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The Lord's Resistance Army: Violence and Peacemaking in Africa PDF

332 Pages·2021·7.993 MB·English
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The Lord’s Resistance Army TheLord’sResistanceArmy(LRA)isoneofAfrica’smostnotorious armed rebel groups, having operated across Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan,theCentralAfricanRepublicandtheDemocraticRepublicof theCongo.WhentheyenteredtheJubaPeaceTalkswiththeUgandan Governmentin2006,thepeacedealseemedlikeagifttofighterswho hadforyearsbarelybeensurvivinginCentralAfrica’sjungles.Yetthe talks failed. Why? Based on exclusive interviews with LRA fighters andtheirnotoriousleaderJosephKony,MareikeSchomerusprovides insights into how the LRA experienced the Juba Talks, revealing developing dynamics and deep distrust within a conflict system and how these became entrenched through the peace negotiations. In so doing,Schomerusoffersanexplanationastowhycurrentapproaches toendingarmedviolencenotonlyfailbuthowtheyactivelycontribute to their own failure, and calls for a new approach to contemporary peacemaking. mareike schomerus, PhD, is a researcher and commentator, as well as co-editor of volumes on African secessionism and the border- landsofSouthSudan.Herrecentworkmergesbehaviouralsciencewith the qualitative study of violent conflict, political contestation andgovernance. ’ The Lord s Resistance Army Violence and Peacemaking in Africa Mareike Schomerus UniversityPrintingHouse,CambridgeCB28BS,UnitedKingdom OneLibertyPlaza,20thFloor,NewYork,NY10006,USA 477WilliamstownRoad,PortMelbourne,VIC3207,Australia 314–321,3rdFloor,Plot3,SplendorForum,JasolaDistrictCentre, NewDelhi–110025,India 79AnsonRoad,#06–04/06,Singapore079906 CambridgeUniversityPressispartoftheUniversityofCambridge. ItfurtherstheUniversity’smissionbydisseminatingknowledgeinthepursuitof education,learning,andresearchatthehighestinternationallevelsofexcellence. www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9781108485920 DOI:10.1017/9781108662505 ©MareikeSchomerus2021 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithoutthewritten permissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2021 AcataloguerecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Schomerus,Mareike,author. Title:TheLord'sResistanceArmy:violenceandpeacemakinginAfrica/ MareikeSchomerus. Othertitles:ViolenceandpeacemakinginAfrica Description:Cambridge;NewYork,NY:CambridgeUniversityPress,2021.| Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2020037934(print)|LCCN2020037935(ebook)| ISBN9781108485920(hardback)|ISBN9781108725354(paperback)| ISBN9781108662505(epub) Subjects:LCSH:Lord'sResistanceArmy.|Insurgency–Uganda.|JubaPeace Talks–History.|Peace-building–Africa–Internationalcooperation.| Uganda–Politicsandgovernment–1979–|Civilwar–Africa. Classification:LCCDT433.285.S432021(print)|LCCDT433.285(ebook)| DDC967.6104/4–dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2020037934 LCebookrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2020037935 ISBN978-1-108-48592-0Hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceoraccuracyof URLsforexternalorthird-partyinternetwebsitesreferredtointhispublication anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuchwebsitesis,orwillremain, accurateorappropriate. Contents Listof Figures page vi Acknowledgements vii Noteon theText viii Listof Abbreviations and Acronyms ix 1 Introduction:SeekingPeacewiththeLord’sResistanceArmy 1 2 TheLord’sResistance Army:AContinuum ofWar, Peaceand Information 32 3 TheJuba Peace Talks withthe Lord’sResistance Army in 2006: ‘While Talking, ThereIs Troop Movement’ 70 4 ‘Am I an Animal?’:Identity, Rulesand Lossin the Lord’s Resistance Army 111 5 TheJuba Peace Talks withthe Lord’sResistance Army in 2007: ‘We Don’t Know If We Can Trust’ 136 6 ‘Reach Out a Hand and Pull It Back’:TheLord’s Resistance Army’s ‘Connect/Disconnect’Meets International GalvanicSurges 157 7 TheJuba Peace Talks withthe Lord’sResistance Army in 2008: ‘Maybe We Came Too Close to the Enemy’ 194 8 ‘LRA Has Already BecomeaSystem’:Representation and Distrust in the Lord’sResistance Army 228 9 ‘We Are All Learning in This Peace Process’:Peacemaking and the Legacy ofthe Juba PeaceTalkswith the Lord’s Resistance Army 261 References 288 Index 312 v Figures 1.1 Joseph Kony and his deputy Vincent Otti,June 2006 page 3 3.1 Vincent Otti and Dominic Ongwen, July 2007 79 3.2 Jan Egeland meets the LRA while journalists wait out of earshot, November 2006 100 3.3 A UN helicopterarrivesin the village ofNabanga, November 2006 106 3.4 Map ofareas ofLRA movement. Redrawn byCox Cartographic Ltd from Conciliation Resources 108 4.1 Vincent Otti draws the coatofarms ofthe Lord’s Resistance Army 112 6.1 Vincent Otti presents himself for apressconference, September 2006 189 7.1 Joseph Kony and Okot Odhiambo,June 2006 195 7.2 Women demonstratingat the re-opening ceremony, January2008 203 7.3 Dignitaries and delegates wait for the final signing ceremony, April2008 207 7.4 DavidNyekorach Matsanga resignsfrom the LRA/M delegation, April2008 209 vi Acknowledgements Many people have had a role in bringing this book to life. It lies in the complicated nature of writing about violent conflict that I will never be able to thank some of those people for what they have done. So rather thanmentioningjustafewbyname,Iwouldlikeyoutoknowthatifyou played apart, I am grateful to you. Itiseasiertopubliclythankthosewhopushedthebookoverthefinish line: thanks to my brother Hajo for great cover design. Thanks to two very kind and enthusiastic reviewers who might never know how much theirwordsmeanttome.AndthankstoMariaMarshandDanielBrown at Cambridge University Press for their much-appreciated support. vii Note on the Text MostoftheeventsdescribedheretookplacebeforeSouthSudanbecame independentin2011.Priortoindependence,itwasreferredtoassouth- ern Sudan, whichis reflected here. The terms Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement (LRA/M) are for ease ofreadingusedasiftheydescribestrictlyorganisedentities–theydonot. What they do represent is analysed in more detail in Chapter 8. The textuses amixtureofanonymisation and attribution.This either reflects the type of permission given by the interviewee or whether a statement was given as amatter ofpublicrecord or privately. AttimesIusesquarebracketsindirectquotationstoclarifyidiomatic expressions or figuresofspeech. All photoswere taken by me. viii

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