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evelli"" /?OdJ Ladies and Gentlemen - '-I' or Good Morning - or Good Afternoon. The time doesn't really matter - because I'm going to be in your life every minute of every day. ~f/t I EM01l0NALApPEIIL./ The Magic Power of Emotional Appeal by ROY,GARN PRENTICE-HALL, INC., Englewood CMs, N.J. © 1960, BY ROY GARN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY MIMEO GRAPH OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT PER MISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 60-10848 First printing ........ April, 1960 Second printing . ...... July, 1960 Third printing •.. November, 1960 Fourth printing ....•. . May, 1961 Fifth printing . ....... . July, 1961 Sixth printing .... . February, 1962 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 54509-MO DEDICATION To Plum and Elsa ••• to the thousands who have studied Emotional Appeal ••• and to the millions who need it. Preface This book is the result of more than seventeen years of pioneering in the field of human communication. During this time, hundreds of people came to me with their "personal problems." In discussion periods, phone calls, mail and consultation that followed radio and TV appearances, public and class lectures and social conversations, thousands more evidenced their individualized attitudes, feelings " . . and problems. These "problems» were problems of person-to-person com'muni cation. They indicated a prepotent presence of certain common denominators or "listening factors" that could motivate any com munication, whether mass or person-to-person. An easy-to-apply, all-embracing communication Technique was developed and intensively tested. Over 26,000 men and women were taught how to use this ONE Technique for EVERY situation in which it is necessary to use words and actions: at home, in job, marriage, profession or busi ness; in sales, public speaking, advertising, personnel and public relations; in overt, social, intergroup and even the most intimate personal communication. The Technique is Emotional Appeal Technique. What is Emotional Appeal? Emotional Appeal is your ability to motivate and make others want to listen. This ability can become your most important personal posses sion-your key to Personality, Persuasion and Happier Living. Acquiring this ability, however, involves the way you understand and control yourself and the emotional reactions of others to your words and actions. As time goes by, these emotional reactions become increasingly vital to your health, disposition, initiative, outlook and success. vii viii PREFACE THE MAGIC POWER OF EMOTIONAL APPEAL contains hundreds of examples from everyday living that demonstrate the need for Emotional Appeal, and the unfailing efficacy of the Emotional Appeal Technique. It shows how to: Make Others Want to Listen. Making others want to listen can become your prime personal power. This does not involve a talent for speaking to people; it does require a capacity to speak with them. When you say it with Emotional Appeal, you succeed in making others want to listen! Possess a More Vital Outlook. Your outlook has much to do with the response to your com munication. When there are upsetting reactions or no response at all, frustration and unhappiness will kindle within you. With Emotional Appeal Technique, however, you uncover the emo tionally "responsive chord" in those with whom you communicate. Thereafter, you can properly direct your words and actions and be more certain of gaining the responses you seek. These re sponses are emotional indicators to you and for you. They will contribute to better health and help you possess a more vital outlook. Understand Yourself. To understand yourself, you must know what makes you act and react the way you do. With Emotional Appeal Technique, you see yourself in the unretouched mirror of your feelings . . _ identify your BIG motivating Emotional Appeal and better un' derstand the why for Y- 0-U. When you have such understanding, you gain greater control of words, actions and reactions. You become better able to handle fears, worries and upsets and emerge with more refreshing and persuasive personality to others. Rid Yourself of Money Worries. What real achievement is realized by the individual who is a Rnancial success at work and a failure in personal and family relationships? "Money success" is rarely followed by "personality success," yet more people worry about money than other echelons of their existence. In Chapter Five, Money is defined and dis cussed as a powerfully communicative member of Four "Fatal" Emotional Appeals in ourselves and those with whom we inter- PREFACE ix act. We learn Two Thoughts That Rid You of Money Worries . .. why the best way to learn economy is by spending . . . and that, if you cannot make an emotional success of a money success you have no success at aIIl Achieve Recognition. The desire for Recognition is an essential emotional component in everyone, but few people receive the Recognition they feel they deserve I Chapter Seven explains why Recognition may be a dangerous word-or-action explosive as well as a power-packed drive towards attainment. More important, it demonstrates how understanding and use of Emotional Appeal Technique in com munication can achieve Recognition for you. Get a Better Job and Future. Education for a job or profession is meaningless unless it teaches you how to communicate what you learn. To sllccessfully com municate, you must reach others emotionally! Job relationships are communication relationships. When communication is better, your work is more enjoyable and resultful. Chapter Thirteen shows how Emotional Appeal Technique assures more successful communication in your job, profession or business. It includes ideas that will help your future and Five Potent Pointers For A Job Interview, whether you want to get a job or advance in your present one. Start