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The Living Farmland - a guide to farming with nature in Clare PDF

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See overleaf for quick the Living reference Contents Farmland a guide to farming with nature in Clare “This book for farmers is a valuable reference work providing simple advice on nature conservation and the protection of important habitats in the context of practical farming. IFA is very pleased to have a collaborative role in the publication and I would recommend it to all our members.” Padraig Walshe, President, The Irish Farmers’ Association “This user friendly book sets out best practices for sustainable farming, recognising the farmer’s role as food producer and guardian of the environment. The guide is factual and can be referred to time and again for helpful information on environmental practices at farm level, helping to secure the future of agriculture in Clare for generations to come.” Seamus Murphy, Chairman, Clare IFA 2004 - 2007 RRP €5.00 the Living Farmland a guide to farming with nature in Clare the Living Farmland 3 Foreword 5 The Background 6 Navigating this Book 7 General Introduction 9 Using the Book 13 Section 1 An Introduction to County Clare 15 Landuse—A Step Back in Time 35 Section 2 Farming the Living Farmland 37 Agriculture in County Clare 55 Water 77 Waste 97 Section 3 Enhancing the Living Farmland 99 Nature Conservation 119 Habitats 121 Grassland Habitats 133 Rock Habitats 139 Peatland Habitats 151 Freshwater Habitats 161 Coastal Habitats 173 Woodland Habitats 187 Cultivated Land and Built Habitats 197 Wildlife Corridors 207 Appendices 208 Protected Species 209 Legislation 212 Useful Contacts 214 Web Addresses 220 Bibliography 221 Acknowledgements 222 Glossary of Terms 226 General and Species Index r hn a e v e nB e R o. nS n v e i l S MaghMne.art g h g S l i a E e l v h s a e A t u h a M o n e e c e v eil S a r D i e y v n e B n M t r n . a R. e S Ml GALWAY BAY Shane Casey p136 Ballyvaughan n Fanore. n l Slieve Elva l Bog Liam Walsh i Lisdoonvarna p192 Sean Bugler p128 A MAuogreh iBskoag BalWlyeoiogdhter ALtoourgichk Bog Dromore . s t Wood Ennistymon Mountshannon C p1h5ri8sty O’Grady BaWllyogordiffy DLoroumghore Scarriff Lough Derg Ballyallia Raheen Bal Llyoaulgliha Wood Cloonloum Tulla Wood Ennis More Bog Andrew Killeen p146 na MLoinungah Bog Doon Lough Killaloe TuDllaogohnebreg e g h Kilmihil Ballynacally MoWogohoadun Sixmilebridgeckoc Mark Donnellan TullaLgohuegrh Bog e R CWraotolodde H p202 Kilkee Shannon Estuary r Kilrush . Kilrush Wood Brendan Considine p180 Uplands John O’Connell Limestone Pavement p170 Bog Martin Murphy p182 Semi-Natural Woodland Mixed Woodland t M h g o i o l W l C a n i n e l G . n S l t M i e v a e n g c a l l e r a l c a t h e l l a u n r o G C R R . F . e r g u s an Talamh Curaíochta Beo Treoir ar fheirmeoireacht leis an dúlra i gContae an Chláir 1 Published by Acknowledgements Rural Resource Development Ltd To undertake the research, compilation and drafting of the Shannon Business Centre book, we appointed environmental consultants Keville & Town Centre O’Sullivan Associates Ltd from Galway. Our sincere thanks Shannon are due to Corina, Derval and Paula for their hard work, their County Clare enthusiasm and their many great ideas which contributed to www.rrd.ie this publication. and Much appreciation is due