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The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents, and Booksellers Behind Them PDF

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Preview The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents, and Booksellers Behind Them

InThe Making of a Bestseller,the nation’s top Reference / Publishing T B R I A N H I L L ■ D E E P O W E R $19.95 authors and publishing industry professionals H CAN $27.95 share their stories and insights into how to create E LEARN HOW YOUR FAVORITE BESTSELLING a blockbuster, including exclusive interviews with M T H E M A K I N G O F A “The creation of a bestseller is a finely authors: choreographed team effort, where scores of AUTHORS MADE IT TO THE TOP A Mark Bowden ■ Barbara Taylor Bradford individuals contribute to the book’s eventual success. K Dan Brown ■ Sandra Brown ■ Harlan Coben Although bestselling authors take very different With some 175,000 books published yearly in the United States, the chances of scoring a place I paths to the top, their careers are marked by certain Catherine Coulter ■ Barbara Delinsky on the bestseller lists is less than 1 percent. Now for the first time ever, top-selling authors, N BESTSELLER readily identifiable characteristics that up-and-coming G Kirk Ellis ■Linda Fairstein ■ Rachel Gibson publishers, and industry insiders reveal what it takes to make a bestseller happen. authors can certainly emulate. In The Making of a Laurell K. Hamilton ■ Anna Jacobs The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents, and O Bestseller,they pass their knowledge and wisdom Booksellers behind Themunveils the mysterious process of creating a bestseller from the ground F on to the next generation of authors.” Sabrina Jeffries ■ Iris Johansen up. You’ll learn how the books that thrill, inspire, teach, or entertain us are born—in the words of —Authors Brian Hill and Dee Power Dr. Spencer Johnson ■ Stephanie Laurens the publishing industry’s key players—including: A Brad Meltzer ■ Christopher Paolini ■ How bestselling authors approach the craft of writing B SUCCESS STORIES FROM AUTHORS AND THE or authors, earning a spot on the bestseller and marketing their books E F Carly Phillips ■ Susan Elizabeth Phillips EDITORS, AGENTS, AND BOOKSELLERS BEHIND THEM ■ The workings of the selection process, from the query S lists is the grand, often elusive prize at the end Christina Skye ■ Bertrice Small T letter to the decision to publish of many years of hard work. But beyond great Nicholas Sparks ■ Peter Straub ■ Stuart Woods S ■ How publishers know a book has bestseller potential E writing, there are other elements involved in making ■ The agent’s role in helping create a bestseller L a bestseller happen. Such factors as the review ■ The most important factors in a book’s success L process, publicity, marketing programs, bookstore E ■ The powerful effect of TV book clubs and Hollywood, distribution, online outlets, TV book clubs, Hollywood R book tours, publicity, marketing, reviews, and distribution exposure, and even the right timing can all converge ■ An inside look at how great success and fame to create that amazing phenomenon known as the impact the lives of bestselling authors H bestseller. More than 50 successful authors, publishers, editors, agents, critics, and other experts I L More than just a compilation of interviews share their insights into what separates a bestselling book from the pack. From first-time L novelists to serial bestselling authors, you’ll hear their amazing stories of tribulation and triumph, and contributions, The Making of a Bestselleris a ■ and what they learned in the process. Whether you’re an author or would-be author, a publishing comprehensive guide to the entire publishing process P Brian Hilland Dee Powerwere inspired by their professional, a devoted fan of today’s popular authors, or simply an avid reader, you’re sure to O —the first of its kind written from the bestseller own publishing experiences to research and enjoy reading the fascinating journeys of America’s favorite authors as they reach the pinnacle W write The Making of a Bestseller. Hill and Power of success. perspective. Avid readers of both fiction and E have also coauthored Inside Secrets to Venture nonfiction will find fascinating stories behind some R Capital andAttracting Capital from Angels. of their favorite authors’ works, and even capture Besides nonfiction books on the exciting subject an inside glimpse at the much-envied life and of “success,” they write novels and screenplays in the suspense and action/ adventure genres. Both career of a bestselling author from the rarified air authors have Master of Business Administration of its denizens! ■ degrees. Contact them through their Web site: