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Preview The mass of the neutron star in Vela X-1 and tidally induced non-radial oscillations in GP Vel

Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. February 2, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) The mass of the neutron star in Vela X-1 and tidally induced non-radial oscillations in GP Vel H. Quaintrell1, A.J. Norton1, T.D.C. Ash1,2, P. Roche1,3,4, B. Willems1, T.R. Bedding5, I.K. Baldry5,6, and R.P. Fender7 3 1 Department of Physicsand Astronomy,The Open University,Walton Hall, Milton KeynesMK7 6AA,U.K. 0 2 Kildrummy Technologies Ltd, 1 Mill Lane, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0AZ, U.K. 0 3 Earth and Space Sciences, School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd CF37 1DL, U.K. 2 4 Department of Physicsand Astronomy,University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K. n 5 School of Physics, University of Sydney,New South Wales, 2006, Australia a 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University,3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, J MD 21218-2686, U.S.A. 4 7 SterrenkundigInstituut‘Anton Pannekoek’, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJAmsterdam, The Netherlands 1 Accepted ??? Received ??? 1 v Abstract. We report new radial velocity observations of GP Vel / HD 77581, the optical companion to the 3 eclipsing X-ray pulsar Vela X-1. Using data spanning more than two complete orbits of the system, we detect 4 2 evidence for tidally induced non-radial oscillations on the surface of GP Vel, apparent as peaks in the power 1 spectrum of the residuals to the radial velocity curve fit. By removing the effect of these oscillations (to first 0 order) and binning the radial velocities, we have determined the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity curve of 3 GP Vel to be Ko = 22.6±1.5 km s−1. Given the accurately measured semi-amplitude of the pulsar’s orbit, 0 the mass ratio of the system is 0.081±0.005. We are able to set upper and lower limits on the masses of the / component stars as follows. Assuming GP Vel fills its Roche lobe then the inclination angle of the system, i, is h p 70.1◦±2.6◦.Inthiscase weobtain themasses of thetwo starsas Mx=2.27±0.17 M⊙ fortheneutronstarand - Mo =27.9±1.3 M⊙ for GP Vel. Conversely, assuming the inclination angle is i=90◦, theratio of theradius of o GPVeltotheradiusofitsRochelobeisβ =0.89±0.03andthemassesofthetwostarsareMx =1.88±0.13M⊙ tr and Mo =23.1±0.2 M⊙. A range of solutions between thesetwo sets of limits is also possible, corresponding to s other combinations of i and β. In addition, we note that if the zero phase of the radial velocity curve is allowed a asafreeparameter,ratherthanconstrainedbytheX-rayephemeris,asignificantlyimprovedfitisobtainedwith : v an amplitude of 21.2±0.7 km s−1 and a phase shift of 0.033±0.007 in true anomaly. The apparent shift in the i X zero phase of the radial velocity curve may indicate the presence of an additional radial velocity component at theorbital period. This may beanother manifestation of the tidally induced non-radial oscillations and provides r a an additional source of uncertainty in the determination of the orbital radial velocity amplitude. Keywords. binaries:close–stars:neutron–stars:individual:VelaX-1–stars:individual:GPVelstars:individual: HD 77581 – stars: fundamental parameters 1. Introduction radial velocity of the optical component, and Kx is the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity of the neutron star. Binary systems containing an X-ray pulsar are very im- In addition, for an elliptical orbit, it can be shown that, portantastrophysicallyastheycanofferadirectmeasure- 3 ment of the neutron star mass.The mass ratio ofthe sys- K3P 1−e2 2 x 2 tem, q, is simply given by the ratio of the radial velocity Mo = 2πG(cid:0) sin3i(cid:1) (1+q) (2) semi-amplitudes for each component: and similarly, q = Mx = Ko (1) K3P 1−e2 32 1 2 Mo Kx Mx = o2πG(cid:0) sin3i(cid:1) (cid:18)1+ q(cid:19) (3) where Mx is the neutron star mass, Mo is the mass of where i is the inclination of the orbital plane to the the optical component, Ko is the semi-amplitude of the line of sight, e is the eccentricity and P is the period of Send offprint requests to: A.J. Norton, [email protected] the orbit. 