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Preview The LWA1 Radio Telescope

ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 1 The LWA1 Radio Telescope S.W. Ellingson, Senior Member, IEEE, G.B. Taylor, J. Craig, Member, IEEE, J. Hartman, J. Dowell, C.N. Wolfe, Student Member, IEEE, T.E. Clarke, B.C. Hicks, Member, IEEE, N.E. Kassim, P.S. Ray, L. J Rickard, F.K. Schinzel and K.W. Weiler Abstract—LWA1 is a new radio telescope operating in the frequency range 10–88 MHz, located in central New Mexico. 3 The telescope consists of 258 pairs of dipole-type antennas 1 whoseoutputsare individuallydigitizedand formed intobeams. 0 Simultaneously, signals from all dipoles can be recorded using 2 one of the instrument’s “all dipoles” modes, facilitating all-sky n imaging.Notablefeaturesoftheinstrumentincludehighintrinsic a sensitivity (≈6 kJy zenith system equivalent flux density), large J instantaneous bandwidth (up to 78 MHz), and 4 independently- steerablebeamsutilizingdigital“truetimedelay”beamforming. 9 ThispapersummarizesthedesignofLWA1anditsperformance 1 as determined in commissioning experiments. We describe the method currently in use for array calibration, and report on ] M measurements of sensitivity and beamwidth. I Index Terms—Antenna Array, Beamforming, Radio Astron- Fig. 1. LWA1. The white cargo container beyond the station array is the . omy. h electronics shelter. Visibleinthebackground isthecenter oftheVLA. p - o I. INTRODUCTION array consisting of many smaller stations distributed over a r LWA1 (“Long Wavelength Array Station 1”; Figure 1) t large region of Northern Europe. See [3] for a more detailed s is a new radio telescope operating in the frequency range a comparison of these instruments. [ 10–88 MHz, collocated with the Very Large Array (VLA; 107.63◦ W, 34.07◦ N) in central New Mexico. The telescope This paper describes LWA1 design and performance as 3 determinedincommissioningexperiments.First,inSectionII, consistsofanarrayof258pairsofdipole-typeantennaswhose v we providea brief primer on radio astronomy below 88 MHz outputsare individuallydigitized andformedintobeams. The 6 in order to provide context for subsequent discussion. Sec- 1 principal technical characteristics of LWA1 are summarized tionIIIsummarizesthedesignofLWA1.SectionIVdescribes 8 in Table I. LWA1 is so-named because it is envisioned to 4 be the first “station” of a 53-station long-baseline aperture a simple method for array calibration which we have found . to be effective. This method uses single-dipole observations 4 synthesisimagingarrayknownastheLongWavelengthArray of strong discrete astronomical sources correlated with ob- 0 (LWA), described in [1], [2]. Although the future of the 2 servations made using an “outrigger” dipole located tens to LWA is uncertain, LWA1 was completed in Fall 2011 [3] 1 hundreds of wavelengths away. Section V reports the results and is currently operating under the U.S. National Science : ofbeamformingexperiments,andcomparestheresultstothose v Foundation’s “University Radio Observatories” program. i predictedinpreviousLWA1designandsimulationstudies[1], X Contemporary radio telescopes which are also capable [9]. Conclusions are presented in Section VI. of operating in LWA1’s 10–88 MHz frequency range in- r a clude GEETEE (35–70 MHz), located in Gauribidanur, India [4]; UTR-2 (5–40 MHz), located in the Ukraine [5]; VLA II. BACKGROUND: RADIO ASTRONOMY BELOW88MHZ (74 MHz) [6]; and LOFAR (10–80 MHz), another new tele- Thescienceapplicationsofcompactarraybeamformingand scope located in the Netherlands [7], [8]. LWA1 and LO- small-apertureimagingbelow88MHzaresummarizedin[10] FAR are both digital beamforming arrays consisting of large and [11]; they include the study of pulsars, Jupiter, the Sun, numbers of dipole-type antennas and comparable sensitivity; and the Earth’s ionosphere;studies of the interstellar medium howevertheentirecollectingareaofLWA1iscontainedwithin includingradiorecombinationlinesandelectrondensityvaria- a single station, whereas LOFAR is an aperture synthesis tions;cosmologythroughobservationsoftheredshifted21cm line of neutral hydrogen; and searches for as-yet undetected S.W. Ellingson and C.N. Wolfe are with the Bradley Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, phenomena including radio emission from extrasolar planets, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). G.B. Taylor, J. astrophysical explosions from a variety of mechanisms, and Craig, J. Dowell, L. J Rickard, and F.K. Schinzel are with the Dept. of other sources of time-variable or impulsive emission. Physics &Astronomy, University ofNewMexico, Albuquerque, NM87131 USA(e-mail: [email protected]). J.Hartman is withNASAJet Propulsion Key issues for antenna and receiver design for radio as- Laboratory,Pasadena,CA91109.T.E.Clarke,B.C.Hicks,N.E.Kassim,and tronomical instrumentation operating in this frequency range P.S.RayarewiththeU.S.NavalResearchLaboratory,Washington,DC20375 are described in [12], which we briefly summarize here. (e-mail: [email protected]). K.W. Weiler is with Computational Physics,Inc.,Springfield, VA22151. In this frequency range, natural external noise is dominated ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 2 Beams 4,independently-steerable Polarizations Duallinear Tunings 2centerfrequencies perbeam, independently-selectable TuningRange 24–87MHz (>4:1sky-noisedominated), 10-88MHzusable Bandwidth ≤16MHz×2tunings ×4beams Spectral Resolution Time-domain“voltage” recording; also real-time 1024-channel spectrometer. BeamFWHM <3.2◦×[(74MHz)/ν]1.5 (upperboundindependent ofZ) BeamSEFD ≈6kJyatZ=0;depends onpointing, celestial coordinates, &frequency; seeFigure12 BeamSensitivity ≈8Jy(5σ)for1s,16MHz,Z=0 (inferred fromSEFD) All-Dipoles Modes “TBN”:70kHzfromeverydipole, continuously “TBW”:78MHzfromeverydipole, in61ms“bursts”every5min Notes: Z is zenith angle. ν is frequency. 