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Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Volume 162, Number 4 10 April, 2019 The Malagasy Species of the Crevice Weaver Genus Andoharano (Araneae: Filistatidae) Ivan L. F. Magalhaes and Cristian J. Grismado US ISSN 0027-4100 MCZ Publications Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University 26 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] © The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2019 HARVARD UNIVERSITY | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. BULLETIN OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology BOARD OF EDITORS Editor: Jonathan Losos Managing Editor: Melissa Aja Associate Editors: Andrew Biewener, Scott Edwards, Brian Farrell, Gonzalo Giribet, James Hanken, Hopi Hoekstra, George Lauder, James McCarthy, Naomi Pierce, Stephanie Pierce, and Mansi Srivastava Publications Issued or Distributed by the Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Bulletin 1863– Breviora 1952– Memoirs 1865–1938 Johnsonia, Department of Mollusks, 1941–1974 Occasional Papers on Mollusks, 1945– General queries, questions about author guidelines, or permissions for MCZ Publications should be directed to the editorial assistant: MCZ Publications Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University 26 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] EXCHANGES AND REPRINTS All of our publications are offered for free on our website: https://mcz.harvard.edu/publicationshome To join our exchange program, please contact the Ernst Mayr Library: [email protected]. This publication has been printed on acid-free permanent paper stock. Photo on the front cover: © The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2019. Andoharano decaryi, female lectotype, habitus, dorsal. THE MALAGASY SPECIES OF THE CREVICE WEAVER GENUS ANDOHARANO (ARANEAE: FILISTATIDAE) IVANL.F.MAGALHAES1ANDCRISTIANJ.GRISMADO1 ABSTRACT. The Malagasy species of the filistatid er, it remains very poorly studied, as spider genus Andoharano Lehtinen arerevised.The virtually nothing is known about it except four previously known species, all from caves, are redescribed and have their type material illustrated. for the original descriptions of its species. The paratypes of A. milloti Legendre are not Gray (1995) suggested Andoharano is a conspecificwithitsholotypeandarehereindescribed close relative of the mainland African as A. rollardae sp. nov. The first epigean represen- tativesofthegenusontheislandarerecorded,anda genus Afrofilistata Benoit, a relationship further six species are described: A. simoni sp. nov., purportedly supported by characters of the A.zonsteinisp.nov.,A.woodaesp.nov.,A.lehtineni male palp. However, the poor taxonomy of sp. nov., A. griswoldi sp. nov., and A. ramirezi sp. nov. Interestingly, each of the species occurring in the genus and the lack of knowledge of its cavesismorphologicallysimilartoadifferentepigean basic morphology hamper a more conclu- species, suggestingrepeated invasions of the subter- sive hypothesis for its phylogenetic place- ranean realm. The fine morphology of the genus is illustrated, including the first scanning electron ment. microscopyimagesofgenitalia,spinnerets,andother Four of the known species of Andohar- structures. anocomefromMadagascar,all fromcaves. Unfortunately, their original descriptions Key words: Africa, Madagascar, New Species, Prithi- nae,Spider,Taxonomy lack useful illustrations allowing their recognition, and the type species of the genus has never been illustrated (Simon, INTRODUCTION 1901;Fage,1945;Legendre,1971). On the The spider genus Andoharano Lehtinen other hand, the examination of a series of was erected to accommodate two Malagasy collections of Malagasy spiders deposited species then placed in the Eurasian genus mainly in the California Academy of Filistata Latreille (Lehtinen, 1967): F. Sciences revealed the genus was not only grandidieri Simon 1901 and F. decaryi more diverse than previously known, but Fage 1945. Later, additional species have that it is also represented by several been described from Madagascar (Legen- hitherto undescribed epigean species. dre,1971)andfromNamibia(Zonsteinand Thus, the aims of this contribution are: 1) Marusik, 2015), and currently the genus to redescribe and illustrate the previously includesfivespecies(WSC,2018).Uponits known species of Malagasy Andoharano originaldescription,Lehtinen(1967)noted this was a ‘‘highly deviant genus.’’ Howev- based on the examination of type material, 2) describe new taxa, especially of the 1 Divisio´n Aracnolog´ıa, Museo Argentino de epigean fauna, and 3) provide data on the Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’ – general morphology of the genus for a CONICET, Av. A´ngel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR, better understanding of its phylogenetic Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author for correspon- dence:[email protected] placement. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 162(4): 263–307, April, 2019 263 Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata 264 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 162, No. 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS arid, and semiarid regions (Gray, 1995; Specimens for this study come from the Magalhaes and Ram´ırez, 2017; WSC, following institutions: CAS—California 2018). Madagascar has a wide range of Academy of Sciences (San Francisco, habitats,includingmorehumidhabitatsand rainforests in the eastern side and a drier USA); MCZ—Museum of Comparative portion in the west, mainly due to the rain Zoology, Harvard University (Cambridge, shadow of the highlands in the central Massachusetts, USA); MNHN—Muse´um portion of the island. As a consequence, National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, Andoharano seems to be restricted to the France);MRAC—Muse´eRoyaldel’Afrique dry portions of the island, mainly in the Centrale (Tervuren, Belgium). Complete tropical dry forests in the north and the voucher and locality data for all specimens spiny forests and xeric shrublands in the examined in this study are given in Supple- mentary Table 1.2 southwest (Fig. 1). Their apparent absence in the tropical dry forests in the western The format of description, including portion of the island (e.g., in Mahajanga) is notation of leg macrosetae, follows Mag- puzzlingandmaybeduetoasamplingbias. alhaes and Ram´ırez (2017). All measure- Interestingly, we here describe epigean ments are in millimeters. Female internal representatives that bear morphological genitalia were examined after digestion resemblance to the previously known cave using a pancreatin solution. For imaging, species. For instance, Andoharano decaryi, theywereplacedinlactic acidintemporary A. rollardae, and A. grandidieri are very slides andphotographed under an Olympus similar to A. simoni, A. griswoldi, and A. BH2transmittedlightmicroscope;drawings lehtineni, respectively, mainly in their gen- weremadewithacameralucida.Malepalps ital morphology. The cave species are of some species were cleared in clove oil. usually paler and have relatively longer Measurements and photographs of habitus appendages than their epigean counter- and male palps were made with a Leica parts, suggesting some degree of troglo- M165C stereoscopic microscope using Lei- morphism. Furthermore, if the ca Application Suite 3.8. All stacked-focus morphological resemblance was to indicate imageswereprocessedinHeliconFocus6.8 that species in each of these three pairs are (https://www.heliconsoft.com). Specimens sister taxa, this would mean that Andohar- were prepared for scanning electron mi- ano invaded the subterranean habitat more croscopy as described in Magalhaes and than oncein their evolutionaryhistory.This Ram´ırez (2017), and all images were taken hypothesiscouldbeeventuallytestedwitha in a Philips FEI XL 30 TMP scanning densely sampled phylogeny of the genus electronmicroscopeatMuseoArgentinode that is beyond the scope of this paper. Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires. The morphological details of representa- tives of Andoharano unveiled during the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION courseofthisstudy hintat thephylogenetic placement of the genus. Gray (1995) The study of the new specimens allowed suggested Andoharano is closely related to us to recognize at least seven undescribed Afrofilistata due to the possession of a species of Andoharano, elevating the total ‘‘lozenge-shaped cymbium.’’ The cymbium from four to 11 species in Madagascar. in Andoharano is indeed small when Filistatids are more diverse in subtropical, comparedwiththatofotherfilistatidgenera and has a convex margin that could be 2 Supplementary material referenced in this interpreted in that way. However, the paper is available online at www.mcz.harvard.edu/ Publications/. cymbium in Afrofilistata is horseshoe- Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata A REVISION OF MALAGASY ANDOHARANO (cid:2) Magalhaes and Grismado 265 Figure1. DistributionmapofAndoharanospeciesinMadagascar.Drawingsoffemalespermathecaeindorsalview,alltoscale. shaped,andthisgenuslacksaciniformgland posterior end of the carapace and lacking spigots (Magalhaes, unpublished data), submarginal bands, is also reminiscent of characters that would instead ally it with that of Antilloides and Filistatoides F.O. Pritha