©2018.PublishedbyTheCompanyofBiologistsLtd|JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 RESEARCHARTICLE The loss of hemoglobin and myoglobin does not minimize oxidative stress in Antarctic icefishes KristinM.O’Brien1,*,ElizabethL.Crockett2,JacquesPhilip3,CoreyA.Oldham1,MeganHoffman1, DonaldE.Kuhn2,RonaldBarry4andJessicaMcLaughlin1 ABSTRACT totemperature,andthelowtemperatureoftheSouthernOcean,in conjunction with substantial vertical mixing, results in highly Theunusualpatternofexpressionofhemoglobin(Hb)andmyoglobin oxygenatedwater(Eastman,1993).Second,inAntarcticfishes,the (Mb) among Antarctic notothenioid fishes provides an exceptional tissueswithparticularlyhighenergydemands,includingoxidative modelsystemforassessingtheimpactoftheseproteinsonoxidative skeletal muscle and cardiac ventricles, are endowed with a large stress. We tested the hypothesis that the lack of oxygen-binding complementofmitochondria(Johnstonetal.,1998;Londravilleand proteins may reduce oxidative stress. Levels and activity of pro- Sidell,1990;O’Brien andSidell,2000), theorganelle responsible oxidantsandsmall-moleculeandenzymaticantioxidants,andlevels for the vast majority of ROS production in eukaryotic cells ofoxidizedlipidsandproteinsintheliver,oxidativeskeletalmuscle (Andreyev et al., 2005; Murphy, 2009). Third, biological and heart ventricle were quantified in five species of notothenioid membranes of Antarctic fishes are enriched with phospholipids fishes differing in the expression of Hb and Mb. Levels of withahighdegreeofunsaturation(i.e.polyunsaturatedfattyacidsor ubiquitinated proteins and rates of protein degradation by the 20S PUFA)(Logueetal.,2000;O’BrienandMueller,2010).Because proteasomewerealsoquantified.Althoughlevelsofoxidizedproteins fatty acids with high numbers of double bonds are particularly andlipids,ubiquitinatedproteins,andantioxidantswerehigherinred- susceptible to oxidation by ROS (Cosgrove et al., 1987), the bloodedfishesthaninHb-lessicefishesinsometissues,thispattern membranesofAntarcticfishesmaybeespeciallyvulnerabletolipid did not persist across all tissues. Expression of Mb was not peroxidation (Crockett, 2008). Finally, Antarctic notothenioids associated with oxidative damage in the heart ventricle, whereas possess a unique twist in the typical expression of Hb among the activity of citrate synthase and the contents of heme were vertebrates.ThefamilyChannichthyidae(icefishes)ischaracterized positivelycorrelatedwithoxidativedamageinmosttissues.Despite bytheabsenceofHb,andsixofthe16speciesoficefishesalsolack sometissuedifferencesinlevelsofproteincarbonylsamongspecies, expressionofMbintheheartventricle(MoylanandSidell,2000; rates of degradation by the 20S proteasome were not markedly Sidell et al., 1997). In addition, oxidative skeletal muscle in all different, suggesting either alternative pathways for eliminating species of Antarctic notothenioids is devoid of Mb (Moylan and oxidized proteins or that redox tone varies among species. Sidell,2000). Together, our data indicate that the loss of Hb and Mb does not One of our earlier studies indicated that the susceptibility of correspondwithaclearpatternofeitherreducedoxidativedefenseor proteins and lipids to oxidation may, in fact, be related to the oxidativedamage. expression of Hb and Mb in notothenioid fishes. We found KEYWORDS:Antarcticfish,Antioxidants,Oxygen-bindingproteins, significantly lower levels of secondary products of lipid Oxidativedamage peroxidation in the oxidative muscle of two icefishes (−Hb), ChionodracorastrospinosusandChaenocephalusaceratus,thanin INTRODUCTION those of the red-blooded (+Hb) species Notothenia coriiceps Antarcticnotothenioidfishesprovideanaturalexperimentalmodel (Mueller et al., 2012). Furthermore, levels of oxidized proteins in which questions pertaining to the risks and prevention of were lower in the heart of the −Mb icefish C. aceratus compared oxidativestressatverylowtemperaturescanbeprobed.Alifecycle withthe+MbheartofC.rastrospinosus,andwerethehighestinthe spent entirely at very low body temperatures may, at first glance, heartofN.coriiceps(Muelleretal.,2012).Inaddition,we(Mueller y suggestameanstoavoidoxidativeinjuryastheratesofproduction etal.,2012)andothers(Cassinietal.,1993;Witasetal.,1984)have g o ofreactiveoxygenspecies(ROS)aresignificantlyretardedatcold foundthatthecapacitiesforcentralantioxidantsinselectedtissues l o temperature (Abele et al., 2002). Given their habitat and their arelowerinwhite-blooded(−Hb)thaninred-blooded(+Hb)fishes, i B cellulararchitecture,however,theseanimalsmaybepredisposedto suggesting that the loss of Hb and Mb may permit reduced l a an imbalance of ROS production and ROS degradation (i.e. antioxidantdefenses. t oxidative stress). First, oxygen solubility is inversely proportional The mechanism(s) responsible for elevated levels of oxidized n e proteinsandlipidsinred-bloodedandred-heartednotothenioidsare m 1InstituteofArcticBiology,UniversityofAlaska,Fairbanks,Alaska,99775,USA. unclear. As iron (Fe)-centered proteins, Hb and Mb may facilitate eri 2DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio,45701,USA. the production of ROS (King et al., 1964; Tappel, 1955). Any p 3CenterforAlaskaNativeHealthResearch,UniversityofAlaska,Fairbanks,Alaska, unbound (i.e. excess) Fe may promote the formation of hydroxyl x 99775,USA.4DepartmentofMathematicsandStatistics,UniversityofAlaska, radicals ((cid:129)OH) via the Fenton reaction (Halliwell and Gutteridge, E Fairbanks,Alaska,99775,USA. f 1986),andtheseradicalsaresufficientlypotentthattheycanoxidize o *Authorforcorrespondence([email protected]) biologicalmoleculesincludingproteinsandthelipidsthatconstitute al n the matrices of biological membranes (Dikalov, 2011; Lee et al., K.M.O.,0000-0002-3311-0690 r 2012). Autoxidation of Hb [with Fe in the ferrous (Fe2+) state] to u o Received8May2017;Accepted11December2017 methemoglobin (metHb) with Fein theferric (Fe3+) state leadsto J 1 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 proteasome mayplayamoreprominent role in the degradation of Listofabbreviations oxidizedproteins(Reinheckeletal.,2000). CAT catalase We took a comprehensive look at relationships among pro- CS citratesynthase oxidants, oxidative damage, antioxidant defenses, and protein ETC electrontransportchain ubiquitination and degradation in both white- and red-blooded GPx1 glutathioneperoxidase1 Antarctic notothenioids in order to test the hypothesis that loss of GPx4 glutathioneperoxidase4 circulating Hb, and of Mb in the cardiac muscle of these fishes is GSH reducedglutathione accompanied by lower levels of oxidized proteins and lipids, a GSSG oxidizedglutathione GST glutathioneS-transferase reducedarsenalofantioxidantsandlowerratesofproteindegradation. Hb hemoglobin Mb myoglobin MATERIALSANDMETHODS PUFA polyunsaturatedfattyacid Animalcollection ROS reactiveoxygenspecies The following species were used for this study [animal masses SOD superoxidedismutase (means±s.e.m.) are shown in parentheses]: Chaenocephalus TAP totalantioxidantpotential aceratus (Lönnberg 1906) (1675±169g; n=18), Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg 1905 (581±36g; n=16), Pseudochaenichthys georgianus Norman 1937 (1528±228g; theproductionofsuperoxide(O(cid:129)−)andhydrogenperoxide(H O ) n=8), Chionodraco rastrospinosus DeWitt & Hureau 1979 (349± 2 2 2 whenmetHbreactswithO (Winterbourn,1990).HemeintheFe3+ 30g; n=14), Gobionotothen gibberifrons (Lönnberg 1905) 2 state also reacts with H O to form two oxidants, ferryl iron (Fe4 (formerly Notothenia gibberifrons; 860±38g; n=33) and 2 2 +=O−)andaprotein-boundfreeradicalontheglobin(Reederand Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844 (1847±94g; n=18). 