Romance. Romance, before and after marriage, is a matter of communica tion. This is why any female-plain or pretty-can get a husband if she meets the "right" available man and uses the right Emo tional Appeal in her words and actions. In Chapter Six and elsewhere, you will notice that Romance is one of the omni potently communicative Emotional Appeals whose three prongs interlock for much more than sex attraction or desire for mar riage in woman or man. And, "for better or worse," Chapter Six contains One Sentence With Emotional Appeal That Always Starts Romance! Secure a More Satisfying Marriage. The odds against a "happy" marriage are huge. Nearly one-third of marriages end in divorce and separation and it is almost im possible to estimate how many more are supersaturated with un happiness. Explanations range from sex to money, upbringing, beliefs, disposition, in-laws and unique incompatibilities. Why do marriages really fail? The main reason why marriages fail is x PREFACE that the husband and wife do not know how to speak to each other! Good communication is an essential for better marriage; without use of reciprocal Emotional Appeal, few marriages can succeed. Marital mates need more knowledge about one an other's feelings! Want a more satisfying marriage? Chapter Twelve is one of the chapters that will help you. It teaches the importance of your own and your mate's "feelings" and provides rules you can rely on to promptly add Emotional Appeal to your marriage and make it far more mutually satisfying. Make People Remember, Respect and Like You. The person who is remembered, respected and liked is happier, more persuasive and successful than the one who is not. Why do people remember~ respect and like? Because of response to ac tivating Emotional Appeal in words and actionsl Would you like to gain direction and control of this response? You can! Through out the Book, and especially in Chapters Seven and Eleven, there are many illustrations of how to use Emotional Appeal even when you listen! Chapter Eleven lets you "in" on the emotional secret behind visual effects . . . reveals how to know in advance the <'kind" of story that others want to hear, contains four ways to add Emotional Appeal to whatever you say, and emphasizes Three Thoughts that will unerringly make people remember, re spect and like you. Add Emotional Appeal to Your Voice. Your voice is a musical instrument. When played, it may give pleasure, pain or sedation to listeners! Most speaking voices are not naturally beautiful; usually, they are too high or too low. It's how you say what you say that makes others feel that you have Emotional Appeal! Regardless of your present tonal quality, Chapter Fourteen lets you prove to your own satisfaction that you can add Emotional Appeal to your voice when you trans late three ideas into action. It shows how, in less than five min utes, you can build a "Voice Control Box" that will last a life time, offers many suggestions that assure valuable vocal aid for you and exhibits the permanent personal advantages of blending the added Emotional Appeal in your voice with attention-getting, attention-holding "listening factors" in your words and actions. Successfully Handle Fears, Worries and Upsets. Fears, worries and upsets grip us in thousands of ways. Distinc tively personal, they are blanketed by an emotional individuality that blends into our personality. Inadvertently, they are reflected when we communicate! Chapter Eight is entitled: "How Emo- PREFACE xi tional Appeal Technique Rapidly Rids You Of Fears, Worries and Upsets." It explains what happens when you look forward-to and backward-on such pulsating inner shadows. The Chapter, a powerful portion of the Emotional Appeal communication con cept, indicates why "emotional problems" and "emotionally-caused illness" are created by the way so many of our needs are com municatively directed or disturbed. It also presents you with Three Guiding Principles for successfully handling fears, worries and upsets. Assure More Enioyable Sex Relations. Most couples are mismated emotionally, not physically! Sex re actions are emotional reactions to communication; satisfying sex relations come only when the Emotional Appeal of one partner's communication satisfies the other! Chapter Twelve conveys a way that partners can remove their inhibitions, express response and satisfaction and remember the importance of timing. With Emotional Appeal Technique and the inclusions in this Chapter, both can enjoy the benefits of more completely mutual sex rela tionsl Win Arguments and Disputes. Too many arguments? Be careful! You may remain so glued to your reactions that you leave yourself wide open for trouble while hammering a nail, talking, eating, walking or driving an automobile. Why allow argument to undermine your health and disposition? Chapter Ten lists Eight Argumentative Sub jects from which "victory" brings no emotional benefit. It demon strates a simple, one-two-three method that will always help you win an argument, even when personal prejudice is involved I The Chapter shows how Emotional Appeal Technique swiftly iden tifies "conversational traps," how to handle yourself when you are with the person who has upset you and what to do after you have left his or her presence. By using recommendations in this Chapter and other portions of the Book, you will have a ready-to apply method that will win arguments, settle disputes and make you a far more tactful person. Improve Relationships with Family and Children. In every kind of communication including that with family and children, we direct our words and actions at Someone. This per Son is going to react with a smile or a frown ... with fear, desire, dislike or hatred ... with disregard, accord or argu ment. In family relationships, communication is more intimate and feelings are rnore readily expressed. Such outer expression~

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