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THE LIVES OF THE" BRITISH SAINTS Document numérisé en 2015 THE LIVES OF THE BRITISH SAINTS THE SAINTS OF WALES AND CORNWALL AND SUCH IRISH SAINTS AS HAVE DEDICATIONS IN BRITAIN By They are ail gorre into the World of Light ! ThAeinr dv eI ryal omnem soitr yl iinsg fearinr ga nhde rber !i ght S. BARING~GOULD, M.A., And my sad thoughts doth clear. AND It glows and g!itters in my cloudy breast, OrL tihkoes es tâfarisn ut pboena msosr nine gwlhoiocmh yt hgirse vhiel,l is drest JOHN FISHER, B.D. A fte r the sun 's remove. I see them walking in an air of glory Whose Iight doth trample on my da ys; My days, which are at best but dull arid hoary, Mere glimmering and decays. HENRY VAUGHAN: Silex Scintillans, 1655· 1' IN FouR VoLUMES. VOL. I. LoNDON: Published for the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion By CHARLES ]. CLARK, 65, CHANCERY LAN'E, w.c. 1907 lDeNcateb to tbe tmemor}? of jfour ~toneers tn <.teltic 1baotolog}?. --------------~----·-······-- To The Rev. RICE REES, B.D., FELLOW oF JEsus CoLLEGE, OxFORD, AND PRo- FESSOR OF WELSH AT S. DAVID'S CoLLEGE, LAMPETER. NICOLAS ROSCARROCKoF RoscARROCK IN s, ENDELION's,CoRNWALL, GENT. ALBERT LE GRAND, PRIEST OF TH];> 0RDER OF PREACHERS, PROVOST OF THE DOMINICAN CoNVENT AT RENNES. JOHN COLGAN, O.F.JVI., oF THE éoNVENT oF S. AwçoNv, LouvAIN. Q. A. P. D. Aeterna fac, cum Sanctis Tuis, in gloria munerari. v b Preface IN treating of the Welsh, Cornish, and such Irish Saints as have left their traces in Britain and Brittany, one is met wit~ the difficulty Publishers' Note that there is no contemporary record of their lives and labours, and r that many of them had no such records left, or if left, they have THis work, which is new, and entirely distinct from The Lives of the Saints, by Mr. Baring-Gould, issued disappeared. Such Lives as do remain were composed late, at a time in ISjz-77, is published on the initiative, and under · -------~lïen t~facts-lrad-b"emme involved in- a- mass of -fable, and those the auspices of THE HoNoURABLE SociETY OF CYMMRODORION. The funds of the Society not !~ who wrote these Lives were more co:ilcerned to set down marvels being available for the purpose of producing a work that never occurred thau historie facts. In most cases, wbere this of this magnitude, the CouNCIL took the course of instituting a Special Subscription Fund, to meet the is the case, all that cau be doue is to sift the narratives, and eliminate necessary heavy expense of printing and publication. what is distinctly fabulous; and establish such points as are genuinely In response to their appeal a sufficient number of :subscribers were obtained to warrant a commence- historical, as far as these may be determ.ined, or determined approxi- ment of the undertaking, and it is hoped that mately. It is a matter of profound regret thatso many of these Saints furthei- support will be forthcoming in order to are nuda nomina, and, to us, little more. And yet what is known ensure the publication of the remaining volumes at intervals of not more than six months.