2 Wilson, 2005). However, most cells, particularly red blood cells, Animals were collected off the southwestern shore of Low Island have an abundance of low molecular weight antioxidants and (63°25′S, 62°10′W) and in Dallmann Bay (64°10′S, 62°35′W) antioxidant enzymes that detoxify ROS and maintain iron in the using a benthic otter trawl and fish pots between April and June, ferrous state (Cohen and Hochstein, 1963; Johnson et al., 2005; 2011 and 2013. Animals collected in 2013 were used for Lopez-Torres et al., 1993; Low et al., 2008; Perez-Campo et al., quantifying levels of ubiquitinated proteinsand the activityof the 1993;vanZwietenetal.,2014).Thecentralantioxidantssuperoxide 20S proteasome. All other measurements were completed using dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) are able to detoxify two animalscollectedin2011.Fishwereheldinrecirculatingseawater common ROS, O (cid:129)− and H O , respectively (Finkel and tanks on board the US ARSV Laurence M. Gould and then 2 2 2 Holbrook, 2000). H O may also be detoxified by several transferred to the aquarium at the US Antarctic Research Station, 2 2 antioxidant enzymes that require reduced glutathione (GSH), Palmer Station, where they were held in tanks with recirculating including the glutathione peroxidases (GPx), with glutathione seawaterat0.1±0.5°C.Animalswerekilledwithasharpblowtothe reductase (GR) having the important role of recycling the GSH head followed by cervical transection. Samples of the heart (Brigelius-Flohé, 1999). Another family of enzymes, the ventricle,pectoraladductormuscleandliverwereharvested,flash glutathione S-transferases (GST), also depends on GSH for the frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C. Icefishes and G. catalytic conjugation of a variety of potentially deleterious gibberifronswereharvestedwithin2weeksofcapture.Notothenia electrophilic compounds and xenobiotics prior to excretion coriicepswerefedadietoffishmuscleapproximatelyevery3days (Hayes and Pulford, 1995). Additionally, any extracellular Hb and were harvested within approximately 3weeks of capture. All shouldbeboundbyhaptoglobin(Alayashetal.,2013),andfree protocols were approved by the University of Alaska Fairbanks heme by hemopexin (Smith and McCulloh, 2015), minimizing InstitutionalCareandUseCommittee(1374774-2). Fe-mediated ROS formation. An alternative explanation for the highlevelsofoxidizedmacromoleculesinred-bloodedfishesis Hematocrit,hemoglobinandhemequantification that they are caused by high rates of aerobic metabolism, Hematocrit (Hct) measurements were obtained by drawing blood supportedby theexpressionofoxygen-bindingproteins, which intoheparinizedcapillarytubesandcentrifugingfor5mininanHct can enhance ROS formation, rather than by Fe-mediated ROS centrifuge.Eachindividualwasmeasuredintriplicate. formationviaHbandMb. Whole bloodwasmixedwith3.2%sodiumcitrate(9:1 forred- y Lowerlevelsofoxidizedproteinsinicefishescomparedwithred- blooded species and 4:1 for icefishes) to prevent clotting. Hb g bloodedspeciesmayreduceratesofproteindegradation.Oxidized concentration was determined by mixing 20μl of citrated blood lo o proteinsaremarkedfordegradationbytheATP-dependentcovalent with5mlDrabkin’sreagent(Sigma-Aldrich,St.Louis,MO,USA), i B conjugation of ubiquitin (Dudek et al., 2005; Shang et al., 1997). incubating the mixture at room temperature for 30min and l a Ubiquitinated proteins are degraded by the 26S proteasome in measuring absorbance at 540nm. Samples and a standard curve t anotherATP-dependentprocess(Davies,2001;Shringarpureetal., with concentrations between 0 and 180mgml−1 of Hb were n e 2003). Oxidized proteins may also be degraded by the 20S measuredintriplicate. m proteasomeinaubiquitin- andATP-independentprocess(Davies, Heme concentration in blood diluted with sodium citrate (as ri e 2001; Reinheckel et al., 2000). Although both the 26S and 20S described above) was determined using the Quantichrome Heme p proteasome degrade oxidatively modified proteins (Shang and Assay Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (BioAssay x E Taylor,2011), the20Sproteasome doesnotrequireproteinstobe Systems, Hayward, CA, USA). Samples were measured in f ubiquitinated to degrade them and can, therefore, degrade duplicate. o oxidativelydamagedproteinsincellswithcompromisedubiquitin al n conjugation systems (Davies, 2001; Shringarpure et al., 2003). Myoglobinquantification r Additionally,the26Sproteasome ismoresusceptible tooxidative Heart ventricles were homogenized (10% w/v) in 20mmoll−1 u o damage than the 20S proteasome, suggesting that the 20S Hepes buffer (pH 7.8 at 4°C) using a Tenbroeck ground-glass J 2 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 homogenizer(Wheaton,Millville,NJ,USA)onice.Homogenates USA).ProteinswereseparatedusingTSKgelGuardSW andQC– XL were centrifuged at 10,000g for 10min at 4°C, the supernatant PAKGFC200columns(TOSOHBioscience,KingofPrussia,PA, collected and protein concentration determined using the USA)andarunningbufferof6moll−1guanidiniumhydrochloride, bicinchoninic acid assay (Sigma-Aldrich) with bovine serum pH2.5.SpectrawereanalyzedwithWatersEmpowerProAnalysis albumin(BSA)asastandard(Smithetal.,1985).Thesupernatant software(WatersCorporation).Fromtheaconitasestandard,100μg wasmixedwithloadingbuffer(150mmoll−1Tris–HCl,4%SDS, wasresuspendedtoafinalconcentrationof300ngproteinμl−1in 12% glycerol, 100mmoll−1 dithiothreitol, 0.01% Bromophenol 50mmoll−1KH PO (pH7.8);300μlofthestandardwasmixed 2 4 Blue, pH 6.8) and heated at 98°C for 10min. Proteins were with 70μl of 10% streptomycin sulfate and incubated at room separatedon12%Tris-Tricinegelsasdescribedpreviously(Moylan temperaturefor15mintoprecipitateDNA.Thesampleswerethen and Sidell, 2000). Each gel included a standard curve of known centrifuged at 10,000g for 10min at 4°C, the supernatant was amounts of purified Mb from N. coriiceps. Proteins from each collected and 1200μl of ice-cold 100% acetone was added. The individual were run in triplicate on two separate gels. Gels were sampleswerethenvortexedandincubatedfor30minat−20°Cto stainedin0.10%(w/v)CoomassieBrilliantBlueR-250stain(50% precipitateprotein.Sampleswerecentrifugedat16,000gfor15min methanol, 10% acetic acid), destained in 5% methanol and 7% at4°Candrinsedwithice-cold80%acetone.Thepelletwasrinsed aceticacidandscannedwithanImageScanner(GEHealthcareBio- inacetoneandcentrifugedat16,000gfor15minat4°C.Acetone Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Images were quantified using wasdiscardedandthepelletwasresuspendedin100μlofrunning ImageQuant(GEHealthcareBio-Sciences)andtheconcentrationof buffer.Theaconitasestandardwasdividedintofour25μlaliquots. Mbwascalculatedfromthestandardcurve. Twoaliquotspersamplewereincubatedwith35μlof10mmoll−1 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) in running buffer and two in Citratesynthaseactivity runningbufferalone.Absorptionwasmeasuredat280nmfortotal Themaximalactivityofcitratesynthase(EC2.3.3.1)wasmeasured protein and 366nm for the carbonyl hydrozone. Carbonyl at5°C±0.5°CusingaLambda25spectrophotometer(PerkinElmer, concentration was determined using the equations described in Waltham,MA,USA)andamodificationoftheprotocoldescribed Levineetal.