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THE MAN GOD USES WAL INTRODUCTION , SMITH yt as be prsaches, He be BY Pian Wie tctone Sec tan ore A rambling brook. Ji stztes great, spiritual sats, nikon mowing” hone Te Aine Tibiig sure omensen peg alter joan ts pobieg bart cele of in, obra ae on eines tcl oa con tile Dook fmonceiably tenable. thors of contents! ks the bmi cs that be fice teak Erths Chusrk covey dun ac cand Seip al ples fx sepatation, Syir-allag™and servis “Fre Chr aw sang Leow Sr Fe nner ttnd al towed Tar ot Senctifcation is the wil af God, There is na fis the Christin te live in gubjgution ig ellie she tice Hest, or the covii, Chiist wil lusd the g and thi Sielded same ily Use leaia of Bs Tho Uesead tests of the Spiel ‘0 ail tho seyed, ‘The Treiy Spevit Jn answer to the nee ‘Tae Spirit camw to weide for Uxenge. He indwelis filled Wife axe oper. INTRODUCTION God's “parecieie,” sent ro Zits "Tr ly Spl the “smn” iano bik ts 1 Dentevast swore bagtized; all vue saved e bee baptid in Phat One Spin is the arene of Chnshan “Med with Cue Spit" b Goals to sciets, aut to siawers. “The ley Ly the Nig is viii ner and grucious 1 em of the chiedoeal of divine graces fo che daily wall Separction an Scriprncel Santtification bath preedee and fallow the filing ‘af the Spitic. They precede ia the secse thal ihe Seleit will Bl only the We ther is, in its ourpere an sted Frum sinning end. dedicczed unta God. fling of the Spirit in ue verge fine the aftiuude af Separation sid Scalptral Swcctiteation fa potentially possible n'y iter Uke Spltil as taken conten! Separation is ial io every ssemat Guints were taken “aut of the Fuot of tie world’ ond if they Th be “hated by ‘Te world.” he cely plate foe & true voll 2 outside the easap with fis des ised and rejected Lord. ‘Tue task of the Charch-- What is it? Acording thy Tiasaam specndarion it is ame Lituy; acconding to Givi sevetation #18 quits ansther. Tas Chatren ‘hia a. pxcuse for entering inza aehemes fur sci! and civic hetrenment. earch is set tor the Saco the aces Keaitestiecbwey ae INTRONIICTION vil ena aad oniy sage af the Boar got Grectied, Been aad eorbag zal Var Sih ha chee wall fod Ns Baar ae pen in paventiny tee 2nd other aril tle a Gales Caustiaity, Lie ches nol oonoele. of Ghnestintty ar u coed Lo be anemarinst wr caro for Suey ‘eoabip. He convetves atl hy 2nd canted sl Joos Sut anal rot Lo tee sa fn 0 VOL steep? in si bul sovalt by. Que auigaty to seve, ‘We commend. ke bovis sad ils message. Tt tnd afterward frarsierad Jain ‘RIGEBOUR, Chieage, I CONTENTS "A Breve TL Tae Max Gon Uns TIL, Tee Sorensen Toe y Preven IV, Taz Seam tear Viermozs Loe VI. Wear Devs Goo Tare om tte? IX, TRE Loxnsmne o jusos X. Jose on Toe BL. Pengetene: Cemist XT, Wats Is Yous G42 XY. Go amv Vex Omens . XVI. Guess Trusso Comaesos XVI Ova Tweris Tae & THE MAN GOD CHATTER 1 4 DiMEEDAY PRAYEE CA SS wee ah Le sine heart oul et u elvad betweea: 4 AblicL lke Thige. a Rearé dlvive, ¢ Beare as while aa ‘One, Gear Yovd, & heart We this hoster,” fsa es L had aver seen before, thas ig thing wea not the work T ves doing, # books 'T was NAN GOB U: rit sf was presiding, Ue exoieds that gathered. nor the suczes: achieved; Iext rathe fhe: Os J was living, “he thoughéa 1 es tbinbing, Peurs “eliness, pratt in a word my teustemaation, ty the there came to me sith raw aud Ceeper han over before cre words: “Oh fo" elaers lle eit God Anu mg haart sweet nk in “Thal Dseaght ithe great Aponile, "Christ ora then,“ Clris! Nest