PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3675, 13 pp., 26 figures March 4, 2010 The Male Genital System of Goblin Spiders: Evidence for the Monophyly of Oonopidae (Arachnida: Araneae) MATTHIAS BURGER1 AND PETER MICHALIK2 ABSTRACT The male reproductive system of spiders consists of paired, tubular testes and often long and convoluteddeferentducts,whicharefusednearthegenitalopeningtoformanejaculatoryduct.In rare cases and as revealed in previous studies the testes can be partly fused (anteriorly or posteriorly), as reported, for example, for Dysderidae (Dysderoidea). In order to determine whetherthispatternisalsopresentinotherdysderoids,westudiedthegenitalsystemofOonopidae forthefirsttimebymeansoflightmicroscopy.Thefollowingspecieswereincluded,coveringboth conventionallyrecognizedsubfamilies(GamasomorphinaeandOonopinae):Neoxyphinusogloblini Birabe´n, 1953; Silhouettella loricatula (Roewer, 1942); Opopaea recondita Chickering, 1951; Myrmopopaea sp.; Scaphiella hespera Chamberlin, 1924; Lionneta sp.; Orchestina moaba Chamberlin and Ivie, 1935; Oonops balanus Chickering, 1971, and Stenoonops reductus (Bryant, 1942). In contrast to other spider taxa observed to date, all studied goblin spiders possess an unpaired (completely fused) testis, which seems to be a synapomorphic trait for Oonopidae supporting the monophyly of the family. The deferent ducts of goblin spiders are mostly convoluted and of varying diameter whereas the ejaculatory duct is very small. Moreover, we foundaremarkablediversityintheorganizationofthetestisandspermatozoa,whichunderlines thehighpotentialofthereproductivesystemforsystematicstudiesonOonopidaeaswellasother dysderoids. The putative sister group of Oonopidae is Orsolobidae; since the organization of the male genital system of orsolobids is unknown as well, we included one species (Ascuta media Forster, 1956) in the present study. It possesses the typical genital organization for male spiders representedby pairedandunfused tubulartestes. 1DivisionofInvertebrateZoology,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory([email protected]). 2Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universita¨t, J.-S.-Bach-Straße 11/12, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany([email protected]). CopyrightEAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory2010 ISSN0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3675 INTRODUCTION pothesis that was not further considered in subsequent studies. The internal male genital system of spiders Recent studies on the female genital system showsstructuraldiversityacrossallmaintaxa revealed a high diversity and complexity that (Michalik, in press). In general, it can be alsobearahighphylogeneticpotential(Burger divided into three parts: paired testes, paired et al., 2003, 2006; Fannes and Jocque´, 2008; deferent ducts and an unpaired ejaculatory Burger,inpressa,b).Inordertoknowwhether duct(e.g.,Bertkau,1875;Crome,1951;Kimet similardiversityandcomplexityarealsopresent al., 1993). From this general organization in the genital system of the males and whether several modifications have been reported that thereareanyphylogeneticimplicationsasindi- aremainlyrelatedtothefusionofpartsofthe cated by the observation of other spider taxa, testes, such as the anterior fusion in mesothe- we studied representatives across the known lid spiders (Michalik, 2007) and the posterior oonopid subfamilies (including Orchestina). fusion in dysderids (Michalik, in press). But Moreover, we included one representative of other parts can also differ in their morphol- Orsolobidae, to see whether there are any ogy,suchastheseminalvesicleadjacenttothe similarities between these putative sister taxa ejaculatory duct peculiar to certain theridiid and to report the organization of the male spiders (Michalik, in press). Thus, phyloge- genitalsystemforthisspiderfamilyforthefirst neticallyinformativecharacterscanbeexpect- time. ed. In the present study, we focus on the morphology of the male genital system of Oonopidae for the first time. LISTOF ABBREVIATIONS Oonopids are a highly diverse spider family BL booklung widespread in many habitats on all continents DD