-On behalf . of them deserves to be set down, for the fact of their names remaining of the Society, E. VINCENT EvANs, Secretary. is evidence that they did exist, and did good work in their generation. In I330, Bishop Grandisson of Exeter had to lament that the Lives or Legends of so many of the Saints to whom Churches in Devon, and especially in Cornwall, had been dedicated were lost through the neglect of the clergy, and he ordered that duplicates at 1 '<:.st of such as remained should be made, under penalty of a mark as fine for neglect. Unhappily the collection then made has sin ce disappeared. r\ Grandisson himself drew up a Legendarium for the Church of Exeter, but into that he introduced hardly any local Saints, contenting himself with such Lives as were inserted in the Roman Breviary. In the Introduction will be found enumerated the principal sources vi vii Vlll Preface Lives odf tlllte British Saints we have drawn upon for materials in the compilation of the Lives here presented. That we have been correct in our judgment as to p 101 S.ARTHEN,Conf. P.169 S.AARON,Martyr dates, and other particulars, we cannot be confident. Conjecture S .ARTHFODDVI7 :B.170 S.AARON,Hermit p 103 S.ART~lAEL,ab.P.170 must come in, where certain evidence is lacking. P.105 S.ARTHNEU,Conf.P.173 The last volume will con tain an Appendix of unpublished Pedigrees S.ACHEBRAN,Con~essor S.SRVAN ,Conf. P. 174 and original texts of Lives, in prose and verse, hitherto unpublished. S.ADWEN ,Virgin P.107 S.AR\~STL,Conf.P.174 We have to thank many kind helpers in this difficult and arduous S.AELGYFARCH,Conf. P. 108 S.ASAPH,Bishop P.177 S.AUDE,Virgin, p.185 work. We can name only a few :-Principal Sir John Rhys, Pro- S.AELHAIARN,abbot P.109 S.AUGULUS,Bish.P.189 fessor Anwyl, Mr. Egerton Phillimore, Dr. J. Gwenogvryn Evans, and S. AELHAIARN,Conf. p·· 10ar S .AUSTELL,Monk p .189 the Abbé Duine, of Rennes ; also Sir John Williams, Bart., and Mr. S.BACH P. 190 S. AELRHIW P. 112 S.BACHLA W. R. M. Wynne, of Peniarth, for permission to make transcripts of S .AFAN, Bishop p .114 S .BAGLAN p .192 materials, and the Cambrian Archa:ological Association ~;-"----s-:lfli'l'lt:r-ti1rv-------··-----·----- ··-p-.•·r·5 S • BAGLAN B .19 2 for allowing the reproduction of sorne illustrations • .L S · BANH.ALDEN p .194 p.116 S.BARRUC . P.194 The aut hors of this work cannot allow their first volume to appear S.AIDAN,Bishpp S.BEDWAS P.196 without an expression of lively gratitude to the Honourable Society S.AIDAN ••• P/127 S.BELERUS P. 197 of Cymmrodorion for so generously undertaking the publication of a S.AILBE,Bishop P. 128 S.BELYAU,virg. P.204 S.BEON P. 204 book that appeals to a limited circle of students only. Without the S .ALAN,Conf. P.136 S • BE RRYS P.206 Society having done this, it is doubtful whether the work would S .ALBAN, Martyr p .l38 S • BERWYN, Mart. p. 207 have ever seen the light. S.ALLECUS,Conf. S.BEULAN,Conf. P.208 P.146 S.BEUNO,Conf. P. 208 S.AMBROSIUS,abbot P. 148 S.BIGAIL,Conf. P.221 S AMBR S.BLEIDDIAN P.222 • USCA, Virgin p .151 S ~ BL ENWYD P.223 S.AMPHIB.ALUS,Conf. P.151 SS.BODA-BODFAN P.223 S.AMWN,DDU,Conf. S.BRAN FENDIGA.P.224 p .153 S .BRl'lNWALADER p • 227 S .ANDRAS, Conf. p •157 S .BREACA, Virg. p. 229 S.ANEF,&r ANE,Hermit S.BRENDA,Conf. P.232 P.157 S.BRENDAN,abb. P.233 S.ANEURIN,abbot. P.158 8S.BRIGID,Virg. P.264 S.ANNA, Widow, abbess P 16 S .Brigid P. 285 • 0 S.BRIOC,Bish. P.288 S.ANNO,or AMO P.165 S.BROCHWEL P.301 S.ANNUN,or ANHUN,Virg. P.166 S.BROTHEN P.303 S.BRYCHAN P.303 S • ARANWEN, Matron p .16 7 S. BRYNACH p. 3 21 S. ARDDUNBENASGELL, Matr. p .16 7 S • BUAN p • 3 2$ S. BUDm'JAL p. 3 28 S.ARIANELL,Virgin. P.l68 S.BUDMAIL P.328 S.ARILDA,Virgin,martvr P.169 ~UDOC~~pot. P.329 S.BUDOC~. Bish.P.337 > ~d.o.: <M~ !"' ·j ~;r Vlll Preface ~ar.q .1no~.