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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed1February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev1.4) ⋆ The Lutz-Kelker bias in trigonometric parallaxes Ren´e D. Oudmaijer1, Martin A.T. Groenewegen2 & Hans Schrijver3 1Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, U.K. 2Max-Planck-Institut fu¨rAstrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 1, D-85740 Garching, Germany 3SRON, Sorbonnelaan 2, NL-3584 CA Utrecht, The Netherlands 8 Accepted 1997.Received1997;inoriginalform1997 9 9 1 ABSTRACT n a The theoretical prediction that trigonometric parallaxes suffer from a statistical J effect,hasbecometopicalagainnowthattheresultsoftheHipparcossatellitehavebe- 2 comeavailable.This statisticaleffect,the so-calledLutz-Kelkerbias,causesmeasured 1 parallaxesto be too large.This hasthe implicationthatinferreddistances,andhence inferredluminosities are too small.Publishedanalytic calculations ofthe Lutz-Kelker 1 bias indicate that the inferred luminosity of an object is, on average, 30% too small v whenthe errorinthe parallaxis only17.5%.Yet,thisbiashasneverbeendetermined 3 9 empirically. In this paper we investigate whether there is such a bias by comparing 0 the best Hipparcos parallaxes which ground-based measurements. We find that there 1 is indeed a large bias affecting parallaxes, with an average and scatter comparable 0 to predictions. We propose a simple method to correct for the LK bias, and apply 8 it successfully to a sub-sample of our stars. We then analyze the sample of 26 ‘best’ 9 Cepheids used by Feast & Catchpole (1997) to derive the zero-point of the Period- / h Luminosity relation. The final result is based on the 20 fundamental mode pulsators p and leads to a distance modulus to the Large Magellanic Cloud - based on Cepheid - parallaxes- of 18.56 ± 0.08, consistent with previous estimates. o r Key words: Cepheids - Stars: distances - Magellanic Clouds t s a : v i X 1 INTRODUCTION for a 17.5% error in the parallax. The correction itself is considerable,butsincewedealwithastatisticalprocessde- r Although discussed as early as 1953 (Trumpler & Weaver), a scribing the numbers of stars scattering inside and outside Lutz & Kelker (1973) were the first to quantify the bias in thealloweddistancerange,thebiasisrepresentedbyaprob- theabsolutemagnitudeofastarestimatedfromitsobserved ability distribution. This was investigated by Koen (1992), trigonometricparallax.TheprincipleoftheLutz-Kelkerbias who calculated the 90% confidence intervals of the correc- (hereafterLKbias)isrelativelyeasytounderstand.Agiven tion for the bias. He found for the case of a 17.5% error in parallax, π with a measurement error σπ yields a distance theparallax (almost a 6σ detection) thesame correction as d with an upper and a lower bound. Stars at a smaller dis- Lutz&Kelker,butderivedthatthe90%confidenceinterval tance and stars located further away can both scatter to ranges from +0.33 to –1.44 mag. This is to be compared the observed distance. Since there are more stars outside with the observational error of 0.4 mag. based only on the thaninsidethedistancerange-simplybecauseofthediffer- propagationoftheerrorintheparallax.Suchacorrectionis ent sampled volumes- more stars from outside the distance remarkableindeed,andbearstheconsequencethatparallax range will scatter intothedistance range thanthose inside. measurements should be corrected for this effect, or strin- Thiseffectcausesasystematicbiassuchthatmeasuredpar- gentselection criteria intermsofqualityofthedatashould allaxes will on average yield too small distances. betaken,beforetheastrophysicalinterpretationofthedata The magnitude of the bias can be calculated analyti- can beperformed. cally. Assuming a uniform distribution of stars, LK found Indeed, it appears that the only way to take into ac- thatthemeancorrectiontothederivedabsolutemagnitude countthebiasbeforederivingastrophysicalparametersfrom increaseswithincreasingrelativeerror,reaching–0.43mag. parallaxesistousethetablesbyKoen(1992)wherethecor- rection is given as function of the relative error in the par- allax, (σπ/π). However, as