to Seamus Murphy, Chairman of Clare IFA and the farmers profled in this book for their support of the Clare County Council project from the very earliest stages and for their willingness to Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, County Clare be put in the spotlight. in association with Clare IFA and Teagasc We are indebted to John Murphy, Biodiversity Offcer with Clare ISBN 0–9547353–1–9 County Council for his editorial assistance and for contributing so generously to the photographic content of this book. Text: Keville & O’Sullivan Associates Ltd Design: Optic Nerve Design Group, Limerick. The importance of design cannot be underestimated in a publication of this type. We greatly appreciate the contribution Copyright © 2008 Rural Resource Development Ltd. of David Rice of Optic Nerve Design Group whose hard work, skill No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, and patience transformed this book into something which we in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system or can all be proud of. any nature without prior written permission of the publishers. Many thanks are due to Gloria Callinan for her painstaking proof This publication has been funded by the National Rural reading of the book and editorial assistance. Development Programme (LEADER) and by Clare County Council. A wide range of individuals and organisations were consulted in the course of compiling and drafting the material. We greatly appreciate all of the feedback, suggestions and assistance which we received from voluntary and statutory organisations, from farmers and community interests, much of which helped us to reshape and improve the publication. 2 Réamhrá / Foreword Tá cáil mar is ceart ar chontae an Chláir – ní hamháin in Éirinn ach go hidirnáisiúnta – mar áit sáráilleachta nádúrtha agus sároidhreachta. Tá tírdhreacha breátha tuaithe sa chontae, a chuireann fúirse gnáthóg nádúrtha ar fáil do réimse fóra agus fána atá uathúil in Éirinn. Ní ón nádúr amháin, dar ndóigh, a fuaireamar oidhreacht tírdhreacha iontach chontae an Chláir a bhfuil an oiread sin measa againn uirthi. Tá lorg coise daonna na feirmeoireachta le feiceáil beagnach i ngach áit inár dtírdhreacha. Léiríonn an t-idirghníomhú agus an t-idirspleáchas idir feirmeoireacht agus an nádúr i gcontae an Chláir éabhlóid a théann siar 6,000 bliain nuair a lonnaigh na chéad fheirmeoirí anseo agus nuair a ghlan siad coillearnach chun barra a shaothrú agus beostoc a Clare is rightly renowned—not just in Ireland but also choinneáil. internationally—as a place of great natural beauty and outstanding heritage. The county is blessed with magnifcent rural landscapes, Is ceiliúradh é The Living Farmland sa chéad áit ar thírdhreacha which provide a wealth of natural habitats for a range of fora and agus ar thailte feirme tuaithe an Chláir. Is leabhar faisnéiseach fauna that is unique in Ireland. é le léiriúcháin áille a shainaithníonn agus a dhéanann cur The wonderful landscape heritage of Clare that we all admire is, síos ar réimse leathan gnáthóga fadhúlra i gCo. an Chláir, of course, not solely a product of nature. Virtually everywhere, our lena n-áirítear go leor gnáthóg atá mar thoradh ar chleachtais landscapes bear the human imprint of farming. The interaction feirmeoireachta. and interdependence of farming and nature in Clare represents an Is treoir phraiticiúil atá sa leabhar