Ss ee, oe to Ged taen ary work, my postearin’ Ged wae uc, no! mEIEY my Serviee, ee myer aul T wall tly, ALT. dnp Tien” ie prayer, a prayer that a mass gitar ss owes heart, ame ihe partitions: “Tard, here ave ray Annes; them ti Thee. May they never each anyliiiag Gel The woulst not eve Hem touch, ur do seyihing that woulé dishanaur Tees. And hore are nip fuel; T dedivale “hem th Thue. May Frey never gowhere Thon wotlesl aut leseea, Here, Land, ate my eyes. May Gey never lose per Sing ther would geeve Thy gars never list anne. May vay mgue never seoze tae { weal rok waal The A BIRTUDAY PRAYER 3 thot sould dina clu seuse cf Tay presence, May any sere know mip Jove, andl cherish no feeling that fs Ent at Thee, Amn © cod T ghve'iny all toi, Priuade ant sine and eartldy store, Soul and body, Taine sc ba, ‘Wlisly Tale foreven oa, Anil ce I pragad thers cam to me these words “L besorch gow therstore, bretbrce, by the merece of God, that ye present your bodies a Lvng sactilice, nicl, aooeptable unto Coa, slic. ig vout seasevazle service. Ane pe not acafrrmed *¢ this world; but be ye transformed, Ly Ube zewewiay uf yor mia, that ye mey [rove what is “at gos?, Sxl accent= ake, nnd psveet. will of Goa" "Rom. xi, 1-2), ‘Then thik: “Tet. noe sda disssfuee reign In yuur wnctel body, chat ge shouid. obey it in. ths teats thereof, Neilhor yield ye your meudsers <5 insisa- of aexigh: santo sin: batt yiel6 you~ selves unto Ged, Per aix shall not Tave devel nion ‘ory, wi, Laci4) God, ¥ saw, Cemunded my sendivided attention Evarytiing ee must take a forend place, Friends utd loved: ones, home, taney, wore =i,“ even ‘hough bur thosta—Ti rouse giv: way wo Ch ‘gedieaded mtivation vacse be Sack. rausl bu ey allilsie toward, wraatd He Le able to bless wud T satiety His heart of love. Far in may relationship to Ged T sew that tons eller wma aaeght cise anusi over come belvean. ‘Tlat just as a dusbang comes fire ‘n the affections of his wife, 4 THE MAX COD USES veer, 9 Cel nist wore drat én wy Tsert, fest a3 a4 runmthage can ever be « hanpy mar- riage wacwe other Eughond or wife wiefirud their wedivided «t‘ention tora ex. alex, «0 my fellow. ship with Gou -coule: culy te complete when He hed lag smudiaided altoatimn. Hl: world have me Wait ou, Him coztinval for Jess, ell for Jorm Allie bets zatsucied powers; Allray thenghes, ans wrens, and Chicas, ‘All uy Gays ake all my boars, ind what Te asked of me dial day He aM agake, Caa it be tat we ould He chaitas? Wiiy;shea. dy we wichholdwiat. He aiks? Te crue juy to be found outside of Ged? Gan we be hagpy with “Whirg.?” Do “things” isty? A anan's He cuativieth nt £7 the abr dance of the fisags which he posed” iLulse xh fp end communion. Tay matecnt, fight bate in the niidet of a a swenld that they were hese, ta Ev ip a world hei sunited aur Lord asign omd.Hlis purpor far ua. How then cau wo Year to Gienpoint Him, art thus taf! to win iis amrsbeciont Goll want ws to Be one huudred per cent for © the world, feom our feral a A BIRTHDAY PRAYER Tike, And so the question crivee; Are we sud and nig for Jessie Christ? Ana we wholly Cade? Mot rinecy par cent, mark you, but one hundred per can. Couplerely given aver ra Gad. Tuer as tk Bite hen, Yo devéch ae doom “ things"; to deteck ws fzora and homes, drom ali that i rank by Bie" Fesi") to en wer ue Cat wwe cx give Him our wnidivides alteniion, Taare is gruch ig the Aes that js leptin fureclyes even thet which ie Kingtom of Heaven's sike if our winisery akoud necmilate seperetion “rim: our loved anes even for lorg periods at 2 tito, in order thet we be wloly Gof’? And can we by Bis 20 five thove tae wud ani fie Heel ie our Aeiachment thet ve all ind Jeass Himectt, Brrongh His mudwelling Spirt, sullicunt to coable us to Jive ‘ut aed “ist for HEnit, exclaiming Jeo kewl led with praise; "Jesus gauss?” ‘That ig wot He canghtt me, amd that je" what 7 mest wticn L talk of being wholly Gai's, at ond sue for Jeoes Christ, one kangred per cent Zor Tin, thus “becoming # san. after God's mes to pit Gu flevt; fo male wits Tira every mcm te to notsing. that wand dipnse Hen and ‘low nockng thet would. grieve Him} to Inc lite of eactieal sigteourate and holies Y iin co give Hin our umivided attention, acd fo love Hive supremely. David, yuu cemember, wes @ mer aor Goss own heart, If David, efor his falluse, could be 20 Amman, caoro® Terence gra? "Daniel propre his beast taal he would nut deste sisal <Dan A BiTHOSY PRAY ra , 6 THE-WAN SOD US! 14m), Leb ix “purport,” and God wil give the ‘Dl the jay of fut earrender? ao enabling pore, . How Cle me Grou ace threght : Fer it js iy tas way that we become Cardackke Roery tool for lay Mas ambition for us, viz., tha eeemerte rc) same iuisge, To by & Chosen for tou yours end to bo co more Uke Jecus the than ct conversion, is a Wagedy. ‘There ave sort whe haye ely been Soved six mnoktls who cre more lise Christ fea others yo Rave Doon oh the way for soe years. Oniy those who spead tineh time in Tes pewnce wik ‘ever become lis Him. Onl who give Hien their edivided eétention will come to knovs iim, et His bost we must give Him aur test. Ta Iyeeorne wich ind was pAtee To hse we sO ob Him heve our undivided attention, To wia we must Surender, To live we svast dio, Te reodive we nat sive. ‘And, ok! lhe suelness of gach & life, du jay’ af feliogshig! “There is noting like it on earth, [All the eaccass in the toed will not campentate f it, Ta is "she Lily of che Valley," “the Bright an: Morning Scat," “the Rose of Skaroe,” “ibs Chistes: among. Ten” Thawed,” “tho Gne _Attogcher Lovely.” Friards coe uerer mena sontszch, “ven * vee ones Gleapposst. Beeney beings its Yarden: ‘and farae its hirteruess, But He, He satinfies, God iy nova 4 dis ppointwenl, To walle vith [di is the eweotest thing ot earth. Te Intow that al! is wel, that taste i nothiag bersieea, clock afvain hides Fis Bise—oh! that is Seaver indeed, Tn Jet us exay it, macan iL stl live iL “Zand, mais ie a hia afer Tikes owe Bear.” CHAPTER 1 aE aay Gop USFS HAVE doen drying to thinle daring thece ps Gage of the qualities that will enable God to se mua in Christian eervice; and so fav as T can discover these are nt lest eight thal are essential, Mowiover, J ear absoltely conviaeed thet fang man sip je wiling to yay the pulee aay’ be unt of Ged regurdles of tlenls anc gills, cet pethaps to thn exient of some, bat certally to the full Finch of bis capecity, end € not the fan fe his New, & mey eaet a good deal. ae dows aps reveal Bu, waobe price at o2ce,. But when, acl the place, Waere we ro 20 despoo:tely in asuast abo #8 fin. we aco willing to maake aay ‘sacrifice, then it i2 thet God eun Yogi to use Us Well do T ranutnber haw T waled up and down my roma bi prayer exclaiming: “On, God, ute me, Use ine, ni nur what the call Gladty will Peay any price if only I may be usté of Thee." Are ‘yon veiling to pay de price? 