has been pointed out by Smith ⋆ BasedondatafromtheESAHipparcosastrometrysatellite. (1987c), the LK correction to an individual parallax mea- (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Ren´e D. Oudmaijer, Martin A.T. Groenewegen & Hans Schrijver principles. For example, selecting stars with thesame spec- tral type will not be sufficient, as such a sample will have alarge spread in intrinsicmagnitudes, will inevitablysuffer frommisclassificationsandhavecompletenessproblems.On the other hand, when stars with extremely good Hipparcos parallaxes are considered, one may reasonably assume that their distances are well determined. If one then compares such a sample of stars with their (poorer quality) ground based parallaxes, it is possible to investigate the LK bias. WethereforeselectedallstarsintheHipparcosInputCata- logue(1993)withtrigonometricparallaxmeasurements0< (σπ/π)ground−based < 1. From the remaining 4007 objects, we selected those stars in theHipparcos Catalogue with: (i) 0 < (σπ/π)Hip < 0.05, i.e. a 20σ detection or better (ii) Numberof rejected data < 10% (Field H29) (iii) Goodness-of-fit smaller than 3 (Field H30) Thefirstcriterionensuresusthatwehaveasampleforwhich wemayhopetoassumethatthedatadonotsufferfromsig- nificant bias-problems (if Koen (1992) is correct, the mean bias is at most 0.025 mag., with 90% confidence limits < 0.2 mag.) while the latter two criteria ensure that the dat∼a Figure1.Upperpanel:Mparasfunctionofπ.Thegroundbased are not hampered by observational problems as discussed parallaxes are listed with integer values. The solid lines give an in the accompanying literature to the Hipparcos database. indicationtothezonewherewedonotexpectanydata(seetext). These three extra selection steps left us with a sample of Middle and lower panel: ∆M as function of V and π. Although 2187 stars. thereappearsnocorrelationwithV,thereisastrongcorrelation ThedataareplottedinFigure1.Theupperpanelshows withparallax. the inferred absolute visual magnitude, derived from the ground-based parallax, M , plotted against the ground- par surement of a star, or to a sample of stars is valid when based parallax. The stars follow a well-defined band in the no a priori additional information, like proper motions or plot. This is easily understood. If one takes theanalogy for knowledgeontheintrinsicabsolutemagnitudedistribution, one object with a measured V band magnitude, it can only is available. In the case of a Gaussian or top-hat intrinsic follow a straight line when its derived intrinsic magnitude magnitude distribution, Smith (1987a+b+c; see also Turon is plotted as function of parallax. Consequently, all objects Lacarrieu & Cr´ez´e 1977) showed that the correction is a should lie between the lines defined by the brightest and function of the true absolute magnitude, M , the intrinsic faintest V magnitude in the sample. One can also say that 0 spread in M0, σM0, the observed parallax π, and the error the faintest V magnitude in the sample defines a minimum on the observed parallax σπ, and not a simple function of possible value of the parallax for a given value for Mpar. (σπ/π). For a magnitude-limited sample (complete in par- The difference between the (measured) absolute magnitude allax to a certain limiting magnitude), this correction, ac- of an object and the limiting (i.e. faintest) V magnitude of cordingtoSmith(1987c),approacheszerobecausethecom- a sample implies a maximum possible distance, and thus bination of the Malmquist bias and the LK bias lead to a minimum parallax. This can be written as: symmetric error in magnitude. For other samples, the cor- π>1000 10(0.2(Mparallax−Vmax−5)) mas (1) rections reach asymptotically the LK values, which apply × when nothing about M0 or σM0 is known. whereVmax isthefaintestmagnitudeofthesample.Asimi- Considering the implications of the above and the fact larrelationcanbewrittenforthebrightest(minimum)mag- thatthepresenceofthebiashasactually neverbeenestab- nitudeinthesample.Theresultingboundariesareindicated lished empirically, we devised a simple empirical test using by solid lines in the upper panel in Fig. 1, the dashed lines