2 Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 We therefore have a means of calculating the mass of Table1.Measuredamplitudesoftheradialvelocitycurve the neutron star if the orbits of the two components and of GP Vel the inclination of the system are known. Such a combi- nation is possible in an eclipsing X-ray binary system, in Ko / km s−1 Reference 37–45 Wallerstein (1974) whichthe neutronstaris a pulsar.X-raypulse timing de- 26±0.7 Zuiderwijk 1974 lays around the neutron star orbit yield the value of Kx, 20±1 van Paradijs et al (1976) and conventionalradialvelocity measurementsfrom opti- 21.75±1.15 van Paradijs et al (1977) cal spectra yield Ko. 21.8±1.2 Rappaport & Joss (1983) A value for i can be obtained from the following ap- 18.0–28.2 (95% conf. range) van Kerkwijk et al (1995) proximations: 17.8±1.6 Stickland et al (1997) 22 (Correction to theabove) Barziv et al (2001) 1−β2 RL 2 12 21.7±1.6 Barziv et al (2001) sini≈ (cid:16) (cid:0) a′ (cid:1) (cid:17) (4) 22.6±1.5 this paper cosθ e R L ≈A+Blogq+Clog2q (5) was highly variable. Using data from the OSO-7 satellite, a′ Ulmer et al (1972) demonstrated evidence for intensity where R is the radius of the optical companion’s variations which were interpreted as eclipses with a pe- L Roche lobe, β = Ro/RL is the ratio of the radius of the riod of around 9 days. An optical counterpart, GP Vel / opticalcompanionto that ofits Roche lobe,a′ is the sep- HD 77581 (a B0.5 giant with m =6.8) was identified by v aration between the centres of masses of the two compo- Brucato&Kristian(1972)andHiltner etal(1972),based nents, and θ is the eclipse half-angle. A, B, and C have on its ultra-violet excess and radial velocity variations. e been determined by Rappaport & Joss (1983) to be: An X-ray pulse period of 283 s was subsequently discovered using the SAS-3 satellite (Rappaport & A≈0.398−0.026Ω2+0.004Ω3 (6) McClintock 1975, McClintock et al 1976). Timing obser- vations of these pulses by Rappaport, Joss & McClintock B ≈−0.264+0.052Ω2−0.015Ω3 (7) (1976)allowedtheradialvelocitysemi-amplitudeoftheX- C ≈−0.023−0.005Ω2 (8) ray component to be measured as Kx = 273±9 km s−1, and the eccentricity of the system, e ∼ 0.1. Later work, where Ω is the ratio of the rotational period of the using Hakucho and Tenma data (Deeter et al 1987), gave companion star to the orbital period of the system. Note a value of axsini =113.0±0.4 light seconds for the pro- that, whilst RL/a′ is expected to be constant for a given jectedsemi-majoraxis.Usingvaluesfortheorbitalperiod system, RL, a′ and β will vary around the orbit for a P and the eccentricity of the orbit e, the corresponding system which has an appreciable eccentricity. Kx value may be calculated according to Only seven eclipsing X-ray binary pulsars are known (namelyHerX-1,CenX-3,VelaX-1,SMCX-1,LMCX-4, 2π axsini QV Nor and OAO1657–415). Orbital parameters for the Kx = P (1−e2)1/2 (9) first six of these are still relatively poorly known, whilst the counterpart to OAO1657–415 has only recently been asKx =276±1kms−1.Themostrecent,andaccurate, identified (Chakrabarty et al 2002) and no optical radial values determined from X-ray pulse timing analysis are velocity curve has been measured. In addition, the mass those obtained with BATSE on board CGRO reported of the neutron star in a seventh eclipsing X-ray binary by Bildsten et al (1997). They obtain a value axsini = (4U1700–37) has recently been determined by Clark et 113.89±0.13 light seconds which corresponds to Kx = al (2002). This system does not contain an X-ray pulsar 278.1± 0.3 km s−1 when combined with their accurate though,andthe massdeterminationis basedonaMonte- values for the orbital period, P =8.964368±0.000040 d, Carlo modelling method which relies on the spectral type and eccentricity, e=0.0898±0.0012. of the companion and is thus highly uncertain. Vela X-1 The X-ray eclipse duration appears to be quite vari- istheonlyoneofthesesystemstohaveaneccentricorbit, able, and somewhat energy dependent. For example, and apartfrom OAO1657–415is the one with the longest Formanet al(1973)obtained a value for the half angle of orbitalperiod.Forthesereasons,andothersdiscussedbe- the eclipse of θ =38◦±1◦ using the Uhuru satellite and e low,anaccuratedeterminationofthemassoftheneutron Charles et al (1976) obtained a value of θ =39◦.8±0◦.4 e star in Vela X-1 has always been difficult to obtain. usingtheCopernicussatellite,whereasWatson&Griffiths (1977) quote a value of θ = 33◦.8±1◦.3 obtained using e Ariel V data. However the earlier two experiments were 2. The history of Vela X-1 atmuchsofterenergiesthanWatson&Griffithsobserved, Vela X-1 was first detected by a rocket-borne experiment and softer X-raysare muchmore likely to be absorbedby (Chodil et al 1967) and subsequent observations (see, for circumstellarmaterial,thusextendingtheobservedeclipse example, Giacconi et al 1972), suggested that the source time. Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 3 Early determinations of Ko were made by Wallerstein by Barziv et al (2001). Instead of trying to average the (1974) and Zuiderwijk et al (1974), see Table 1. As regu- velocity excursions over many orbital periods, we chose larX-raypulsationshadyettobediscoveredatthispoint, to carry out a comprehensive radial velocity study with assumptions had to be made about the mass of the opti- maximum phase coverageover severalconsecutive orbital cal component in order to estimate the mass of the com- cycles. In this way we aimed to track the velocity excur- pact object. Zuiderwijk et al (1974) obtained a value of sionscloselyandthusmodelandultimatelyremovethem. Mx >2.5±0.3M⊙, andsuggestedthat sucha largemass The observations of GP Vel reported here were coupled with the lack of regularpulsations indicated that made using the 74-inch telescope at Mount Stromlo thecompactobjectwasablackhole.Thediscoveryofreg- Observatory, Canberra, Australia. In order to cover two ularX-raypulsationsprovidedameansofdeterminingthe complete orbits, twenty-one continuous nights were ob- massesofbothcomponentsdirectly,andalsoruledoutthe tained between 1996 February 1 and 1996 February 21. possibility of the compact object being a black hole. Only two nights were completely lost (the 9th and 17th) VanParadijsetal(1976)combinedtheir Ko valueob- although most of the first night was spent trying differ- tained from 26 coud´e spectrograms (Table 1) with the ent setup configurations, so this too produced little data. Kx value of Rappaport & McClintock (1975). Using X- Typically,foursetsofthreespectrawereobtainedoneach ray eclipse data, they determined that i > 74◦, and thus of the remaining nights, with exposures mostly of 1000s. arrived at a mass of 1.6±0.3 M⊙ for the neutron star. In total 180 spectra of GP Vel were obtained. Van Paradijs et al (1977) subsequently refined their Ko The echelle and CCD camera were mounted at the value using yet more photographic spectra (Table 1) and coud´e focus. All observations used the 31.6 lines mm−1 Rappaport & Joss (1983) revised Ko further (Table 1) echellegrating,the158linesmm−1crossdispersergrating, obtaining a neutron star mass estimate of 1.85+−00..3350 M⊙ the 81.3 cm focal length camera and the thinned 2k × 2k by combining data from a number of sources, includ- Tektronix CCD, with a slit width of 2 arcsec. Around 70 ing Watson & Griffiths (1977), and Rappaport, Joss & separate echelle orders fell onto the detector spanning a Stothers (1980), and performing a Monte Carlo analysis wavelength range 3370 – 5970 ˚A. To shorten the readout to estimate the uncertainties. time,2×2binningwasusedontheCCDforthefirstseven Morerecently,vanKerkwijketal(1995)made further nights,butthis waschangedto 2×1binning (i.e.binning optical observations of GP Vel, and discoveredstrong de- only in the cross-dispersion direction) for the remainder viationsfroma pure Keplerianvelocitycurve,whichwere of the run. auto-correlated within a single night, but not from one The radial velocity standards HR 1829 (a G5II star) night to another. It was suggestedthat the variable grav- andHR3694(aK5III–IVstar)werealsoobservedonmost itational force exerted by the neutron star as it travels nights,aswellasaB0Iastar(ǫOri)toprovideatemplate around its eccentric orbit excites short-lived oscillations spectrum for the cross correlation. We also obtained the on the surface of the optical component which affect the usual complement of flat fields and bias frames as well as measured radial velocity. From their Ko value (Table 1) thorium-argonarcs each time the telescope was moved. van Kerkwijk et al (1995) obtained Mx = 1.9+−00..75 M⊙. A significantly lower value for Ko (Table 1) was obtained 4. Data Reduction and Analysis from observations using the IUE satellite by Stickland, Lloyd & Radziun-Woodham (1997). However, Barziv et The iraf software package was used to perform the re- al (2001) report that the analysis of these IUE data was duction and analysis. For each night’s spectra, an aver- subject to an error and a correct analysis yields a value age bias frame was constructed and subtracted from the consistent with those previously measured (Table 1) thus arc, flat and object frames. Orders were traced automati- solving the discrepancy. callyusingtheGPVelframes,astheobjectwasrelatively The most recent measurement of the optical radial brightanditsearly-typespectrumdoesnotcontainmany velocity curve of GP Vel (Barziv et al 2001) made use largeabsorptionfeatureswhichcouldcomplicatethetrac- of 183 spectra obtained over a nine month campaign in ing process. An optimal extraction algorithmwas used to order to try to average out the deviations reported by extractall the spectra in orderto maximise the signal-to- van Kerkwijk et al (1995). Although they were quite suc- noise ratio. cessful in averaging out these excursions, they were left A wavelength calibration solution was found for the withdifferent,phase-lockeddeviationsintheradialveloc- whole echelle frame using the arcs. A total of 1109 ity curve. Despite this they determined an accurate Ko lineswereidentifiedfromthe thorium-argonarcspectrum value (Table 1) and set a limit on the neutron star mass (about 20 per order of the echelle) and the wavelength of Mxsin3i=1.78±0.15 M⊙. solution was fitted using a Chebyshev polynomial of or- der three in the wavelength direction plus another of or- der four in the spatial direction. The RMS of the fit was 3. Observations 0.005˚A,whichislessthan10%ofapixelinallorders.The To take account of the deviations from Keplerian motion FWHM of the individual arc lines near the centre of the thatarepresentintheradialvelocitycurveofGPVel,we echelle about 0.1˚A. adopted a somewhat different approachto that employed 4 Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 Fig.1. An average spectrum of GP Vel. Horizontal bars indicate the regions used in the cross-correlationprocedure. Manyofthesharplinespeakingdownwardsareweakinterstellarlines;mostoftheupwardpeakinglinesareremaining sky features. Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 5 At the blue end, the signal-to-noise ratio was poor and there was also a problem with overlapping orders. Consequently only 53 orders were extracted from each echellespectrum,spanningthewavelengthrange3820˚Ato 5958˚A (orders 148 to 96). The spectral resolution ranged from 0.06˚A pixel −1 at the blue end to 0.1˚A pixel −1 at the red end. All spectra were extracted onto a common log-linearised scale with a resolution of 4.86 km s−1 per pixel. An averagespectrum is shown in Figure 1. The spectra of GP Vel showed essentially the same set of absorption lines as were seen by van Kerkwijk et al (1995). In particular we saw the Balmer series from Hβ to H9, Hei lines at 5015˚A, 4921˚A, 4713˚A, 4471˚A, 4387˚A,4143˚A,4121˚Aand4026˚A,andseverallinesdue to Siiii (4553˚A,4568˚A,4575˚A,4820˚A,4829˚A),Siiv (4089˚A, 4116˚A), Oii (4591˚A, 4596˚A) and Nii (4601˚A). Beforeproceedingwiththe maincross-correlation,the stability of the detection system was checked by cross- Fig.2. Radial velocity curve for Hei, Siiii and Siiv lines correlatingthe various spectra of the radialvelocity stan- showing the fitted curve (the first fit). Each cluster of ra- dards HR 1829 and HR 3694 against each other. Across dial velocity values represents a single night’s data. The the whole run, the mean shift in these spectra was only fit has a reduced chi-squared of 3.84. 0.46 km s−1, which is negligible (< 0.1 of a pixel). As a further check, regions of the GP Vel spectra contain- ing the CaII 3934˚Aand NaI 5890/5896˚Ainterstellarlines wherea1 isthesemi-majoraxisoftheorbitofGPVel, e is the orbital eccentricity, P is the orbital period, ν is were cross correlated against themselves. No trends were the true anomaly (i.e. the angle between the major axis apparent in these data either. and a line from the star to the focus of the ellipse), ω is To extract the radial velocity curve of GP Vel, tem- the periastron angle (i.e. the angle between a line from plate spectra of ǫ Ori were cross correlated against the the centre of the orbit to periastron and a line from the spectra of the target. Since these stars have similar spec- centre of the orbit to the ascending node), i is the angle traltypes,systematicerrorsinthisprocessshouldbemin- betweenthenormaltothe planeofthe orbitandthe line- imised. Regions of the spectrum containing the Hei lines of-sight and γ is the radial velocity of the centre of mass plustheSiiiiandSiivlineswereusedtoproducetheradial of the binary system. The true anomaly is related to the velocitycurveinFigure2(seeAppendixfortheindividual eccentric anomaly, E, by: radialvelocity values, relative to ǫ Ori). The radialveloc- ities themselves were extracted using standard iraf rou- 1 ν 1+e 2 E tinesbyfittingaGaussiantothecross-correlationfunction tan = tan (11) (cid:16)2(cid:17) (cid:18)1−e(cid:19) (cid:18)2(cid:19) in each case. The Gaussian fits were performed using the full shape of the Gaussian curve down to one-quarter of where E is the angle between the major axis of the theirheight.Althoughradialvelocitieswerealsoobtained ellipse and the line joining the position of the object and from the Balmer lines, these lines were in general very the centre of the ellipse. In turn, E can be related to M, broadand so it was difficult to obtainaccurate velocities. the mean anomaly, by Kepler’s Equation: Furthermore, there was some evidence that the radial ve- 2π locity amplitude increased with the order of the Balmer E−esinE =M = (t−T0) (12) line. We comment on this further below, but as a result P did not use Balmer lines in the rest of our analysis. where the right hand side of this equation is simply the orbital phase with T0 the time of periastron passage. This equation can be solved numerically, or using Bessel 5. Fitting the radial velocity curve functions. BecauseVelaX-1isknowntohaveasignificanteccentric- The value of T0 was obtained from the value of Tπ/2, the epoch of 90◦ mean orbital longitude, derived by ity, simply fitting a sinusoidal radialvelocity curve to the Bildstenetal(1997)fromBATSEpulsetimingdata.They cross-correlation results as a function of time would not give T = MJD 48895.2186± 0.0012,from which be satisfactory, as an eccentric orbit will show deviations π/2 from a pure sinusoid. Instead it may be shown that the P ω− π observed radial velocity is given by: T0 =Tπ/2+ (cid:0)2π 2(cid:1) (13) 4πa1sini ecosω+cos(ν+ω) whereω =152.59◦±0.92◦.Hencewecalculatethetime v =γ+ (10) P(1−e2)12 2 of periastron passage as T0 = MJD 48896.777± 0.009. 