1 Jy = 10−26 W m−2 Hz−1. FWHMisfull-widthathalf-maximum.SEFDissystemequivalentfluxdensity (see text). Additional information available at http://lwa1.info and http://lwa.unm.edu. Fig. 2. Intensity of the 74.03 MHz radio sky as measured using LWA1’s TABLEI PASIbackend (see Section III), 20:00 local sidereal time (LST).Thecenter LWA1TECHNICALCHARACTERISTICS. of this display is the zenith, the perimeter is the horizon, North is up, East isleft. Thecolorscaleranges from ∼2000K(darkblue)to∼250,000K (red).TheGalacticcenter(“GC”inthisdisplay)isprominentnearthebottom ofthefigure,andtheGalacticplaneextendshighintothesky,asindicatedby the dashed line. Bandwidth: 75 kHz, Integration time: 5 s. “Jup” is Jupiter, by the very bright Galactic synchrotron background, which whichislocatedjustbelowthehorizon,andtheunlabeledsourceintheupper generatesantennatemperaturesontheorderof103Kto105K, rightis interference. Thelighter blue regions alongthelower left andupper increasing with decreasing frequency. Contributions from the right are image noise associated with the point spread function, which has notbeendeconvolved fromtheseimages. cosmic microwave background (≈ 3 K) and other sources are also present, but are typically negligible in comparison. Man-made noise (other than deliberate radio signals) is also problem by correlating antennas in the array with a distant negligiblefortherurallocationsatwhichtheseinstrumentsare outrigger antenna, which has the effect of suppressing the typically deployed. Mechanically-steered dishes prevalent at contribution of bright features which are distributed over higherfrequenciesare not desirable due to the very large size large angular extent – in particular, the Galactic background required to achieve acceptably narrow beamwidth. Instead, emission which is concentrated along the Galactic plane and arrays of low-gain dipole-type antennas are used to facilitate whichisbrightestattheGalacticcenter(seeFigures2and3). electronic or digital beamforming.1 Individual dipole-type Separately from difficulty in calibration, external noise antennas typically have impedance bandwidth which is much correlation significantly desensitizes the beams formed by lessthantheapproximately9:1bandwidthimpliedbyatuning the array [9]. Furthermore, the extent to which a beam is rangeof10–88MHz;howeverthisisnotalimitationaslongas desensitized is a function of sidereal time, since the Galactic receivernoisetemperatureissufficientlysmallthattheratioof noise intensityvariesboth spatially anddiurnally,as is shown externalto internal noise is large after the antenna impedance in Figures 2 and 3. This is particularly frustrating as absolute mismatch. A dipole-type antenna combined with a receiver calibration of in-beam flux density is often desired, but now havingsystemtemperaturelessthan≈500Kisabletoachieve dependson bothpointingin zenithangle (Z)due to the beam the best possible (i.e., Galactic noise-limited) sensitivity over patternvariationasafunctionofZ,andwithsiderealtimedue a large portion of the 10–88 MHz frequency range. This is to the spatially- and diurnally-varyingGalactic noise intensity demonstrated by example in [13] and later in this paper. arriving through sidelobes. External-noise dominance makes the noise measured at the output of antenna-receiverchannels signicantly correlated [9]. The dominance of this correlation over internal noise III. DESIGN complicates array calibration because the strongest discrete Antennas. LWA1 antennas are grouped into “stands”, each astrophysical sources which would otherwise be suitable as consisting of a linear-orthogonal pair of antennas, feedpoint- “incident plane wave” calibrators are orders of magnitude mounted electronics, a mast, and a ground screen as shown weaker than the non-uniformGalactic noise background.The in Figure 4. Each antenna is a wire-grid “bowtie” about 3 m method described in Section IV of this paper bypasses this long, with arms bent downward at 45◦ from the feedpoint in order to improve pattern uniformity over the sky. The 1TheVLA74MHzsystemusesthe2725-mdishesoftheVLAwithdipole feedpoint is located 1.5 m above ground. The ground screen feeds,whichyieldsverylowapertureefficiency.Thisistoleratedasitallows reuseofexisting high-frequency infrastructure. is a 3 m × 3 m wire grid with spacing 10 cm × 10 cm ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 3 Fig.4. LWA1antennastands.Frontendelectronicsareenclosedinthewhite boxatthefeedpoint.Signalsexitthroughcoaxialcablesinsidethemast.Each standisabout1.5mhigh. without compromising noise temperature. Additional infor- Fig. 3. Same as Figure 2, but 14 hours later (10:00 LST). At this time, theGalacticcenterisbelowthehorizonandtheGalacticplaneislowonthe mation on design requirements for the front end electronics horizon. is available in [15]. The curve labeled “Sky” in Figure 5 shows the noise temperature measured by an LWA1 receiver in normal operation (i.e., dipole attached), after calibration and wire radius of about 1 mm. The primary purpose of to account for the known gain of the electronics following the ground screen is to isolate the antenna from the earth the antenna terminals. Thus, this is an estimate of the system ground, whose characteristics vary significantly as function temperature. Also shown is the same measurement