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THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 THE MAYA VASE BOOK A CORPUS OF ROLLOUT PHOTOGRAPHS OF MAYA VASES BY JUSTIN KERR WITH ESSAYS BY MICHAEL D. COE MARY ELLEN MILLER LINDA SCHELE VOLUME 1 DAVID STUART THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 THE ELECTRONIC EDITION THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 THE MAYA VASE BOOK A CORPUS OF ROLLOUT PHOTOGRAPHS OF MAYA VASES BY JUSTIN KERR WITH ESSAYS BY MICHAEL D. COE MARY ELLEN MILLER VOLUME 1 LINDA SCHELE DAVID STUART THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 THE MAYA VASE BOOK, VOLUME 1 A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases Copyright Justin Kerr 1998 all rights reserved except as stated in preface The electronic edition was composed in PC Pagemaker and presented in Adobe Acrobat Format (.PDF) All drawings in the Corpus by Barbara Kerr Published by Kerr Associates 14 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011 USA Tel 212-741-1731 Email [email protected] THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 CONTENTS CLICK ON A PAGE NUMBER PAGE 6 PREFACE PAGE 8 COMPENDIUM PAGE 13 THE CORPUS THE ESSAYS PAGE 128 THE HISTORY OF THE STUDY MARY ELLEN MILLER OF MAYA VASE PAINTING PAGE 149 A BRIEF NOTE ON THE NAME LINDA SCHELE OF THE VISION SERPENT PAGE 152 HIEROGLYPHS ON MAYA DAVID STUART VESSELS PAGE 164 THE HERO TWINS: MICHAEL D. COE MYTH AND IMAGE THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 PREFACE When I first began designing and building The format of the book is not complex The the rollout camera. with the objective of rollout photograph generally will stand on its making it easier to study vase painting, I own with little or no comment from me. In did not realize that it would become an some cases I have enhanced an image with all consuming interest The archives of roll- drawings or pointed out a particular passage out photographs of Maya vases have that is ofmore than passing interest. There happfly brought me Into contact with are certain conventions that are followed iconographers, epigraphers, art historians, throughout the book. The dimensions of each archaeologists, and the many other people vase are given in the following order, height who have become interested in the ancient (ht.), diameter (dia.), and circumference (cir.). Maya culture. (I have recorded the average circumference of each vase, because most of the vases are not In order to make the rollout photographs truly straight sided, and therefore the circum- available forstudy. in a format that is easy ference is not a function of the diameter). All to use, I have decided to publish all of the vases are painted ceramic unless otherwise unpublished rollouts in workbook form in noted. a corpus of six or seven volumes. I have photographically rolled out nearly1400 Some of the vases will look sad next to some vases to date. and only approximately 800 of the great masterpieces that have been pre- have been published previously. This vol- viously published, but perhaps the quality of ume contains a compendium of the pub- the information will overshadow the poor lished rollouts (From Volume 5) with their quality of the art. Even the inept Maya artist file numbers so that they can be found should have an audience. and referred to easily. I hope that by the time the last volume Is printed, I will have I have eliminated from the books, rollout pho- accumulated many more rollouts so that tographs of certain vases because I believe the project may continue. I urge collectors that they have been overpainted beyond the and institutions to join in this effort to bounds of meaning, or that they are total publish vases that have not been seen in fakes. However, I am publishing certain other rollout form. THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 overpainted vases because the message that This information is broken down Into both My thanks to the authors, Michael Coe, Mary is told by the original artist has not been to- physical and iconographic data. There are Miller Linda Schele, and David Stuart, who tally lost. I have included two “composite’ roll- more than 125 different fields or categories have been