seo go bunúsach ar evolution that stretches back over 6,000 years when the frst farmers “feirmeoireacht leis an nádúr” i gcontae an Chláir. Is éard a settled here clearing woodlands to cultivate crops and keep livestock. bhí mar aidhm leis an leabhar seo lámhleabhar a chur ar fáil The Living Farmland is in the frst place a celebration of Clare’s rural d’fheirmeoirí a bheadh ina shaothar tagartha luachmhar le landscapes and farmlands. It is an informative and beautifully comhairle shimplí ar chaomhnú an dúlra agus cosaint na illustrated book that identifes and describes the great variety of ngnáthóga tábhachtacha i gcomhthéacs na feirmeoireachta wildlife habitats in County Clare, including many which are the praiticiúla. Áirítear sa leabhar seo, ocht bpróifíl ar fheirmeoirí product of farming practices. i gcontae an Chláir a insíonn a scéal maidir leis an gcaoi ar éirigh leo bainistíocht chomhshaoil a iomlánú ina bhfontair The book is primarily intended as a practical guide to ‘farming with feirmeoireachta ar bhealaí a spreagfaidh daoine eile. nature’ in Clare. The aim was to produce a book for farmers that would be a valuable reference work providing simple advice on Cuirim an-fháilte roimh an bhfoilseachán seo, ar nature conservation and the protection of important habitats in comhthionscnamh é idir Rural Resource Development, grúpa the context of practical farming. The book includes eight profles LEADER i gCo. an Chláir, Feirmeoirí Aontaithe na hÉireann of Clare farmers who tell the story of how they have successfully i gCo. an Chláir, Teagasc agus Comhairle Contae an Chláir. incorporated environmental management into their farming Léiríonn cur chuige tionscnaimh an leabhair seo an treo ar enterprises in ways that will inspire others. cheart a thógáil le hoibriú le chéile ar bhealach cuiditheach chun talmhaíocht beomhar a chothabháil a chosnaíonn agus a I very much welcome this publication which is a joint initiative leasaíonn an comhshaol. between Rural Resource Development, the LEADER group in County Clare, Clare IFA, Teagasc and Clare County Council. The partnership Padraig Walshe approach symbolised by the book points the way forward in how we Uachtarán, Feirmeoirí Aontaithe na hÉireann can work together constructively to maintain a vibrant agriculture President, The Irish Farmers’ Association that protects and enhances the environment. 3 4 The Background Trying to capture the relationship between farming and nature Nowadays, much of the farmer’s interaction with the is never easy. In truth, our living landscape has largely been environment is bound by regulations, directives and a long list shaped by centuries of farming and settlement. Farmers and of requirements, focused mainly on what not to do. Not enough nature have lived closely with each other for a very long time. attention is given to promoting the benefts of living and There is a great deal of pride in how the land has been taken care farming more closely with the natural environment. of and passed down through the generations. As the signposts For that reason, we decided to produce a publication for farmers clearly point to a future of farming in greater harmony with in County Clare which would be informative, practical, of local nature, much can be learned from the farmers of Clare. interest and above all, be positive about farming with nature. Inside these pages, you