian sociolo- sections: "Thc·Cubicular World," But the less it speaks of hope, of corporate propaganda. fracasthatendedinabombauempi •' · gists, it seems nobody has even "Wage Slavery: The Tics That the better PW's infonnation gets: A selection of lcuers ID Proc- on.Carlsson'saparunentandlcaves · beg~ ID assess what's happening Bind," "Hooks and Ladders" and Bad Attitude reads like a how-to essed World also wends its way .. .itsdebrisiniridccipherablcravings ~ I 'the surface of our rapidly- "Mirror in the Bathroom". manual for individual acts of re- down the borders, some of them in American anarchist rags to this ·· ·· ., . .f everyday lives. Eachscctionjumblesanccdotes, bcllion, leaving the collective relating readers' own work expC.._' •!Jay. · · t .::~Y. ~ .. exc:eot.ton ID this rule of fiction, political analyses, autobi- question open. The book's account rienccs and societal dreams, others .::.· _!l~t in the ·end, PW's internal f Dllllw-rtomm has been Processed ography, poetry and wild cartoons, of the inability of traditional unions providing sabotage.t ips, and .. still -,SQuabblesare.its 9wn buSiness. Aity J of a coven of often all on the same page, to reveal to adapt their corrupted organizing others bringing warm messages· magazine thatq'rganizes a "cosuime.· !t w;)j;'"""·I.IAltempworkersandcom- the exploitive machinations and methods to the expanding service from fans, like "Just read issue 11 ·· pi~ketline".outside the Sru1Fran- 1w1m.~d.~·:.: puter jockeys in San Francisco, the especially the poveny of imagina- and infonnation sectors shows how of PW. I've never read so much cisco Office AuiDmation Confer- ; ·I Larn-£~·t.~ 'magazine has distinguished itself 'Lion endemic ID modern life, with severely such innovations in op- hitching,' snivcling, whining an4. encc, and. distributes. a doctored thermometer shoved straight particular focus on the world of position arc needed. · complaining in my life." • •· ..v ersion'ofthc conf~rcnce program.~ rectal region of the Infor- work. There are a few rants, but Equallyrevcalingarethc"Tales It's to the ediiDrs' credinhar·:~ that.calls it "The International • 1 ::u14u'"'·' · · providing wiuy and: most articles rely on in-depth re- of Toil", in which once and future they print so many of their dctrac~· .~ Gonfercnce for the Perpetuation of · of. the feverish.' .search where they're not based on employees nam.e corporate names tors' curses, many 9f them without a Vacuous E~ten~e.': · you just· cf. ipersonal experience. · · and tell us what really goes on in rcbuttlc. The reader who supports:.~~goua. loye.~Bad .Attitude 'is the i :r.:.~..-.vuu ...u .. uu~; its origins as a· . As the introduction admits and Del Monte's complaints depart-. PW'sairnsbptremarkstha~hecan't':~·mcidem hcieiict.s.'bible·:~··~;·~ ~ . · , . ·rag, pho~opicd ._'the content attests, PW ~ g01_1c mcnt, for example, or at a b~c r·cdlateto.t.he. ~n_tent~us~it:~so;~·_. ~·::·;~;-_:·.:-~£!'}~\r~~~~~~~n ~ ffiAHS:·out·.wha·r.s no·lse. ..... an t:.:· 11:.·.'-'~:;., ..... ;.• ._:l ":-i~~~~.-:,1,":/~~.. -;W,!~·;:·· i~ ~~, ~,... ·,wnar.:s·.:.n.,cij<;~;;;.2!.Y·~ ktd ! Now ID describe it. I could say something. made by a guitar, some drums, and.... :. ~it's pleas~{~2~~ · ~. it's new music, but that wouldn't Okay,beginatthcbeginning(as a bass. Two of the musicians are Fromthedrumonslaughtthatopens! . .