inspirational and generous with outs made from photographs that were done that make up the record on each vase. On their knowledge and confidence in me. My prior to the building of the rollout camera. some vases, where where is only a rim text thanks to Barbara Kerr for her drawings, de- The decision to publish or not, is totally mine band, that fact is recorded and broken down sign and patience with this project. Her un- and I take all the responsibility. However, I into whether or not it is a PSS, or whether a tiring efforts and her willingness to lend an must put in a caveat. In studying the vases, TZIB. or a U TZIB Is present. Some of the ear whenever neccessary, has made this ef- one must always be aware of the possibilty of categories recorded are the types of vases; fort worth while. inaccurate overpainting. Judgements should (polychrome, codex, incised, carved or black be made on the basis of more than one ex- and white), and the scenes represented on The rules for using the rollout photographs ample, or by comparison with similar scenes the vases; (ballgame, hunt, warfare, cosmos, are simple. There is no need for permission or phrases from other sources. etc.). ‘My classification of the characters that to use any of the photographs in a appear on the vases is also recorded. If one scholarlywork or paper or if it is being pub- The vases are being published in chrono- wished to know for example, the numbers of lished in a not-for-profit book as permission logical order, as they were photographed. I vases on which God A appears, or where God is hereby granted and implicit to any scholar have made no attempt to put the vases in any A appears in conjunction with the Hero Twins or student. The copyright notice and date, particular order, since each person will have or other gods, that information can be solic- with the file number must accompany the roll- individual study needs and usages. I have oc- ited from the database. out. Rollout photographs may not be used in casionally made reference by vase number, to any commerical or profit-making book or ven- related themes that may have some bearing Certain glyphs have also been selected to be ture, without prior written permission and on a specific vase. In some cases I have sug- part of the record. Hand holding fish, T714. discussion of fees. gested a connection between vases, either from and AkbaL T504, are examples of the glyphs the point of view of the artist’s hand, or some included. The dictionary of the database is Hopefully, this effort will result in many excit- iconographic message. I have included some available to anyone who wishes to make use ing discoveries about the Maya. May the Lords new readings of glyphic passages as well. of it. I can answer queries with print-out in- of Xibalba look kindly on your work. formation on simple or complex combinations Information about all of the vases has been of categories. The entire database is also avail- Justin Kerr entered into a computer database. able to anyone in a number of formats. New York June, 1989 Revised May 1998 THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 MScribe LOU OG The Maya Scribe and His World Lords of the Underworld Old Gods and Young Heroes Michael Coe Michael Coe Michael Coe Photographs by Justin Kerr Photographs by Justin Kerr Photographs by Justin Kerr The Grolier Society, New York 1972 The Princeton Art Museum, Princeton The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1978 1975 Page MScribe K No. Page OG K No. Page LOU K No. 38 No. 12 6996 14 No. 1 1210 47 No. 16 2847 16 No. 1 511 17 No. 2 928 50 No. 18 7004 22 No. 2 512 19 No. 3 1205 52 No. 20 6994 28 No. 3 531 21 No. 4 1151 59 No. 24 7026 34 No. 4 521 23 No. 5 1206 60 No. 25 626 40 No. 5 556 25 No. 6 1287 62 No. 26 2352 48 No. 6 518 27 No. 7 1218 65 No. 27 6059 52 No. 7 504 29 No. 8 1208 68 No. 29 2800 60 No. 8 555 33 No. 10 1288 71 No. 30 5450 65 No. 9 593 35 No. 11 1209 72 No. 31 6984 71 No. 10 578 37 No. 12 1254 74 No. 32 5505 78 No. 11 530 39 No. 13 1214 80 No. 36 6294 87 No. 12 595 41 No. 14 1207 81 No. 37 1386 89 No. 13 701 43 No. 15 758 87 No. 39 5465 95 No. 14 633 49 No. 20 1204 91 No. 42 511 101 No. 15 517 51 No. 21 1219 94 No. 43 512 107 No. 16 501 55 No. 23 