deferentduct exceptAntarctica(e.g.,Saaristo,2001).Despite ED ejaculatory duct their diversity and common occurrence few GO genitalopening studies have dealt with the phylogenetic rela- LuT lumenof testis tionships of Oonopidae. Forster and Platnick MG midgut (1985) did propose the monophyly of the Mu muscles haplogyne superfamily Dysderoidea, which N nucleusof spermatid/spermatozoa includesthefourfamiliesDysderidae,Segestrii- SG silkgland Sp spermatozoa dae, Orsolobidae, and Oonopidae, and this Te testis relationship was confirmed by the more recent TT tracheal tube phylogenetic analysis by Platnick et al. (1991). Nevertheless, according to those authors the relationshipswithintheDysderoideaaswellas MATERIALS AND METHODS themonophylyofOonopidaeremainuncertain Examined Material (although a sister-group relationship between OrsolobidaeandOonopidaewasfavored). OONOPIDAE, GAMASOMORPHINAE: Neoxyphi- - Within Oonopidae two subgroups are con- nus ogloblini: 1 , Argentina, Misiones, P. N. ventionally recognized based on the classi- Iguazu´, 25 – 26 October 1995, leg. M. - ficationbySimon(1893):‘‘loricati,’’orGama- Ramirez. Silhouettella loricatula: 2 , Spain, somorphinae, which are hard bodied and Tarragona, sifted leaf litter of freestanding heavily sclerotized, and ‘‘molles,’’ or Oono- carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua L.), 29–31 pinae, which are soft bodied and weakly March 2003, leg. M. Burger and C. Kropf; - sclerotized. These groups are often treated as 2 , Greece, Crete, Knossos, leg. P. R. - subfamilies, but their monophyly is still not Deeleman. Opopaea recondita: 1 , PBI_ supported,whichcanbeexplainedbyalackof OON 00027489, USA, Florida, Monroe, comparative studies (see also Saaristo, 2001). Upper Matecumbe Key, Islamorada, mi 80, Moreover, Chamberlin and Ivie (1942) high- hammock forest litter, 30 August 1986, 86-84, - lighted the distinctiveness of the genus leg. S. and J. Peck; 2 , PBI_OON 00026414, Orchestina from other oonopid genera by BarroColoradoIsland,CanalZone,May1964, erecting the subfamily Orchestininae, a hy- Museum of Comparative Zoology, MCZ 2010 BURGERAND MICHALIK: MALE GENITAL SYSTEM OFOONOPIDS 3 - uniqueno. 72448.Myrmopopaeasp.:1 ,PBI_ with a Zeiss Axioplan 2). Photos of the OON00006267,BB010,Australia,Queensland, sections were taken with a Leica DFC 500 footprint scrub, site I., pitfall, vine scrub, digital camera and edited using Adobe 19u419S, 146u269E, 8 December 2006–10 Photoshop Elements 2.0. February 2007, leg. G. Monteith and D. In order to get an overview of the whole - Cook. Scaphiella hespera: 2 , PBI_OON genitalsystem,malesofNeoxyphinusogloblini 00026620, USA, California, Riverside, were dissected in phosphate buffer (0.1M, Andreas Canyon, near Palm Springs, 26 pH 7.2) and the genital system was isolated. March 1960, leg. W. J. Gertsch, W. Ivie and Photos were taken with a digital camera - R. Schrammel. Lionneta sp.: 1 , PBI_OON Nikon DXM1200 mounted on a stereoscopic 00002005, DU249, Madagascar, Mahajanga, microscope Nikon SMZ1500. Re´serve d’Ankoririka, 10.6 km 13u NE Tsaramandroso, 16u16920S, 46u29550E, 210 m, RESULTS tropicaldryforest,EF19siftedlitter,9–14April 2001, leg. B. Fisher, C. Griswold et al., The gross morphology of the male genital CaliforniaAcademyofSciences,BLF3664. system is very similar in all observed oonopid OONOPIDAE, OONOPINAE: Orchestina moaba: species. In general, it consists of an unpaired - 1 , USA, California, Santa Monica, 19 (completely fused) testis and two short and December 1933, leg. W. Ivie, 118.34. Oonops oftenconvoluteddeferentducts,whichfusenear - balanus:2 ,Bahamas,SBimini,May1951,leg. the genitalopening to form a small ejaculatory W. J. Gertsch and M. A. Cazier, Museum of duct (figs. 1, 26). In the testes of all observed - ComparativeZoology.Stenoonopsreductus:2 , species different stages of spermatogenesis are PBI_OON00027516,VirginIslands,St.Croix, present(figs. 3,7,10,14,16,17,20,22,25)and Frederiksted,Lavaetzgardens,24March1964, the spermatozoa are characterized by remark- Museum of Comparative Zoology, MCZ ablestructuraldiversity. uniqueno. 