> tell you anything except what it's the King gravely said): It's noise. also credited with "delay", which the first track, ·"New:~ Power", i the sounds of systems fall- ·not The best I can do is say 'free- Noise thin's been harnessed, ID be allows· a lo~ of s~ge things to throu~h the ·~;'DOSt 0~~·.:,rm ofrobotsdying,ofredalertson form jazz', and hope that means sure, but noise nonetheless. It's happen. · .... ·.:: .· ·. ·. · Rockin~ .Yo~·Girl"·andlinto the,., ;11~1\i\~'llhe!Starship Enteq)risc. Add in . Whatsortofnoise?·W~ll •.i tvar-'!.tense de8~Qit.:~i.~P~z;:du:~ • ·tribal drums, and some Am- 1es. There are thc.Arabi3D _influ{··:Scraptt~this'isfree.:foirri:i~worth· ., background. Put it in a big · cnces,pickedupduringFat'sstints·i.distcning't.O' · :····J: " ,... ·• ... ," :tilii~~fi;lt~ftic: and shake. What you get in .Morae~. The~ thc~t?.·~.th~:!lla_.~~:!".~The ,alb.~:~·~n~~~bel~ ~~ ~ew album, Fat Hit. · chincs _dymg; ~d mstarta' ng~.spccial < mastcrpiece;·bufl don~t think I'd.! is a Mo~treal band, but they. ·. cff<;ets; lik~ the b~.t sounds like·~ go. that far. _ProbabJY.- ~;~ just' : ~t_been in this part of the , a d.isiD~ whalcsong;·. . : · ·. personal taste; What' I do know is three yfeoarr sa long time. For the last ·,. And then that other section, the that I paid auention ID it all the' way· they've been based in •one.: ~\so~$ like some Iron ~ough, an~ didn'tger~. de ··.Barcelona, making trips ID Morocco . ~den ·song, and the one that· . sp1te the lyncal vacuum. . ·, · :, · to gather inspirational nuts and f. ~u' . n.. ds" li•k e• Som• e Youth, and an- · I wouldn't .... • ·• ~' ... , berries. In December, they came ID •.o ther thatcou.ld have been Rhythm everyone. Fat Hit is DQJ~t9_I;your Montr~ for their farewell per-. ·Activism. . average U2 fan. ,-a~ Uj~pr~,b~>ly. . formancc at Foufounes. What'ssurprising is that it comes wouldnr'1t~J~~~~~~~f~~i~~ . .-..• F.a t flit,is their second album, out sounding like more than noise. ·g, .. ,..- ,,.·:J / following l988'sF.atPiaysfor You. somc-~~.;'0w~. h~9i~~~~~i~S ·. .1 1l<~·'third, Fai Jednota, is out in ; Ttimheerse m areclo ddcifems. iTteh erhrey tahrme psa, rts · .. -. Czechosloviwa, and is expected ID · even sound nice, if you can · . iecciv'e •'international distribution iL A motley stew ind~:o.:-~ .· :·.§<>met ime this year. ... . -~~~~~~~~~,:~!r~."<H:i~:;;;: 4 DAILY CULTURE Join the D~ily ~ Hillel Students• Society • 3460 Stanley • 845·9171 PINES PIZZA and visit ·lovely ' 'j SINCE 1956 Shmooze with old friends or meet new ones at Hillel's Famous Abbots ford I• l4 McGill Student Special I I :• WINE &C HEESE PARTY Living at Douglas? McConnoll, Molson or Gardiner Halls, and along fuckin' B.C •.W e Pine Ave., Uliversity, Or. Penfiold, Mel avish, Peel, Lorne, Aylmer1 Monday, Jan. 14, 3-5 pm, Hillel House. Free!!! FAST & FREE DELIVERY 10 AM • 2 AM. did, and look Hillel's Jewish Women's Circle presents ACTION how happy it ) made us. l • As elf defence course l~rwomen. Sun., Jan. 20 and Sun., Jan. 27, 10-5. Cost: $45. i'j•.',I, For more mlo, or to reserve a space, call Fran, 845-9171. Anytime, Union · ' ;I: ;., ____ NOTICE---.. . I 277-3178 8-03. 4520 Pare (Mt. Royal) ·~.~:.· TO ALL FUTURE DRIVERS McGill . ' The Government is proposing a new regulation • Eyes Examined for new drivers: in force for March 1st. • Eye Glasses JOB·S - increase of pratice from 8 to 12 hrs • Contact Lenses (co111pulsory). ·..:.. 