with the of moisture content. Zenith values of the effective aperture dipole terminals short-circuited, which is assumed to zero of a single dipole within a stand, multiplied by the loss due the noise delivered to the front end electronics unit without to mismatch with the 100Ω input impedance of the front significantly changing its behavior, which is consistent with end electronics and accounting for radiation efficiency due to the findings of laboratory experiments. These result confirm groundloss,areestimatedtobe0.25m2,8.72m2,and2.48m2 an internal noise temperature of about 300 K, 4:1 external for20MHz,38MHz,and74MHz,respectively[9].Dividing noise dominance over 24–87 MHz,2 and negligable level of out the impedance mismatch loss determined separately [14], intermodulation. the associated effectiveaperturesare estimated to be 12.5 m2, Array Geometry. LWA1 consists of 256 antenna stands 19.0 m2, and 5.4 m2, respectively. However values for the (512 antennas) within a 100 m (East-West) × 110 m (North- actual in situ antennas are found to vary on the order of 25% South)elliptical footprint,plus two stands(4 antennas)which from antenna to antenna due to mutual coupling. Additional lie outside this footprint (the “outriggers”). The arrangement details of the design and analysis of these antennas can be of stands is shown in Figure 6. The station diameter and found in [9] and [14]. numberof stands per station were originally determined from an analysis of requirements for the LWA aperture synthesis Front end electronics. Each dipole is terminated into a pair imaging array, as detailed in [1], [2]. However, these choices of commercial InGaP HBT MMIC amplifiers (Mini-Circuits are also appropriate for the present single-station instrument, GALI-74) in a differential configuration, presenting a 100Ω asisdemonstratedinthispaper.Thischoiceofstationaperture balanced load to the antenna. This is followed by a passive and number of stands results in a mean spacing between balun which produces a 50Ω single-ended signal suitable for transmission over coaxial cable, plus some additional gain stands of about 5.4 m, which is 0.36λ and 1.44λ at 20 MHz and 80 MHz respectively. To suppress aliasing, antennas are to overcome cable loss. The total gain, noise temperature, arrangedinapseudo-randomfashion,withaminimumspacing and input 1 dB compression point of the resulting front constraint of 5 m in order to facilitate maintenance. The end electronics units are approximately 36 dB, 300 K, and −18 dBm respectively, and are approximately independent elongationofthe station aperturein theNorth-Southdirection improves main lobe symmetry for pointing towards lower of frequency over 10–88 MHz [14]. The gain and noise declinations, including the Galactic Center, which transits at temperature of the feedpoint electronics are such that they dominatethenoisetemperatureofthecompletereceiverchain, Z ≈63◦ as seen from the site. whichismuchlessthantheantennatemperatureasisdesirable (See Section II). The 1 dB compressionpoint has been found 2It shouldbe noted that the Galactic background-dominated antenna tem- peraturevariesdiurnallyoverarangeofabout35%duetothe rotationofthe to be satisfactory at the LWA1 site. Although higher 1 dB Earth (see [13]for an illustration); as a result the external noise dominance compressionwouldbebetter,thiswouldbedifficulttoachieve varies slightly overa24-hourperiod. ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 4 Fig. 5. Power spectral density measured by an LWA1 receiver, calibrated totheantenna terminals. Topcurve: Result expressed assystemtemperature Fig. 7. View from within the LWA1 array looking toward the equipment (spikesarehuman-generatedsignals);Bottomcurve:Samemeasurementmade shelter. withashortcircuitterminationattheinput,whichprovidesanestimateofthe internal contribution to the system temperature. Spectral resolution: 6 kHz. Integration time:10s.Earlyafternoon localtime. the station’s digital processor (see below) or, for the all- dipoles modes, as a post-processing step. In the current real- 60 timebeamformingimplementation,thenon-uniformdispersive delaysarecompensatedforthecenterfrequencyofthehighest- 40 frequencytuning in a beam; thus there is some error overthe bandwidthofthebeam,andadditionaldispersionerrorforthe lower-frequencytuning in the same beam. 20 Receivers. Upon arrival in the shelter (Figure 7), the sig- m] h [ nal from every antenna is processed by a direct-sampling ort receiver comprised of an analog section consisting of only N 0 h - gain and filtering, a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (A/D) ut which samples 196 million samples per second (MSPS), and o S -20 subsequent digital processing to form beams and tune within the digital passband. Digitization using fewer than 12 bits would be sufficient [15], but the present design eliminates -40 the need to implement gain control in the analog receivers andprovidesgenerousheadroomtoaccommodateinterference whenitbecomesanomalouslylarge.Thechoiceof196MSPS -60 ensures that strong radio frequency interference (RFI) from -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 the 88–108 MHz FM broadcast band (see Figure 5) aliases West - East [m] onto itself, with no possibility of obscuring spectrum below 88MHz.ToaccommodatethevariousuncertaintiesintheRFI Fig. 6. Arrangement of stands in the LWA1array. The minimum distance environment, analog receivers can be electronically reconfig- betweenanytwomastsis5m(0.33λ,0.63λ,and1.23λat20MHz,38MHz, and74MHz,respectively).AlldipolesarealignedNorth-SouthandEast-West. ured between three