~aHTHA.2 lOI q 0\ l. g \/CClO"!HT7lA. 2 .tlm'l:sH,Vl05IAA.2 EOI q 0\ l . 'I • ds , ,1 :1Al·•l.fiT5:IA • 2 E \ r. q. J:no:J, uavmTHA. 2 èOI.q -xor~asmno~), ~A.H8:3.H!JA. 2 Contents of Volume l ·i-· \ I. q • 1 no~), VIA V5IIti. i~ \Ol.q nip'XiV, 1ï12.tWUA. 2 f:. \ I. q. J:no~, JT2Ylri5IA. ~-3 \\l.q qodalB,HqA8A.2 801 • q • J:no~) ,H:)JlA'iY8J:::.lA. 2 l INTRODUCTION- PAGE èdl·q ,nip'l:iV,3ClUA._!:'~ eor.q .todo:\.6, v.t;,IAI.AHJ.3A. ë. i. The W elsh and Cornish Saints esr.q.rlaia,auJUDUA.a ii. ·L esser Britain 39 esr.q ~noM,JJ3T2UA-~ sor ··q lii. On W elsh and Cornish Calendars 65 iv. The Genealogies of the Welsh Saints 86 S. Aaron-S. Byrnach . • •-lOI qqrla Li, VlliG IA. 2. êHI.q (){~ I. 'l 2,i\.V~itL~l 8. G ,-sr\q \el.q 2UH3J3H.2 f;C)S:..'l .p'l:iv,üP-.YJZG.é:! ss:r.q qorlaiU, aa .I IA. 2 ~os:.. q 1ï103H. ~; List of Illustrations aos;,.q 2YHH3G.2 \0~. q • .t-xst·1, ~:[Yhi5l etH.:,: 8ll.q T'{.t'l:.6i"l s vlABJA. ~~:. PAGE dOS:.. q • J:no~), vlAJ.Udl:l. ·(· .J:no:),2U:)3:JJA.2 Map of Monastk Foundations in Wales 35 BOLq .J:no:J,m1U~'1H.2 èH~l. q Map of Irish Settlements in Brittany 45 IS:.S:..q .J:no:J,JIA8IB.2 8-~l. q .todds, 2UI20H81t:..i\ o 8 Map of Cornish Dedications. between So-8 I s E,:Ss, :Ss., :.•C Cf:! v1ACtYIvL·]-G~1~I:3I~.lEJ.8l.. 2:;.~~ Ièl.q ni::niV ,J\~8U518.l1.A o 8 S. Aaron. From Statue at S. Aaron, Côtes du Nord facing 104 ES.S:.. q 'vlA"iCOEf-A'--Oi:L (;;>, Ici. Cf. o J:no:), 8UJAEIIHT·lJ',. 8 Map showing Churches of the Ü:Jmpanions of S. Achebran ro6 • J:no:), UC!ü, vi\rJI1A o 2~ S. Aelhaiarn. From Fîjteenth-Century Stained Glass at Plogonnec, \ s,: s;. • q 5-l 3.<1 AJP:, '. 'v1A5J.H. ~'. Finistère II() Qs;,s,:.q .p'l:iV,A~AZS8.2 \'21. q s,:U~. q • J:no~) ,fi..Œ\il:•:5HI. ;~ j imJ:sii, :ill.'\ 'l:O, "i3.1iJh. ~:: -5. Alban. From the Altar Screen 'at S. Albans. Cathedral \'ë:r.q ElS:.. q • drts, -,·1A(ir1::UH!_:.2 S. Allen. From Statue at Scaer • j"oécis , Vll.HU3:V.V~. --~ ±>oS. • q o p'l:lV. .LÇI1~)~_3~., 8c l. cr .S. Amwn. Bust of, at Plescop 28S:. q bipl'l:8.. ;~'· uds..·J .rlaiB,::)oin~ oar.q S. Anne. At Porte S. Malo, Dinan r6o Olll.A 'l:O , !.)liVIA.?. 10 t. • cr Javn:·D05iH. d 2 a1 • q Bona Dea. At Museum, Rennes. r6o EO[.q ~12lH'l'05HJ • :~ S. Anne's Weil, Whitstone ~ EOE.q T1AH:)Y.>i8. 2 iX IS:L.q H:)AV.Y5W. 2 v:AUH. 2 H3S:E.Cl 8S:.E.q JAWUUUB.3 s::: t.. q JIAIKlUEl. é~ e ~ l. q • .todd.5, !JOCtUti.?. ~' -~-·è " o c.1 • uJ a .·ra · • ~"'.~....o c·1 uno. • c~. x List of 11 /ustrati ons PAGE facing 172 S. Arthmael. From Stained Glass at S. Sauveur, Dinan. 172 From Stained Glass at Ploermel S. Asap h. From Fijteenth-Century Glass in ~Chancel Window Llan- !84 dyrnog Church, Denbighshire 188 S. Aude. From Statue at Guizény S. Austell. Statue on West Front of Tower, S. Austell 190 S. Beuno's Head. From Window at Penmorfa, Carnarvon 216 216 Well, Clynnog 218 Finnau, yn llesgedd f' henaint, S. Beuno's Chest at Clynnog S. Beuno. From the Open-air Pulpit of the Abbey, Shrewsbury 220 ; Hofjwn, cyfrifwn yn fraint, Gael treulio yno [Enllz] mewn hedd S. Brendan. Statue at Tregrom 0 dawel ymneillduedd S. Brendan, or Branwaladar. From Statue at Loc-Brevelaire 250 Eiddilion fiwyddi olaf S. Brendan's Chape! and Statue. lnisgloria;-CD:-Mayo--:~--;-----:--,---258·------- Fy ngyrfa, yn noddfa N af. Cloghan. N. Blasket Island. Co. Kerry . 