3 months wait before obtaining (all types) AVAILABLE drivers license. · • Medicare Card If you: accepted · ;. · a·EAT THE NEW REGULATION! • 24 Hour Service on • are currently a student at McGill; . REGISTER NOW! • possess excellent verbal skills; most prescriptions (FOLLOW COURSE JANIFEB.) • enjoy working with the public; Dr. David Kwavnick. 0.0. • are looking for a part-time job on campus; SPECIAL FOR McGILL 1535 Sherbrooke St. W. • would like to do something worthwhile for McGill; (corner Guy) ;;;;;;;rTECN/C/1._ ... You might enjoy working with ·us. ~ , 933·8700 or 933·8182 Please call if you're interested .. . _ between 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. ~~~~~~1851 Ste-Catherine 0. 937 8895 The McGill Development Office: 398-3578 lt•s better with you. . ' The McGill Alma Mater Fund Instructional Athletic Courses Winte1· 1991 ~ WINTER REGISTRATION BEGINS: Wednesday, January 16th, 1991 18:00 hrs., Currie Gymnasium and continues through January 28. Courses begin Monday, January 21, 1991. Fitness Fitness Testing $30 Va ria Individual Weight Training $25 Archery $30 Staff Aerobics $70 Fencing $35 Action Aerobics $55/$30 Yoga $26/$35/$40 Low Impact $45/$30 Skating $25/$35 Circuit Training $30 Hockey $25 Weight Training $25 Golf $25 Weight Training Clinic $15 Tal Chi $35 Total Workout (pay as you ~o) $1 CPR Basle $75 CPR RE Cart $35 Aquatics Basle First Aid $65/$80 'Aquaclses $25 •Swim Fit· $25 Outdoor Pursuits THE. SECOND HAND Syrichro Swim $20 . Kayaking $30 Red Cross -Y.O.R. $20 Equestrian $80 Red Cross· R.M.B. $22 lceclimbing $70 TEXTBOOK SALE Red Cross-G. G. W. $28 Cross Country Skiing $30 Red Cross Leaders $75 Bronze Medallion $32 Martial Arts Bronze Cross $35 Aikido $50 ·Room B09/10 S.C.U.B.A $165 Shorinjiryu $40 Student Union Building Shotokan $40 Judo $45 3480 McTavish Street ·.· $25 Tae Kwon Do $40 9 am to 4 pm $20 Women's Self Defense $30 $20 (weekdays only) $75 Seminar Series $25 Eating on the Run $5 Sports/Exercise &N utrition $5 Please! McGill course materials on!y Managing your Weight $5. $40 Weight training for the Note: Set your own prices for books $40 Recreational Athlete $5 you wish to sell-1 Oo/o $30 deducted for operating costs. Prices listed are applicable to full-time students and gymnasium members. Prices Include GST. • Bring In your old textbooks Thurs., Jan. 3 -Thurs., Jan. 10 • I prince··· FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL • Books on sale · Tue., Jan 8 -Mon., Jan. 14 398-7011 . • Collect money and/or unsold books Wed .•, Jan. 16 -Fri. Jan. 18 I • '· Joouory 10, 1991 DAILY CULTURE S Ji.d like to retroactively endorse free trade ...• 11 . '· Kmoti(mal Arithmetic . which this book cleverly turns, lazy but lhe malaise of mid-life waste the human weights and measures Cohen central Canadian professionals arc brings lhc whole mess down. dictated by Drancy's unofficial ~1~~;}]~re; & Orpen Dennys thrown akimbo by one number Doubtless, most of our profes mcdic,JakobBronski.Arcaso1,1ably r. .. .., ..,;,.,. .. .,, 201 pp. obsessive survivor and her two sors would enjoy the read lhor pure moment, though not equal to 9od pelp us all if we live in human satellites. oughly, particularly tlte rouged the attention lavished upon u ....., "'-- of Mau Cohen' s Canada or Melanic and her eo-conspira breasts of the up and coming Melanic's