modes: A full-bandwidth (10–88 MHz) Outriggerstands arenotshown. uniform-gainmode;afull-bandwidthdual-gainmodeinwhich frequencies below about 35 MHz can be attenuated using a shelf filter3; and a 28–54 MHz mode, which serves as a last Cable System. Connectionsbetween the frontend electron- line of defense should RFI above and/or below this range ics and the electronics shelter are by coaxial cables having become persistently linearity-limiting. In addition, the total lengths between 43 m and 149 m (excluding outriggers). gainineachmodecanbeadjustedovera60dBrangein2dB These cables have loss of about −0.11 dB/m at 88 MHz, steps, allowing fine adjustments to optimize the sensitivity- and dispersive delays (that is, frequency-dependent delays in linearity tradeoff. Use of the 28–54 MHz mode has not been addition to the delay implied by the velocity factor) given by required to date. [16], [17]: Digital Beamforming. A detailed description of the LWA1 l ν −1/2 digital processor is provided in [18] and is summarized here. (2.4 ns) , (1) 100 m 10 MHz Beams are formed using a time-domain delay-and-sumarchi- (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:16) (cid:17) tecture. Delays are implemented in two stages: An integer- where l islengthandν isfrequency.Thusthesignalsarriving at the electronics shelter experience unequal delays, losses, 3A “shelf filter” is a filter which has two adjacent passbands, with one and dispersion. These can be corrected either “in line” in passband(theshelf)havinghigherattenuation thantheother. ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 5 sample “coarse” delay is applied using a first-in first-out class computers with Nehalem multicore processors inter- (FIFO) buffer operating on the A/D output samples, followed connected by an Infiniband switch. PASI images nearly the bya28-tapfiniteimpulseresponse(FIR)filterthatimplements whole sky in the Stokes I and V parameters many times an all-pass subsample delay. The filter coefficients can also per minute, continuously and in real time, with an average be specified by the user, allowing the implementation of duty cycle of better than 95%. (The V parameter is useful beams with custom shapes and nulls. The delay-processed for discriminating circularly-polarized emission such as that signalsareaddedtothesignalsfromotherantennasprocessed from Jupiter.) PASI does this by cross-correlating the dipole similarly to form beams. Four dual-polarization beams are datastreams,producingasamplingof“visibilities”withinthe constructedinthisfashion,eachfully-independentandcapable station aperture. These visibilities are then transformed into of pointing anywhere in the sky. Each beam is subsequently sky images using the NRAO’s Common Astronomy Software converted to two independent “tunings” of up to 16 MHz Applications (CASA) software library.5 Figures 2 and 3 were bandwidth (4-bits “I” + 4-bits “Q” up to 19.6 MSPS) each, obtained from PASI. with each tuning having a center frequency independently- selectable from the range 10–88 MHz. Both polarizations IV. ARRAY CALIBRATION and both tunings of a beam emerge as a single stream of In this section we describe the technique currently in use user datagram protocol (UDP) packets on 10 Gb/s ethernet. to calibrate the arrayforreal-timebeamforming.Since LWA1 Thus there are four ethernet output cables, with each one usesdelay-and-sumbeamforming,theproblemistodetermine representingtwo centerfrequenciesfroma particularpointing the set of delays which, when applied to the dipole (A/D) onthesky.Themaximumdatarate(ignoringprotocolbits)on outputs, results in a beam with maximum directivity in the eachethernetcablecarryingbeamdataistherefore19.6MSPS desired direction, subject to no other constraints. (In [9], this × 8 bits/sample × 2 polarizations × 2 tunings= 627.2 Mb/s. is referredto as “simple” beamforming.Otherapproachesare All-Sky Modes. Simultaneously with beamforming, LWA1 possiblebutarenotconsideredinthispaper.)Inprinciplethese is able to coherently capture and record the output of all its delays can be estimated a priori, since the relevant design A/Ds,whereeachA/Dcorrespondstooneantenna.Thiscanbe values (in particular, cable lengths) are known in advance. doneintwodistinctmodes.The“transientbuffer–wideband” In practice this does not work well due to errors in presumed (TBW) mode allows the raw (≈ 78 MHz) 12-bit output of cablelengthsandtheaccumulationofsmallererrorsassociated the A/Ds to be collected in bursts of 61 ms at a time, and with distribution of signals within equipment racks. Thus, ≈ 5 minutes is required to write out the captured samples. delays must be measured using external stimulus signal(s) The“transientbuffer–narrowband”(TBN)mode,incontrast, while the instrument is in operation. allows a single tuning of ≈70 kHz bandwidthto be recorded Theapproachusedhereistodecomposetheproblemintoa continuously for up to 20 hours. These two modes share the setofnarrowbandcalibrationproblemswhicharesolvedusing same 10 Gb/s ethernet output from the digital processor, and data collected using LWA1’s TBN mode, and then to extract thus are mutually exclusive. However, the TBW/TBN output delays by fitting a model of the presumed cable response isdistinctfromthefourbeamoutputsandrunssimultaneously (including dispersion) to the measured phase responses. The with all four beams. narrowband decomposition is justified by the fact that the Data Recorders/Spectrometers. The limited data rate of the maximum time-of-flight between any two antennas in the internet connection from the LWA1 site makes data transfer station array is ≤ 