will fnd places that are truly special and Our intention is to inspire farmers, not to weigh them down farmers who are inspired by a love of the land. The beauty and further. This book demonstrates that there are many ways to mystery of the creatures which inhabit our farmland reminds give nature a helping hand, whilst still staying true to our long us of what we have to gain from being close to nature. Much tradition of farming. of what we aspire to in this book has been inspired by what Our aim is that some of the ideas contained in this book will be people have already done. There is no ‘rocket science’ in these taken up by those who read it. Our hope is that this book will in pages, just simple, practical ideas and information which will some way contribute to the conservation of our beautiful living contribute to a greater harmony between farming and nature. landscape and all of the magnifcent creatures who dwell there. The seed for this publication was sown quite some time ago when we commissioned a report on environmental education in the Doirin Graham – Rural Resource Development county. The report concluded that there was very little accessible Joan Tarmey – Clare County Council educational material for Clare farmers who wanted to learn more Congella McGuire – Clare County Council about the natural environment, outside of the compulsory REPS Seamus Kelly – Clare IFA training courses. Thus ‘The Living Farmland’ was conceived. Declan Murphy – Teagasc L–R. John Murphy, Declan Murphy and Seamus Kelly Front Doirin Graham and Joan Tarmey 5 Navigating this Book Contents: See inside the back cover for a fold-out Contents for your convenience. Colour Coding: This book is divided into the Living three sections with each one having its Farmland own colour scheme. These colours are What will you fnd in this section? Agriculture in County Clare 356 TNFohareve iBwgaoctrkidnggro tuhnisd Book Sec ifyweutsooias hootuceinethdt elr:l o ersiTnc ed obya c otaithtneeuriexo atlatnpht rh eete h, aed binagses1 diCiCDPaoBCsTdpBtwFaCcaiTLnmnswoaiuehrnsruioroiun asc,elaulepr rleduoacwpoantlgm ednsnuws kter non osTlaigeheiwoigsirdfnheadtbritinrnr,o lben iylytaelgtoriw ua,nrtir iysan- sgwalr rnS Cgbt )ipfg,ianedeos t onencuelewiKtfe d e t sfandlbhadahsrFtit ls i setpra bhuhewtoat(n a eah.eirteaote drgelnepndts h riec erefb‘ ihwe s palsc du onPtmrsa emihwsl,l l alneo toe sunsbiandP ufahotWnsouere.duki,fadl ndmo tTnegtn fs aRmegdts iGrdlemhtg g nshnast ah befai l to,umeo,ne onaeagve , oiasedlt tGlrtaleasa mtr deduot ulfweye iet snuos an tse rfo trieaia . aoafbl eg efimon l dTfa rorlt( osyrmd ibhlf Me hohcn ucers ne Pr petvr tdfk e mdalghu feri,ohafCos e easenh oracmrye.Cvsoe wo mrtorfysl-tdI ehshid aSJtn c b utkhare a(utnskhoniaohl,se n d uralyniaebnuautre em ng t L nstsaencArdsp g yaib f dios)d paowndt aohgabp anoi larnfont ropvaho rweRn eoahtdrwdoenanunptla dat rielwtre ucl tln aeayrmzEslhla raihd oyir ona dge cnslnoseatoea ieoa trt teai, nc falWcf dokuecbs ClsBr nof legrPehtbns saoaoiulbeahid lsi eu,aeYlsrn rl cfd syr)abo sm’cy efro igteno edfa scfknu o;blcla rgf.ul k-ianto pntaocoi ntnuhg rnegm dnoaenfsmwtederl yh a irinMa linbsl eb ha GnseswSdr.a sesa etraidorswT a e grIagetet who mh rhsli,iwGetathl e wenfoea selhona rmtolaewdn serasa tifn,le.ndeont ge ahyanWaewh ednawdf se lkenrdaB tl .b o saieri y hitrsna.ga,otmi nhs e, er,yt er.w ed e reosesr ae ne ,. 