ground-based and Hipparcos data. representV=2and 10, encompassing thebulkof thesam- ple.Themiddlepanelshowsthedifference(M –M ),[cal- par 0 culated from 5log(πHipparcos/πground−based), hereafter ∆M] as function of V. ∆M shows a large scatter, especially for 2 A STATISTICAL BIAS IN PARALLAXES faint V, but the (unweighted) mean ∆M = –0.01 0.8, ± We investigate here whether there is any change in the ab- which would appear rather reassuring. The propagated er- solutemagnitudedeterminedfrom themeasured parallax π rors are not plotted, butthese are indicated in Fig. 2. of a star as a function of the error in the parallax (σπ/π). In the lower panel, ∆M is plotted against π. A strong Iftherewould beatrendtowards toofaint absolutemagni- correlation is present. For large π, ∆M is close to zero - tudes with larger (σπ/π), or even a large spread, then it is indicatinggooddistancedeterminations-,followedbyanin- likely that an LK bias is present. crease of the spread in values until ∆M decreases towards The Hipparcos catalogue is a good starting point to brighter absolute magnitudes. There are nostars present in perform such a test. It is hard however, to find a sample of theupperleft hand cornerof theplot. This isnot a real ef- starsforwhichweknowtheirabsolutemagnitudesfromfirst fect, butrather acompleteness effect in thedata. In reality (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Lutz-Kelker bias in trigonometric parallaxes 3 2.1 A correction for the Lutz-Kelker bias One of the assumptions in the analysis by Lutz-Kelker (1973) and Koen (1992) is that the absolute magnitude and its spread of a sample of stars are unknown. Smith (1987b+c) and Turon Lacarrieu & Cr´ez´e (1977) consider the case of a luminosity function with a Gaussian spread (for a uniform distribution of stars) and derived a formal- ism for thecorrection of the LK bias. This correction turns outtobeafunctionofM0,σM0,and(σπ/π),andconverges totheLKvalueforlargeσM0.Alinearapproximation,valid when ∆M < 2.17, to this rigorous correction was derived | | bySmith (1987c): σ2 δM = 1 M0 (M M ) (2) (cid:20) −(cid:18)σM20 +4.715(σπ/π)2(cid:19)(cid:21) 0− par Fbairgsuirnedi2ca.te∆tMhepasrofpuangcattioendeorfr(oσrsπi/nπm).aTghneitutrdieasngfrloesmwpiathraellrarxoers- For large σM0, the linear approximation becomes zero, the exactvalueoftherigorouscorrectionisclosetotheLKvalue asfunctionof(σπ/π).Thelargesolidcirclesindicatetheaverage (Smith 1987c). ∆M binned over intervalsof 0.1in(σπ/π). Thethicklinesindi- Toappreciatetheusefulnessofthisparticularresultand catetheLKbiascalculatedbyKoen(1992)forauniformdensity ofstars.Thedashedlinesindicatethe90%confidenceintervals. toseewhetherthecorrection canbeusedasameanstode- rive the ‘true’ intrinsic magnitude of a sample of stars, we select asub-samplefrom oursampleof objects. Tomimic a such objects are further away than expected, and too faint sample of stars with approximately the same mean intrin- tobeincludedinthesample.Thiszoneiseffectivelyforbid- sic magnitude, we restrict ourselves to a narrow range of den, as is illustrated by the solid lines in the upper panel, trueabsolutemagnitudes,andapplythecorrectiongivenin where thelower left-hand corner is void. Eq. 2. There are 313 objects present in the intrinsic mag- Although completeness effects play an important role, nitude (i.e. derived from the Hipparcos parallaxes) bin 4 < theresultingdistributionof∆M isverywide,andillustrates M < 5. We took the mean M , and its standard deviation 0 0 that absolute magnitude estimates based on trigonometric (4.49 0.28mag.)asinputvaluesforEq.2.Theresultsare ± parallaxesaresubjecttolargescatter,witharangeof–3to plottedinFig.3.Theupperpanelshows∆Masfunctionof 3 magnitudes. (σπ/π),whichissimilarasforthelargersampledepictedin Figure 2 shows ∆M plotted against (σπ/π). Since the Fig. 2. The corrected values are shown in the lower panel, rangeinσπ ismuchsmallerthantherangeinπ(theaverage and themean intrinsic magnitude appears to be retrieved. σπ is 7.9 2.5 mas), the trendsare roughly thesame as in Hence, it is possible to correct a sample of objects for ± the(∆M -π)relationofFigure1.Thefilledcirclesindicate theLK-bias. It