(2000). bySrereetal.(1963).Frozentissueswerefinelychoppedonanice- Tissueswerehomogenizedin50mmoll−1KH PO pH7.8and 2 4 coldstageandthenhomogenizedin19volumesofice-coldbuffer centrifuged at 4°C for 10min at 9000g. Bradford assays, as (75mmoll−1 Tris-HCl, 1mmoll−1 EDTA, 2mmoll−1 MgCl , describedabove,wereusedtodeterminetheproteinconcentration 2 pH 8.2 at 5°C) using Tenbroeck ground-glass homogenizers. The ofthesupernatant;50μgofproteinwasbroughttoafinalvolumeof final reaction mixture contained 0.25mmoll−1 5,5′-dithiobis-2- 100μlwithMQH Oanddriedinavacuumcentrifuge(CentriVap 2 nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB), 0.40mmoll−1 acetyl coenzyme A Concentrator,LabconcoCorporation,KansasCity,MO,USA)for (CoA), 0.5mmoll−1 oxaloacetate,75mmoll−1Tris-HCl, pH8.2, 2hatroomtemperature.Samplesand100μgofaconitasestandard with0.025%tissue.Backgroundactivitywasmeasuredfor5minin were resuspended to a final concentration of 300ngμl−1 in a theabsenceoftheinitiatingsubstrateoxaloacetate.Theprogressof derivitization solution consisting of 20mmoll−1 DNPH, 0.5% thereactionwasmonitoredbyfollowingthereductionofDTNBat trifluoroaceticacid(TFA)and 92.5%dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO). 412nmfor5minfollowingtheadditionofoxaloacetate.Activityis Sampleswerevortexed atroomtemperaturefor45–60min before expressedasµmolproductmin−1g−1wetmass. being spotted onto a PVDF membrane. A standard curve of aconitase containing 0–300ngμl−1 protein was loaded onto each Proteincarbonylation membraneintriplicate.Thesamplesandaconitaseweredilutedin Proteincarbonylationwasquantifiedusinganimmunochemicaldot derivitizationsolutionfollowedbyphosphate-bufferedsaline(PBS) blot method as described by Wehr and Levine (2012). A to a minimum volume of 200μl. The final concentration of each carbonylated aconitase standard was prepared by resuspending sample and standard was determined using a Bradford assay as aconitase(Sigma-Aldrich)atafinalconcentrationof5mgml−1in described above but with BSA resuspended in derivitization buffer (10mmoll−1 MgCl , 50mmoll−1 Hepes, 100mmoll−1 solutionasthestandard. Allsampleswereprepared andloaded in 2 KCl, pH 7.2) and dialyzed against 25mmoll−1 ascorbate and triplicate. 0.1mmoll−1 FeCl for 24h at room temperature using a Pur-A- PVDF membranes (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences) were wetted 3 Lyzer Maxi 12000 Dialysis Kit (Sigma-Aldrich) as described by using 100% methanol and soaked for at least 10min in transfer RivettandLevine(1990).Ondaytwo,thebufferwasreplacedwith buffer (25mmoll−1 Tris, 192mmoll−1 glycine, 0.1% SDS, 20% y onecontaining1mmoll−1EDTAtostopthecarbonylationreaction MeOH)beforeloadingsamplesusingavacuum-drawnslotblotter g andthen placedat4°C withstirring.Ondaythree,thebufferwas (Bio-DotSFCell,Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA).Atotalof200μl lo o replaced with the original dialysis buffer to remove EDTA. All oftransferbufferwaspipettedintoeachslotanddrawnacrossthe i B bufferswerechangedthreetimesdaily.Proteinconcentrationofthe membraneusingavacuum,followedbysamples,andthenanother l aconitase carbonyl standard was determined using the Bradford 200μloftransferbuffer.Blotsweredriedfor15min,washedwith a t Assay with BSA asthe standard (Bradford, 1976). Absorbance at glacialaceticacid,twicefor2minwith100%aceticacid,andonce n e 595nm was measured using a Spectramax Plus 384 microplate for2minin5mlaceticacidwithasufficientamountofMQH O m 2 reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The aconitase added to cover the membrane (approximately 60–70ml total ri standard was then divided into 50μg aliquots, brought to a final volume),andthenoncefor5mininMQH O,driedandthenstored e 2 p volume of 100μl with MQ H O, dried in a vacuum centrifuge at−80°Cforupto2daysbeforedeveloping. x 2 E (CentriVapConcentrator,LabconcoCorporation,KansasCity,MO, Membraneswereblockedwith5%non-fatdrymilkin0.1%PBS- f USA)atroomtemperaturefor2handstoredat−80°Cuntiluse. Tweenfor1handthenwashedwith0.1%PBS-Tween(twicequick, o Levels of protein carbonylation in the aconitase standard were oncefor15min,andtwicefor5min).Membraneswereincubated al n determinedusinghighperformanceliquidchromatography(HPLC) with the primary antibody goat anti-DNPH (Bethyl Laboratories, r withaWaters1525BinaryHPLCequippedwithanin-linedegasser Montgomery,TX,USA),diluted1:5000in5%non-fatdrymilkin u o and photodiode arraydetector(Waters Corporation, Milford,MA, 0.1% PBS-Tween for 2h, and then washed as described above. J 3 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 Membranes were then incubated with the secondary antibody of CAT (EC activity was measured at 5°C using a donkeyanti-goatHRP(SC2020;SantaCruzBiotechnology,Dallas, Beckman DU-640 spectrophotometer (Brea, CA, USA) according TX,USA),diluted1:10,000in5%non-fatdrymilkin0.1%PBS- tothemethodofBeersandSizer(1952). Tween for 1h and washed as described above. Membranes were Glutathione reductase (EC activities in tissue developedusingAmershamECLPrimeWesternBlottingDetection supernatants were measured at 5°C using a slightly modified Reagent(GEHealthcareBio-Sciences),viewedusingAlphaImager versionofaprotocoldescribedbySigma-Aldrich(GRSATechnical 3300 Imaging System (Protein Simple, San Jose, CA, USA) and Bulletin).Tissueswerehomogenizedinassaybuffer(125mmoll−1 analyzedwithImageQuantTL(GEHealthcareBio-Sciences). potassium phosphate, 1.25mmoll−1 EDTA, pH 7.5) using a BulletBlenderStorm24fromNextAdvance(Averill,NY,USA)ata Lipidperoxidation 2:1 (w/w) bead to tissue ratio. The resulting homogenates were Tissue homogenates were used to measure malondialdehyde, a centrifuged at 21,000g for 15min. Supernatants were collected thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS). Tissues were and, if not used immediately, stored at –70°C. The assay was processed and analyzed according to the method of Mihara and performed in assay buffer at a final volume of 200µl containing Uchiyama(1978)andasdescribedpreviouslybyourgroup(Mueller 0.15mmoll−1 DTNB, 1.5mmoll−1 GSSG and 0.215mmoll−1 et al., 2012). For the purpose of normalizing malondialdehyde to NADPH.Tenmicrolitersoftissuesupernatantswereusedforeach lipid content, total lipids were determined gravimetrically. Lipids sample. Reactions were initiated by the addition of NADPH and were extracted from tissues using methanol:chloroform:water as absorbance values were recorded every 2min overa 20min time describedbyBlighandDyer(1959).Afterlipidswereextracted,a period.SamplesrunintheabsenceofGSSGservedascontrols. fivedecimalplacebalance(MettlerH54AR,Columbus,OH,USA) Enzymaticactivitiesofbothglutathioneperoxidase(EC1.11.1.9) wasusedtoquantifythefinallipidmassofeachsample. and GST (EC were quantified as previously described (Grim et al., 2013), with the following exceptions: (1) all assays Glutathione were conducted at 5°C and in 96-well microplates and (2) the Tissuecontentsofglutathioneweremeasuredusinganassaybasedon concentration of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) used in the the2-vinylpyridine(2VP)methoddescribedbyGriffith(1980).Total GSTassaywas0.83mmoll−1. glutathione (GST =GSH+GSSG) was measured, along with Levels of glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4) (EC tot oxidized glutathione (GSSG) following the elimination of GSH were quantified using western blot analysis. Tissue samples were using2VP.Tissueswerehomogenizedinfivevolumesofice-cold5% homogenizedat10%(w/v)inanice-coldradioimmunoprecipitation 5′-sulfosalicylic acid in 100mmoll−1 potassium phosphate and assay(RIPA)buffer(150mmoll−1NaCl,1%TritonX-100,0.5% 1mmoll−1 EDTA (pH 7.0) using a BioHomogenizer tissue Na deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 50mmoll−1 Tris, pH 8.0) using a homogenizer (BioSpec Products, Bartlesville, OK, USA). Tenbroeck ground-glass homogenizer. Homogenates were Followingcentrifugationat10,000gfor5minat4°C,supernatants centrifuged at 21,000g for 15min at 4°C. The resulting werecollectedandusedimmediatelyorstoredat−70°C.Supernatants supernatants were used immediatelyor stored at −80°C for future were added to a buffered 2VP solution (0.3moll−1 2VP final use. Protein concentrations of samples were determined using the concentration)orbufferaloneandincubatedatroomtemperaturefor bicinchoninic acid method (Smith et al., 1985). For each sample, 10–15min.Anassaysolutioncontaining100mmoll−1K-phosphate, 40µg protein was diluted with RIPA buffer to avolume of 10µl. 1mmoll−1 EDTA, 0.1mmoll−1 DTNB and 0.164unitsml−1 Laemmlibuffer(5µl)containing5%β-mercaptoethanolwasadded glutathionereductase(400unitsml−1)(pH7.0)wasadded(150µl) and the sample mixture was heated at 96°C for 10min. Ten tothewellsofa96-wellmicroplate.Tenmicrolitersofdilutedsample microlitersofeachsample,ormolecularweightstandard(Precision (typically20-fold)orstandardwasaddedtoeachwellinduplicateand Plus Protein), was added to one of each lanes in a 10-well Mini- the reaction was initiated by adding 50µl of an NADPH solution ProteanTGXprecastgelandproteinswereseparatedat200V.The (0.05mmoll−1finalconcentration).Absorbancereadingsat412nm runningsolutionwasastandardSDS-PAGEbuffer(192mmoll−1 were begun immediately thereafter and taken every 20s for 3min glycine, 0.1% w/v SDS, 25mmoll−1 Tris, pH 8.3). Following usingaSpectraMaxM2emicroplatereader(MolecularDevices)and electrophoresis, gels were rinsed several times and transferred to theaccompanyingSoftMaxProsoftwarekineticprogram. PVDF membranes using a transfer buffer (SDS-PAGE buffer described above containing 20% methanol). Proteins were Enzymaticantioxidants transferred using a mini Trans-Blot electrophoretic transfer cell y SOD(EC1.15.1.1)activitywasmeasuredusingakitfromSigma (Bio-RadLaboratories)at1.3A/1minigelor2.5A/2minigelsanda g o Life Sciences (catalog no. 19160) by following the extent of maximumof25Vfor7min.PVDFmembraneswererinsedseveral l o inhibition of the reduction of xanthine by xanthine oxidase, timesandthenincubatedfor1hatroomtemperature(orovernightat i B coupledtothereductionofthechromogen2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4- 4°C) in blocking buffer (0.5mmoll−1 NaCl, 1% casein, l nitrophenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (WST-1) at 20mmoll−1 Tris, pH 7.4). Blocked membranes were rinsed a t 440nm. Oneunit of activity wasdefinedastheamountof SOD briefly and then incubated for 1h at room temperature in an n e necessary to inhibit the reduction of xanthine by 50%. Tissues antibodysolution(20-folddilutionoftheblockingbufferdescribed m werehomogenized(10%,w/v)inice-cold50mmoll−1potassium above)containinga1:1000dilutionofprimaryantibody(ab40993; ri e phosphatebuffer(pH7.2)asdescribedabove,followedbyprobe Abcam,Cambridge,MA,USA).Thissolutionwasremovedandthe p sonication (three pulses of 4s duration, 2mm probe, output at membranesrinsedbriefly,afterwhichthemembraneswerewashed x E 20% of maximum). Aliquots of each sample were removed and four times for 5min each in blocking buffer. Washed membranes f centrifuged at2000g for 10min at4°C. Supernatants werethen were next incubated for 1h at room temperature in an antibody o dilutedasnecessaryinhomogenizationbufferforuseintheassay. solution containing a 1:3000 dilution of secondary antibody al n All samples were measured at 5°C in triplicate using a (ab6721; Abcam). The secondary antibody solution was removed r SpectraMax M2e microplate spectrophotometer (Molecular and the membranes rinsed and washed as described above. u o Devices). Antibody binding was visualized using a horseradish peroxidase J 4 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 (HRP) detection kit (Pierce ECL2 Western Blotting Substrate, (Amersham ECL Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent, GE ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Two milliliters of Healthcare Bio-Sciences) according to the manufacturer’s finalHRPsubstratesolutionwereaddedtocovereachmembraneand specifications. Chemiluminescencewas detected for 15min using themembranewasimmediatelyplacedinaBio-RadImageDocphoto an AlphaImager3300ImagingSystem (Protein Simple, San Jose, imager. The signal was read every 20s for 3min. GPx4-specific CA, USA) and quantified using ImageQuant TL software (GE bands were analyzed using GelAnalyzer 2010 after removing the Healthcare Bio-Sciences). Levels of ubiquitinated proteins were non-specific background with ImageJ. Individual samples from all normalizedtolevelsintheheartventriclesofN.coriiceps(n=6)and specieswererunonasinglegelforcomparisonpurposesandeach were blotted in triplicate on membranes for measurements in the sample was run in duplicate. Proportions of sample GPx4 were heartventricleandinduplicateonmembranesformeasurementsin quantifiedasapercentoftotalGPx4fromeachgel. thepectoraladductorandliver. Totalantioxidantpower 20Sproteasomeactivity Total antioxidant power was measured using a colorimetric Activityofthe20Sproteasomewasmeasuredbasedonthemethod microplate assay kit from Oxford Biomedical Research (TA02; developedbyShibataniandWard(1995)andadaptedforuseinfish Oxford, MI, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. by Doblyet al. (2004). Frozen tissues were finely chopped on an Values for total antioxidant power are expressed as Trolox ice-cold stage and then homogenized in five volumes of ice-cold equivalents(µmolg−1wetmassoftissue). lysis buffer (50mmoll−1 Tris-HCl, 0.1mmoll−1 EDTA, 1.0mmoll−1 β-mercaptoethanol, pH 8.0) using a Tissuemizer Levelsofubiquitinatedproteins homogenizer (Tekmar) and Tenbroeck ground-glass tissue Levels of ubiquitinated protein were measured based on the homogenizers. The homogenate was centrifuged at 20,000g for methods used by Hofmann and Somero (1995) and modified by 1hat4°Candthesupernatantwasretained.Proteincontentofthe Todgham et al. (2007). Frozen tissues were finely chopped on an supernatantwasdeterminedusingaBradfordproteinassay(1976) ice-cold stage and then homogenized in five volumes of