367 ns, which is much less than the TBN from the site impractical for observations longer than a few inverse bandwidth (70 kHz)−1 ≈ 14 µs. As described below, minutes.Instead,eachbeamoutputandtheTBW/TBN output the outriggers play an important role in the calibration; the is connected to a dedicated data recorder (DR). A DR is a maximum time-of-flight between any antenna in the station computer that records the UDP packets to a “DR storage array and the outrigger (maximum separation ≈ 390 m) is unit”(DRSU).Currently,aDRSU consistsoffive2TBdrives ≤1.3 µs. (10 TB total) in a 1U rack-mountable chassis, configured as The narrowband procedure is described in rigorous mathe- an eSATA disk array. Each DR can host 2 DRSUs. At the maticaldetailin[19],andsummarizedhere.Eachnarrowband maximum beam bandwidth, each DRSU has a capacity of calibration relies on the ability to identify the response due about30hoursofobservation.Thedatasavedisfullycoherent to a point source in the array output. This is confounded by and Nyquist-sampled. Alternatively, the DRs can be used in the problem that there are typically multiple bright sources “spectrometermode”inwhichtheycontinuouslycompute32- presentinthesky,and(asexplainedinSectionII)theproblem channel4fastFouriertransforms(FFTs)ontheincomingbeam thatGalacticnoisedominatesthesystemtemperatureandthus data independently for each beam and tuning, and then time- appears in the data as a bright, non-uniformly distributed average the FFT output bins to the desired time resolution. source.Tosuppresstheeffectofdistributedfeatures(including This resultsin a dramaticreductionin data volume,but is not the Galactic center and Galactic plane) as well as discrete suitable for all observing projects. sourcesotherthanthesourceofinterest,weuse a “fringerate PASI.The”PrototypeAll-SkyImager”(PASI)isasoftware- filtering”technique.Fringeratefilteringisessentiallya simple definedcorrelator/imagercurrentlyoperationalatLWA1using narrowbandversionofthedelay/delay-ratefilteringtechnique the TBN data stream. It consists of a cluster of 4 server- of Parsons & Backer (2009) [20]. In this technique, each 4Increased to1024channels sincethispaperwasoriginally submitted. 5http://casa.nrao.edu/ ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 6 1 0.6 magnitude [arb. power units] 0000....2468 ude [arb. units] 0000....2345 nit g a 0 m 0.1 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 relative time [s] 0 150 -0.1 100 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 50 Fringe Rate [mHz] phase [deg] -5 00 dFoigm.in9a.tedFbryingteworatberigsphetctsrouumrcecsor(rethsepsoendhinapgpeton Ftoigubree t8h.eTrhaidsioregsualltaxiys -100 Cygnus A (Cyg A) and the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A)) and a “DC” term. The DC term is the “all sky” contribution predicted in [9], -150 and stands as additional evidence that the observation is strongly external noise-dominated.Manyothersourcesarepresent,butareordersofmagnitude -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 relative time [s] weaker. Thefrequencyresolution is279 µHz. Source RA Dec Az Z Fluxdensity Fig. 8. Fringes between adipole on the far West side of the array and an outrigger dipole located 389mtotheEast. Top:Magnitude. Bottom: Phase. CygA 19h59′ +40◦44′ 46◦08′ 10◦11′ 17.06kJy Eachpointrepresents 10sintegration. Starttimeis18:50LST. CasA 23h23′ +58◦48′ 38◦29′ 46◦27′ 17.13kJy Rightascension(RA)anddeclination(Dec)aregivenfortheJ2000epoch. Azimuth(Az)andzenithangle(Z)areindicatedforthemidpointoftheobservation. Thefluxdensitiesarethe73.8MHzvaluesgiveninLWAMemo155[21],scaledto74.03MHzusingspectralindicesof dipoleinthearrayiscorrelatedwithacorrespondingoutrigger −0.58and−0.72forCygAandCasArespectively,andCasAisfurtherscaledby−0.75%/yr[22]. dipole. The electrically-large spacing makes the correlation TABLEII relatively insensitive to spatial structure in the sky noise ASTRONOMICALSOURCEDATAPERTAININGTOFIGURES8AND9. intensity having large angular scales (see [9] for examples.) The contributionsto the correlation due to individual discrete sourcesexhibittime-varyingphaseduetotheapparentrotation of the sky; in astronomical parlance, these source-dominated frequency. There is currently no iteration over direction; correlations are referred to as “fringes”; see Figure 8 for an that is, only one direction is considered. Different directions example. The rate of phase rotation in the fringes depends give different coefficients, for two reasons: First, because the on the positions of the antennas being correlated relative geometrical delays are different; however these are easily to the direction to the sources. A time-to-frequency Fourier equalized. The second reason is because the antenna patterns transform of the correlation over an interval greater than the are made unequal by the effects of mutual coupling. The reciprocal of the smallest source-specific fringe rate yields a effects of mutual coupling on the antenna patterns is difficult “fringerate spectrum”,in which discrete sourcesare apparent to know precisely. However since our goal is to compute as localized components; an example is shown in Figure 9. (broadband) delays, as opposed to (narrowband) phases and “Fringe rate filtering” refers to the process of selecting just magnitudes, calibration in a single direction is sufficient, as one of these components, suppressing all others (which can willbedemonstratedin thenextsection.Theentireprocedure be done by matched filtering (“fringe stopping”) in the time requires on the order of a week, typically observing over the domainorbyexcisioninthefringeratedomain);theresulting