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The Martha Stewart Living Cookbook: The New Classics PDF

673 Pages·2007·6.93 MB·English
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This book has been optimized for viewing at a monitor setting of 1024 x 768 pixels. THE MARTHA STEWART LIVING COOKBOOK The ew Classics THE MARTHA STEWART LIVING COOKBOOK The ew Classics By the Editors ofMartha Stewart Living C L A R K S O N P O T T E R • P U B L I S H E R S • N E W Y O R K COPYRIGHT ˝ 2007 BY MARTHA STEWART LIVING OMNIMEDIA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES BY CL ARKSON POT TER/PUBLISHERS, AN IMPRINT OF THE CROWN PUBLISHING GROUP, A DIVIS ION OF RANDOM HOUSE, INC. , NEW YORK. WWW.CROWNPUBLISHING.COM WWW.CL ARKSONPOT TER.COM WWW.MARTHASTEWART.COM CL ARKSON N. POT TER IS A TRADEMARK AND POT TER AND COLOPHON ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF RANDOM HOUSE, INC. ALL OF THE RECIPES IN THIS BOOK HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FORM IN MARTHA STEWART L IVING MAGAZINE. PHOTOGRAPHS THAT APPEARED IN THE ORIGINAL HARDCOVER PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK DO NOT APPEAR IN THE EBOOK. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS C ATALOGING-IN-PUBLIC ATION DATA THE MARTHA STEWART LIVING COOKBOOK: THE NEW CL ASSICS / THE EDITORS OF MARTHA STEWART LIVING—1ST ED. INCLUDES INDEX. 1. COOKERY. I . MARTHA STEWART LIVING. I I . T ITLE. TX714.M34633 2007 641.5—DC22 2007006088 eISBN: 978-0-307-45334-1 DESIGN BY AMBER BL AKESLEY, MARY JANE C ALLISTER, AND MAT T PAPA v1.0 contents ACKN O W L E D G M E N T S PAGE 7 I N T R O D U C T I O N PAGE 8 PA N T R Y PAGE 10 E Q U I P M E N T PAGE 21 M E N U S PAGE 26 S TA RT E R S PAGE 65 S O U P S A N D ST EWS PAGE 107 S A L A DS PAGE 145 S A N DW I C H ES A N D SAVO RY P I ES PAGE 193 PASTA , R I C E , A N D G R A I N S PAGE 217 M E AT PAGE 249 P O U LT RY PAGE 273 F I S H A N D S H E L L F I S H PAGE 303 M E AT L ES S MA I N D I S H ES PAGE 327 S I D E D I S H ES PAGE 339 F R U I T D ES S E RTS PAGE 393 F R O Z E N D ES S E RTS PAGE 417 C USTA R DS A N D P U D D I N G S PAGE 437 P I ES A N D TA RTS PAGE 453 CA K ES PAGE 481 PAST R I ES PAGE 525 CO O K I ES A N D CA N DY PAGE 531 B R E A DS PAGE 555 B R E A K FAST A N D B R U N C H PAGE 579 D R I N KS PAGE 605 S A L SAS, SAU C ES, D I P S , A N D MO R E PAGE 615 BAS I CS PAGE 637 F O O D S O U R C E S PAGE 664 E Q U I P M E N T S O U R C E S PAGE 666 D I R E C T O R Y PAGE 667 I N D E X PAGE 672 acknowledgments THE RECIPES IN THIS book represent the creativity the brilliant photographers as well as and hard work of many people, over many years. Martha Stewart Living design director James A special thank you to our very talented editorial Dunlinson and deputy creative director Ayesha director of food and entertaining, Lucinda Scala Patel and their teams of art directors and stylists. Quinn, who leads the team that creates the recipes Thanks also to our photo department, including in Martha Stewart Living, as well as to food editor Heloise Goodman, Andrea Bakacs, Joni Noe, and Jennifer Aaronson and deputy food editor Sarah Alison Vanek Devine. Carey, who offered careful guidance throughout the Producing this book required the dedication of creation of this book. Thank you also to the many special projects editor in chief Amy Conway, exec­ other food editors, recipe testers, and kitchen as­ utive editor Ellen Morrissey, and assistant manag­ sistants who have worked in the Martha Stewart Liv­ ing editor Robb Riedel. Heartfelt thanks to Evelyn ing test kitchens since 2001, among them Christine Battaglia, who brought expertise and enthusiasm Albano, Sara Backhouse, John Barricelli, Tara Bench, to every stage of the project and whose consider­ Shira Bocar, Frances Boswell, Stephana Bottom, able talents are reflected throughout the book. Monita Buchwald, Samantha Connell, Carolyn Cop­ Under the direction of art director William van persmith, Kristine Croker Fiordalis, Stephanie Roden, associate art director Amber Blakesley cre­ Fletcher, Yolanda Florez, Amy Gropp Forbes, Alli­ ated the book’s elegant, modern cover, and worked son Hedges, Aida Ibarra, Heidi Johannsen, Carmen with Mary Jane Callister on an overall design that Juarez, Shelly Kaldunski, Anna Kovel, Judith Lock­ is fresh but timeless. Thank you, too, to Denise hart, Rachael Macchiesi, Denise Mickelsen, Claire Clappi, Lori Key, Matt Papa, and Emily Burns for Perez, Melissa Perry, Elizabeth Pilar, Gertrude Porter, their help with so many details. Lori Powell, Darlene Schrack, Nicole Slaven, Susan As always, our executive team of Gael Towey, Lau­ Spungen, Susan Sugarman, Susan Testa, Laura ren Podlach Stanich, Margaret Roach, and Eric A. Trace, Brittany Williams, and Avery Wittkamp. Pike lent valuable support to the project. And thanks Their food always looks as delicious as it tastes, to our colleagues at Clarkson Potter: Jenny Frost, as you can see in the photographs in this book. For Lauren Shakely, Doris Cooper, Jane Treuhaft, Amy creating those images, thank you to Boorstein, Mark McCauslin, and Derek Gullino. 7 introduction The Martha Stewart Living test kitchens are always exciting and inspiring. There, on the ninth floor of the Starrett-Lehigh building in Manhattan, you will find a big team of talented cooks busy at the stoves and the work stations, mixing, stirring, measuring, chopping, kneading, sautéing, tasting, and fine-tuning. Right next door in our photo studios, more food is being prepared and “styled” for the photographs being taken. And just down the hall, editors are at their computers writing recipes or debating the best way to phrase a step. This big, bustling operation evolved from a very small start, back in 1990. But the most important things have not changed: I and all of our food editors have always shared a dedication to quality, a passion for the very best ingredients, a thirst for knowledge (and desire to share what we learn), and a sincere appreciation of the ever-changing world of food and cooking. Our food department creates many hundreds 8 T H E M A R T H A S T E W A R T L I V I N G C O O K B O O K

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