subsequent miserable of his paining Canadians. tors, Christophcr and Jakob, meet graduate students who drip into the life. I'"JE.jl>:.c«wmlnu' Aritlunetic adds up to many years after Drancy. They. story like inuavenous sex. "You ButCohcn is no fool-he catches wishy washed-out sum, save would be more awesome in their mean you had a mystical experience the myopia before it gets out of good humour that comes wilh power to unseulc and dislodge the rucking a graduate student?" wide hand, asking how one can focus on talc set in Kingston, Ontario. contented professionals had they eyed Christopher asks the historian. the suffering of a single soul. UUIII\IIIIIIl:jlll,......_.lhesc characters not all had bits of mind chipped Emotional Arithmetic is a man's Earthquakes, falling bombs, "chil real in lhc sense that we' re all away in various hospitals of mental book, lhe kind of man who greets dren renting the holes in !heir bodies "'"'""J .... ,~ ....... anyway and only wet intrusion. Christophcr went to fa mc the nineties with. a sensitive col for drugs... Natives encystcd on wicked flesh can shake us as a writer in Paris, Jakob went to a lapsing ego. But out of the ashes reserves in their own country," even At the moment of contact, Moscow outhouse, and the ever rises an ego bigger and better lhan the Occupied Territories arc con rra.t:.irt>.'!''""" death camp skeletons clank counting Melanic went to the altar theflCSl. '"Menopause,' Dav.idsaid jured for contexL But, in the end, age bellies roll over each in Kingston, Ontario. and regretted it right away ....T hen context doesn't protect him from ,. ...." "'·-·-·, there may be some passion She totes her numbers in files she stopped and put her ha'ld on his the uncomfortable slide into bad l.lat:•·1.1<:>rnnnrT<!rall that booze, womaniz- labeled "VICTIMS AND PRIS chest. 'You pickedabadccntury to emotional malh. 111~~1l!!~·univcrsityculturc,andcartrips. ONERS," whipping Otcm out when be born a man. Don't be so hard on The manic statistician, coiling her loved ones in a loopy circle of infinity (plus or minus one) leaves marks like "maps." When Melanic's husband, !he tormented history professor, dies, Cohcn calls in lhecards and brings up lhat'truth' word. · "Maybe he only wanted to marry you, not six mil.lion dead jews." The rural Ontario barnyard cli max is great fun. Cohen calls it an "explosion", which it may well be given the pace and placidity of the rest of Emotional Arithmetic. Melanic Lansing Winters, or Melanic Lancing Splinters as she is more dcscriptivcl y named, registers a victory in lhis brief moment when the urge strikes to send a lcucr to yourself."' Yawn. external chaos matches her own some head of state. The terror of the Cohcn is a good writer and a internal chaos for the ftrst time this statistics disrupts the flat mental good thinker. The numbers fall into side of lhe Atlantic. stability of her son, Benjamin, who place, more or less, and if lhe text Butaddedalltogcthcr Emotional fmdstheftlesandnarrateslhcstory. talks to but one social species of the Arithmetic makes a reader want to Cohen usually does better than zillion available, that' shis privilege. flee central Canada for the coast, this, writing intricately wired ac To attack privilege would be to even the west coast. counts of violence and rampage. close the book - and miss the The gore is still intact