The Low-Carb Comfort Food Cookbook Mary Dan Eades, M.D. Michael R. Eades, M.D. Ursula Solom John Wiley & Sons, Inc. To the low-carb faithful—cook well, live long. Copyright © 2003 by Mary Dan Eades, M.D., Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Ursula Solom. All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada Design and production by Navta Associates, Inc. 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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Eades, Mary Dan. The low-carb comfort food cookbook / Mary Dan Eades, Michael R. Eades, Ursula Solom. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-471-26757-0 (Cloth) 1. Cookery. 2 Low-carbohydrate diet—Recipes. I. Eades, Mary Dan. II. Eades, Michael R. III. Solom, Ursula. IV. Title. TX714 .E214 2003 641.5'638—dc21 2002014009 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C ONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS v INTRODUCTION 1 1 Low-Carb Comfort Food Cooking Guidelines 5 2 Bread and Other Delicious Low-Carb Baked Goods 19 3 Low-Carb Comfort Food Breakfasts, Brunches, and Light Meals 41 4 Low-Carb Comfort Food Appetizers, Soups, Salads, and Light Lunches 67 5 Low-Carb Comfort Food Poultry, Meat, Game, and Seafood Entrees 101 6 Pasta, Pizza, Tortillas, and More—Delicious Low-Carb Italian and Mexican Recipes 167 iii 7 Low-Carb Comfort Food Veggies and Side Dishes 209 8 Low-Carb Comfort Food Sauces and Salad Dressings 233 9 Low-Carb Comfort Food Desserts 253 MAIL-ORDER SOURCES 303 INDEX 307 iv CONTENTS A CKNOWLEDGMENTS No book project comes about without the help of an entire cast of people, but in this instance, we are especially indebted to the monu- mental contributions made by two people: Ursula Solom and Rose Crane. Without Ursula’s drive, ingenuity, creativity, energy, and never- say-die attitude as our collaborator, most of the comfort foods that you’ll enjoy in this book would quite honestly not exist, they are com- pletely her brainchild. For her tireless contribution to low-carb eating in general and to this book in particular, we are deeply grateful. And, although she’s not officially recognized on the cover, we couldn’t have managed to fill the book with so many interesting recipes of all kinds without those contributed by our sister (and sister- in-law), Rose Crane, who worked for over a year to develop, modify, test, and retest many of the low-carb recipes herein. We thank her for her generosity in contributing them and her help throughout this process. To our ever-faithful agents, Carol Mann and Channa Taub, we again say thanks for always believing in us and for once again finding the right publishing home for this project. To our editor, Tom Miller, and all the folks at Wiley, our heartfelt thanks for recognizing the need in the marketplace for a cookbook like this one, for trimming it and shaping it into its final form, and for making this idea a reality for all of us. Thanks to our overworked assistant, Kristi McAfee, for putting up with our hectic lives, wading through piles of papers, fielding phone calls, faxing, mailing, emailing, and chauffeuring at all hours of the day and night—what would we ever do without you? And, finally, our appreciation and love go to our immediate family: our sons, Ted, Dan, and Scott; their wives, Jamye and Katherine; and our grandsons, Thomas and William, for always loving us, laughing with us, believing in us, and giving us the best seven reasons of all to keep doing what we do. Michael and Mary Dan Eades v ***** Two individuals stand out in particular because of the special influ- ence they had over shaping this book. Without them, my low-carb comfort food recipes might never have seen the light of day. First and foremost, there is Richard K. Bernstein, M.D., the renowned physi- cian and diabetologist in Mamaroneck, New York. I am thankful and grateful beyond measure for the interest he took in my fledgling efforts, when I, a total stranger, approached him. he took the time to read, review, counsel—and in the end gave my project a resounding thumbs up. He introduced me to his literary agent, Channa Taub, who became the other moving force in this venture, because she, too, quickly became a believer. When Channa first asked me to send her what I had, she minced no words about what she wanted. She was not looking for diet manuals or “more ways to fix chicken”; she was only interested in originallow-carb recipes, for they were badly needed. If I truly had those, she might consider representing me. Once won over, Channa’s unwavering belief in what she thought I could accomplish often helped bolster my own, at times flagging, self-confidence when faced with tough problems. She was always there, patiently guiding and advising. Her vision of the book tremendously broadened its orig- inal focus and scope, making it far better. She also initiated the col- laboration with the Drs. Eades. I owe Channa a huge debt of gratitude