71646,leg.A.M.Chickering. - ORSOLOBIDAE: Ascuta media: 1 , New Oonopidae, Gamasomorphinae Zealand, South Island, Fiordland, Te Anau, 200 m,berleselitter,dryopenforest,24March Neoxyphinus ogloblini (figs. 1–4): The testis 1987,leg.N.I.PlatnickandR.R.Forster. oftheexaminedspecimenofN.oglobliniisvery The material is deposited in the American largerelativetotheopisthosomasize(figs. 1,2). Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New The thick deferent ducts are short and convo- York, USA; the Museum of Comparative luted(fig. 4).Intheperipheryofthetestisearly Zoology (MCZ), Cambridge, USA; the stages of spermatogenesis are present whereas Natural History Museum of Bern (NMBE), towardthecenterlatespermatidsareprominent Switzerland (S. loricatula), and the Museo (fig. 2). The nuclei of the late spermatids and Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN), spermatozoa are highly elongated and curved Buenos Aires, Argentina (N. ogloblini). or twisted (fig. 3). At the end of spermatogen- esis,thespermatozoaformaggregates(transfer forms) that are present in the deferent ducts Light Microscopy (figs. 3,4). The opisthosomas of the males were dehy- Silhouettella loricatula (figs. 5–8): As in the drated in ethanol, embedded in LR White previous species the testis is very large and the Resin (soft grade acrylic London resin), and thick deferent ducts are convoluted (figs. 5, 6). semithin serially sectioned (1 mm) with a Nosignificantintraspecificvariationinsizeand microtome (Sorvall JB-4; S. loricatula sec- position of the testis was observed in the tioned with a Leica RM2145) using glass investigated specimens. Different stages of knives. The sections were stained with tolui- spermatogenesis could be observed, but the dine blue (1%) in an aqueous borax solution cystsofthe developing stagesarelessstratified (1%) at approximately 90uC for 1–4 min. thaninN.ogloblini(figs. 5,6).Thelumenofthe Light microscopic studies were performed testisisverysmallandcontainsfewaggregated with a Leica DM2500 (S. loricatula examined spermatozoa (figs. 6, 7). In the periphery the 4 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3675 Figs.1–4. Neoxyphinusogloblini.1.Dorsalviewofthemalegenitalsystem.2.Horizontalsectionofthe male opisthosoma. 3. Detail of the testis showing the different stages of spermatogenesis. 4. Detail of the deferentductshowingthe sperm aggregates (transferform,asterisk). 2010 BURGERAND MICHALIK: MALE GENITAL SYSTEM OFOONOPIDS 5 Figs.5–8. Silhouettellaloricatula.5.Horizontalsectionofthemaleopisthosoma.6.Longitudinalsection ofthemaleopisthosoma.7.Detailofthetestisshowingthedifferentstagesofspermatogenesis.8.Detailof thedeferent ductshowingthe spermaggregates (transferform). 6 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3675 Figs. 9–10. Opopaea recondita. 9. Horizontal section of the male opisthosoma. 10. Detail of the testis showingthedifferentstagesofspermatogenesis.Figs.11–12.Myrmopopaeasp.11.Horizontalsectionofthe male opisthosoma.12. Detail ofthe testis showingthe different stagesof spermatogenesis. 2010 BURGERAND MICHALIK: MALE GENITAL SYSTEM OFOONOPIDS 7 Figs.13–14. Scaphiellahespera.13.Horizontalsectionofthemaleopisthosoma.14.Detailofthetestis showingthedifferentstagesofspermatogenesis.Figs.15–16.Lionnetasp.15.Horizontalsectionofthemale opisthosoma.16. Detailof the testis showingthe differentstages of spermatogenesis. 8 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3675 Figs. 17–18. Orchestina moaba. 17. Horizontal section of the male opisthosoma. 18. Detail of the deferentductshowingthe mature spermatozoa. somatic cells are clearly visible (fig. 7). The material no further interpretation can be spermatids are mostly roundish with an elon- given. gatednucleus(fig. 7).Inthedeferentductsoval Scaphiellahespera(figs. 13–14):Thetestisis transferformsarepresent(fig. 8). very large and nearly as wide as the opistho- Opopaearecondita (figs. 9–10): Thetestisof soma (fig. 13). No significant intraspecific O. recondita is very different from that of variation in size and position of the testis other examined species. It is restricted to one was observed in the examined specimens. The body side and remarkably small (fig. 9). No deferent ducts are very thin and only slightly significant