6 Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 Fig.3. Residuals to the radialvelocity curve fit in Figure Fig.4. Powerspectra of the residuals to the radial veloc- 2,plottedagainsttime.(Thefirstfit.)Overlaidisabest-fit ity curve fits. The solid curve is the power spectrum of sinusoid with a period of 2.18 d. the data in Figure 3 (the residuals after the first fit) and the dotted curve (offset in the −ve direction by one unit for clarity) is the power spectrum of the data in Figure 5.1. The first fit 6 (the residuals after the second fit). The highest peaks in the power spectrum of the residuals after the first fit Times, t, were assigned to each radial velocity measure- correspond to frequencies of 0.111 d−1 and 0.459 d−1 or ment and Equation 12 was solved using a numerical grid periodsof9.0dand2.18d.Ineachcase,windowfunction tocalculatethecorrespondingeccentricanomaly.Thetrue peaks due to the sampling of the lightcurve have been re- anomaly was then found using Equation11,and Figure 2 moved using a 1-dimensional clean (program courtesy H. shows a plot of radial velocity againsttrue anomaly,with Lehto). the best fit curve according to Equation 10. The reduced chi-squared of the fit is χ2 = 3.84. Scaling the error bars r by a factor of 1.96 to reduce χ2r to unity, gives the am- of a sinusoid with a period of 2.18 d. The Ko part of the plitude of the fitted curve as Ko = 21.4± 0.5 km s−1. fit is sinusoidal as a function of true anomaly, whilst the However, we note that, since the use of chi-squared as- 2.18 d part of the fit is sinusoidal purely as a function of sumes that the errors on all the points are uncorrelated, time.Theradialvelocityfitaccordingtothisprescription, theuncertaintyhereislikelytobeagrossunder-estimate. referredto as the second fit, is shown in Figure 5 and has This will hereafter be referred to as the ‘first fit’. a reduced chi-squared of 2.40. The improvement over the Figure3showstheresidualstotheradialvelocitycurve firstfitisthereforeclearlyapparent.Scalingtheerrorbars in the first fit, plotted against time. It is clear that there by a factor of 1.55 to reduce χ2 to unity, gives the ampli- r are trends apparentin these residuals from night to night tudeofthefittedcurveasKo =22.4±0.5kms−1 andthe and a Fourier analysis shows that the dominant signals amplitudeofthe2.18dmodulationas5.4±0.5kms−1.As areatperiods of9±1dand2.18±0.04d(Figure4).The with the first fit, we note that the uncertainties here are 9 d signal present in the power spectrum reflects the fact alsolikely tobe under-estimates.The remainingresiduals that fixing the zero phase of the radial velocity curve, as on the second fit are shown in Figure 6, and their power implied by the X-ray data of Bildsten et al (1997) does spectrumisindicatedbythedottedlineinFigure4.Itcan notprovidethe bestfittothe data.Wesuggestthiseffect be seenthat someof the correlatedstructure inthe resid- may be responsible for the ‘phase-locked’ deviations re- uals has been removed by this procedure, although the vealed by Barziv et al (2001) too. The 2.18 d modulation peak corresponding to a period of ∼ 9 d is still present appears to be relatively stable throughout our two orbits indicatingonceagainthatthezerophaseaccordingtothe ofobservations,withanamplitudeofaround5kms−1,as X-ray observations does not provide the best description. shown in Figure 3. 5.3. Fits to phase binned means 5.2. The second fit To test whether the deviations from the radial velocity In order to take account of the correlated residuals from curve displayed by each group of data points are corre- thefirstfit,anotherfittotheradialvelocitydatawasper- lated, we subtracted the effect of the 2.18 d period ac- formedthis time with fourfree parameters:theγ velocity cording to the parameters found for it in the second fit, andthe Ko value asbefore,plus the amplitude andphase andrebinnedtheresultingradialvelocitiesintoninephase Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 7 Fig.5. Radial velocity curve for Hei, Siiii and Siiv lines Fig.7. Radial velocity curve for Hei, Siiii and Siiv lines showing the fitted curve (the second fit) after removal of binned into nine phase bins. Each radial velocity value the 2.18hoursignal.Eachcluster ofradialvelocityvalues represents two or more night’s data. The fit to the phase representsasinglenight’s data.The fithasareducedchi- binned means has a reduced chi-squared of 28.3 and is squared of 2.40. shownbythesolidcurve.Asecondfittothephasebinned