as the living writhing angst of young Melanic nightmares and memories of war, carrying a spirnl notebook to record From Ink Lake Michael Ondaatje, anthologist Lester &Orpen Dennys 1990, 702 pp. Mut beat Manifesto 99 r. Mute Black Water Alberto Manguel, editor KMFDM &odllka Wu Tru/Cargo Lester & Orpen Dennys ZQ ueens, aK ing & a Drum Machine Homophobia 12" Cargo 1990, 927 pp. Alien Sex Fiend Now I'm Feeling Zomblfied 12" Anagram . Canada may be the only nation .. that can make some kind of corre Sijnny Puppy Too Dark Park Nettwerk spondence between hockey and Front242 Tragedy lfor Youl CBS shon stories. ICs mostly a con .lba KLF What lime Is Love 12" Wu Trax/Cargo tinuum of popularity, which means c"'""'"'"·'" B. Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band The Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band FBR shon stories arc easy to.r ead •e au~ they come in bursts. Canadians like Lis Mlserahles Brass Band Manic Traditions Northeastern bursts. ..,. D. Blue Rodeo Casino WEA And I like Canadians - Marie- . .. ·. · ,~·.;,, .. ''1. : ..... ~· · _1 1. KMFDM/Tbrill Kill Kult Split 12" Wu Trax/PIAS Claire Blaise, Sandra Birdsell, Joe half inches.abQ~~~d~;_leye~(lt's · Roscnblatt, Elizabeth Smart, and·:. another big bQo~· c.9mpil~ · ~y a ~ 12. ~lnlstry In Case You Don't Feel Uke." Slre/WEA lhe pre-Aritlunetic Matt Cohen. · Canadianasafollo~:uptoaJ!~er 13. Jana's AddlcUon Ritual de la Habitual WEA From Ink Lake proffers stories by collectionof"talesofthefantastic." . . 14. Soup Dragons ·Lovegod Big Life/Polygram lhe above plus more lhan forty of . Albert9 Manguel came from their compatriots. The great Argentina, which is afar-away and 15. &enevleve Letarte Vous Sertez un Ange Ambiances Magn6Uques Ondaatje lassoes the bunch in a exotic place in the chilled Canadian · 1& . Various Red Hot and Blue MCA mangcypluralistvisionofaCanada mind. The stories are all over the 17. flshbone Bonln' In the Boneyard CBS wounded, clothed, inseminated, · place in terms of time, space and invcntcdandjustplainmctaphorcd .spectrum. But in terms of quality, 18. Seventh Fire The Fire Next Time Maya Music all over. But beware, this same they ~over around a high and 19. Tetreault-Lussler-Ciiti Des Pas at Des Mols Ambiences Ondaatje calls My Antonia a "great healthy constanL There is. a Jot of 20. Lounge Lizards Voice of Chunk Lagarto/Fuslon Ill mcmoir novel." bignameshere:E.B. Wbite,G.abriel · 21. Brand Nublan One for All Elektra The anthology weighs about GarcCa Mm'quez, Do~th~ ~~·­ thrcepourtds.Clcarlyabookmeant Arthur Conan Doyle~\;· :. ..~ f.'/! -: · 22. Artillery Men 9G Clrcularphlle Records to be read in bursts. Black Water 2 is at.leasfthree 23. Boris Mlkullc Heresy AnUer/PIAS The almond eyed face painted times as good a.{¥,~ti!f'Y4 Arilh· 24. lba Pagues Hell's Dltcb Island on Black Water 2' s cover .looks metic. Slay ho~e·~~ ~boo 'to-. almost as spooked as the stories morrow.andreadiC ;f. . . 1 · · . 25. H~py Mondays Pills 'n' lbrllls'and Bellyaches Elektra that, stacked, keep him two ~d a~· ·.~ .. · ~-; ~ ;il'~~:.; I!~~1 ~~ MacKay £-::--.• ' ... .. .J~ ~ .• ' ••• ~;.•l''\.:,.' ·~ ... ~~~: ·~~ ~ 0 ,~, ........ 