ice-cold withBSAusedforthestandardcurve. homogenization buffer [4% SDS (w/v), 1mmoll−1 EDTA, Proteasomeactivitywasmeasuredusingtheproteasome-specific 50mmoll−1 Tris-HCl, pH 6.8] supplemented with protease fluorogenic substrate LLVY-7-amino-4-methlycoumarin (LLVY- inhibitors (cOmplete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Tablets, Roche, AMC; Enzo). The substrate was dissolved in DMSO Indianapolis,IN,USA)usingaTissuemizerhomogenizer(Tekmar, (5.71mmoll−1), then aliquoted and stored at −80°C until use. Cincinnati, OH, USA). Homogenization was completed using Althoughmaximalactivityofthe20Sproteasomehasbeenshown Tenbroeckground-glasstissuehomogenizers.Tissuehomogenates torequireSDS(ShibataniandWard,1995),wefound,aftertesting wereboiledfor5mintodenatureproteins.Homogenateswerethen foractivity in SDSconcentrations ranging from 0 to 0.025%, that centrifuged at 12,000g for 15min at room temperature and the the maximal activity of the 20S proteasome was obtained in Tris supernatant was retained. Protein content of the supernatant was buffer lacking SDS and, thus, we omitted it from the reaction determined usingaBradford proteinassay(1976) with BSA used mixture. Activity was measured by incubating 50µg protein from forthestandardcurve.Supernatantswerestoredat−80°C. the supernatant with 40µmol l−1 LLVY-AMC in 22.5µl Samples were diluted with Tris-buffered saline solution (TBS) 100mmoll−1 Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) for 60min at 5°C. The reaction (20mmoll−1 Tris-HCl, 140mmoll−1 NaCl, pH 7.6) to a wasdeterminedtobelinearfor90min.Thereactionwasstoppedby concentration of 0.5µg µl−1 for ventricle and pectoral adductor adding225µlof0.1moll−1sodiumborate(pH9.1)and65µl1% samples, and to 0.25µg µl−1 for liver samples. One µl of each SDS. Fluorescence of AMC was determined at excitation or samplewaspipettedontoa12×10cmsheetof0.2µmnitrocellulose emissionwavelengthsof380and460nm,respectively,onaGemini membrane(GEHealthcareBio-Sciences)intriplicate.Theprotein EMMicroplateReader(MolecularDevices).Parallelsampleswere washeat-fixedtothemembraneat65°Cfor20min.Themembrane prepared by adding the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 wasthenblockedwith5%non-fatmilkpowderdissolvedinTween- (133µmol l−1; Enzo) prior to incubation. Activity was calculated 20 Tris-buffered saline solution (TTBS) (20mmoll−1 Tris-HCl, bydeterminingtheconcentrationofAMCinthesamplesusingthe 140mmoll−1NaCl,0.01%Tween-20,pH7.6,roomtemperature) standard curve minus the activity in the presence of MG-132. for 1h. After blocking, the membranes were rinsed twice briefly Activity is expressed as pmol AMC h−1 50µg−1 protein. The with TTBS and then three times for 5min each with TTBS. The standard curve was prepared using eight AMC concentrations y membranes were incubated at 4°C with the ubiquitin conjugate between3.3and44µmoll−1.Thesamplesandstandardcurvewere g o primary antibody (mono- and poly-ubiquitinylated conjugates measuredintriplicate. l o monoclonal antibody produced in mice; Enzo Life Sciences, i B BML-PW8810, Farmdale, NY, USA) diluted 1:5000 in 5% non- Statisticalanalysis l a fatmilkpowderdissolvedin TTBS.Incubation timeswere12.5h Differences in the mean values of antioxidants, pro-oxidants, t forventricle, 15hfor pectoraladductorand2hfor liversamples. ubiquitinatedproteinsand20Sproteasomeactivityamongspecies n e ThemembraneswerethenrinsedbrieflytwicewithTTBSandthen andwithineachtissueweredeterminedusingaone-wayANOVA m rinsedthreetimesfor5mineachwithTTBS.Themembraneswere followedbyaTukey’sposthoctest.Equalvariancewasconfirmed ri incubatedatroomtemperaturewiththesecondaryantibody(rabbit andnormalitytestedusingaShapiro–Wilktest.AKruskal–Wallis e p anti-Mouse IgG peroxidase antibody A9044; Sigma-Aldrich) testfollowedbyaDunn’stestonrankeddatawasusedtodetermine x E diluted 1:10,000 in 5% non-fat dry milk powder in TTBS. differences among species for data that failed to meet the f Membranes with ventricle samples were incubated for 1.5h assumptions of the ANOVA. Outliers were identified by o whereas those with pectoral adductor samples and liver samples calculating quantiles and samples with values outside the third al n wereincubatedfor2and2.25h,respectively.Themembraneswere quantilewereremovedfromtheanalysisofproteasomeactivityand r thenrinsedbrieflytwicewithTTBSandthenwashedthreetimesfor levelsofubiquitinatedproteins.Simplelinearregressionswereused u o 5mineachinTTBSanddevelopedusingachemiluminescencekit to assess correlations between pro-oxidants and oxidative damage J 5 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 Table1.Parametersmeasuredinthebloodofnotothenioids Chaenocephalus Champsocephalus Chionodracorastrospinosus Nototheniacoriiceps Gobionotothengibberifrons aceratus(−Hb/−Mb) gunnari(−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) Heme(mmoll−1) 0.04±0.01a(6) 0.25±0.01a,b(6) 0.09±0.05a(6) 5.53±0.55b(9) 5.55±0.25b(16) Hb(mgml−1) 119.81±11.03*(8) 95.54±2.81(16) Hct(%) 32.91±1.78(8) 37.02±1.16(16) Hb,hemoglobin;Hct,hematocrit;Mb,myoglobin.Valuesaremeans±s.e.m.DifferentsuperscriptlettersindicatesignificantdifferencesasdeterminedbyaDunn’s posthoctest(P<0.05).TheasteriskindicatesasignificantdifferencebasedonaStudent’st-test(P<0.05).Thenumberofindividuals(n)isindicatedin parentheses. (levelsofTBARSandcarbonyls)ineachtissue.Significancewas icefishspeciesC.gunnari(Table1).Mblevelswere3.4-foldhigher set at P<0.05. ANOVA tests and regression analyses were in the heart ventricles of red-blooded N. coriiceps than in red- conducted using Sigma Plot 11.0 (Systat Software,San Jose, CA, blooded G. gibberifrons and white-blooded C. rastrospinosus USA)andJMP7(SASInstitute,Cary,NC,USA);allotheranalyses (Table2).AlthoughHctlevelsweresimilarinthetwored-blooded wereconductedusingR(www.r-project.org). species, Hb levels were higher in N. coriiceps than in G. Tocharacterizetheclusteringofantioxidantsamongspeciesfor gibberifrons(Table1). each tissue, we conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) MaximalactivityofCS,ameasureoffluxthroughthecitricacid afterimputingmissingvalues(JosseandHusson,2013)followedby cycle, was lowest in the heart of white-blooded C. aceratus ahierarchicalclusteringonprincipalcomponents(HCPC)usingthe (Table2).However,lowactivityofCSintheC.aceratusventricle PCA and HCPC functions from the FactoMineR R package, wasnotassociatedwiththelackofbothoxygen-binding proteins, respectively. The first five components of the PCA were used as Hb and Mb, because CS activity in the hearts of the icefish input for the HCPC, and the number of clusters retained was C. gunnari, a species which lacks Mb, was similar to that in the determinedbylookingathowspeciesclusteredonthePCAplots. hearts of red-blooded notothenioidsthat express Mb (Table 2). In Usingonlythefirstfivecomponentsallowsustoseparatethenoise thepectoraladductormuscle,CSactivitywashighestinthetwored- fromthestructureofthedatabeforeperformingtheHCPC.Aχ2test bloodedfishesandintheicefishC.gunnari(Table3).CSactivityin wasperformedbetweenspeciesandgroups(clusters)ofindividuals. theliverwashighestinC.gunnari (Table4). Finally, foreach group,thegroup andoverall meanvalue of each antioxidantwerecomparedbycalculatingastatisticcorresponding