means, allowing the zero phase of the radial velocity as a free parameter, is shown by the dashed line and has a reduced chi-squared of 6.0. ter both the first and second fits (Figure 4). Allowing the zero phase to vary results in the second fit to the phase binned data shown by the dashed line in Figure 7. This time the reducedchi-squaredis 6.0.Scalingthe errorbars here by a factor of 2.44 to reduce χ2 to unity, gives the r amplitude of the fitted curve as 21.2±0.7 km s−1. The shift of the minimum radial velocity with respect to that in the firstfit to the pase binned meansis a true anomaly of∆ν =0.033±0.007,correspondingtoabout7hours.We note that this shift in zero phase is significantly greater than the uncertainty implied by extrapolating the X-ray ephemeris of Bildsten et al (1997)to the epochof our ob- servations which is only ∼0.0006 of a cycle. We conclude that the orbital phase locked deviations remaining in the Fig.6. Residuals to the radialvelocity curve fit in Figure radial velocities after the first fit to means can therefore 5, plotted against time. (The second fit.) mostly be accounted for by a simple phase shift in the radial velocity curve. bins(each∼1day).Theradialvelocityfittothesephase- binnedmeans isshowninFigure7andhasa reducedchi- 6. Calculation of system parameters squared of 28.3. The errors on the mean data points are calculatedasthe standarderroronthe meanfromthe in- The massesofthe twostellarcomponents werecalculated dividual data points that are averaged in each case. The according to the method described in Section 1. In order fact that the reduced chi-squared is significantly greater to propagate the uncertainties, a Monte Carlo approach than unity suggests that the deviations are indeed cor- was adopted, calculating 106 solutions with input values related. Scaling the error bars here by a factor of 5.3 to drawn from a Gaussian distribution within the respective reduceχ2 tounity, givesthe amplitude ofthe fitted curve 1σ uncertainties of each parameter. The final values were r as Ko =22.6±1.5 km s−1. then calculated as the mean result of these 106 solutions, Figure 7 clearly shows that a better fit would be ob- with the 1σ uncertainties given by the rms deviation in tained if the zero phase of the radial velocity is allowed each case. as a free parameter. This reflects the fact that a ∼ 9 d The procedure was carried out using Ko = 22.6 ± period is present in the power spectra of the residuals af- 1.5 km s−1 from the first fit to means and the results 8 Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 of these calculations are shown in Table 2. We used the Table2.SystemparametersforVelaX-1/GPVel. value ofKx =278.1±0.3kms−1 (Bildstenetal1997),to The value for Ko is that resulting from fitting the calculate q using Equation 1 and a value of 33◦.8±1.3◦ phase bin means without a phase shift. was adopted for the eclipse half-angle, θ from Watson & e Griffiths (1977).We note that this value was alsoused by Parameter Value Ref. Observed Wilson&Terrel(1998)fortheirunifiedanalysisofVelaX- 1andappearstobethemostreliable.Avalueof0.67±0.04 axsini / lt sec 113.98±0.13 [1] P / d 8.964368±0.000040 [1] was adopted for the co-rotation factor, Ω, obtained from comparisonof GP Vel spectra with model line profiles by Teπ/2 / MJD 48809.058.29188±60±.000.102012 [[11]] Zuiderwijk (1995). We note that Barziv et al (2001) also ω / deg 152.59±0.92 [1] used the vsini value derived by Zuiderwijk (1985) and θe / deg 33.8±1.3 [2] obtained a similar value, namely Ω(=fco)=0.69±0.08. Ω 0.67±0.04 [3] Values for β and i cannot be obtained from indepen- Ko / km s−1 22.6±1.5 [4] dent observations. However, since the supergiant is un- Inferred likely to be overfilling its Roche lobe, an upper limit to Kx / km s−1 278.1±0.3 theRochelobefillingfactorisβ ≤1.0;andanupperlimit T0 / MJD 48896.777±0.009 to the inclination is clearly i ≤ 90◦. A lower limit to β is q 0.081±0.005 foundbysettingi=90◦,andalowerlimittoiisfoundby β 1.000 0.89±0.03 i / deg 70.1±2.6 90.0 setting β = 1. These limits are indicated in Table 2. We Mx / M⊙ 2.27±0.17 1.88±0.13 notethoughthatβ isunlikelytohaveafixedvalue,asthe Mo / M⊙ 27.9±1.3 23.1±0.2 sizeandshapeoftheRochelobesofbothcomponentswill a′ at periastron / R⊙ 51.4±0.8 48.3±0.3 varyastheseparationbetweenthestarsvariesastheyor- RL at periastron / R⊙ 32.1±0.6 30.2±0.2 bit eachother eccentrically.Indeed, it has been suggested Ro / R⊙ 32.1±0.6 26.8±0.9 that GP Vel is likely to fill its Roche lobe at periastron [1] Bildsten et al 1997 (Zuiderwijk 1995). However the mass ratio implies that [2] Watson & Griffiths 1977 Roche lobe overflow would be dynamically unstable and [3] Zuiderwijk 1995 lead to a common-envelope phase, so the limit of β = 1 [4] this paper is probably implausible. We also note that Barziv et al (2001) took a somewhat different approach and assumed a filling factor