intraspecific variation in size and convoluted. The spermatogenesis occurs as position of the testis was observed in the usualincysts, whicharenotstratifiedandare investigated specimens. Deferent ducts have very conspicuous due to the dense material in not been observed until now (this might be the intercellular space (figs. 13, 14). The thin due to insufficient fixation of the material). nucleiofthespermatozoaarehighlyelongated Within the testis only a few spermatids/ and coiled in late stages (fig. 14). spermatozoaofdifferentdevelopmentalstages Lionneta sp. (figs. 15–16): In the investigat- are present (fig. 10). The late spermatids/ ed specimen of Lionneta sp. the testis is very spermatozoa are highly elongated (fig. 10). small and situated in the posterior part of the Myrmopopaea sp. (figs. 11–12): In contrast opisthosoma (fig. 15). The deferent ducts are to O. recondita, the small, unpaired testis in verythinandslightlyconvoluted(fig. 15).The number of sperm cells is remarkably low and located in the center of the opisthosoma onlyafewlatespermatidscharacterizedbyan (fig. 11).ItpossessesanH-shapeintheventral elongatedthinnucleuswereobserved(fig. 16). part, which continues in the thin and only slightly convoluted deferent ducts. Within the Oonopidae, Oonopinae testis different stages of spermatogenesis are present, such as elongated late spermatids Orchestina moaba (figs. 17–18): The testis of (fig. 12). Due to insufficient fixation of the the investigated specimen of O. moaba is very 2010 BURGERAND MICHALIK: MALE GENITAL SYSTEM OFOONOPIDS 9 Figs. 19–20. Oonops balanus. 19. Horizontal section of the male opisthosoma. 20. Detail of the testis showingthedifferentstagesofspermatogenesis.Figs.21–22.Stenoonopsreductus.21.Horizontalsectionof themale opisthosoma. 22. Detailof the testis showingthe differentstages of spermatogenesis. large and increases in size toward the dorsal qualityofthematerialnofurtherinterpretation part of the opisthosoma (fig. 17). The deferent canbegiven. ducts are strongly convoluted and filled with Oonops balanus (figs. 19–20): This species highlyorderedelongatedspermatozoa(fig. 18). is characterized by a relatively large testis and Inthetestisdifferentstagesofspermatogenesis convoluted deferent ducts that sometimes are organized in cysts, but due to the limited appear slightly bulbous (fig. 19). No signifi- 10 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3675 Figs.23–25. Ascutamedia.23.Horizontalsectionofthemaleopisthosoma.24.Horizontalsectionofthe deferent duct showing the densely packed sperm cells. 25. Detail of the testis showing the different stages of spermatogenesis. cant intraspecific variation in size and posi- In contrast to O. balanus, the late spermatids/ tion of the testis was observed in the spermatozoa are characterized by a highly investigated specimens. The spermatids devel- elongated nucleus (fig. 22). op in cysts, which are not ordered (fig. 20). In contrast to the other species, the sperma- Orsolobidae tids/spermatozoa are very compact and not elongated (fig. 20). Ascuta media (figs. 23–25): In contrast to Stenoonops reductus (figs. 21–22): The gen- observed goblin spiders, the genital system of ital system of S. reductus is mainly character- the examined specimen of this species consists ized by an extremely voluminous testis, which of paired and unfused testes (fig. 23). The fills most of the opisthosoma (fig. 21). No deferent ducts are comparatively thick and significant intraspecific variation in size and convoluted (figs. 23, 24). The internal organi- position of the testis was observed in the zation of the testes comprises early stages of investigated specimens. The bulbous deferent spermatogenesis at the periphery and later ducts are highly convoluted (fig. 21). Inside spermatogenic stages toward the lumen the testis different stages of spermatogenesis (fig. 23). The spermatozoa are characterized arepresent,organizedincyststhat seemtobe by a slightly elongated nucleus that seems stratified, with earlier stages near the periph- partly curved (fig. 25). In the deferent ducts eryandlaterstagestowardthelumen(fig. 21). the spermatozoa are densely packed (fig. 24).