Oxidativedamage to their standardized difference, which follows a standard normal The ANOVA indicated that differences in levels of both oxidized distribution under the null hypothesis that the means are equal. proteins (carbonyls) and lipids (TBARS normalized to total lipid) Individualsthatweremissingmorethanfourofthenineantioxidant didnotalwayscorrespondwiththepresenceorabsenceofHband measurements were excluded, and individuals missing values for Mb(Tables2–4).Intheheartventricle,TBARSwerelowerinred- antioxidants (17 for liver, 14 for adductor muscle and heart bloodedfishescomparedwithicefishes,whereasproteincarbonyls ventricle) were imputed using the regularized iterative PCA werelowestintheicefishC.aceratus(Table2).Levelsofprotein algorithm (Josse and Husson, 2013), resulting in a sample size of carbonyls and TBARS were higher in the tissues of red-blooded 38foreachtissue. fishes compared with icefishes only in oxidative skeletal muscle tissue(Table3).Intheliver,TBARSwerehighestinC.gunnariand RESULTS G.gibberifrons,andproteincarbonylswerehighestinC.gunnari Pro-oxidants andC.aceratus(Table4). Levels of heme were significantly higher in the blood of red- Although neither the presence nor the absence of Hb and Mb blooded fishes than in the blood of most icefishes, except for the correspondedwithlevelsofoxidativedamage,regressionanalyses Table2.Levelsofpro-oxidants,antioxidantsandoxidizedmacromoleculesintheheartventriclesofnotothenioids C.aceratus C.gunnari C.rastrospinosus N.coriiceps G.gibberifrons (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) gy o Pro-oxidants l CS(Ug−1wetmass) 9.32±0.17a(5) 12.93±0.92b(5) 9.72±0.63a,c(4) 12.58±0.75b,c(5) 10.75±0.62a,b,c(5) o i Mb(mgg−1) 0.95±0.20a(6) 3.57±0.30b(6) 0.96±0.12a(5) B Antioxidants al SOD(Ug−1) 1836.63±105.77a(8) 1692.25±86.56a(8) 1811.83±150.92a(6) 2278.75±99.37b(8) 2708.53±80.14c(8) t n CAT(µmolmin−1) 142.69±15.20a(8) 260.86±9.40a,b(8) 269.23±16.10a,b(6) 461.66±42.15b(9) 243.27±43.20a,b(7) e GST(Ug−1) 1.13±0.10a(8) 0.85±0.07a(8) 0.67±0.10b(6) 1.10±0.12a,b(9) 1.13±0.10a(8) m TAP(µmolg−1) 6.65±0.19a,c(8) 6.42±0.35a(8) 5.99±0.12a(6) 8.26±0.27b(9) 7.59±0.29b,c(8) i r GPx1(Ug−1) 0.84±0.07a,b(8) 1.06±0.10a(8) 0.55±0.12b(6) 0.96±0.04a,b(8) 0.83±0.10a,b(7) e p GPx4(%oftotal) 19.04±3.83(6) 16.74±1.77(6) 18.46±5.71(6) 21.65±2.54(6) 18.86±1.73(6) x GR(mUg−1) 280.89±15.74a(8) 177.93±13.65b(8) 235.75±14.73a,b(6) 297.95±22.07a(8) 461.06±17.57c(8) E 2GSSG:GSH 0.097±0.008a(8) 0.148±0.009b(8) 0.119±0.007a,b(6) 0.112±0.016a(8) 0.109±0.006a,b(8) f o Oxidativedamage TBARS(nmolg−1lipid) 132.67±20.40a(8) 167.05±10.69a(8) 142.80±16.71a(6) 81.82±7.40b(8) 76.93±4.40b(9) al Carbonyls(mmolmol−1) 17.44±5.15a(7) 85.56±17.02b(8) 43.40±10.54a,b(6) 33.50±3.67a,b(7) 73.38±12.77b(7) n r u Valuesaremeans±s.e.m.Differentsuperscriptlettersindicatesignificantdifferencesasdeterminedbyaone-wayANOVAorKruskal–Wallistestfollowedbya o Tukey’sorDunn’sposthoctest(P<0.05).Thenumberofindividuals(n)isindicatedinparentheses. J 6 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 Table3.Levelsofpro-oxidants,antioxidantsandoxidizedmacromoleculesinthepectoraladductormuscleofnotothenioids C.aceratus C.gunnari C.rastrospinosus N.coriiceps G.gibberifrons (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) Pro-oxidants CS(Ug−1wetmass) 13.40±1.69a(6) 23.13±1.18b(4) 15.44±1.40a(4) 26.13±1.67b(5) 22.30±1.85b(5) Antioxidants SOD(Ug−1) 1513.13±170.99a(8) 2500.36±127.71b(8) 1810.50±203.29c(6) 2031.88±107.19a,b,c(8) 2271.35±108.32b,c(8) CAT(µmolmin−1) 131.31±13.34a(8) 243.04±8.42b(8) 324.54±22.27c(6) 409.24±19.90d(8) 218.46±17.67b(7) GST(Ug−1) 0.97±0.13(8) 1.34±0.17(8) 1.11±0.19(6) 1.57±0.12(8) 1.54±0.27(8) TAP(µmolg−1) 5.37±0.39(8) 4.61±0.24(8) 5.60±0.48(6) 4.59±0.60(8) 5.66±0.49(8) GPx1(Ug−1) 0.55±0.07a,b(8) 0.85±0.06c(8) 0.29±0.06a(6) 0.64±0.10b,c(8) 0.66±0.06b,c(8) GPx4(%oftotal) 8.89±0.49a(6) 20.64±2.32b(6) 15.48±0.99b(6) 27.70±1.58c(6) 28.09±1.71c(6) GR(mUg−1) 127.29±10.52a(8) 134.67±10.48a,b,c(8) 111.16±6.58b(6) 286.48±17.15d(8) 177.37±7.19c(8) 2GSSG:GSH 0.131±0.007a(8) 0.172±0.008a,b(8) 0.181±0.020b(6) 0.138±0.008a,b(8) 0.143±0.010a,b(8) Oxidativedamage TBARS(nmolg−1lipid) 50.79±4.40a(8) 75.52±6.33a,b(8) 74.38±12.73a,b(6) 240.19±42.19b,c(8) 279.22±15.95c(8) Carbonyls(mmolmol−1) 4.77±0.88a(7) 5.70±1.21a,c(6) 7.15±1.70a,b,c(5) 41.98±9.99b(7) 25.38±3.53b,c(6) Valuesaremeans±s.e.m.Differentsuperscriptlettersindicatesignificantdifferencesasdeterminedbyaone-wayANOVAorKruskal–Wallistestfollowedbya Tukey’sorDunn’sposthoctest(P<0.05).Thenumberofindividuals(n)isindicatedinparentheses. indicated that maximal activity of CS was significantly and alignedmostcloselywiththeresultsfromthehierarchicalclustering. positively correlated with levels of protein carbonyls and TBARS Therewasasmalldifference(4%)betweenthevariationexplained in both oxidative skeletal muscle (Fig. S2A,B) and the liver by components 2 and 3 in thistissue (Fig. 1B). Only in the heart (Fig.S3A,B)butnotintheheartventricle(Fig.S1A,B).Hemewas ventriclewerelevelsofantioxidantssimilarinthethreespeciesof alsopositivelycorrelatedwithTBARSandcarbonylsinoxidative icefishes and lower than in the two red-blooded species (Fig. 1A, skeletalmuscle(Fig.S2C,D). TableS1).Inthepectoralmuscleandliver,antioxidantlevelsinthe twoicefishesC.aceratusandC.rastrospinosusweresimilartoeach Antioxidants other (Fig. 1B,C) and lower than in the two red-blooded species TheANOVAindicatedthatantioxidants(capacitiesorlevels)were (Tables S2, S3). However, in the liverand pectoral muscle of the higher in red-blooded fishes than in icefishes (Tables 2–4). icefish C.gunnari,antioxidantlevelsweredifferentfromthosein However, in the pectoral adductor muscle, activities of SOD and theothericefishesaswellasthoseinthered-bloodedspecies,with GPx1 were higher in C. gunnari than in other icefishes, and some antioxidants higher than the overall mean and some lower equivalenttothoseinthetwored-bloodedspecies(Table3).Also, (Fig. 1B,C, Tables S2, S3). Notably, SOD activities in the C. intheliver,activitiesofSODandCATwerehigherinC.gunnari gunnaripectoralmuscleandliverwerehigherthantheoverallmean thaninothericefishesandsimilartothoseinG.gibberifrons(SOD) (TablesS2,S3),whichcorrespondswiththehighactivityofCSin (Table4). thesetissues(Tables3,4). We used PCA followed by hierarchical clustering analysis to identify differences in antioxidant levels among species. The χ2 Levelsofubiquitinatedproteins analysis indicated that there was a significant difference in Levelsofubiquitinatedproteinswerehigherintheheartventricles antioxidant levels among the species in all tissues (P<0.001; ofthered-bloodedfishesN.coriicepsandG.gibberifronsthan in TablesS1–S3).Components1and2ofthePCAanalysisexplained thoseoficefishes,andlevelswerehigherintheheartofN.coriiceps mostofthevariationamongthespeciesinantioxidantlevels(37– than in thatof G.gibberifrons(Fig. 2A). Therewasnodifference 40% and 16–17%, respectively) (Fig. 1). The PCA plot for the between levels of ubiquitinated proteins in the heart ventricles of pectoral muscle is shown for components 1 and 3 because this icefishesthat express Mb compared with those that do not. In the Table4.Levelsofpro-oxidantsantioxidantsandoxidizedmacromoleculesintheliversofnotothenioids