www.BrianHillAndDeePower.com. InThe Making of a Bestseller,the nation’s top Reference / Publishing T B R I A N H I L L ■ D E E P O W E R $19.95 authors and publishing industry professionals H CAN $27.95 share their stories and insights into how to create E LEARN HOW YOUR FAVORITE BESTSELLING a blockbuster, including exclusive interviews with M T H E M A K I N G O F A “The creation of a bestseller is a finely authors: choreographed team effort, where scores of AUTHORS MADE IT TO THE TOP A Mark Bowden ■ Barbara Taylor Bradford individuals contribute to the book’s eventual success. K Dan Brown ■ Sandra Brown ■ Harlan Coben Although bestselling authors take very different With some 175,000 books published yearly in the United States, the chances of scoring a place I paths to the top, their careers are marked by certain Catherine Coulter ■ Barbara Delinsky on the bestseller lists is less than 1 percent. Now for the first time ever, top-selling authors, N BESTSELLER readily identifiable characteristics that up-and-coming G Kirk Ellis ■Linda Fairstein ■ Rachel Gibson publishers, and industry insiders reveal what it takes to make a bestseller happen. authors can certainly emulate. In The Making of a Laurell K. Hamilton ■ Anna Jacobs The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents, and O Bestseller,they pass their knowledge and wisdom Booksellers behind Themunveils the mysterious process of creating a bestseller from the ground F on to the next generation of authors.” Sabrina Jeffries ■ Iris Johansen up. You’ll learn how the books that thrill, inspire, teach, or entertain us are born—in the words of —Authors Brian Hill and Dee Power Dr. Spencer Johnson ■ Stephanie Laurens the publishing industry’s key players—including: A Brad Meltzer ■ Christopher Paolini ■ How bestselling authors approach the craft of writing B SUCCESS STORIES FROM AUTHORS AND THE or authors, earning a spot on the bestseller and marketing their books E F Carly Phillips ■ Susan Elizabeth Phillips EDITORS, AGENTS, AND BOOKSELLERS BEHIND THEM ■ The workings of the selection process, from the query S lists is the grand, often elusive prize at the end Christina Skye ■ Bertrice Small T letter to the decision to publish of many years of hard work. But beyond great Nicholas Sparks ■ Peter Straub ■ Stuart Woods S ■ How publishers know a book has bestseller potential E writing, there are other elements involved in making ■ The agent’s role in helping create a bestseller L a bestseller happen. Such factors as the review ■ The most important factors in a book’s success L process, publicity, marketing programs, bookstore E ■ The powerful effect of TV book clubs and Hollywood, distribution, online outlets, TV book clubs, Hollywood R book tours, publicity, marketing, reviews, and distribution exposure, and even the right timing can all converge ■ An inside look at how great success and fame to create that amazing phenomenon known as the impact the lives of bestselling authors H bestseller. More than 50 successful authors, publishers, editors, agents, critics, and other experts I L More than just a compilation of interviews share their insights into what separates a bestselling book from the pack. From first-time L novelists to serial bestselling authors, you’ll hear their amazing stories of tribulation and triumph, and contributions, The Making of a Bestselleris a ■ and what they learned in the process. Whether you’re an author or would-be author, a publishing comprehensive guide to the entire publishing process P Brian Hilland Dee Powerwere inspired by their professional, a devoted fan of today’s popular authors, or simply an avid reader, you’re sure to O —the first of its kind written from the bestseller own publishing experiences to research and enjoy reading the fascinating journeys of America’s favorite authors as they reach the pinnacle W write The Making of a Bestseller. Hill and Power of success. perspective. Avid readers of both fiction and E have also coauthored Inside Secrets to Venture nonfiction will find fascinating stories behind some R Capital andAttracting Capital from Angels. of their favorite authors’ works, and even capture Besides nonfiction books on the exciting subject an inside glimpse at the much-envied life and of “success,” they write novels and screenplays in the suspense and action/ adventure genres. Both career of a bestselling author from the rarified air authors have Master of Business Administration of its denizens! ■ degrees. Contact them through their Web site: www.BrianHillAndDeePower.com. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other profes- sional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Vice President and Publisher: Cynthia A. Zigmund Acquisitions Editor: Michael Cunningham Senior Project Editor: Trey Thoelcke Interior Design: Lucy Jenkins Cover Design: Design Solutions Typesetting: Elizabeth Pitts © 2005 by Brian Hill and Dee Power Published by Dearborn Trade Publishing A Kaplan Professional Company All rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 05 06 07 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hill, Brian E. (Brian Edward), 1955– The making of a bestseller : success stories from authors and the editors, agents, and booksellers behind them / Brian Hill and Dee Power. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7931-9308-7 1. Best sellers—United States—History—20th century. 2. Publishers and pub- lishing—United States—History—20th century. 3. Books and reading—United States—History—20th century. 4. Popular literature—United States—History and criticism. 5. Authorship. 6. Authors, American—20th century—Interviews. I. Power, Dee II. Title. Z1033.B3H55 2005 381′.45002′09730904—dc22 2004022940 Dearborn Trade books are available at special quantity discounts to use for sales promotions, employee premiums, or educational purposes. Please call our Spe- cial Sales Department to order or for more information at 800-621-9621 ext. 4444, e-mail [email protected], or write to Dearborn Trade Publishing, 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2500, Chicago, IL 60606-7481. C o n t e n t s Acknowledgments ix P A R T O N E The Bestseller 1. THE INCOMPARABLE THRILL 1 A MOUNT OLYMPUS FOR AUTHORS FIRST THE STRUGGLE, THEN THE THRILL TREMENDOUS REWARDS BUT TREMENDOUS PRESSURE 2. MAKING THE LIST How They Work 13 AGAINST THE ODDS A BRIEF HISTORY OF HOW THE BESTSELLER LIST BEGAN HOW THE LISTS WORK 3. WHAT CAUSES A BOOK TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL? 25 THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS PREVIOUS SUCCESS IS THE KEY INDICATOR OF FUTURE SUCCESS LISTENING TO THE MARKETPLACE 4. REVIEWS The Good, the Bad, the Ugly 35 THE IMPACT OF REVIEWS HOW BOOKS ARE CHOSEN TO BE REVIEWED NOW EVERYONE’S A CRITIC A LAST LOOK FROM INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS 5. CHANGES IN READERS’ TASTES 47 VIEWS FROM THE AUTHORS THE CHALLENGES FOR EDITORS THE GREAT (AND ACRIMONIOUS) DEBATE COMMERCIAL VERSUS LITERARY v vi Contents P A R T T W O Publishing 6. EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS 65 THE PATH TO PUBLICATION AUTHORS AND EDITORS WORKING TOGETHER WHY EDITORS DECLINE NONFICTION SAYING NO TO FICTION 7. LITERARY AGENTS 79 THE ROLE OF A LITERARY AGENT ARE AGENTS SUPERSALESPERSONS, GATEKEEPERS, OR TALENT SCOUTS? EDITORS’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE AGENT’S PITCH INCREDIBLE COMPETITION IN THE HUNT FOR AN AGENT 8. GETTING THE BOOKS ON THE SHELVES AND OUT THE DOOR 91 HOW BOOKSTORES SELECT TITLES CHAIN RETAILERS BOOK CLUBS HOW BOOKSTORES IMPACT NEW AUTHORS’ CAREERS 9. ESTABLISHING A BRAND IMAGE WITH READERS 105 ARE AUTHORS “BRANDS”? AUTHORS’ VIEWS ON BRAND IMAGE HOW TO CREATE A BRAND CAN BRANDING BE TAKEN TOO FAR? 10. PROMOTION Publishers’ and Publicists’ Efforts and, of Course, Bookstores 119 PUBLISHERS PACK A PROMOTIONAL PUNCH PROMOTING ON AND OFF THE INTERNET THE TV BOOK CLUB FACTOR—THE WILD CARD OF BOOKPROMOTION THE AUTHOR AS PRODUCT SPOKESPERSON THE BOOKSELLERS Contents vii 11. CLIMBING THE MARKETING MOUNTAIN 133 THE AUTHOR’S EFFORTS CREATING WORD-OF-MOUTH BUZZ P A R T T H R E E The Author 12. BUILDING A CAREER 149 A TALE OF TWO AUTHORS GETTING STARTED MIDLIST, FRONTLIST, OR BACKLIST HOW AUTHORS MANUFACTURE THEIR OWN LUCK COMING BACK FOR SECONDS 13. FROM THE BOOKSHELF TO THE SILVER SCREEN 165 THE SYNERGIES OF BOOKS AND MOVIES THE PROCESS OF ADAPTATION 14. WHERE DOES THE IDEA COME FROM? 179 THE MAGICAL PROCESS OF INSPIRATION: EMERIL OR EDGAR? A VISIT TO THE IDEA FACTORY SO MANY IDEAS, ONLY ONE LIFETIME: GIVING AN IDEA THE GREENLIGHT 15. THE PROCESS OF WRITING 189 CHOOSING A GENRE RESEARCH PLANNING AND PLOTTING THE DISCIPLINE OF WRITING EVOLUTION OF AN AUTHOR’S STYLE 16. THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR’S LIFE 207 CHANGES TO THEIR LIVES MONEY, MONEY, MONEY COULD BESTSELLING AUTHORS BECOME EVEN MORE FAMOUS? FAME, RECOGNITION, AND LET’S NOT FORGET MONEY— BUTTHAT’S NOT ALL viii Contents 17. THE UPS AND DOWNS 217 THE PRESSURE TO STAY ON TOP FAMOUS WRITERS’ TIME IS NOT THEIR OWN THE GLORIOUS FIRST SUCCESS A PERSPECTIVE ON LONG-TERM SUCCESS 18. FINAL THOUGHTS 231 WISDOM FROM BESTSELLING AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND AGENTS THE MAKING OF A BESTSELLER Index 243

People are fascinated by bestselling authors who have become every bit as much celebrities as rock musicians or film stars. Through some mysterious process, these individuals take blank pages and turn them into gold—many of them over and over again. For authors, earning a spot on the bestselle
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