same one-hour LST range at a different frequency each day. correlation then represents the response of just one source. Thisofcoursepresumesthatsourcesaresufficientlyseparated V. BEAMFORMINGPERFORMANCE in fringe rate: This is one reason for the use of outriggers, since fringerate is proportionalto antennaseparation.Further A. Multi-frequency Drift Scan at Z =6.7◦ improvementispossiblebyproperschedulingoftheassociated Figures10and11showasingletransitdriftscanofCygA; observations;thatis, choosingtimesinwhichsuitablesources i.e., the output of a fixed beam pointed at the location in have sufficiently different fringe rates. For completeness, the the sky at which Cyg A achieves upper culmination: Z = positions and strengths of the sources used in the example 6.7◦, 0◦ north azimuth. Cyg A is useful as a test source shown in Figures 8 and 9 are given in Table II. both because it is the strongest time-invariant and unresolved This procedure is repeated for every antenna in the ar- astronomical source visible from the LWA1 site, and also ray, yielding a set of complex-valued coefficients associated because it transits close to the zenith. The origin in both with one direction at one frequency. One then iterates over plots corresponds to the time at which Cyg A is expected ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 7 we find full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) beamwidths of 1 2.8◦, 3.5◦, 4.6◦, 5.8◦, 7.5◦, 8.0◦ and 10.9◦ for 85.00, 74.03, 62.90,52.00,37.90,28.80,and 20.50MHz respectively.Note 0.9 thatthese measurementsare in planesofconstantdeclination; i.e.,notplanesofconstantazimuthnorconstantelevation.The s] 0.8 nit expected zenith FWHM of a uniformly-illuminated circular u arb. 0.7 aperture having the same minimum dimensions as LWA1 is er [ 2.3◦ at 74 MHz; thus the measurements are roughly 20–60% w Po 0.6 largerthanpredictedbytheabovemodel.Thisisdueinpartto theproximityofCygAtotheGalacticplane,andtheresulting 0.5 “confusion” of the Cyg A emission with diffuse Galactic emission filling the beam.This is evidentby comparisonwith 0.4 the same measurement performed using the source 3C123, -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 which lies further from the Galactic plane but transits at a Time [min] similarzenithangle(Z =4.4◦).For3C123weobtainFWHM = 2.7◦ at 74.03 MHz, which is quite close to the expected Fig. 10. Simultaneous drift scans of Cyg A at 85.00, 74.03, 62.90, 52.00, and 37.90 MHz. Scans can be identified by peak width, which increases value. Due to this limitation in the measurement technique, withdecreasingfrequency.Allscansarenormalizedtoacommonmaximum. the FWHM values reported here should be considered upper Bandwidth:211kHz,Integrationtime:786ms,Single(N-S)polarization, no bounds as opposed to estimates of the actual values. RFImitigation. We now consider beam sensitivity. Because LWA1 is strongly Galactic noise-limited, beam directivity is not a reliable metric of sensitivity. Instead, we consider sensitivity in terms of system equivalent flux density (SEFD), which 1.2 is defined as the strength of an unresolved (point) source that doubles the power at the output of the beam relative s] 1 to the value in the absence of the source. Because the flux unit density of Cyg A is known (Table II), beam SEFD can be b. wer [ar 0.8 dscertiebremdininedAdpipreencdtliyxBfr.omThidsrimftetshcoadnsyiuelsdinsgSEthFeDm=et1h6o.d1 kdJey- o P for 74.03 MHz. To obtain the source flux S at some other 0.6 frequency ν, we apply the known spectral index −0.58 for Cyg A [23]: 0.4 ν −0.58 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 S(ν)=S(ν0) , (2) Time [min] (cid:18)ν0(cid:19) where ν0 is a frequency at which the flux is already known. Fig.11. Simultaneous driftscansofCygAat28.80and20.50MHz.Scan FromthisweestimateSEFD=11.0,21.5,28.8,21.5,18.2,and magnitudes are normalized. Bandwidth: 211 kHz, Integration time: 786 ms, 47.0kJyfor85.00,62.90,52.00,37.90,28.80,and20.50MHz Single(N-S)polarization, noRFImitigation. respectively. Due to the variables described in Section II it is difficult to know even within 10’s of percent what values to expect; however it is shown in the next section that these to peak; Figure 2 shows the sky at this time. The results for resultsareconsistentwiththeresultsofsimulationsinprevious a narrow bandwidth at 8 distinct center frequencies ranging work. It should also be emphasized that the flux density of from 20.5 through 85.6 MHz are shown. The large peak in radio sources (including Cyg A and sources discussed in the eachcurveisCygA;thesmallpeaktotherightinsomecurves next section) is known only approximately below 74 MHz, is the Galactic plane passing through the beam a short time and that use of the 74 MHz flux density and spectral indexto later (apparent only at higher frequencies and unresolved in calculate flux density at lower frequencies is another source lower-frequencycurves).NotethatCygAisclearlydetectable of error. at all frequencies, demonstrating the very wide instantaneous bandwidth of the instrument. Also apparentis the broadening ofthebeamwidthwithdecreasingfrequency,asexpected.The B. Sensitivity & Beamwidth vs. Frequency & Elevation lowest two frequencies (28.80 and 20.50 MHz) are shown in Thesameproceduresdescribedintheprevioussectionhave a separate figure for clarity; both frequencies are apparently been used to determine sensitivity at lower elevations using strongly affected by ionospheric scintillation, and 20.05 MHz Cyg A and the strong sources Tau A, Vir A, 3C123, and is strongly affected by RFI. 3C348. The results are