The Mathematics of Large-Scale Atmosphere and Ocean B1948 Governing Asia TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk BB11994488__11--AAookkii..iinndddd 66 99//2222//22001144 44::2244::5577 PPMM The Mathematics of Large-Scale Atmosphere and Ocean Mike Cullen Met Office, Exeter, UK World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI • TOKYO Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. THE MATHEMATICS OF LARGE-SCALE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN Copyright © 2021 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. ISBN 978-981-124-014-0 (hardcover) ISBN 978-981-124-015-7 (ebook for institutions) ISBN 978-981-124-016-4 (ebook for individuals) For any available supplementary material, please visit Typeset by Stallion Press Email: [email protected] Printed in Singapore sstteevveenn -- 1122336677 -- TThhee MMaatthheemmaattiiccss ooff LLaarrggee--SSccaallee AAttmmoosspphheerree aanndd OOcceeaann..iinndddd 11 2244//55//22002211 88::5588::0055 aamm May24,2021 12:6 TheMathematicsofLarge-ScaleAtmosphereandOcean–9inx6in b4331-main pagev Dedication I would like to thank the many people who have inspired this work and have helped to develop it further, as expressed in this second edition. First James Glimm and Alexandre Chorin, who showed me that nonlinear partial differential equations could be solved, and Brian Hoskins for his inspirational work on de- veloping semi-geostrophic theory. Then those who collaborated with me on developing this theory over many years. In particu- lar Jim Purser, Glenn Shutts, Simon Chynoweth, Martin Holt, John Norbury, Mike Sewell, Mark Mawson, Rob Douglas, Ian Roulstone, John Thuburn, Andrew Wheadon, Bob Beare, Colin Cotter, Abeed Visram, Hiroe Yamasaki, John Methven, Laura Mansfield, Michael Haigh and Matt Turner. As one who sits be- tween physics and mathematics, I would then like to thank the mathematicians who proved the results: Yann Brenier, Jean- David Benamou, Gregoire Loeper, Wilfrid Gangbo, Robert Mc- Cann, Hamed Maroofi, Giovanni Pisante, Marc Sedjro, Luigi Ambrosio, Maria Colombo, Guido de Philippis, Alessio Figalli, Josiane Faria, Milton Lopes Filho, Helena Nussenveig Lopes, Misha Feldman, Jingrui Cheng, Adrian Tudorascu, Bin Cheng, Tom O’Neill, Beatrice Pelloni, David Gilbert, Charlie Egan and MarkWilkinson. IwouldalsoliketothankMishaFeldman, Bob Beare and Marc Sedjro for reviewing sections of the text. v B1948 Governing Asia TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk BB11994488__11--AAookkii..iinndddd 66 99//2222//22001144 44::2244::5577 PPMM May24,2021 12:6 TheMathematicsofLarge-ScaleAtmosphereandOcean–9inx6in b4331-main pagevii Preface Accurate extended-range weather predictions are now routinely available for up to a week ahead, and represent a major achievement of the meteo- rological community over the last 70 years. The reason that this is possi- ble is the highly predictable nature of large-scale atmospheric circulations. Realising it in practice has required a huge investment in computer tech- nology and observing systems, such as satellites. Theoretical work since the 1960s has emphasised reasons for unpredictability, in particular chaos theory, rather than reasons for predictability. This volume redresses this balancebydiscussingreasonsforthehighpredictability. Thesearefounded in dynamical meteorological theory developed over 70 years ago, but have beenreinforcedbyexcitingrecentdevelopmentsinunderstandingwhysome nonlinear systems are much more stable than might be expected. In the first edition of this book, I introduced the mathematical model to be used, then described its mathematical properties, and finally applied the mathe- matical results to the atmosphere and ocean by relating the predictions of the model to the observed behaviour. In this second edition, I discuss how the model can be developed further to include more physical processes and show how it plays an important role in the tropics. I describe the exten- sive further mathematical results that have been obtained since the first edition was prepared, and describe the methods of proof more explicitly, thus showing the underlying mathematical structure more clearly and how itrelatestothephysicsoftheproblem. Ithenshowusingrealatmospheric data how these results can be exploited in understanding the large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere, and the workings of the complex numerical models used to simulate it. Analysis of atmospheric or oceanic circulations directly from the gov- erning equations of dynamics and thermodynamics is difficult because of vii May24,2021 12:6 TheMathematicsofLarge-ScaleAtmosphereandOcean–9inx6in b4331-main pageviii viii The Mathematics of Large-Scale Atmosphere and Ocean the ‘scale problem’. Theoretical results on the Navier-Stokes equations, for example, concentrate on viscous scales, which are six orders of mag- nitude smaller than the smallest-scale weather systems. In addition, this means that accurate solutions of the governing equations on a global scale would require nearly 30 orders of magnitude more computing power than currently available. The success of current numerical models in routinely predicting the weather for