y C.aceratus C.gunnari C.rastrospinosus N.coriiceps G.gibberifrons g (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/−Mb) (−Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) (+Hb/+Mb) o l o Pro-oxidants i CS(Ug−1wetmass) 0.29±0.01a(5) 0.79±0.11b(5) 0.40±0.05a(5) 0.42±0.03a(5) 0.38±0.03a(5) B Antioxidants al SOD(Ug−1) 4492.63±376.14a(8) 9542.63±338.19b(8) 6090.67±246.47c(6) 6847.75±357.20c(8) 8713.80±168.19b(8) t n CAT(µmolmin−1) 1563.06±195.11a(7) 3880.22±488.35b(6) 1806.98±308.02a(6) 5460.75±342.61c(9) 5526.70±327.11c(7) e GST(Ug−1) 13.20±2.45a(8) 15.92±1.88a,b(8) 13.41±2.03a,b(6) 20.68±1.67a,b,c(8) 29.97±1.54c(8) m TAP(µmolg−1) 4.87±0.27a(8) 4.82±0.69a,b(8) 4.06±1.40a,b(6) 7.84±0.54b(8) 6.89±0.67a,b(8) ri GPx1(Ug−1) 0.48±0.11(8) 0.46±0.06(8) 0.60±0.10(6) 0.70±0.06(8) 0.66±0.05(8) e p GPx4(%oftotal) 19.78±1.60(6) 21.75±1.94(6) 18.30±2.19(6) 19.67±1.50(6) 20.49±2.32(6) x GR(mUg−1) 241.16±31.06a(8) 116.66±18.77b(8) 245.45±26.55a(6) 276.97±31.10a(8) 397.83±31.53a(8) E 2GSSG:GSH 0.192±0.020a(8) 0.171±0.017a(8) 0.211±0.024a,b(6) 0.285±0.030b(8) 0.203±0.028a,b(8) f o Oxidativedamage TBARS(nmolg−1lipid) 117.66±13.80a(8) 245.38±18.78b(8) 94.93±28.91a(6) 114.13±27.09a(8) 149.98±9.86a,b(8) al Carbonyls(mmolmol−1) 19.78±4.20a,b(6) 30.14±7.81a(8) 4.43±1.19c(6) 5.61±1.24b,c(6) 8.04±3.46b,c(6) n r u Valuesaremeans±s.e.m.Differentsuperscriptlettersindicatesignificantdifferencesasdeterminedbyaone-wayANOVAorKruskal–Wallistestfollowedbya o Tukey’sorDunn’sposthoctest(P<0.05).Thenumberofindividuals(n)isindicatedinparentheses. J 7 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 A B 2 2 8%) 1 Groups %) 1 14. ACE 13 mponent 2 ( –01 GGCRUOIABNSR mponent 3 0 Co Co –1 –2 –2 2 –2 0 2 –4 –2 0 2 Component 1 (38.6%) Component 1 (37%) C 3 %) 2 6 1 2 ( 1 ent 0 n o p m o–1 C –2 –2 0 2 4 Component 1 (39.7%) Fig.1.Antioxidantsintheheartventricle,pectoraladductorandliverofnotothenioids.Distributionofantioxidantlevelsofindividualfishbyspecies (ACE:Chaenocephalusaceratus,GUN:Champsocephalusgunnari,RAS:Chionodracorastrospinosus,COR:Nototheniacoriiceps,GIB:Gobionotothen gibberifrons),overprincipalcomponents1and2for(A)heartventricleand(C)liver,and1and3for(B)pectoraladductormuscle.Theclusteringofantioxidants isvisualizedby0.95confidenceellipsesaroundthebarycenterforeachspecies.Individualsthatweremissingmorethanfourofthenineantioxidant measurementswereexcluded,andindividualmissingvaluesforantioxidants(17forliver,14foradductormuscleandheartventricle)wereimputedusingthe regularizediterativePCAalgorithm(JosseandHusson,2013),resultinginasamplesizeof38foreachtissue. pectoral adductor muscle, levels of ubiquitinated proteins were inC.gunnariandwas1.7–2.9-foldhigherthanintheotherspecies highestinN.coriiceps(1.6–2.4-foldhigherthaninotherspecies). (Fig. 3C). There was no significant difference in 20S proteasome Levels of ubiquitinated proteins were mostly similar in the other activity in the liver between red-blooded notothenioids and the y species, with the exception that levels were lower in C. icefishesC.aceratus,P.georgianusandC.rastrospinosus(Fig.3C). g o rastrospinosus than in C. aceratus (Fig. 2B). Similar to the heart l o ventricle,levelsofubiquitinatedproteinswerehigherintheliversof DISCUSSION i B thetwored-bloodedspeciesthaninthoseoftheicefishesexceptC. We had originally predicted that the loss of the iron-centered l a aceratus(Fig.2C). oxygen-binding proteins, Hb and Mb, would result in lower t levels of oxidized biological macromolecules, capacities of n e 20Sproteasomeactivity antioxidants and rates of protein degradation by the 20S m In the heart ventricle, the chymotrypsin-like activity of the 20S proteasome. Our data demonstrate that levels of oxidized ri e proteasomedidnotshowacleartrendassociatedwiththeexpression proteins and lipids and capacities for antioxidant activity are p of oxygen-binding proteins. The only significant differences in indeedlowerinsometissuesofHb-lessspecies,yetthispatternis x E proteasomeactivitywerebetweenthetwored-bloodedspeciesand not observed in all tissues, nor does the activity of the 20S f theicefishC.aceratus,withtheactivitybeingonaverage1.6-fold proteasome show a trend with the expression of Hb and Mb. o higher in the hearts of the red-blooded fishes (Fig. 3A). In the Neither Hb nor Mb is associated with oxidative damage across al n pectoralmuscle,20Sproteasomeactivitywasmostlysimilarinall tissues. However, the activity of CS is positively correlated with r species, although activity was higher in C. aceratus than in N. levels of oxidized proteins and lipids in both the pectoral u o coriiceps(Fig.3B).Intheliver,20Sproteasomeactivitywashighest adductor muscle and the liver (Figs S2–S3). J 8 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 1.2 A –Hb/–Mb d 700 A –Hb/+Mb 1.0 –Hb/–Mb 600 b +Hb/+Mb –Hb/+Mb b,c 0.8 +Hb/+Mb 500 b,c 400 a,b,c a,b,c 0.6 c a 300 0.4 b 200 0.2 a a,b a,b 100 n) 0 ei s 0.25 B c prot 0 ein –1 500 B ated prot 0.20 –+HHbba –1h 50 µg 400 a a,b a,b a,b a,b –+HHbb uitin 0.15 a a,b a,b MC q A 300 b ubi b ol of 0.10 pm e levels 0.05 activity ( 200 ativ me 100 el o R 0 s a 0.35 C ote 0 0.30 –Hb a 0S pr 800 C b +Hb a 2 –Hb 0.25 +Hb 600 0.20 a,b a 0.15 400 b,c a 0.10 b,c a a a c 0.05 200 0 Fig.2.LeveC.l sacoerfatuubsiqC. ugiutinnnaarPti. egdeoprgrioCa. tnreuaissntrsosipnintoissGu.s sugiebbseroifrfonnosNt.o ctohriiecneiposidsthat 0 C. aceratus C. gunnaPr.i georgCi. arnaustsrospinosGu. sgibberifronsN. coriiceps y varyintheexpressionofhemoglobin(Hb)andmyoglobin(Mb).Relative g levelsofubiquitinatedproteinsinthe(A)heartventricle,(B)pectoraladductor Fig.3.Activityofthe20Sproteasomeintissuesofsixspeciesof o muscleand(C)liverofsixspeciesofnotothenioids.Levelsofubiquitinated notothenioidsthatvaryintheexpressionofHbandMb.(A)Heartventricle, ol proteinswerenormalizedtolevelsintheheartventricleofN.coriiceps.Values (B)pectoraladductormuscleand(C)liver.Valuesaremeans±s.e.m.(n=6–8). Bi aremeans±s.e.m.(n=6).Significantdifferencesamongspeciesandwithin Significantdifferencesamongspeciesandwithineachtissueareindicatedby l eachtissueareindicatedbydifferentletters(P<0.05). differentletters(P<0.05).AMC,7-amino-4-methylcoumarin. ta n e Heartventricle:evidencethatMbdoesnotamplifyoxidative Driedzic, 1983). The loss of Mb expression has occurred four m damage times during the radiation of the Channichthyidae family, ri e Mb stores intracellular oxygen and may facilitate its transport to suggesting weakened selective pressure maintaining the Mb gene p mitochondria (Wittenberg, 1970). The importance of cardiac Mb (Moylan and Sidell, 2000). The oxygen-rich environment of the x E under normoxic conditions in teleost fishes is equivocal, as Southern Ocean is likely to have relaxed selective pressure to f evidenced by in vitro studies (Canty and Driedzic, 1987) and the maintainMbexpression,makingthelossofMbaneutralmutation, o widespread loss of Mb among teleost species (Grove and Sidell, and yet in vitro studies have shown that Mb enhances cardiac al n 2002; Macqueen et al., 2014). Under hypoxic conditions, Mb is performance in notothenioids at high afterload pressures (Acierno r clearly advantageous and has been shown to be essential for et al., 1997). Alternatively, if Mb contributes to