32 aTpSaigamhrnhueeaedlapalk s onSK afrnhwneontuaraoidr nmnbny tni,it s ebri Eo wsdrebsn shmryet ,suE etft olsoraharetfrenreu . a ty Tdaethph srbepytia isu,rl rn waoadm rx5r hgaiya0mier kci,es0sheat 0s o tb e 0ieftnos hlihytr netud e5ht aecSe0etrhr ,asy0wna r0cianeno0tns iu Itow(r noenonitvlfal aideE eIlnrs fsie otmd1 3uClw.a2 6palAna0lr,os r,dyw0r ea .t0t,a ahwL0dnie StWEwibclTpTpameacos hoemhrertcesaoeaeaeslmcgriu atksa oerst ceaieienei 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oei nlmCandlnaedre oruf nenacinhg p faogoet.er lwvJcaneuaerefaesrutatyta sret aebphfrotwfyoe or tp al whsauryeglsl a ac oswprasiod lnewnoaer f nbi ef otote hbfhrs s uteb.t ehT hiSelrehtehdn e eoawb asucnitatortnu dt mtcoahsohn.rie nTyea ,Elhgr natso h got.i usTeofl sh aojaSaerinhsnty d a (wdpiwn nstlano haosn oeg ufenr iowtesv urA eatmtm iohdar epen Scdroh aeas rawl ntmains hdnL n a eldwao gn hnoio intd dohwhtieneaneo) rsrg i. as nd taht etihre le bfat swei othf tthhee ipr argelea.ting text 114 1Se. Pcutifofn 3 2 .: BNlactku-rtaei Cleodn Gsoedrwvait i 3o.n Golden Plover 1. Guillemot 2. Peregrine Falcon 3. Merlin 4. Curlew 115 Focus Pages: Throughout the book, there are focus pages on specifcs. These are colour coded to; Management Techniques in sand Management Techniques Farmer & Organisation Profles in green Control of Bracken l •DkB(Dn•isogTtcwaanPh uaehnraeuneot opencmetdgneAC asod whust rwr stb dld soalaito utrtaeldtaceoelnmaioenw hnalasiB n Plrdwicbuyt n dpdmbn ruhcsohl ierma edsinoeiacnenfenanac r.r nea o ta f csd kle elaelcicH atstfitaevaoefqo dt r,hrgtbaonen rsrlonucsgeg iranlw r oaiulotyuireac a e,lertpehn,e pef iz ewc-leopnauf d yadvsiptk fel naotu sceh ots eporabMhsterfagr mrisenbrp nac,y c l t a otcwoeht cehmce h)atiauionvo. roenehcn leirir idtopnlniusBagegedv edetl,s ltr ian iaeqrsleslaovnsreanieosnd-thpuo afacasrogdirset dalarvikistlybtf eru cliodaeae e rb syoeywanhwasc nfsnei y sumsiden e bs h ty rogdpt pipshsead erosihowrse r acr.a p be bau eordacboh coadIeulso ivn nlvtkra sfnsesaeasita iegoc dtlsbuahtdnrtaacneil .etrn s l iekdnw ctu n rfadhpde gh o.fdcodcr g onor b eonaoki.Iis eo ronem ys lne dvhgSv dt sht fnetiDcoeaorsi epltehranraea n s aiowf lwneoarnezi totblrnt ientdu sdiwhrntnamete rma sr Imhiogpcd orel.snfneoe n lo cubpae aodtl msd ruia yonofcsethi l snt uh Bcetantbiautm,ehcsd nr isrbdprwa nea,enda aiolts t tgcth aw alichimicaklco,onait a aceihtboniklnstirshnvn iner aps re o r wadnei,epn t 1nstida yts t .s gSiSgSpFCtWMlasEfgclSdsT uin rhwuoacehrvreraovsoeaeraeaospelemahoraeuns tcrslnrt poSeioB rls te.t•edndCg’v hsopisiolBh otw sfcraHoefitlr rhaifca turafwa aeaondnrt QaiseknmCJCpwtsisWdmScPiCAmBIearts s ginsfnfu gdhs auto r nehpr pne ola,hvn R sabuImlnh agurmaLt e ea l. hen,rsemo neoetrnur ivaocea dyheoiana ineovwavpuxy hrirTentsraicts syncntip l muew,edayne tdrslimit Mnipi crhehrereke bhsamihedli o y nurtgneo hsiCftchsto o a, vea p satunh ve iti ifl erlow thydlrsaedcu ahsapsu ro ubaothreor tam erdeirBu iuhedt r w rl iaplytopcnersrtsies wmiDmMis slstea f vnorana tv a yot ortexl d a og cortmf dief eiawaie dy tcheto woienrarpohnteifi r irf gtrsrd euridnlkn snonaoxv ehayra orsghnhlosngeisc hwrtstde- 1eti strdp une ut ceu haoworcreAo,Astec.dsgShaef n s 8ah o ieot rdtmwitrl biuw oencberna ulTn nloanoho rei5eir lrdsgetsaigkPrdenbandli lihn egdnvoio tl daserg0tab a rdewl kystr f antshc f etiheuyd h dyo, hnofn.nvc e fharL e o trv’ierie a