for accepting me and for putting her trust in me. Heartfelt thanks and admiration also go to my other agent, Carol Mann, who worked diligently and brilliantly to place this book with a great publishing house and a terrific editor, Tom Miller. As appears to be true of all the people involved with this book, he, too, had an infec- tious enthusiasm for it and believed in its importance and success from the outset. He decided to put the book on a fast track to bring it out quickly. For him, it meant working tirelessly, despite an already enormous workload. He trimmed, shaped, and streamlined the manu- script into the fabulous, sleek volume you hold in your hands, one that will make it a joy to cook low-carb. I cannot thank him enough. When the Drs. Eades and I reached agreement on a collaboration, we all expected that the result would be a wonderful cookbook, one that would be far better than any two books we might have published separately could have been. But what would it be like working with them? What can I say, except that, in just one respect, I regret the project has now ended. I could not have asked for nicer or better part- ners and shall greatly miss working with them. Mike and Mary Dan rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to do whatever needed doing. They did it with a sense of humor, through thick and thin, through vi hairy deadlines and other minor calamities of publishing. They also gave me many good ideas and suggestions to make the book even more useful and interesting. If my recipes should help to make this incredibly powerful diet more user friendly, thus enabling many more people than before to make a long-term commitment to it and take advantage of this marvelous way to lose weight and usually also gain other, significant health benefits, I would consider it a tiny payback for what the Drs. Eades truly have done for me, personally—and of which I am reminded every single day: they restored my health. Words can hardly say it properly, but I thank them from the bottom of my heart. It wasn’t until the first successful Magic Rolls came off the cookie sheet that I knew the tide was turning. This had not happened at the usual tidal speed, however, but only after a long interval that saw lit- erally thousands of hopeless specimens go down the drain. No one stood closer and remained more supportive and optimistic than my husband, Bob, who might rightly have asked if I really thought any- thing would ever come of what I was trying to do. I cannot thank him enough for his unfaltering support, his love, his honest judgment, and his highly critical taste buds that often sent me flying back to the drawing board. He kept the project or, rather, me, on track—not always a small feat. It would have taken far longer to complete the book if it had not been for him. Finally, thanks to my three daughters, Karen, Sandra, and Hilary, who were supportive and always convinced that their mom could pull this off. They also constantly reminded me of the need to keep the recipes easy and quick to make, useful for busy lives. Thanks, too, go to my brother-in-law, Donald Solom, who helped with the testing of recipes, and to my brother, Dr. Guenther Patzig, whose sage counsel and sometimes irreverent sense of humor never failed to lighten a task. Ursula Solom vii I NTRODUCTION It’s clear that low-carb dieting is here to stay. It is estimated that 25 million North Americans have followed or currently follow some variation of the low-carb nutritional theme—for example, our own Protein Power Plan, Dr. Atkins, SugarBusters!, the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, the Zone, the Paleo Diet, Suzanne Somers, or another low-carb diet. And from the ranks of this vast multitude of low-carb devotees has come an avalanche of letters, postcards, emails, faxes, and phone calls with a strong recurring theme: give us more recipes, quicker meal plans, and budget-minded ideas for sticking to low carb forever. In response to that need, we (Mary Dan and Michael Eades) set to work accumulating and testing low-carb recipes for tasty dishes that would be quick and easy to prepare and wouldn’t bust the budget at the grocery store checkout. We accumulated some great recipes for traditional low-carb staples (meats, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, and low-starch fruits and vegetables), along with menu ideas and prepara- tion instructions to help low-carb dieters entertain friends and family at the many feasting celebrations that occur throughout the year. We were on track to produce a traditional cookbook that we thought would help our readers live low carb more easily. Then, as is so often the case, Serendipity, that shy muse of fortuitous coincidence, inter- vened in the form of a call from our agent, Channa Taub. She had recently accepted a new client who was working on a low- carb cookbook with intriguing and unusual recipes. Channa felt that a 1