ROS formation, u o maintaining cardiac performance (Bailey and Driedzic, 1992; perhapsthroughthereactionofH O withMetMb,formingaferryl J 2 2 9 RESEARCHARTICLE JournalofExperimentalBiology(2018)221,jeb162503.doi:10.1242/jeb.162503 speciesandtyrosineperoxylradical(Newmanetal.,1991),lossof proteins werealso observed in othertissues (e.g. the liverand the Mb may be beneficial, thereby reducing selective pressure to heart)fromanimalslackingHb,thesedataindicatethatproductsof maintain the protein. Heart ventricles of N. coriiceps have a Mb oxidative stress can also arise from other processes (Tables 1–4). content 3.4-fold greater than those of G. gibberifrons and Two factors that could potentially contribute to higher levels of C. rastrospinosus; however, levels of oxidized and ubiquitinated oxidized proteins in skeletal muscle compared with both the liver proteins are similar among red- and white-blooded species, and andtheheart,andtothedifferencesamongspecies,areratesof levelsofTBARSarelowerinthetwored-bloodedspeciescompared ROS formation and protein turnover. As described above, withicefishes,arguingagainstaredoxadvantageconferredbythe although rates of ROS formation may correlate with maximal lossofMb.Asadditionalsupportforthis,thePCAandhierarchical CS activity, ROS generation is also affected by the degree of clusteringanalysesshowthatthepresenceofMbintheheartofthe coupling between the activity of the ETC and ATP synthesis, icefish C. rastrospinosus is not associated with higher levels of which cannot be inferred from CS activity. Mitochondria from antioxidantscomparedwithicefishesthatlacktheprotein(Fig.1A, the liver, in general, have a lower respiratory control ratio than TableS1). those from muscle (e.g. Jørgensen et al., 2012), and mitochondria from skeletal muscle have a lower RCR than OxidativedamageinskeletalmusclereflectsactivityofCS, thosefromcardiacmuscle(Parketal.,2014).Thus,highlevels Hbandhemelevels of oxidized macromolecules in the pectoral adductor may be MaximalactivitiesofCS,aregulatoryenzymeoftheKrebscycle,is driven,inpart,bygreaterratesofmitochondrialROSproduction oftenusedasamarkerforoxidativecapacitypergramoftissueand comparedwiththoseintheliver. mitochondrial volume density (e.g. Lucassen et al., 2003; Rates ofproteinturnovermayalso impactsteadystatelevels of Orczewskaetal.,2010)and,asthemajorityofROSareproduced oxidized proteins. Rates of protein synthesis in Antarctic bymitochondria(BoverisandChance,1973),CSactivitycanalso notothenioids are approximately fivefold lower in the pectoral be used to infer capacity for ROS production. Levels of oxidized adductorthanintheheartventricleandapproximately20-foldlower proteinsandlipidsarethreefoldtoeightfoldhigherinthepectoral compared with rates in the liver, consistent with the higher adductor muscle of red-blooded notothenioids compared with metaboliccostofproteinsynthesisinthelivercomparedwiththat icefishes, and correspond with the higher activities of CS in red- in cardiac myocytes (Lewis et al., 2015; J. M. Lewis and blooded species compared with most icefishes (Table 3). The K.M.O., unpublished data). Despite higher levels of ubiquitinated approximatelytwofoldhighermaximalactivityofCSinoxidative proteins in the pectoral muscle of red-blooded species compared skeletalmuscleofred-bloodedfishescomparedwithmosticefishes withicefishes(Fig.2B),ratesofdegradationbythe20Sproteasome makesittempting toconclude thatelevatedcapacityforoxidative arelowestinN.coriicepsandsimilarinallotherspecies(Fig.3B). metabolism is afactorcontributing to the high levels of oxidative If the rates of oxidative damage are similar in tissues, lower rates damageinthisparticulartissue. of protein turnover in the pectoral muscle could result in higher Wesuggest,however,thatthisisprobablynotthecasebecause levelsofoxidizedproteins. theicefishC.gunnaridisplaysCSactivitysimilartothatofthered- bloodedspeciesbutmaintainslowlevelsofoxidizedproteins.We AbsenceofHbisnotaccompaniedbyreductioninoxidative positthatamoreprobableexplanationisthatROSproducedbythe stressinnotothenioidlivers electrontransportchain(ETC)areamplifiedinreactionsmediated Theparticularlyhighlevelofoxidativedamage intheliverof the byiron. This is supported bythe observation thatheme levels are icefish C. gunnari provides compelling evidence that the absence associatedwithoxidativedamageinthetissuesofsomespecies(e.g. of oxygen-binding proteins does not confer an advantage for pectoral adductor muscle for G. gibberifrons and N. coriiceps) white-blooded notothenioids by reducing oxidative stress in (Table3;Fig.S2).Themechanismbywhichhemepotentiatesthe hepatic tissue (Table 4). In fact, CS activity appears to be the formation of intracellular ROS is unclear, especially given that best predictor of levels of oxidative damage in the livers of all transcript levels of haptoglobin, ferritin, serotransferrin and species, with the liverof C. gunnari possessing the highest levels hepcidin,whichareinvolvedinFetransportandsequestration,are or activities of CS, protein carbonyls, TBARS and the 20S higherintheAntarcticfishDissostichusmawsonithanintemperate proteasome among hepatic tissues of all the species studied species(Chenetal.,2008).Also,inourpreviouswork,wefound (Table 4, Fig. 3C). that tissue levels of the proteins ferritin and ceruloplasmin were Several antioxidants (SOD, CAT and GST) are highest in the y generallyhigherinred-bloodedspeciesthaninicefishes,although liver, compared with other tissues, among all notothenioid tissues g o transferrin levels were no different among species (Kuhn et al. studiedandyettheliverdisplaysthelowestmaximalactivityofCS l o 2016). (Table4).Thesedataindicatethatinnotothenioidfishes,asinother i B Despitesignificantlyhigherlevelsofsomeantioxidants(GRand organisms,ROScanbegeneratedbybothmitochondrialandnon- l a GPx4) in the pectoral adductor muscle of N. coriiceps and mitochondrial sources. The liver contains a large complement of t G. gibberifrons compared with most icefishes, it appears that peroxisomes,anorganellewithvariousoxidaseenzymes,which n e antioxidant levels are insufficient to prevent oxidative damage, produceasignificantportionofthetotalcellularH O (Boveris m 2 2 giventhatlevelsofbothproteincarbonylsandperoxidizedlipidsare et al., 1972; Schrader and Fahimi, 2006). Red-blooded G. ri e up to eightfold higher in red-blooded species compared with gibberifrons has exceptionally high capacities for peroxisomal p icefishes(Table3).Thehighlevelsofcarbonylatedproteinsinthe β-oxidation(CrockettandSidell,1993),andthefirststepinthis x E pectoral adductor muscle of N. coriiceps are also associated pathway is catalyzed by acyl CoA oxidase, which, like other f with higher levels of ubiquitinated proteins compared with other peroxisomal oxidases, generates H O (Lazarowand De Duve, o 2 2 species(Fig.2B). 1976). In addition, high levels of cytochrome P450s, enzymes al n Itisclearfromourresultsthatthehighlevelsofoxidizedproteins that detoxify xenobiotics and generate ROS as a by-product r in the pectoral adductor of red-blooded notothenioids cannot be (Hrycay and Bandiera, 2012), may warrant high levels of u o attributed to either heme or Hb alone. As high levels of oxidized antioxidants. J 10