ge s kneis,o wof lf’aftetetke bnHrdqe estfvt ica aovcwt .esrshrmtfe, ulrsmo o e egdu tvea.fhetaoy e rbi rnsi t tor iu mg hrh enAoem rs eidndiai av Srpit hisitnebndihcrstivl asn sehn gunpdn ilcrteoyava ialo e r gtsuy c htohantrateh Dr,negas iytJn r gv ks hernaflfvaon iesub i g sr eaetefecpsetdo n.oeteye isp r oudoi lnoestmrarh aenewn efr ,e mTg aciwge us,aln tedtneraolt s c-lm.h hsuinl™imy nl l hom,ic semhn iu dto aesclIic nr h cieo noila dpbnesi reo rmixdmdSc gpwn fbngeot nt uneronsetur hra rht hieueg fihofegeavdtphdonealrnaroe s a s enrei a flirovispgn nbr doasatbreaws sd e mepe lin n r sn raois ig1odiCi osrta,avmncetondno u r2nia earaeCitsaocne g unsedt5taestelat deargdah bls hs ng r sirorfvgasl1wpcr nt te e eoyei aotqswair-oers0tnpta csiag nialifno ulncwnwn-clc cuat sd vrae1ioptohuadlgtsgeylseiuyls5niet.orlm e l a,.d hnedi iou t yt d rtiogtws Tytu hbntgc eruyrtei nf rhe ohnara rh c atiao eaeilaelg utnipv tro elchomnr hen shstdife, dev h,y bi e ,ce se edaer tl oxicmtlratCarwfnWsctCAgitnat rhepow raoelo ovhntqmaoaheaevrclterhmaleidlues tieonlnfsrecoy stnor insaytu wse. egm c1rut whse fi pr ehmdhlrin Wrt4asgnedtmiasrbohse se, hr5 the ds mt be mkh tyem htpthwe.a ar reh neie afyaeocedrmsS nonaoentoe otrd r ieuhgrhms. re na tr ebieatT sea efetnat.g hi yn ehirhn mnaSrc csos eca d aifirye rt tcnsh Ranedaiahn mgr u nhtranlEipe enokedri sletagtlPmadpecaerwa psl totba fSyimds,a ugtena et se ,c ishwetu fhecrtlr gS t hilodtangecitmsries ie eomcieholw ts er lCafdosec otiefadohfzt neaoial f owinanicir e anvrlasf ltr ritlnresntsem h mos r o tchth s rea cieuwahohfvu ae rlpt nvp eoeCrga nshctlpsei d e oykrohwcvpaoiseufglen emo orieh gm bvrkreacoasns rerueoveiIaptse t rocsedbrsicanrem tenevrecb daiotiritptalacusot roeidaiheart sioktvlvnirytnoengn oei teaeonit,ans d 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aelwdtedteye r,en yoar ofa iatmc snto rnrehnfaorotersetsriag’e a s eoqndi twatnarv rhnuaioc eniditosiene niflehdAtotrd gmugcug ete rwlpCeh ier e pbwvgfueosbseaeletn,ratai s .oraf(lmb etnendtSoyr soh ndP cfrseodelgoeAe.i oar o twsh .a)t t o na lnilenf,vot f es t. 23 iVDamgmtcLaSGWIGfScThatfai‘DpsaTEspdhonrBorohemlaiuehnhnaoeureieaiemsr vxoemsnptesiesdepdsn menriraesiea hp gpetyt gyen i uhnta ytrlwfasrntneoi rn ib l eoenunNse mlt afGtertimoagNarh ler eny ehaoem rorpataesatrort ort ie adg eowhb heftnorigftomsc.bIobe o ho m.en edea,w fetrfd oiav Bn ents beienab erTtelreufiIc olheslreW otcorm idat hit:akfon tknfo tare se:’eo uba G hics n hdefcot lthdb ts sArnfsur kql sasc e h,di ioiéw ne yeGibmi aw bsn sofuntI twb evl ratrp uyfthBOaeuvarheslidra oe aehdaethecet-tero hlitcrt l -rtaerhfe soteusncahshiar ciystsáre ta aem in.u inlodnhoio ,ms ea Fnt-a asIp tdltnbon dtftnise dsl mahranféhepra lob.o ietre o ts a anoseiatsS nidLirseierh sarslh nyr onvo iyfde,tdl. WwdePls ket oito r. ieahdTuxati neua hosoe o bnune hGenhino egiacn sder imlnebda owxlgonexhldme’efsuhadrsawtlslt t i f ecselagei wn driaGv brl c of sgebn lyhfasge tieasi hui oar “ehs tenetrlnmaea teredbkcu dtide t olerm vetcvsbeshrye t,lrenitseSc esaoeihn tarp rhe fo3rl ele l .oezesayNeolag cyaoae gex0, ames aen T o banr ctastnucwc fn ”nfdwnt esnkhtn,syctloau uhridsiu lrds de, dr scesiodsts strhimektn otsesu iaehyhtrs te ew dhci etpiba dw sr alreasv5tfbho eaerk ca oe e hn e eltc oma0ymebirar e tosfhbrehil edal Gft%riga ysteidypSh kcare emnt ts lroe mUoI s c ilronpashroiuc peon f a onutoipwosredq,e