TT OTHER AVAILABLE BOOKS hh ee “The Righteousness of God”: LL An In-Depth Study of Romans oo vv ee The Eternal Purpose and Plan of God: oo The Meaning & Purpose of Life ff CC “That You May Have Life”: hh An In-Depth Study of the Gospel of John rr ii ss Jesus of Nazareth: tt Is He Really God’s Son? ii nn Loving Relationships That Last Series: TT 5 Booklets hh ee One Step Closer to Jesus Series: LL oo 5 Booklets cc aa Set Free? Stay Free! ll (The Fallacy and Failure of Legalism) CC oo “If a Man Dies, Will He Live Again?” nn gg (A Study of Eternal Life) rr ee When Your Back’s Against the Wall: gg aa Rejoice Anyway! tt ii oo nn Life Communications TM DD ee P.O. Box 1689 (cid:127) Lady Lake, Florida 32158 aa $7.50 ss oo Cover Photos © Copyright 1992/1996 PhotoDisc, Inc. nn About The Author Larry Deason has been proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ for 40 years. He has served the Body of Christ as deacon, elder, preacher, missionary, counselor, teacher and writer. Larry’s seminars have been presented throughout the Northeastern United States, Texas, California, Hawaii, and Florida. He has also presented seminars in Australia, New Zealand, Tonga and the Fiji Islands. While doing mission work in New Zealand Larry co-founded and taught for four years at the Tauranga Two-Year Bible School. He also co-founded and directed the Northeast School of Biblical Studies where he taught for 12 years. He also consulted in the establishing of the South Pacific Bible College in New Zealand. Larry has been a guest lecturer each year for the past 23 years at the South Pacific Bible College. Larry Deason has written more than 20 booklets, books and in-depth study guides. These books have been distributed in all the states in the USA and in more than 70 nations worldwide including China, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Larry and his wife Helen have been married for 50 years. They have two daughters, five grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. Larry Deason continues to do mission work, present his seminars and distribute his books worldwide. First Printing 1987 Revised Printing 1993 Second Printing 1998 Third Printing 2007