3, The mui God ses #8 the wea hs Tors bad ose gress faergse Sede, -£ divided Abatt can’ never bring complete cetis- (oatics, “Ee ina of singled inwetests will seldom # racke a enon y bbustiess “wy ayust give vie: “vajor portion and the begt ac his thanert to Bés business, Ir fy the man who divides Lis Lin: beiwcon ¢Fe ollie and te gambling -tehis whe fails, Tf his affortona cm Sivided heron: 0:3 wil: andl anvtaes sworaan, ied Life is Lostad ca endl in disetar, Ser could young Tan be satisted unless be Leld the sre live it Te Leart al dhe wornan qwhom he avoald tnake his wile. The very came ic ve of the man wha woult be uel of Ged, only to a Jet greater dear, work alone must clei tis whale a itenlion. i a9 oom for other things. Paul wes a.man of “one thing.” “This taag one Td,” he euclaimed, That war iL2 soared ef dis susouss, Me hall a great surge lag passion to rvs know the Gospel, and 3e end meghe-ta his work, Andl-in writing to Tunolhy %e comand iings; give alysel? whelly-te-dhem, ~~ thing to-day to be uied af God. I hae: aloe students vaose sntowsts ware so divided ferweas their studies aad pic. tewds 2at tk Fives tad a impression vhlver. All fot Alnt no young vhsa seh, he mighsy we! af God sho fe conbielly spauding’ his aventngs, his ce uel Caught in the society of weernen know of ministers wha are in busiest on the ein whale ditae is pot given. to thelr emo Before 1 esteved the awnieisory L par to fo apwcrlesive purposes, Bal after ay ordingtion T sald it as culsay es possiNe Shut Pasgke bs perfertly sree fo give rig whale hough: 12 wy work, TAR WAN GOD USES ging that ou have co’ ellie interects shich yen are bound to What I 60 lisist ugen is that et as possible, mil vive all. cleat s sectmay, thee patting Coll on at ae Fue OMe Son cow Sern The man Gof 2 2 the hy ary Minatrence jrem. kas He, bar then, you dou’e nowd tw weit re shal it is erst hinders Ged from using you. God kasws aud "you tans’ got right with Fig, Tem: yo weg on demay be wcefiatte sce, easel yo esesting sa, Portage ily tt is pride, jeatzus 2s, unter sejin 8 toma spit Bing, ‘pelore God rym mse you. Saree Tete! to fail, is crore ar: ‘behind the dor, a aie that Teopts vhiak yon wre what eu eppruz to be; but A they realy know vou as yeu ars? Dare yt in your Beart, a helt 3. The mas God sts $s dhe man whe has placed ‘Some of us act asthenga we war atria of any sean willed ca chy His with” Whale: potter €0 if the clay zahused to yiald? Wher could as THE MAN GOD USES Ba ‘the doctor do if the patient refed to brnsti OF sehgt yale 9° inschordinate soldiers? well, ten, are yon yicldsé? Haye you asid etesrel "Yes! uo Gaul and zm eteone “Ho” re self? ‘Are you dedicated? Meve you sultecdered :IV? Has yout Yel Lea seb asice, art agwe ym accepted Fis far you We? Wal you oe youl 10 26, and be what He vacily yum ts every verse of ‘great’ comgeecalion yuan, fio?" Do you msan #? And can you say wih all your Dears "Lead, I is easel to Thee, “Privodie ane tne wil vary vlore Souland basy Tans ta ‘Waly Thin> for ever"x fs the wre asin fas fea Tho raga who have bean geeaby: used off Gal been mighty ia prayse. 88 yrs read thet Ihiogrephies you Cisover thes the gshdt of preyer ominsics, Facoh exclaims: "Twill wa iui Eas go except Toy Wess me,” art heirs God say, *Thoa beet striven wil God a ast nrevai saclivily tind ope ‘the muita asd seeks 2 suiilery-placs i. which-ta prey, somctinies epercing whol wisl:to chane wkA His Tathe:, prayag with euch a -2t His weak sare La blooe, And 2 every man ho has been used nf God, ‘wikivg to pay the rice? e Witaeruvee [sont

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