would seem that this correction for the sta- theaverage∆M,withtheirstandarddeviationbinnnedover tistical biases is not very useful since one has to know the intervalsof0.1in(σπ/π).Thesedataarecomparedwiththe answer already before applying the correction. However, if results of Koen (1992), in the case of a uniform density of one studies a sample of objects of which one may assume stars and an infinite number of measurements. The thick that they all have the same M , it may be the basis for a 0 solid line indicates the mean bias calculated by Koen, and powerful method to derive the absolute magnitude. To il- the thick dashed lines represent the 90% confidence inter- lustrate this, Fig. 3 also shows the resulting ∆M for other vals of the bias correction. For a smaller number of mea- values of M in Eq. 2. The upper cloud of points was ob- 0 surements,thebiasandthecorrectionsarelarger, while for tained for inserting M = 8.5 in the equation, while the 0 adecreasing stellar density(Koen’sp=2case), thecorrec- lower cloud of points were calculated using M = 0.5. For 0 tions themselves are somewhat smaller, but the confidence (σπ/π)<0.4,astrongdependenceontheinputvalueofM0 intervalsaresimilar. Asmost of thestarsin oursample are ispresen∼t.Itappearsthen,thatthecorrectvalueofM can 0 located within 100 pc(see Fig. 1), theassumption of auni- beobtained iteratively byvarying theinput value of M to 0 form stellar density is probably close to thereal situation. obtainahorizontalline,oraminimumspreadaround0.Fol- For (σπ/π) < 20 %, the observations and the predic- lowing a procedure outlined later in more detail, we found tions by Koen agree very well, after that, the average ∆M the best value for the intrinsic magnitude of the sample to reaches 0, and goes towards too bright magnitudes when bein therange 4.48 - 4.59 when small (<0.1), respectively (σπ/π) increases further. It is due to the objects with large large(>0.5),valuesofthe(assumedtobeunknown)spread (σπ/π) (which are affected bythecompleteness of thesam- in intrinsic magnitude are used. ple)thattheoverallmean∆Misclosetozero.Ifaselection Theaboveexerciseshowsthat acorrection for theLK- on parallax, or (σπ/π), had been applied to these data, the biasisnotasimplefunctionof(σπ/π).Inthecaseofanindi- resulting mean M would have led to too faint mean in- vidualobjectofwhichnothingisknown,theLKcorrection, par trinsic magnitudes. Unfortunately, our sample renders the alongwithitslargeconfidenceintervalistheonlyremaining construction of a magnitudelimited sample not possible. It option. However, for a sample of which all stars are known would thus appear that there is indeed an LK-type bias in to have the same intrinsic magnitude, the LK correction as parallax data. In the following, we will concentrate on the determined by Smith (1987c) is a potentially powerful tool correction for theLK-bias. to determine M . As shown above, this method returns a 0 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Ren´e D. Oudmaijer, Martin A.T. Groenewegen & Hans Schrijver Figure 4. As the previous figure, now for Hipparcos measure- ments of 26 Cepheids. The true magnitude was calculated using thePeriod-Luminosityrelation(Eq.3withρ=–1.43). than predicted from the PL relation, whereas for large (σπ/π),theCepheidshavetoobrightmagnitudesbyasmuch as4mag!Thefact that theCepheidswith large(σπ/π) are alltoobrightisduetothecompletenesseffectdiscussedear- Figure 3. Upper panel: as the previous figure, now for objects lier.ThereasonthattheFCzero-pointwasclosetoprevious with 4 < M0< 5. Lower panel: ∆M with Mpar corrected using values is that the LK bias is canceled out by the complete- Eq.2.Theupperandlowercloudsofpointsrespectivelyshowthe ness effects to a certain, but ill-defined degree. dependenceofthesolutionwhenadifferentM0isused(M0=8.5 and0.5respectivelyinsteadof4.49). One can try to correct for the LK-bias using Eq. 2, providedweknowallrelevantparameters.Adifferencewith thecase illustrated in Fig. 3 is that theparameter we want surprisingly good result on our sub-sample of objects. In toestimateisnotM butρ,thedifferencebetweenM and 0 V thefollowing we will apply this toa