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The Martha Stewart living cookbook : the original classics PDF

641 Pages·2007·3.88 MB·English
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This book has been optimized for viewing at a monitor setting of 1024 x 768 pixels. THE MARTHA STEWART LIVING COOK BOOK THE MARTHA STEWART LIVING COOK BOOK By the Editors ofMartha Stewart Living C L A R K S O N P O T T E R • P U B L IS H E R S • N E W Y O R K CO PYRIG H T © 2000, 2007 BY M ARTH A STEW ART LIVIN G O M N IM ED IA, IN C. ALL RIG H TS RESERVED . PU BLISH ED IN TH E U N ITED STATES BY CLARKSO N PO TTER/PU BLISH ERS, AN IM PRIN T O F TH E C RO W N PU BLISH IN G G RO U P, A D IVISIO N O F RAN D O M H O U SE, IN C., N EW YO RK. W W W .CRO W N PU BLISH IN G .CO M W W W .CLARKSO N PO TTER.CO M W W W .M ARTH ASTEW ART.CO M CLARKSO N N . PO TTER IS A TRAD EM ARK AN D PO TTER AN D CO LO PH O N ARE REG ISTERED TRAD EM ARKS O F RAN D O M H O U SE, IN C. TH E RECIPES AN D IN TH IS BO O K H AVE BEEN PREVIO U SLY PU BLISH ED IN SLIG H TLY D IFFEREN T FO RM IN MARTHA STEWART L IVING M AG AZIN E. P H O T O G R A P H S T H A T A P P E A R E D I N T H E O R I G I N A L H A R D C O V E R P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H I S B O O K D O N O T A P P E A R I N T H E E B O O K . LIBRARY O F C O N G RESS C ATALO G IN G -IN -PU BLIC ATIO N D ATA TH E M ARTH A STEW ART LIVIN G CO O KBO O K: TH E O RIG IN AL CLASSICS / M ARTH A STEW ART LIVIN G M AG AZIN E.— REV. AN D U PD ATED . EARLIER ED .: TH E M ARTH A STEW ART LIVIN G CO O KBO O K, 2000. IN CLU D ES IN D EX . 1. CO O KERY. I. M A RTH A STEW ART LIVIN G C O O KBO O K. II. M ARTH A STEW ART LIVIN G . III. TITLE. TX 714.M 346 2007 641.5— D C22 2007006085 eISBN: 978-0-307-45335-8 D ESIG N BY AM BER BLAKESLEY, M ARY JAN E C ALLISTER, AN D M ATT PAPA v1.0 contents ACK N O W LED G M EN TS PAGE 7 IN TR O D U C TIO N PAGE 8 PA N TR Y PAGE 10 EQ U IPM EN T PAGE 21 M EN U S PAGE 26 S TA RT E R S PAGE 65 S O U P S A N D ST EWS PAGE 101 S A L A DS PAGE 127 S A N DW I C H ES A N D SAVO RY P I ES PAGE 165 PASTA, R I C E, A N D G R A I N S PAGE 183 M E AT PAGE 223 P O U LT RY PAGE 253 F I S H A N D S H E L L F I S H PAGE 281 M E AT L ES S MA I N D I S H ES PAGE 309 S I D E D I S H ES PAGE 323 F R U I T D ES S E RTS PAGE 369 F R O Z E N D ES S E RTS PAGE 389 C USTA R DS A N D P U D D I N G S PAGE 419 P I ES A N D TA RTS PAGE 441 CA K ES PAGE 467 PAST R I ES PAGE 497 COO K I ES A N D CA N DY PAGE 505 B R E A DS PAGE 543 B R E A K FAST A N D B R U N C H PAGE 563 D R I N KS PAGE 593 S A L SAS, SAU C ES, D I P S, A N D MO R E PAGE 605 BAS I CS PAGE 623 FO O D SO U R C ES PAGE 648 EQ U IPM EN T SO U R C ES PAGE 650 D IR EC TO R Y PAGE 651 IN D EX PAGE 656 acknowledgments THE RECIPES IN THIS book represent the creativity Current food editors Jennifer Aaronson and and extraordinary talents of the many food editors, Sarah Carey, two invaluable members of Lucinda recipe developers, and testers who worked in the Scala Quinn’s talented team, lent their consider- Martha Stewart Living kitchens, largely under the able expertise. Robb Riedel and Denise Clappi kept direction of Susan Spungen and Frances Boswell, the project on track along the way, and Emily Burns from the magazine’s first issue in 1990 through and Lori Key took care of countless details. 2000. I remain grateful to each of them for hav- Heartfelt thanks also to the photographers whose work ing created such a remarkable and timeless body appears in this book, along with our photo archive manager, of work. along with our photo archive manager, For updating this book, I’d like thank Amy Con- Alison Vanek Devine, and the photo editors, art way and Ellen Morrissey, who thought up ways to directors, and stylists who collaborated in the crea- make the original edition even more useful, and tion of the images. Evelyn Battaglia for her culinary and editorial As always, our executive team of Gael Towey, Lau- knowledge as she implemented those changes im- ren Podlach Stanich, Margaret Roach, and Eric A. peccably. Under the expert guidance of William van Pike lent valuable support to the project. And thanks Roden, Amber Blakesley designed a stunning cover, to our colleagues at Clarkson Potter: Jenny Frost, and Mary Jane Callister and Matt Papa made sure Lauren Shakely, Doris Cooper, Jane Treuhaft, Amy the recipes are easy to read and use. Boorstein, Mark McCauslin, and Derek Gullino. 7 introduction When The Martha Stewart Living Cookbook was published several years ago, I was so gratified by the response of our many longtime readers. They let us know how delighted they were to have well over a thousand recipes from Martha Stewart Living magazine’s first ten years in a single convenient volume. (I know I reach for it all the time.) And new readers were happy to have a cookbook with such depth and breadth. When we started talking about revising this book, the question we asked ourselves was how to make a good thing even better. The answer: Make it more useful and inspiring for today’s cooks. So in this updated edition, you’ll find beau- tiful new color images of some of our favorite dishes. And throughout, there are informative sidebars and how-to photo- graphs to walk you through essential culinary techniques, such as trimming an artichoke and poaching salmon, step- by-step. (If you’ve never made pizza from scratch, don’t wait any longer. See pages 177–79.) 8 T H E M A R T H A S T E W A R T LIV IN G C O O K B O O K

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