summarizedin Figure 12. Also shown The drift scans for each frequency in Figure 10 and 11 are in this figure are predictions originally shown in Fig. 8 of normalized to the same peak value to facilitate comparison [9]. Note thatSEFD dependsbothon pointingwith respectto of beam width. Using the method described in Appendix A, celestial coordinates as well as sidereal time (for the reasons ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 8 9 20 80 8 70 7 60 6 Jy] 50 38 deg] EFD [k 40 20 74 WHM [ 5 S F 4 52 30 52 74 20 3863 382693 38 3 2794 7845 74 2 10 7485 3784 74 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Frequency [MHz] Zenith Angle [deg] Fig. 13. Beamwidth (FWHM) vs. frequency obtained from drift scans. Fig. 12. Sensitivity (SEFD)vs.Z obtained from drift scans. Thenumbers Markers indicate Z: “◦”, 6.7◦; “+”, 25◦; square, 45◦; all using Cyg A. used as data markers indicate the frequency rounded to the nearest MHz. “×”are74.03MHzresultsusingtransitdriftscansfromthesameadditional Markers in red italic font represent transit drift scans of the sources 3C123 (Z = 4.4◦), Tau A (12.1◦), Vir A (21.8◦), and 3C348 (29.1◦); all others sources identified in the caption of Figure 12, all at 74.03 MHz. The solid lineistheupperbounddescribed inthetext. areCygA.Thecurvesarepredictions fromFig.8of[9]for(bottomtotop) 74,38,and20MHz.Theuseofbothpolarizations isassumed. includingbothunresolvedandspatially-extendedsources.Real explainedinSectionII);whereasthepredictionsof[9]assume time delay-and-sum beamforming was demonstrated in Sec- a uniformly bright sky. Thus, precise agreement cannot be tion V. Sensitivity findings are summarized in Figure 12, and expected. Nevertheless, the levels and trends with Z and were shown to be consistent with predictions made in [9]. frequency appear to be consistent with the predictions. We Beamwidth findings are summarized in Figure 13. Due to the do note however that the agreement for 38 MHz appears to limitationsof the drift scan measurementtechniqueemployed be somewhat worse than the agreement at other frequencies. inthispaper,wecancurrentlyonlyupper-boundourestimates We do not currently have an explanation for this. of beamwidth. In future measurements we intend to cross- Figure13showsasummaryofFWHM measurementsfrom correlate drift scan beams with outrigger dipoles, which is drift scans. Beamwidth is difficult to measure at large Z expectedtosuppressthecontributionofdiffuseGalacticemis- because the drift scan peaks become simultaneously broad sion and result in more accurate measurement of beamwidth. and weak; thus the data shown is limited to Z ≤ 45◦. Note The same technique will enable characterization of sidelobes, that Cyg A measurements generally indicate FWHM higher which is not possible with the drift scan technique. We also than expected,whereas measurementsusing othersources are plan to conduct measurements to characterize polarization closer to expectations; again this is due in some part to the performance. The results presented here combined with early inability of the method of Appendix A to account for the science results described in [3] confirm that LWA1 perfor- excess emission associated with the nearby Galactic plane. mance is consistent with expectations and that the instrument Also shown in Figure 13 is an empirical upper bound based is ready for science operations. on all measurements (regardless of Z) considered to date: 74 MHz 1.5 APPENDIXA FWHM<3.2◦× . (3) ESTIMATIONOFBEAMWIDTH FROM ADRIFTSCAN ν (cid:18) (cid:19) The peak-to-baseline ratios achieved in drift scans such as We intend to improve on this bound in future measurements those shown in Figures 10 and 11 are too low to facilitate by using interferometricmethods, as discussed in Section VI. calculation of beam FWHM by direct inspection. However it is possible to estimate FWHM by modeling the drift scan as thesumofaGaussianfunctionrepresentingthepowerpattern VI. CONCLUSIONS of the main lobe plus a constant noise floor, solving for the This paper described the design of the LWA1 radio tele- coefficient of time in the exponent of the Gaussian function, scope, array calibration technique, and the results of com- and then calculating the associated width of the Gaussian missioningexperimentstoconfirmbeamformingperformance. functionalone. In this appendixwe first derivethe result, and The“singlepoint”delaycalibrationtechniquecurrentlyinuse then we justify the use of the Gaussian approximation. at LWA1 was described in Section IV. In this technique, the The drift scan is modeled as: delaysareestimatedfromphaseestimatesovera rangeoffre- y(t)=A+Be−γt2 (4) quencies using narrowband “all-dipoles” (TBN) observations ofthesky.Thistechniqueusesafringeratefilteringtechnique where A is the magnitude of the constant noise baseline, B which is robust to the presence of multiple bright sources is the peak magnitude of the Gaussian function modeling the ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 9 mainlobe,andtistime.Evaluatingthisexpressionatthetime 1 t=0,takentobethetimeatwhichthepeakoccurs,andtime t1, a short time later, we have: nits] 0.8 u ar y(0)=A+B (5) ne y(t1)=A+Be−γt21 . (6) Pattern [li 0.6 er w Solving for γ: Po 0.4 d e ln(y(0)−A)−ln(y(t1)−A) aliz γ = t21 . (7) Norm 0.2 FWHM corresponds to the time interval between the half- 0 maximum points of the Gaussian function, which is easily 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Zenith Angle [deg] found to be ln2 FWHM=2 . (8) Fig.14. ComparisonoftheGaussianmainlobemodely(cZ)(blue/dashed) s γ tothemainlobepowerpattern F2(Z)(red/solid)fora/λ=12.3. We now show