at periastron in the range β = 0.9−1.0, thusleadingtoaminimumvaluefortheinclinationof73◦, From a theoretical point of view, the tidal action ex- consistent with our analysis. erted by one binary component on the other is governed Given these two limits on each of β and i, Equations bythetide-generatingpotentialwhichcanbeexpandedin 2 and 3 then allow us to calculate the masses of the two a Fourier series in terms of multiples of the mean motion components for combinations of i and β between the two n = 2πforb (e.g. Polfliet & Smeyers 1990). The oscilla- extremes. The limiting values for the masses of the two tions that are most likely to be excited are those associ- starsareshowninTable2.Valuesbetweentheseextremes, ated with the lower-orderharmonics of the Fourier series. as a function of inclination angle, are shown in Figure 8. In the particular case of GP Vel, the dominant contribu- With these two limiting situations, we also calculate the tions to the Fourier series of the tide-generating potential semimajor axisa ofthe orbit fromKepler’slaw,andthis areassociatedwiththe firsttenharmonics.Thissupports isthenusedtocalculatetheseparationofthestarsatperi- the possibilitythatthe oscillationassociatedwiththefre- astronaccordingtoa′ =a(1−e).TheRocheloberadiusat quencies ≈forb and ≈4forb may be induced by the tidal periastronRL is thendeterminedfromthe value ofRL/a′ action of the neutron star. ateachextreme,andthe radiusofthe companionstarRo An in-depth analysis of the possibility that a tidally is then calculated as β ×RL in each case. These values excited oscillation mode exists in GP Vel requires an ac- too are shown in Table 2. For each parameter, the actual curate knowledge of the stellar and orbital parameters. value may be anywhere within the range encompassedby In particular, the internal structure of the B-type com- the two limits. panion to the neutron star must be known to derive the spectrum of the eigenfrequencies present in the star. The radiiquotedinTable2indicatethattheB-typestarmight 7. Tidally induced non-radial oscillations be in the Hertzsprung-gap. An additional complication Thestrongestpeaksinthepowerspectrumoftheresiduals arises from the unknown evolutionary history of the bi- after the first fit, at 0.111 d−1 and 0.457 d−1, are sugges- naryastheB-typestarmaybe‘polluted’bymass-transfer tively close to the orbital frequency and 4× the orbital episodespriortotheformationoftheneutronstar.Inview frequency (forb =0.11155d−1) respectively.This leads us of these complications, a detailed study of the oscillation to speculate that they may both represent tidally excited spectrum of GP Vel and its possible use in an asteroseis- non-radial oscillation modes (see also Willems & Aerts mological study is beyond the scope of our present inves- 2002, Handler et al. 2002). tigation. Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 9 disastrousconsequenceswhenmakingradialvelocitymea- surements, especially over an extended period of time. Barziv et al (2001) made a detailed study of the effects ofwindsontheirobservationsandshowedthatdeviations in the Balmer lines in particular indicated the presence of a photo-ionization wake. We note that the supergiant GP Vel is oflater type (B0) thanthat of CenX-3 (O6-7), andthushasaweakerwind.Additionally,asourobserva- tions were made over a relatively short time period, the potential effect of long-term wind variation will be less than if the observations were spread over a number of years, as in the case of our Cen X-3 campaign, or over a year,asinthecaseofBarzivetal’sVelaX-1campaign.In other words, although the effect of the supergiant’s stel- lar wind cannot be discounted, its effect should be less thanitseffectonourCenX-3resultsandlessthanonthe results of Barziv et al (2001). Theapparentincreaseinamplitudeoftheradialveloc- ity curve seen with increasing order in the Balmer series lines mentioned earlier, may also be an indication of a stellar wind. Conceivably, the different order lines have differentcontributionsfromthewindmaterialasitmoves further out, and this could produce the correlation seen. Since we have not used the Balmer lines in our analysis however, this effect does not influence our final result. 