6 DAILY CULTURE . .. ·: ·NO.rris faces new Nazis ., .. f • • • • in Nader's tender tale ·I t:dward Seatbclthands than Safety Nazis? Film Board of Canada. Directed by Ralph Nader Nobody in the U.S. of A. is And we should all thank God he NFB, 1990 · · better-qualifiedthanoldhackRalph did. Nader' sEdwardSeatbelthands Nazisnevergooutofstyle. There Nadcr to tell the talc of the devious is a masterpiece, an undying state -were fllms about them when they Safety Nazis, having learned the . ment on the dangers of letting · _, ·were around, and therc'U be films trade from the inside, recalling un people tell you what:S good for aboutthemlongafterwe'rcallgonc. safe Chryslers, blenders and ciga you. And it's sensitive as hell. But the old, garden-variety Nazis reuesbacktotheirdastardlymanu Seatbelthands is the story of just don't cut it in today's silver facturers with true fascistic effi young Edward, the byproduct of a screcn epics. We need new, inno- . ciency. But when it came toexpos Detroit assembly-line process hi vative Nazi types to feast our eyes ing his ex-cronies, not even his jacked by a subhuman mad scien onandspendhugcamountsofHol- local PIRG would give him a grant tist (played to a "T" by Vincent Chuck Norris, in title role of Edward Seatbelthands, buckles . . lywood dollars outfitting in daz. - he had to resort to the Old Price in a series of creepy flash lovingly with made-over Relic at climactic moment 'n Ralph .. zling,~nifonns. Who better, then, Filmmaker's Home, the National" backs) who enslaves all the work Nnder's touching new film. (Sorry you can't see the seatbelts,. ers and makes them safety test the folks, but we don't want to spoil th~ flick.") cars over and over and over again. mid-test Because her supervisor is "just ~"; the woman is THE NATIONAL .THEATRE ers Uisn pforergtunnaantte,l ya,n odn eg iovfe tsh eb iwrtohr kin sshoo dcikst arabcstoerdb ewrsit ho nm thaek innegx st ucraer athrce . itse nstdruecdk- abnyd lwighhetnn itnhge~ chaerr SCHOOL OF CANADA McGt.ll wrists are welded to the Nader has omitted the &.~~-· details of what happens ~ ..:. this moment and the next Acting see the child, now a I , Design ARTS & SCIENCE ~~~>~~SJ.discollmmv..~:oer.~hinJ(J , Production UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS suburban ncighoour~QQ<l. Playwriting COURSE CHANGE PERIOD. he's befriended. by a Direc~ing Lady (Bea Arthur). ·' .c--- -·- VIA MARS 1 •} • , , k k h t Shctakcshimhom~. PIC up your war s ee s mayhem ensues:"Edward everythinginsighL Thet!lmmiltv . i and instrUCtiOnS in the the neighbourS, the.Avon AUDITIONS lobby of Dawson Hall make-up case, and the A daughter <a wonderfully DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION Now until January 1 at h drag turn by Relic from u,., .......... combers),withwhomhe FEBRUARY 15th up in the back·scat of a · f .. This is the gn)y way or The daughter's b " If· you are interested in finding out more about (playedinc~hercnUybuthnlli~::ant :_; the ~chool, please write or telephone: YOU tO add Or drop . byapatched-upEvllKnievel), • • '• • 0 · · 5T0h3e0 N Sat.t ioDneanli sT Shetraetreet School of Canada COUrSeS! BdiosohkinogfW hoirsl dcRoepcyo rodfs ,Dthreo cJ.aUn Montreal, Quebec There are .og. course that Seatbclthands is a H2J 2L8 challeriges'-the ClaS]PIOCJUI:QJ · Tel.: (514) 842-7954 Ch a nge Car d Sf Or th IS year.1 : Edward to proye ~love. ·' ing 17Winnebagosoutbackof L------=-----~-------~~-~. gym .... : ·. ::. ~ L • ••••_ , :• · :·Na• der.g'•a''m. e• rs,I .aJI• .~\. 