that the Gaussian model is a reasonable approximationto the exact result for the zenith-pointed beam the beam associated with an unpolarized source having flux duetoauniformly-weightedcircularaperture.NotetheLWA1 density S is given by aperture is not exactly circular, nor is it exactly uniformly- weighted(duetovariationsinantennaresponsesduetomutual 1 P = SA (10) coupling); our purpose here is simply to demonstrate that s 2 e the Gaussian model reasonably represents the kind of beam whereA istheeffectiveaperture.Similarly,thepowerdensity e that we expect to see from this type of antenna system. The N captured in one polarization of the beam associated with normalized (i.e., maximum magnitude = 1) pattern function the total available noise is given by of a uniformly-weighted circular aperture lying in the plane of the ground is [24]: 1 N = kT (11) sys 2 J1(βasinZ) F(Z)=2 , (9) βasinZ where k is Boltzmann’sconstantand Tsys is the system noise temperature, assuming this to be external noise-dominated. where a is the radius of the aperture, β = 2π/λ, and λ is Thus the signal-to-noise ratio at the beam output is wavelength.Thusthenormalizedpowerpatternis F2(Z).Let us assume that the main lobe of F2(Z) can be modeled as Ps = SAe . (12) a Gaussian function y(Z/c), where c is the angular rate of N kT sys drift.Forpurposesofdemonstrationletusassume a/λ=12.3 Intheseterms,theSEFDforthispolarizationisdefinedasthe (100 m diameter at 74 MHz). We take A = 0, y(0) = 1, y(t1 = Z1/c) = F2(Z1) = 0.9, and then use Equation 9 to value of S which results in Ps/N =1; thus: find ct1 =0.475◦. Figure 14 compares F2(Z) to the derived kT modely(Z/c)with γ obtainedfromEquation7. Notethatthe SEFD= sys . (13) A e modelerroratthehalf-maximumpointisverysmall,justifying the use of the Gaussian model for this purpose. Let P1 =Ps+N be the power density measured at the peak Finally, we note that the model has not been demonstrated of the drift scan, and let P0 = N be the power density in to be appropriate for beam pointings far from the zenith. the absence of the source. Note P0 can be estimated from the However,wenotethatwedonothavea“true”modelavailable approximately-constant noise baseline on either side of the for this case either, since the patterns of individual antennas peak. Using the above definitions, we find combined with mutual coupling make this difficult to know. 1 1 This caveat should be considered when evaluating results P1 = 2SAe+ 2kTsys = S +1 . (14) computed for low-elevation pointings. P0 12kTsys SEFD Solving for SEFD: APPENDIXB −1 CALCULATION OFSEFD FROM DRIFTSCANS SEFD=S P1 −1 . (15) P0 Whenthefluxdensityofthesourceisknown,beamsystem (cid:18) (cid:19) equivalent flux density (SEFD) can be estimated from drift Thus,giventhesourcefluxdensity,theSEFDcanbeobtained scans such as those shown in Figures10 and 11. A derivation fromP1 andP0, whichthemselvescanbe readfroma single- follows.Thepowerdensity P capturedinonepolarizationof polarization drift scan. s ACCEPTEDBYIEEETRANSACTIONSONANTENNASANDPROPAGATION.(cid:13)c2013IEEE. 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [19] S. Ellingson, “Fun with TBN,” Long Wavelength Array Memo 184, September13,2011. http://www.ece.vt.edu/swe/lwa/. The authors acknowledge contributions to the design and [20] A.R. Parsons and D.C. Backer, “Calibration of Low-Frequency, Wide- commissioning of LWA1 made by S. Burns of Burns Indus- Field Radio Interferometers Using Delay/Delay-Rate Filtering,” Astro- nomicalJ.,Vol.138,No.1,July2009,pp.219–226. tries; L. D’Addario, R. Navarro, M. Soriano, E. Sigman, and [21] J. Hartman, “Antenna pattern measurements from a two-element in- D. Wang of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; N. Paravastu terferometer,” Long Wavelength Array Memo 155, Apr 15, 2009. and H. Schmitt of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; S. http://www.ece.vt.edu/swe/lwa/. Tremblay of the University of New Mexico; and M. Harun, [22] J. F. Helmboldt and N. E. Kassim, “The Evolution of Cas A at Low RadioFrequencies,”AstronomicalJ.,Vol.138,No.3,Sep2009,pp.838– Q. Liu, and C. Patterson of Virginia Tech. The authors 44. acknowledge the helpful comments of M. Davis. [23] J.W.M. Baars, R. Genzel, I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth and A. Witzel, “The Absolute Spectrum of Cas A; An Accurate Flux Density Scale and a Construction of LWA1 has been supported by the U.S. SetofSecondaryCalibrators,” Astronomy&Astrophysics,Vol.61,1977, Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-07-C-0147. pp.99–106. Support for operations and continuing development of LWA1 [24] W.L.Stutzman & G.A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd. Ed., Wiley,1998. is provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant AST-1139963.Basic researchinradioastronomyatthe Naval Research Laboratory is supported by 6.1 base funding. The authors acknowledge the support of the National Radio As- tronomy Observatory. REFERENCES [1] S.W.Ellingsonetal.,“TheLongWavelengthArray,”Proc.IEEE,Vol.97, No.8,Aug2009,pp.1421–30. [2] N.E. Kassim et al., “The Long Wavelength Array,” ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.345,2005,pp.392–8. [3] G.B. Taylor et al., “First Light for the First Station of the Long Wave- length Array,” J. Astronomical Instrumentation, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1250004 (20pp.).DOI:10.1142/S2251171712500043. [4] http://www.iiap.res.in/centers/radio. [5] S.Y. Braude et al., “Decametric Survey of Discrete Sources in the Northern Sky: I. The UTR-2 radio telescope. 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