sample of Cepheids. δlogP. A second difference is that σ (or equivalently in M0 thiscase,σρ)isunknown.Fromthe26Cepheidsweconsider the 20 fundamental mode pulsators, as indicated by FC. 3 THE CEPHEID DISTANCE SCALE For this sample FC found a zero-point ρ = –1.49 0.13 ± (correspondingtoadistancemodulustotheLMCof18.76). Given the presence of a bias in parallax data described Three stars have values of ∆M larger than 2.17, and are above, it is surprising that several studies based on Hip- hence not applicable to Eq. 2, and will be discarded in the parcos data, whilst not taking the LK bias into account, analysis.Thereasonthatwechosenottoincludethesixfirst yield results that are relatively close to previous results. overtonepulsatorsisdiscussedbelow.Wecannowderivean For example, the new zero-point of the Cepheid Period- improvedvalueforthezeropointoftheCepheidPLrelation Luminosity (PL) relation that Feast & Catchpole (1987, applyingthe LK-correction tothe parallaxes. hereafter FC) found, increased thedistance modulus to the The basic principle behind the following procedure is LargeMagellanicCloudby(only)0.2 0.1magnitude,and to iteratively vary ρ until the variance around ∆M = 0 is ± adecreasein the,Cepheid based,Hubbleconstant ofabout minimal. We calculated for a range of values of ρ the ‘true’ 10%. Fortunately, we can construct a similar test for the M andρ fromρ =M –δ logP foreverystar.The 0 par par par Cepheidsasdescribedabove.Contrarytothesampleinthe quantity∆ρ=(ρ (corrected)–ρ)iscalculated withρ par par previoussection,wheretheextremelygoodHipparcosparal- (corrected), the value of ρ after applying Eq. 2. Calcu- par laxesprovidedthetrueabsolutemagnitude,wenowhaveto lated are the mean and standard deviation in ∆ρ and Q2 use another indicator. The true absolute magnitude of the = ( (∆ρ/s)2)/(N 1). For s we assumed σρ/√N, with Cepheids is assumed to follow thePL relation for Cepheids N =P17 the number−of stars in the sample. The best value (cf. FC): of ρ is found where Q2 has a minimum, χ2. The 1σ uncer- tainty around thebest valueis estimated from those values <MV >=δ logP +ρ (3) of ρ for which Q2 = χ2 +1. The results are presented in With ρ = –1.43 0.10 and δ = –2.81 (as derived and as- Table 1, where also the standard deviation in the mean of ± sumedrespectivelybyFC).TheHipparcosparallaxes,com- ∆ρ is listed. bined with the reddeningcorrected <V> magnitudes then A complication is that the spread σρ is unknown. Ob- giveMpar.Wetookthedataofthe26‘best’Cepheidswhich viously,ifweuseσρ =0,allcorrectionswillbeequaltothe contributed the largest weight (87% from a sample of 220 observed ∆M.All inputvalues of ρ would yield equally low objects) tothesolutions from FC.The starswere corrected valuesofQ2,andhencetheerrorestimateinρbasedonthe for reddening in the same way as in FC. variation of χ2 would be very large. The best value for ρ is The relation between ∆M and (σπ/π) is plotted in almost equal for every adopted σρ. We adopt a final value Fig. 4. The same trend as in Fig. 2 is present. For small forρ = –1.29 0.02, with theerror based on thescatterin ± (σπ/π), ∆M tends to indicate fainter intrinsic magnitudes the best fitting values of ρ. This means a decrease in ρ of (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The Lutz-Kelker bias in trigonometric parallaxes 5 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS Table 1.Zero-pointρofCepheids forthe17beststars We have investigated whether there is a Lutz-Kelker type σρ ρ σ σ biaspresentinparallaxdata.Forthederivationofthe‘true’ (fromχ2+1) (aroundmean) intrinsic magnitudes, 20σ parallaxes or better were taken from the Hipparcos data, and compared with less accu- 0.05 –1.31 2.70 0.0017 0.10 –1.31 0.88 0.0069 rate ground-based parallaxes that were available for these 0.175 –1.30 0.55 0.020 stars.Forsmallrelativeerrorsintheparallaxes, ∆M isdis- 0.2 –1.29 0.50 0.026 tributed a-symmetricly around zero, with a preference for 0.3 –1.28 0.40 0.052 too faint magnitudes, as is expected from an LK-typebias. 