1st Edition 1984 it This book is copyright All rights for translation and printing bestowed by Allama Syed AH Naqi Naqvi to Anjuman-e-Yadgare-Husaini exclucively. i 11 Tragedy of Karbala at a Glance * . f VVn « I*' " If the religion of Muhammad, can not stand firm, but by my martyrdom, then, 0, swords (come and) get me", (I am ready) ( Imam Husain AS.) The advent of the grandson of Prophet Mubammed S.A.W. (Imam Husain A.S.) on the arid plains of Karbala marks and epoch of the greatest and ghasliest tragedy, unique for its unparalled magnitude in the entire history of the world, in general, and of Islam in particular. Within a span of fifty years time after the demise of the Prophet, ?he so called self-appointed Muslim rulers transfigurated and distorted the image of Islam to such a degree of ugliness, that it became a mockery, not only of the teachings of Islam, but also of the basic rational inclinations of human mind. The distortion of Islam was at its zenith during the tyrannical rule —of Yazid, and Husain (A S.) promptly stood up to protect and save Islam Srom the savage clutches of the reprobate ruler, and his mercenaries asquerading as the true representatives of Islam. Yazid, son of Muawiya the then ruler had diverted his energies to —isarray the ranks of muslim solidarity, and social out look, both by purcha- ng their conscience and by tormenting the souls of the God fearing to —beciience and to such humble submission that their sensibilities were eadened to dumbness. Husain (A S.), who had refused to swear subset- / vience to Yazid, showed his metal by upholding nobility of character against immoral treachery, confronting large numbers, with a handful of i followers and defying agression with active resistance. C -O The battle of Karbala can never be defined as a clash of arms bet ween two princes, but as a war between two contradictory principles and idaalogies, one upholding piety, love, truth, righteousness and spiritualism and the other clinging to debauchery power and materialism, that resulted in the production of the heady wine of tyrannxical imperialism and spiritual bankruptcy. A retrospective survey of the great tragedy of Karbala leads one to automatic inlrospection and produces the awakening of one's conscience so that one begins to feel, understand and cherish the true meaning of sacrifice and suffering for a just and noble cause. A very vivid and clear picture of this was painted by Husain's (A.S.) holy blood that restored originality to the faded image of Islam. The tragedy of Karbala is the precious life-blood of the master spirits (Husain A. S. and his chosen companions) embalmed and treasured, with a noble purpose for a life beyond life. At Karbala, Husain A. S., offered at the threshold of Godliness within a short span of ten days time, treasures of divinity and human i dignity, of endurance and forbearance, of suffering and sacrifice, of such i magnitude, the like of which cannot be found in the pages of history, nor can they be expected to occur against in future. I —by Abid Ali Rizvi i About the Author Maulana Saiyed Ali Naqi Naqvi is a rare specimen of sholarship and divinity, who has laboured in the study Islamic history for propogating Islamic spirit with untiring zeal, into the peoples of the world, especially with a reference to the great tragedy of Karbala, Husain is a name to conjure with. He is truly a world figure, beyond . all races and religions. He is a world teacher, for he is a teacher of righteousness, which is atonce the heart and pith and marrow of all religious and yet beyond all sectarian religions. He does not demand of you blind faith, nor belief in unverifiable dogmas; nor does he make your subscribing to a particular book as the only true one, nor to a prophet as the only savior. He beekons you to rightousness not by the temptations of heaven or the threats of hell, but because it is your true nature. He asks you to fight evil and support good even though this may involve a tremendous sacrifice. Indeed this is what he did. He made an unprece dented sacrifice, such as history has not recorded, a sacrifice not only of himself but of all his family. Different religions may divide mankind, but Husain unites it, for righteous is the religion of all mankind, and fighting evil and supporting good its sacred duty. Who can differ from this ? This is the religion of mankind and all those who subscribe to it are Hussainees. It is a regretable fact that at times Hussain becomes a matter of controversy. This is due to ignorance of the real character and contribution of Husain. He belongs to no sect; he belongs to all humanity. An important aspect about Husain is that he teaches not through words but through deeds. His book is the field of Karbala where his teachings have been written not in words but in deeds. That is why he impresses us, in that consists his credibility. He was honest and jast. He fought for humanity. He did not set himself up as anything else than a man, a man devoted to truth and justice, to the true ideals of the perfect ( i ) i K man, and who fought for his principles against heavy odds. He was a I man of courage and determination. Let us honour him, and to the extent 1 our moral strength allows, let us follow him. In this divided world he can become, if truly understood, a rallying point of human unity. I Karbala was not an ordinary battle between two kings. It was a battle between two principles. Husain was Haq incarnate and Yazid was I Bat/I incarnate, Husain truimphed through sacrifice. All men should rejoice in this victory. But for Husain's sacrifice, evil would have truim i phed. He gave his blood so that truth and justice may remain untranished. While we naturally feel sad at the tribulations of Husain, we should remember that his sacrifice was necessary in the cause of humanity and thiough these tribulations he emerged truimphant. l V Dr. J. D. Shukfa I /.C.S. (Retd.) 2-12-1982 5-B, Butler Road, Lucknow \ y l ii \ I ! \ i < ii ; 4 Geographical Sketch of Arabia and Surroundings at the time of prophet Mohammad r~m 1 . ; ■ * f •• > 5 ! 5 ■V i . *■ ■ : : 1 \ I ) » i / ’ * / ■ >• ’ '<■*' % , «■«** t h ;•/ y t L.p: :■. i t sp 'll . ■ - THE AUTHOR OF " Sha heed - e - Insaniyat " A/lama Syed AH Naqi Naqvi President of Anjuman-e-Yadgar-e-Husaini ' . : , ! •: I i i ; ) I ; ! I \ i ] ! i ! : 1 1 ! : i : \ I I l : * I i v 4 . 1 i History of the Anjuman & Book The " Anjuman-e-Yadgar-e-Husaini " was formed in 1936 A. H. under the Presidentship of Maulana Syed Ali Naqi Sahab (Naqqan Sahab) to celebrate the 13th Anniversary of the great tragedy of Karbala. In 1963 the book entitled 'Shaheed-e-lnsaniyat' was written by the Maulana in chaste, and simple Urdu. In 1975 the Anjuman, with the permission of Maulana, took the decision to get it translated into English by the able and learned scholar, S. Ali Akhtar Rizvi, and renamed it as ''Martyr of Humanity". About The Author: Saiydul Ulema Maulana Saiyed Ali Naqi Sahib is among those eceedingly rare Shia men of religion in India who have devoted their entire lives to the unremitting pursuit of knowledge about Islam and to the rigorous labour of propagating it. a series ot very tearneu Wel1'. - . — He has not only adressed countless gatherings convened to mourn the tragedy of Karbala, but has also written a very large number of books on a variety of subjects concerning Islam before writing the 'Shaheed-e- Insaniat" which is among his more ambitious works, representing the distilled essence and epitome of over half a century of the Maulana's study ( Hi )