8.2. X-ray heating TheeffectofX-rayheatingofthesurfaceofGPVelmaybe compared with the corresponding effect in Cen X-3. The ratioofintrinsicto irradiatedfluxesmaybe estimatedfor Fig.8. The masses of the neutronstar (upper panel) and eachsystemas (Lo/4πRo2)/(Lx/4π(a−Ro)2).The RXTE companion star (lower panel) in solar units, as a function ASM lightcurves show that both sources have similar X- ofinclinationangle.The lowerlimit to the inclinationan- rayfluxes,butCenX-3isatoverthreetimes thedistance gleissetbytheconditionthatthecompanionstarcannot of Vela X-1 (Sadakane et al 1985; Humphreys & Whelan over-fill its Roche lobe. Error bars on the masses at the 1975) so its X-ray luminosity is at least a factor of ten extreme limits are determined as explained in the text. higher. The luminosities of the supergiant stars in both systems are similar,but the radius of the star in Cen X-3 andthe separationofthe supergiantandneutronstar are 8. Discussion both around three times smaller in Cen X-3 (Ash et al OurfinalvalueforKoof22.6±1.5kms−1isslightlyhigher 1999)than in Vela X-1. Hence the effect of X-ray heating in Vela X-1 is of order ten times less than in Cen X-3. than, but comparable to, those quoted by other recent We were able to rule out significant X-ray heating in the authors, noted in Section 2. Our result for the neutron case of Cen X-3 (Ash et al 1999), and the effect should star mass is compatible with van Kerkwijk et al’s (1995) mass value of Mx = 1.9+−00..75M⊙, and that of Barziv et al therefore be even less in this case. (2001),namelyMx =1.86±0.32M⊙.Wethereforesupport theviewthattheneutronstarinVelaX-1ismoremassive 8.3. Deviations from Keplerian radial velocity curve than the canonical value of 1.4M⊙. However, there are a number of potential sources of systematic error, as noted Clearly, another source of uncertainty in the case of in our earlier paper concerning the mass of the neutron GP Vel arises from the observed deviations from a pure star in Cen X-3 (Ash et al 1999), some of which will be Keplerianradialvelocity curve.vanKerkwijk etal(1995) examined below. suggested that these deviations do not last longer than a single night, although our results (Figure 3) suggest that theymaylastforuptotwosystemorbits.Theysuggested 8.1. Stellar wind thatthedeviationsaretheresultofshort-lived,high-order As GP Vel is an early-type star, it has a significant stel- pulsationsofthephotosphereandweconfirmthatthefre- lar wind, and a strong and variable stellar wind can have quencies appear to be harmonically related to the orbital 10 Quaintrell, Norton, Ash et al: Neutron star mass in VelaX-1 frequency. It is possible therefore that they do represent velocitycomponentduetothenon-radialpulsationhasan tidallyinducedoscillations.Aswellasintroducinganother amplitude of around ∼4.5 km s−1. source of error into our attempts to measure the radial Weconcludebynotingthattherearetwolargesources velocityofthe centreofmassofthe supergiant,the“wob- ofuncertaintyinderivingthemassesofthestellarcompo- bles” cause another problem. If the shape of the star is nents. The first is that of the value β (the ratio of the ra- constantly changing, this will affect the extent to which dius ofthe companionstarto itsRocheloberadius).This the star fills its Roche lobe. Additionally, the size and inturnleadstoalargeuncertaintyinsini(andhence the shape of the Roche lobe itself will varywith phase, asthe masses) and is unlikely to be reduced even with optical two components orbit each other in eccentric orbits. We spectroscopic observations of greater signal-to-noise. The believe that we have partially accounted for this effect by secondsourceofuncertaintyistheadditionalradialveloc- removing the 2.18 d modulation shown in Figure 3. ity component at the orbital period that we have discov- eredandrepresentedbyaphaseshift.Removingtheeffect However, as Figure 7 demonstrates, there is clearly a of such a velocity component is likely to require detailed remaining effect which may be characterised by an addi- modelling of tidally excited oscillation modes in GP Vel tional radial velocity variation at the orbital period. This which in turn requires an accurate knowledge of the stel- manifestsitselfasaphaseshiftintheradialvelocitycurve larparameters.Consequently,themassmeasurementpre- withrespecttotheX-rayorbitalephemeris.Themeasured sented here may represent the best that is achievable. amplitude of the radial velocity curve is therefore a com- binationoftheorbitalmotionofGPVelandanadditional Acknowledgements. WethanktheMountStromloObservatory component that may be due to a non-radial pulsation in- staff for maintaining the 74-inch telescope. The data analy- duced by the eccentric orbit of the neutron star. There sis reported here was carried out using facilities provided by may even be another component of this non-radialpulsa- PPARC, Starlink and the OU research committee. HQ was tionatthe orbitalperiodthatisin phase with the orbital employedunderPPARCgrantnumberGR/L64621duringthe motion and so undetectable. Our Ko value, and presum- course of this work. The authors would also like to thank ably all previous measurements too, are therefore subject Deepto Chakrabarty for his help, and the referee, Marten van to an unknown systematic error, and the stellar masses Kerkwijk, for his many detailed and constructive suggestions calculated from them are also uncertain because of this. which havehelped to significantly improve thepaper. 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