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Price 12 sumption,bystorekeepersand manufactu- Mipnladin,Yoaunrd SCtoomppsos:itPiiounictsuiamtpliiofniedmadfoer rfmeerraosnm;ss.wpiutrhiofuusl,ldbiyrescitmipolnestaonddetiencetxgpeennusiinvee Readers,WritersandTalkers. Price.-.0 12 The Mother's Medical Adviser on the This little book isworth ten times the Diseases andManagementofChildren. priceaskedforit,andwillteachaccurately WithOrisrinalRecipesandFullDirections ineverything,fromthedictionofafriend- relativetotheRearingofYoungInfants. lyletterto the composition of a learned ByThomasWakely,M.P.,Editorofthe treatise. LondonLancet. 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BEING A COMPLETE HAND-BOOK OF PARLOR MAGIC, AND CONTAINING OYER ONE THOUSAND UPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MECHANICAL, MAGXETICAL, AND MAGICAL EIPERIMKNT8, AMUSING TRANSMUTATIONS, ASTONISHING SLEIGHTS ANDSUBTLETIES, CELEBRATED CARD DECEPTIONS, INGE^^OUS TRICKS WITH NUM- BERS,CURIOUSANDENTERTAININGPUZZLES,TOGETHERWITH ALL THEMOSTNOTEDTRICKS OFMOFERN PERFORMERS. THE WHOLE niiTJSTRATED WITH OVER 500 WOOD CUTS, ITD INTSNDSD AS A SOUBOB 07 AMTTSBlCEirrFOS ONE THOUSAND AND ONE EVENINGS NEW YORK: DICK <fe FITZGERALD, 18 ANN STREET. 1862. Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 185T, t»r DICK & FITZGERALD, In the Clerk's Ofiace of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. ; PREFACE. The publishers of this interesting volumedo not conceive thatit requiresan elaborate introduction to the reading public. Somebrief remarks, however, may not be inappropriate as a preface to The Magician's Own Book, since the "black art," as inlessen lightened agesthepracticeof alltheseinnocentandinterestingfeats wastermed, is not yet as popularly understood in this country as it is abroad. There isa charmin legerdemain, or sleight of hand, that all, whether young orold, can readily appreciate. There is a mystery in itthat piques the understanding as well as provokes the curiosity of the spectator. Ifthe trick beexecuted with address,itexcitesouradmira- tion; and the simpler itappears, the more it engages our fancy and fascinates our attention. And it is not only when we aremystified in public, cajoled in great saloons, and in the presence of crowds, that theseeffectsaredeveloped. Theyarecalled forthbytheperformances even of some humble artist in the family circle, whose ingenuity of mindhas enabled him to gatherup themore available of these prac- tical puzzles. It would seem, therefore, a useful thing to place this source of harmless amusementwithin the reach of all who can relish itseccentricities, andinsteadof leavingitinthehands of "professors," as apecuniaryspeculation,to enablethe domesticgroup to master and enjoyit inall itsever-varying phasesof novelty andgratification. To do this is what the publishers propose inthe issue of this volume and theyflatterthemselves, thatifcarefullystudied, itwillprepare the Toung Conjuror to convert the parlor, at anydesirable moment, into aplace of genuineentertainmentfor himselfand his companions, and amplerepay him for the little time and thoughthe may devote to the acquisition of thenecessary skill anddexterity. Sleight of hand, magic, necromancy, &c., are all terms of art applicable to the same series of performances. The parlor student, [3] IV PREFACE. therefore, once familiar with the generalprinciples uponwhich these "experiments" areeffected, will find little difficultyin comprehending at aglance, notwithstanding all the show of gorgeous paraphernalia and auxiliary machinery employed,the modus operandi of every one of them he may witness in public. This will be a new source of pleasure to him, independent of his ability to turn" Conjuror" on his ownaccountathome. Nor can we well conceive of anyrational objection likely to be urged against a kind of knowledge, so unim- peachablein itsnature,and somirthprovokingin its results. Acting Charades are common, even among the most fastidious families. Enigmas and puzzles, inpantomimeandspeech, afford innoxiousam- usementto thousands. The publishers only consider The Magician's Own Book anewadditiontothecurrentlistof entertainments of that character; for what isa sleight of hand feat but an enigmaplaced beforethespectatorforsolution? What isatrickin"naturalmagic" butapuzzle repeated to those who behold it, each one of whom is tacitly expected to guesshow it is accomplished, while the little practitioner only holdsthekeyto themystery? In truth, theparlor needssomeincreaseinits means of social amusement. The number itembraces is extremely limited. They soonweary. This weariness createsan appetite for outside attractions, notalwayswholesome, and too ofteninsidiously pernicious. The Magician's Own Booknicely fills up, therefore, the void in the category of parlor recreations. It may be made to presentan ever-changing,always tempting, stay-at- home inducement, and in this shapebecomes a moral assistant of no unimportant description, aswell as thepiquantsource of good humor- edbamboozlement. In conclusion we would say, that the Magician's Own Book con- tainsagreatvariety of curious tricks and deceptions, many of which have never before appeared in print, and for many of which the publishersbegtoacknowledge theirindebtedness to Mr. John Wyman, Junior, the celebrated magician, that gentleman having kindly furnished clearand simpleexplanationstomany of hismostsurprising parlor featsandfancies.

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