1e• :w• :Jw v1,C'\ f!.J previous cinematic· duel ·:::·from The us~a·~,-~·~-e~~ slO,tc~ .WithoUl A Cause, in the· ,:··. . Wi~e~go ~~'Y"F-~:, ~~ maxes the fi~~~· , ·. . ,.(,. :: ~ -. ·. Knievcl is perf~Uy ~~ brainwashed. dupcJo( the ·. ,.Nazis,·who wish~to ·wjn~o~er -·. unsuspcctingEdward ·. and force hini io bu.ckle · · body in the community. however, jusnvants to fall in· and settle down with·h is Relic. The ending is enoughJO a tear, and a:Just for· . anyone's eye •.t -:.· . • : ·. _ ~ . · \The, fable :. of .· all Seatbelthands ~rcCans. tellings of the Stocy·:of sider, the boy whose Safety instincts just d~m't mesh wi need for excitement and leave him open to ""1-'''u'"~uu4~\.4 the unfeeling quality controUcci patrol the outskirts oC.our qucs and garden parties; should be commendCd: for: imaginative effo~ andfgiv~·i more money tostlrcad rustug~~~~EI · but wann-hearted • . YOf!. .0 ...:· , .. :. , ·.· .~:' :. . l_'•l ~-.,·~--~-V.~.·~- --- ... :· IBM XT Turbo compatible; 6401<, 5 114" floppy . All contents e1991 Daily Publications Society. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed In the pages of the ncwpaper do drive, high resolution monochrome monitor not necessarily rencct the views of McGIII UnivCfsity. Products or companies advertised In this newspaper are J)OI .• J (data!lain), Okidata printer. Immaculate condi· necessarily endorsed by the Daily staff. Printed by David Martin Development Inc., Montr~l, Q~bec. tion. Software included. $600 or best of for. Mark 289·9606. . Editorial Offices: 3480 McTavlsh, room B·Ol Montr~al, Qu~bcc H3A 1X9 telephone (514)398-6784 Business and Advertising Office: 3480McTavish, room B-17 Montr~al, Qu~bcc HJA 1X9 374 • Pers.onals Doctoral candidate in Counselling Is your closet getting loo small? Gays and Psychology needs subJects for Leslians of McGill offers an information/counsel· research In sexual benavlor. ling talkline. Call with questions, problems or just to talk. Phone 398·6822 or drop by Union 417 M· Subjects must be male, over the STOP THE GULF WAR a~e of 18, English speaking, and F,7·10. wrlling to spend approximately 2 hours reading sexually explicit Native French speaking seeks native English speaking for language exchange. Stephane 449- qmuaetsetriioanl naanidre fsil.li nRge sinp onses will SSMU's ad-hoc committee for 4n7. be kept strictly confidential. Peace in the Gulf will have its first Subjects must be available on meeting on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 4 BMZa4s3s.a ge relaxanle. Detente 1-45 minutes. 270. January 22 or 24, 1991 from 6 to pm in Room 41 0 of the Union Bpm. PLEASE CONTACT Building. Young married male seeks male friend for first Emy In at 342-0274. time experience. Discretion expecled and as· sured. Write: Mike, P.O. Box 630, Station Victo ria, Montreal, Que. H3Z 2Y7. Say goodbye to Kraft Dinner I Learn how to cook through SSMUMini·Courses Cooking class. More inlo rm. 105, Union Building. Also offered: Pho tography, CPR, Drawing, etc. 383 • Lesson• OHered LSAT, GMAT, and GRE preparation courses· Take our 20 hour intensive weekend courses prior to each exam. Tuition fee· $190. For infor· mation caii1·80Q..387·5519. Acting skills courses for film, TV, commercials, stage. Includes on-camera skills, script work, and improvisations. Beginners accepted. Umited space. National Film Aeling School. Call 483- 4555. Voice and apeech course, for mastery and control of your speaking voice. Focus on accenV diction CO/Tection, placement of voice and pro August, 1991 -May 1992 jection. Umited space. 