0.4 –1.27 0.37 0.083 The spread in values is consistent with the confidence in- 0.6 –1.25 0.35 0.143 tervals for the bias that were calculated by Koen (1992). Forlarger valuesof(σπ/π),theparallaxes tendtoyieldtoo bright magnitudes. This can be explained by completeness effectsinthedata,wherethelimitingmagnitudeofthesam- pleimpliesalowerlimittotheobservedparallaxes.Asimple methodtocorrectforthebiashasbeenpresentedandtested. TheCepheiddataofFeast&Catchpole(1997)werethenin- vestigated, A re-analysis of these data, taking into account anybiases, returnsavalueofthedistancemodulusof18.56 0.08, which is 0.14 magnitudes smaller than FC found, ± and in good agreement with previousdeterminations. Finally,wenotethatunlessparallax measurementsare extremely precise, the determination of astrophysical pa- rameters from these data will be affected by LK-type bi- ases. For the moment, either using extremely precise data, ortakingintoaccounttheLK-bias,withitslargeconfidence intervals,seemstobetheonlyoptionforindividualobjects, Figure5.Aspreviousfigure,butnowforthefundamentalmode Cepheids,aftercorrectionfortheLK-bias,forρ=–1.29.Theopen while the simple correction proposed here, can be used to circlesrepresent thethree starsnot usedintheanalysis because obtain more reliable estimates of themean intrinsic magni- they have ∆M >2.17(see Fig.4). Thesixcrosses representthe tude of a sample of stars, provided one knows beforehand firstovertonepulsators.Notethechangeinverticalaxiscompared that theobjects havethe same luminosity. The assumption tothepreviousfigure. ofauniformdistributionofstarsusedthroughoutthispaper may be improved upon by using Monte-Carlo calculations ofthedistributionofstarsinthelineofsightofthetargets. 0.20 with respect to FC for exactly the same sample and - all things beingequal- an LMC distance modulusof 18.56. Acknowledgments WethankDrs.J.E.DrewandL.Lucy The extent to which this procedure has compensated for illuminating discussions. Dr. H. Smith Jr. is thanked for the bias is illustrated in Fig. 5, where ∆ρ is plotted for his constructive comments on an earlier version of the against(σπ/π)forthecaseρ=–1.29,σρ =0.175whichhas manuscript. RDO is funded through a PDRA grant from astandarddeviationaroundthemeanequaltotheadopted PPARC. uncertainty.Notethatall20fundamentalpulsatorsareplot- ted,although thefittingwas doneexcludingthethreestars REFERENCES withinitiallythelargest∆M.Thefigurealsoillustratesthe reason why we chose not to include the six first overtone AlcockC.,etal.,1997,ApJ482,89 Caldwell J.A.R., Laney C.D., 1991, “The Magellanic Clouds”, pulsators in the analysis. Three of them give significantly IAUSymposium148,Kluwer,Dordrecht,p.249 higher residuals. This may be taken as evidence that the ESA,“TheHipparcosCatalogue”, 1997,ESASP-1200 procedurebyFCtotransformfirstovertonetofundamental FeastM.W.,CatchpoleR.M.,1997,MNRAS286,L1 mode pulsation period (Eqs. 8 and 9 in FC) introduces ad- FreedmanW.L.,etal.,1994,ApJ427,628 ditional noise. As FC, we keep the value of δ fixed. Taking KoenC.,1992,MNRAS256,65 the error into account will increase the uncertainty in the MadoreB.F.,FreedmanW.L.,1997,ApJLetters,inpress(astro- zero-point. Repeating the analysis of FC we find for their ph/9707091) sample of non-overtone pulsators that changing δ by 0.06 LutzT.E.,KelkerD.H.,1973PASP85,573 ± (the uncertainty in the slope derived by Caldwell & Laney SmithH.Jr.,1987a,A&A171,336 1991 and adopted by FC) changes their zero-point by 0.05. SmithH.Jr.,1987b,A&A181,391 SmithH.Jr.,1987c, A&A188,233 Weperformedthesametestforourprocedure,andfindthat TuronLacarrieuC.,Cr´ez´eM.,1977, A&A56,273 changing δ by 0.06 results in a shift of the best-fitting ρ ± TuronC.,EgretD.,GomezA.etal.,1993,“TheHipparcosInput of 0.05. Takinginto account errors in ρ ( 0.02), in δ ( ± ± ± Catalogue”, ESASP-1136 0.05)andinthevisualdereddenedmagnitudes( 0.06)our ± Trumpler R.J. & Weaver H.F. “Statistical Astronomy”, 1953, best estimate based on a re-analysis of the Cepheid sample BerkeleyUniversityPress,p.369 ofFCis18.56 0.08. Thisvalueismoreinagreementwith ± previousdeterminations using Cepheids(see e.g. thelisting byMadore&Freedman,1997)andRRLyraevariables(e.g. Alcock et al. 1997). (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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