1213 98 No. 45 521 113 No. 17 518 68 No. 32 1216 101 No. 46 2802 119 No. 18 637 71 No. 33 1285 103 No. 47 635 125 No.19 558 73 No. 34 1215 109 No. 49 2796 131 No. 20 533 75 No. 35 1217 117 No. 57 4477 81 No. 38 1261 118 No. 58 5110 105 No. 58 1211 123 No. 63 4467 107 No. 59 518 125 No. 65 4466 109 No. 60 927 131 No. 70 3324 115 No. 61 1212 134 No. 73 6998 117 No. 62 1273 140 No. 79 109 THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 BOD Page BOD K No. Page BOD K No. The Maya Book of the Dead Francis Robiscek and Donald Hales University of 28 Ves. 38 1341 68 Ves. 83 1488 Virgina Art Museum, 1981 28 Ves. 39 1652 68 Ves. 84 1566 28 Ves. 40 1230 68 Ves. 85 761 Page BOD K No. 29 Ves. 41 1389 68 Ves. 86 1561 29 Ves. 43 1300 69 Ves. 87 1340 15 Ves. 1 511 30 Ves. 44 1231 69 Ves. 88 1222 15 Ves. 2 1560 30 Ves. 45 1259 69 Ves. 89 1651 16 Ves. 3 1650 30 Ves.46 1376 71 Ves. 92 1343 16 Ves. 4 1006 30 Ves. 47 1181 71 Ves. 93 1346 16 Ves. 5 1649 31 Ves. 48 1203 71 Ves. 94 1338 17 Ves. 6 1364 31 Ves. 48a 1809 72 Ves. 96 1224 17 Ves. 7 1375 31 Ves. 48b 1811 72 Ves. 97 1489 18 Ves. 9 1198 32 Ves. 49 1001 72 Ves. 99 1395 18 Ves. 10 719 32 Ves. 50 1228 73 Ves. 101 1248 18 Ves. ll 1081 32 Ves. 51 1442 73 Ves. 102 1333 19 Ves. 12 1382 33 Ves. 52 1253 74 Ves. 103 1562 19 Ves. 12a 1813 33 Ves. 53 1080 74 Ves. 104 1366 20 Ves. 13 1079 33 Ves. 54 1256 74 Ves. 105 1365 20 Ves. 14 1559 34 Ves.55 1211 83 Ves.108 1607 20 Ves. 15 1182 53 Ves. 56 1196 83 Ves. 109 1226 21 Ves. 17 1645 53 Ves. 57 1221 84 Ves. 110 1345 21 Ves. 18 1200 54 Ves. 58 1252 84 Ves. 111 1247 22 Ves. 19 1003 54 Ves. 59 1220 89 Ves. llla 1812 22 Ves. 20 1815 55 Ves. 60 1787 91 Ves. 117 1892 22 Ves. 21 521 55 Ves. 61 1565 92 Ves. 120 1609 23 Ves. 22 1370 55 Ves. 62 1257 97 Ves. 122 999 23 Ves. 23 1644 56 Ves. 63 1225 98 Ves. 123 1302 23 Ves. 24 1199 56 Ves. 64 760 98 Ves. 124 1334 23 Ves. 25 1768 57 Ves. 66 1522 98 Ves. 125 1344 24 Ves. 27 1152 57 Ves. 68 1180 99 Ves. 126 955 24 Ves. 29 1380 58 Ves. 69 1185 99 Ves. 127 1005 25 Ves. 30 1197 58 Ves. 70 512 99 Ves. 128 1371 25 Ves. 31 1653 58 Ves. 71 1523 100 Ves. 129 1372 26 Ves. 33 531 65 Ves. 73 1258 100 Ves. 130 1457 26 Ves. 34 556 65 Ves. 74 762 112 Fig. 13a 595 26 Ves. 35 1646 67 Ves. 79 1301 112 Fig. 13b 1742 27 Ves. 36 998 67 Ves. 80 1362 113 Fig. 14 1670 27 Ves. 37 1384 67 Ves. 81 1648 116 Fig. 17a 1201 27 Ves. 37a 1882 67 Ves. 82 1202 116 Fig. 17b 700 THE MAYA VASE BOOK VOLUME 1 Page BOD K No. Page BOD K No. BOK The Blood of Kings 116 Fig. 18 1250 174 Ves.146 1352 Linda Schele and Mary Ellen Miller 119 Fig. 20a 1184 75 Ves.147 1381 Photographs by Justin Kerr 119 Fig. 20a 688 175 Ves.149 1223 The Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, 1986 121 Fig. 22a 791 177 Ves.153 1002 121 Fig. 22a 792 180 Ves.161 1347 Page BOK K No. 121 Fig. 22c 793 180 Ves.162 759 122 Fig. 23a 1439 182 Ves.165 1647 150 Pl. 47a 2873 122 Fig. 23b 1440 183 Ves.168 758 162 Pl. 46a 1225 128 Fig. 29A 954 184 Ves.169 1388 165 Pl. 48a 554 128 Fig. 29c 5352 184 Ves.170 1387 171 Pl. 55a 2800 129 Fig. 30a 1386 184 Ves.171 1437 202 Pl. 67a 2786 129 Fig. 30b 501 185 Ves.172 1337 202 Pl. 68a 2783 130 Fig. 31b 717 187 Ves.176 1783 205 Pl. 71a 1452 130 Fig. 3lb 1377 189 Fig. 61a 1288 207 Pl. 73a 2776 130 Fig. 32 1558 189 Fig. 61b 1209 225 V. 9a 1206 131 Fig. 33a 1836 191 Fig. 64 927 225 V. 9b 1392 136 Fig. 40a 5012 191 Fig. 65 1254 233 Pl. 84a 638 136 Fig. 40b 504 195 Ves.179 518 236 Pl. 88a 2798 138 Fig. 41a 1183 196 Ves.180 1251 239 Pl. 92a 2795 142 Fig. 46a 5453 198 Ves.183 635 255 Pl. 95a 2912 142 Fig. 46b 1785 200 Ves.184 1547 260 Pl. 96a 2803 143 Fig. 47a 767 201 Ves.186 1004 292 Pl. 109a 2802 143 Fig. 47c 1643 203 Table 1.I 1335 297 Pl. 115a 511 144 Fig. 48a 1790 208 Table 7.B 1552 297 Pl. 116a 1250 152 Fig. 53a 626 212 Table ll.B 1354 299 Pl. 117a 521 156 Fig. 59 731 213 Table 12.D 1349 299 Pl. 118a 2847 164 Ves.135 1348 216 Table 15.A 1810 315 Pl. 122 1609 167 Ves.138 771 216 Table 15.B 1350 169 Ves.139 1299 219 Table 18.A 1368 170 Ves.140 1339 219 Table 18.B 1367 171 Ves.141 1546 220 Table 21.B 1351 171 Ves.142 1604 226 Table 27.F 1356 172 Ves.143 1551 234 Fig. 86 772 173 Ves.144 1227 243 Fig. 86c 1394 174 Ves.145 1555 244 Fig 87a 2796

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