a week ahead shows that there must be a great degree of ‘large-scale control’. Dynamical meteorologists have addressed this over many years by developing a hierarchy of simplified equations, which represent the behaviour of the atmosphere (or ocean) in particular regimes. These are usually obtained by identifying small parameters char- acteristic of the regime of interest, and deriving the simplified equations by asymptotic expansion in these parameters. Applying these equations to get rigorous mathematical results about the large scale behaviour has only been widely attempted over the last 30 years. This requires a proof that the simplified equations can be solved, and then a proof that there is a solution of the fundamental equations ’close’ to the that of the simplified equationsinasuitablesense. Thesimplifiedsolutionscanthenbeanalysed and predictions made about atmosphere/ocean behaviour, subject to the error estimate made above. This procedure is now widely accepted, but its application is limited because of the difficulty in obtaining existence proofs and a posteriori error estimates. There has, however, been substantial progress in this area since the first edition of this book. More commonly, solutions of the simplified equations are obtained and used subject to the a priori error estimates obtained from the original asymptotic expansion. Thisvolumeisconcernedwithlarge-scaleatmosphere/oceanflows. The mainfocusistheatmosphere,andthedesiretoexplainthesuccessoflarge- scale weather forecasting. Most of the same principles apply to the ocean, and so this application is pointed out throughout the book. However, the examples primarily come from the atmosphere. The traditional approx- imations used to describe large-scale flows are based on smallness of the Rossbynumber,whichstatesthatlarge-scaleflowsarerotation-dominated, the Froude number, which states that the flow is strongly stratified, and the aspect ratio, which states that the atmosphere and ocean are much shallower than the horizontal scale of most weather systems and ocean cir- culations. These lead to the geostrophic and hydrostatic approximations, which relate the horizontal wind and the temperature to the pressure gra- dient. Thus, given also the equation for mass conservation, the whole of the dynamics can be determined from the pressure. The semi-geostrophic May24,2021 12:6 TheMathematicsofLarge-ScaleAtmosphereandOcean–9inx6in b4331-main pageix Preface ix equations developed by Hoskins, following earlier work by Eliassen, give a set of simplified equations which is valid on large scales. Their asymptotic validityrequiresaLagrangianformoftheRossbynumbertobesmall,which means that fluid trajectories cannot curve too sharply. This is appropriate for extra-tropical weather systems, including fronts and jet streams which are characterised by a large length-scale in one direction. They are not appropriate for smaller-scale phenomena such as tropical cyclones, which are in a different asymptotic regime. In the tropics, they predict the near- uniformity of the tropical temperature profile. Other asymptotic regimes are needed to describe tropical variability. The analysis of these equations uses results from the theory of the Monge-Kantorovich problem, which has a long history in optimisation the- ory. There is thus an exciting and fundamental link between the dynamics of atmosphere/ocean flows and many other fields of study, such as eco- nomics, probability theory, magnetohydrodynamics and kinetic theory. It also exploits a ‘convexity principle’, due to Cullen and Purser, which re- quires that simplified solutions describing large-scale phenomena must be stabletoparceldisplacements. Theconvexitypropertyisthebasisofproofs of existence of the solutions to the semi-geostrophic equations. Thisvolumealsodiscussestheapplicationofthesemi-geostrophicequa- tions to real flows. The ability to simulate real data accurately on large scalesisdemonstrated. Animportantfeatureisthatthesolutionscanform fronts, where the solutions are discontinuous in physical space. The forma- tion of fronts does not destroy the predictability of the flow. Cullen and Roulstone demonstrated that an idealised quasi-periodic solution describ- ing the growth and decay of weather systems, including fronts, remained predictableformorethan30days. Thisisacasewherethesmall-scalefea- tures are entirely slaved to larger scales. Other phenomena which can be described include the interaction of mountains with the atmospheric circu- lation, the inland penetration of sea-breezes and the atmospheric response tocumulusconvection. Intheocean, thepersistenceofeddiesandtheout- cropping of layers of constant density can be described. A similar theory foraxisymmetricflowcandescribetheeye-walldiscontinuityinhurricanes. Moregenerally,theflowevolutiondoesnotexhibitthesystematictrans- fer of energy or enstrophy to small scales characteristic of two- and three- dimensional turbulence. This comes from the constraints on the flow im- posed by the convexity condition. The behaviour is reminiscent of that of Hamiltonian systems of ordinary differential equations, which have no attractors and thus describe non-periodic solutions with stable statistics