fa en o tfi f ngogatlfe‘ suofoti rlrgV gasrh wnathn uh rmotraigo.crn h’n ehga rnad odenmeiolfnatcde tiohanoendeu o yw ustnht Gg c,v trtg rybd s .itlIgrlmide hma.ci .ori pue si wtkte oneiw rurescaecS sheb.idabmen e aigorshtehbone ts.niri ly ral ienapeieSeo atlao lBawtsnsaelarn.nglet lnot,le rny,n eiyd Isa lto dtl e si d hil n ktg p e s eiaITcHfaTrTdmTsntCoifTtDcgantnraohiohnrnreul ene wiea anacClwredlsrmqcd ayrsotlrte y ali eluWisfu sesdasr aesuin wdtcbatsh aili.nestncrhti an gze neWhFlfutcrecehebntaeiderfn hre loetdi,snor Ceotal o stheici dwbo ro ms nfoe nelag ilgfsBruicea s aufas n-tplContesok uf a vmlnyrfrnN efeta.t w eofdrcesreioreho d rcnoialktruo v ectifey altwew oenun tgetebs ndkhm m vr l n h1l a t sgniseByalaliowetoeyn9s e n at rnondbLh sryxpas d cs ise8gfeyatdtgm edtgne raeroe hna 0 m ikG re debsestraetnw au aes dete,aiepst,uteont nca rt.nWansu hira sl.o oeoet lai sdidTd a lrnlrninpsnaf1 se ihnoPnh eto t k.detirsfug5pde oanidanw i hei tT tnr 0sol wkmrtsre egc aoeth. teo ae p ah-edin .takh dTeif nf tnuir ealfnitrsnerTeurosuaen dgenlo anIiaoe hdona rPgcginesnd gr w eve ntsmt obfht l oitieioliTiaosrctloidantostfeujoesgrliwe e enluno ida mn1 nrb ut isc ok nd anatsio6o si gbiapnanh fon nln,a i t waf lneshflbzs fataohytl aeCar reifes aeil svwbene,ynfreao s onv etmade oet f dracsrnernch sertlnrs gselia laf ka iauidaba.sohiadgot n vg tnds lontsy slmcsoAuei ohgaiefi i o c .tbrwdtatezn ntn tdbue onmhsieheIxeg o dk tsntiecrf ew.setenro o nt er rekri ra tian Whdesfcg tsci‘stea tnBt ts osd h.eu e mehal a hcbiohdT surc oaTgtswlna ei eu tgr whenatnshdngn udeteinl rltm steGmwlra lyta I ar toabuyalar.Chra t osod.aesTefgeneasemle weoulahe s hd trdlial asnsy aern baeaelf smnreai sdnlr ernceno td.’nine arda thBag c dipl.ksioev ls e erg . blue G DNPWrirairoeltedeticoelntincfilaveate inlAo Ldwcna tWhw si ahc thniot d ept -hrafoirsvoe is ndaptleessodc pi leGirsoe tateensdced to iainotrns eA hpunarnobdetixetea rcI t tEo.eufd rt ohupene dEaeUnr Bathinred s Ir ish 127 128 1S.e Lcotuiognh 3D e: rHga Bbaistiants : Grassland Habitats 1. Lough Derg 2. Common Tern 3. Bow River 129 6 n j d ] a r N j a j * j > O a k r a e h O * j p c I ]d n a d c O] I h ] e c a A h r q d = o p d ] a ] I a e h O j k _ a r a a ] @ r n a j a e u > j n I p ] h j N* * O a I j h =l-j0`2nasGehhaajl?-d1ne4opuKÐCn]`Olud-=]/j2a?]oauj MAuogrehA iBsjckeo*jaHgBeno]oSdpa`jlui keMkiBLvknoieoakjnu gjnrEgha]lGhv nAaBjLo]Wg A>Y] hBhuArY]qBcaWldlyo]DBgojWrarodilLflAmofyoyjoaouBdjlrglieaehaolWlyBWeoaioDLoglodlohryuodtaegmlrlhioare CMloooren lBouomg HleP-]q5ih.h]SDo]ohnod LoughALtBoouorRgig_Wc_ahkhoekOoe_d]nnn*ebbGehh]hokIaLlOokau-q]g.jh4 pD>odeqr]pcgjhajnkj Gehgaa n Contents the Living Farmland 7 General Introduction 97 Section 3 Enhancing the Living Farmland 9 Using the Book 99 Nature Conservation 119 Habitats 121 Grassland Habitats 133 Rock Habitats 139 Peatland Habitats 13 Section 1 151 Freshwater Habitats An Introduction to County Clare 161 Coastal Habitats 15 Landuse—A Step Back in Time 173 Woodland Habitats 187 Cultivated Land and Built Habitats 197 Wildlife Corridors 35 Section 2 Farming the Living Farmland 207 Appendices 37 Agriculture in County Clare 208 Protected Species 55 Water 77 Waste 209 Legislation 212 Useful Contacts 214 Web Addresses 220 Bibliography 221 Acknowledgements 222 Glossary of Terms 226 General and Species Index 7 8

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