Lehtinen and its relatives. We here Pickard-Cambridge.Thismightsuggestthat show that Andoharano presents true feath- Andoharano has affinities with the New erysetaeandastrongretrolateralcondylein World fauna, with puzzling biogeographic the metatarsus II of males, characters implications. shared among the Prithinae only with New World genera (e.g., Pikelinia Mello-Leita˜o and Antilloides Brescovit, Sa´nchez-Ruiz & SYSTEMATICS Alayo´n). The pattern of coloration of the carapace, with a dark hourglass-shaped Filistatidae Ausserer, 1867 band extending from the eyes to the Andoharano Lehtinen, 1967 Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata 266 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 162, No. 4 Andoharano Lehtinen, 1967: 214. Type species carapace longer than wide, thoracic fovea by original designation Filistata decaryi absent. Clypeus slightly notched in males. Fage,1945 Eyes united in a low tubercle, anterior median eye subequal to the anterior lateral Diagnosis. This genus can be easily eye. Eye apodemes absent (Fig. 2B). distinguished from all Old World filistatids Featherysetaepresent(Figs.3C,4F),white by the presence of true feathery setae (Fig. setae absent. Sternum slightly longer than 2A).Bothmalesandfemalesusuallypresent wide; sigilla difficult to observe but detect- an hourglass-shaped brown band extending able under SEM, a single posterior pair from the eye region to the posterior end of (Fig. 2D). Cheliceral gland slightly raised the carapace (Fig. 12; absent in some (Figs. 3B, 4D). Female palp tarsal macro- species).Malescanbefurtherdistinguished setae absent. Leg formula 1423. Femora, by the small cymbium with a straight metatarsi, and tarsi macrosetae absent. anterior margin and bearing a retrolateral Tibiae macrosetae usually absent, but pres- forelock of long setae that run along with ent in the tibiae I of males of some species. the bulb (Figs. 9E, 41D) and by the shape Male tarsi entire. Trichobothria with ring- of the sperm duct, which makes a strong like socket present in tibiae and metatarsi, backwards curve in the last section (Fig. 8). in the last case, reaching the distal end of Females possess a large fan-shaped seta in the article (Fig. 4G). Male metatarsus II the posterior median spinnerets (Figs. 6D, bearing a strong retrolateral condyle, with E, 7E) (convergent in some other prithine modified metatarsus stopper, and apparent- genera). The shape of the outer spermathe- ly lacking a tarsal socket (Fig. 17F); in A. cae (elongate, drop-shaped, widest distally, ramirezi,witharetrolateralexcavation(Fig. with pores restricted to apical portion; Figs. 41H). Calamistrum sessile, in some species 11D, 14) is typical of this genus, but some with numerous setae, composed of three species (A. ansieae, A. ramirezi) have parallel rows; teeth present in all setae rounded spermathecae. (Figs. 3F, G, 4I–K). Abdomen suboval. Description. Size: small spiders, ranging Posterior respiratory system lacking lateral from 1.82 (A. ramirezi male) to 6.7 mm (A. tracheae or transverse duct (Fig. 5). Anal decaryi female) in total length (appendages tubercleunmodified.Spinnerets(Figs.6,7): excluded). Color and pattern: carapace, cribellum divided, with each spinning field sternum, labium, and appendages pale very wide, cribellum spigots strobilate. yellowtoyellowishbrown.Carapaceusually Anterior lateral spinnerets (ALS) with with dark brown hourglass-shaped band anterior row of setae, one major ampullate extending from the eye region to the gland spigot on the anterior margin, and posterior end of the carapace; submarginal about 15–35 piriform gland spigots. Poste- bands absent; dark brown lining on sides of rior median spinnerets (PMS) flattened, carapace present or absent. Sternum lightly with spatulate setae, a large fan-shaped seta colored, occasionally with brown pigment medially, and one aciniform gland spigot, on anterior margin. Chelicerae with an one minor ampullate gland spigot, and one anterior brown patch. Legs usually with paracribellar gland spigot. Posterior lateral brownannulations,threeonthefemoraand spinnerets (PLS) with around 10–20 acini- two on the tibiaeandmetatarsi; annulations form gland spigots, and a longer spigot sometimes lacking, especially in cave-dwell- probably serving the paracribellar gland. ing species. Abdomen with well-defined Male genitalia (Figs. 8, 9): palpal femur chevron-like pattern, usually with around straight,unarmed.Palpaltibiaincrassateor, six markings; ventral side lightly colored, morecommonly,subconical,widestdistally; with bands alongside spinnerets. Prosoma: in all species, except for A. ramirezi and A. Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata A REVISION OF MALAGASY ANDOHARANO (cid:2) Magalhaes and Grismado 267 Figure2. Andoharanosimonisp.nov.,femalefromMadagascar,Toliara,Eloetse(CAS9014032),cephalothorax.A.Dorsal. Insetshowingfeatheryseta.B.Eyeregion,dorsal.C.Lateral.D.Ventral.Insetshowingsternumsigillum.E.Anterior.F.Anterior, detailoflabrumandleftserrula.Abbreviations:L¼labrum,S¼serrula. Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata 268 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 162, No. 4 Figure 3. Andoharano simoni sp. nov., female from Madagascar, Toliara, Eloetse (CAS 9014032), appendages. A. Left chelicera,anterior.B.Same,posterior.Insetsshowingcheliceraglandandrowofchemosensorysetae.C.Leftpalp,retrolateral. D.LeftlegI,claws,retrolateral.InsetshowingtarsalorganIV,retrolateral.E.LeftlegIV,metatarsusstopper,dorsal.Insetshowing trichobothriumonmetatarsusI.F.Leftcalamistrum,arrowstoeachofthethreerows.G.Calamistrumsetae,detail.Abbreviations: CL¼apexofchelicerallamina,Ch¼chemosensoryseta,PL¼promarginallobe,SS¼slitsensilla. Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata A REVISION OF MALAGASY ANDOHARANO (cid:2) Magalhaes and Grismado 269 Figure 4. Andoharano griswoldi sp. nov., female from Madagascar, Antsiranana, Montagne des Franc¸ais (CAS 9000850), appendages.A.Leftchelicera,anterior.B.Same,posterior.C.Palpaltarsalorgan,retrolateral.D.Cheliceragland.E.Leftpalp, retrolateral.F.MetatarsusI,dorsal,detailoftrichobothriaandfeatherysetae.G.LeftlegI,metatarsusstopper,dorsal.H.Tarsal claws IV, retrolateral. I. Left calamistrum, dorsal. J. Same, retrolateral. K. Detail of calamistrum setae. Abbreviations: Ch¼ chemosensoryseta,MS¼metatarsusstopper,PL¼promarginallobe,SS¼slitsensilla,Tr¼trichobothria. Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata 270 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 162, No. 4 Figure5. Andoharanosimonisp.nov.,femaleparatype(MCZ54669),clearedabdomenshowingspermathecaeandposterior tracheae,dorsalview.Scalebars¼0.5mm(A)or0.1mm(B). ansieae, with strong apical setae on the ansieae Zonstein & Marusik, 2015; A. ventral side. Cymbium short, with straight griswoldi sp. nov.; A. lehtineni sp. nov.; A. anterior margin, bearing a forelock of long ramirezi sp. nov.; A. rollardae sp. nov.; A. setae that run parallel to the bulb. Bulb simoni sp. nov.; A. woodae sp. nov.; A. drop-shaped to trapezoidal. Paraembolic zonsteini sp. nov. lamina absent. Embolus straight to curved, Distribution. The 11 species treated in retrolaterally bent; small slit present in the this contribution are endemic to the dry retrolateral side; keel absent. Sperm duct portions of Madagascar. An additional with a double coil, the second one not species has been described from Namibia complete; a strong backwards curve is byZonsteinandMarusik(2015),anddetails present in the last section. Fundus pointing of the male palp indicate it indeed belongs ventrally. Basal bulb sclerite flattened; the to the Andoharano lineage (see ‘‘Internal tendon of the claw flexor muscle (tM29) Relationships and Monophyly’’ section be- attachesdorsally.Femalegenitalia(Figs.10, low). Because the filistatid fauna of main- 11): external region unsclerotized, with land Africa has never been revised and is dark, strong pubescence. Interpulmonary severely undersampled, we would expect fold with straight anterior margin and sub- additional species of the genus to be squarish corners. Uterus externus membra- discovered in new localities in the future. nous. Spermathecae: two pairs present Internal Relationships and Monophyly. (except for A. ansieae, apparently with a Most Malagasy species of the genus have a single spermatheca); the inner pair sub- rather uniform morphology and are similar triangular to flattened apically, the outer to A. decaryi, the generotype. At least two one usually elongate, drop-shaped (except character states are shared by these species in A. ramirezi and A. ansieae, rounded), (and not by other filistatid genera): the with pores restricted to the apical portion presenceof incrassate setae inthe venter of on a slightly more sclerotized sector that themalepalpaltibia(Fig.27)andthedrop- appears darker in light microscope shaped outer spermathecae with pores Composition. Twelve species: Andohar- restricted to its apical portion (Fig. 11). ano grandidieri (Simon, 1901); A. decaryi However, two species deviate from this (Fage, 1945); A. milloti Legendre, 1971; generalpatternandlackthesetwocharacter Andoharano monodi Legendre, 1971; A. states: A. ramirezi (from southern Mada- Downloaded From: https://bioone.org/journals/Bulletin-of-the-Museum-of-Comparative-Zoology on 11 Apr 2019 Terms of Use: https://bioone.org/terms-of-use Access provided by Innodata

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