483-4555. Singing lmonll cours de chant Develop your range, resonance, breathing, etc. Bel canto Project Otzma invites outstanding Jewish men method. Beginner to advanced. Experienced. and women, ages 19-24, to live, study, work,. Near downtown. 484·5407. and celebrate all over Israel. 385 • Notices • Learn Hebrew on kihbutz-ulpan Lesbla.VGay discussion group held Fridays at The Yellow Qo()( Coffee House (3625 Aylmer) at • Volunteer.in ed~cation, agriculture, soci~ work ... 17:30. • Meet with Israeli politicians, students, artists • Travel all over the land of Israel· If you need help sorting out your legal problems call or drop by the McGill Legal Information Clinic in January. We're here f()( you from Mt o Fri.,10. 5p m. • 398-6792 • Rooms B20, B21, 801 Bo f the FOR APPLICATIONS CONTACT: Student Union Building. OTZMA Mallory • Gov of Cwdl (P.S. 1S0.221D)·I missed alotofclassesb'f necessity. Will pay $50 f()(areasonablycom~etaand legible set of class Jewish Education Council of Montreal notes. 671·5107 (leave message). 5151 Cote. St. Catherine Rd. Ex·Rotary txchangmllf Kick oft the new year Jan. 10 a t Drew's. Never been? Join us I Aliform er and present exchangees welcome. BYOB. Ph. Montreal, Quebec, H3W lM6 284·7624. i (514) 345-2610 lrrportanl notice. Please nota that the Travel Club's spring break trips haw been changed t>: Cuba$545, Venazuela$569, Canam$610.T ravel Club 398-6826. 385 • Notices Volunteers are needed at the Montreal Neuro· logical ~pial; 3 hourshveek. H interested in visiting patien~. attend the compulsory inlonna· tion session Thursday Jan. 17th at4:30 pm at the MNH(3801 University).Anyonewhovolunteered last semester please stop by the meeting to s~n up again. MASTER ~ SCHOOL ~ OF BARTENDING ~IEIRO PEEL 2021, PEEL ST. =~849-2828 MONTREAL· POINTE·CLAIRE ·QUEBEC a DAILY CULTURE lhwsday, Joouary 10, 1991 2080 AYLMER 288-9272 LEADERSHIP PROG is presently accepting applications for the position of MADRICII/A for The SUMMER OF 1991 in ISRAEL CANDIDATES MUST: • Have visited Israel • Be at least ~3 years old • Have proven leadership skills ' . • Have experience working with youth • Be knowledgeable and aware of Call or drop by for details. Participants enter at the Rock. Israeli and Jewish related issues Contest for January and February. • Have basic Hebrew skills CHEAP SPECIALS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ,. BREAKFAST 99e • LUNCH 3.99 FRI/SAT The Jewish Education Council of Montreal : MONDAY . Pizza 1.99 75C DRAFT TUESDAY 2 for Tuesday draft (514) 345-2610 .WEDNESDAY Shooter Nile 1.00 BEFORE 10 PM LIVE BAND THURSDAY Wl Nile 15 THE STUDENTS• SOCIETY OF McGILL UNIVERSITY · WELCOME! The McGill Students' Society invites you to participate in the WINTER. MINI-COURSE progrant -these are non-credit, instructional courses designed for the · enjo}'lnent of the students of Me Gill, as well as for the general public. • I , . COURSES TO BE OFFERED INCLUDE: . . . • SIGN LANGUAGE I & II • INTRO TO DRAWING ·, . . • INTRO TO YOUR TAXES • INTRO TO SWEDISH MASSAGE • PHOTOGRAPHY I FURTHER INFO ON COURSE.TIMES CAN : ~~~~~c:&~fNg pE • COOKING ~· . OBTAINED AT THE'UNION, ~· 105. • CPR __ ... ... . ,__ . -··-- - .. ---- ...... ,. - ··-~

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