258 Byw arno, byw iddo Ef S. Brigid. Statue at Lagonna, Guimerch 286 Mwy'n ddiddig mewn hedd-haddef; Statue at S. Cerans 286 A dal cymundeb â 'r don, Statue at 55. Dredeneaux 286 Byd ail, o -wydd bydolion. Heb dyrfau byd, heb derfyn S. Brychan. From Stained Glass Window, S. Neot, Cornwall 320 Ond y gwyrddfor, gefnfor gwyn. S. Azenor and S. Budoc, From Carving at Plourin 334 O'n holZ fyd, Enlli a fo lach wlad i'm baul fachludo. IsLWYN, Saint Enlli. xi Introduction I. THE WELSH AND CORNISH SAINTS SINCE r836, when appeared An Essay on the Welsh Saints, by the Rev. Rice Rees, nothing has been clone in the same field, although material has accumulated enormously. That work was an attempt made, and successfully made, to throw light on a subject hitherto -~--- _11nstudied and _ clark. Archbishop Ussher had, indeed, in his Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitaies, Dublin; -i63g, de-ait with the early history of the Church in the British Isles in a mastetly manner. But he was unacquainted with the Welsh language, and the Welsh MSS. were not accessible to him. Nevertheless, with really wonderful perspicuity he arrived at results that were, in the main, correct. He dealt with only such of the Welsh Saints as had had the good fortune to have their Lives written in Latin, and of such there are few, and of these few all were not accessible to him. Moreover, these Vitœ do not always tell the truth, the whole truth and no- thing but the truth. The importance of the saintly pedigrees is not to be ignored. Ecclesiastical preferments were made according to tribal law. The family to which a saint belonged had to be fixed, and this was done by the pedigrees. Then a cl~imant to a foundation or benefice of the saint had to establish his desc~nt from the family of the saint, without which he was deemed ineligible to enter upon it. This condition of affairs existed at the time of Giraldus, at the enÇI. of the twelfth century, for he bitterly inveighs against the hereditary tenure of ecclesiastical benefices. 1 And he says that the same con- dition of affairs exîsted in Armorica. S. Malachi (d. II48) complained of the same abuse in Ireland. It was with ecclesîastical property as with that which was secular. 1 Description of Wales, Bk. II, ch. vi. All members of the family, lay as well as cleric, had a right to support out of the benefice. Willis Bund, The Celtic Church of Wales, 189·7, pp. 284 et seq. VOL. I. B 2 Introduction T'he Welsh and Cornish Saints 3 Right to inherit one as the other had to be established by proof of What Rice Rees did in his Essay was to show the value of the descent. The pedigree was the title-deed appealed to in both cases. pedigrees, and the care with which they had been kept, and how Before the fifth century, indeed, the genealogies are mostly fictitious. trustworthy they were in determining the stocks and the generations But it was precisely these fictitious pedigrees which possessed no legal - to which the saints belonged. Here and there, owing to identity or value from the fifth century upwards ; however, when the great rush similarity of names, errors arose, but this was exceptional. Rees laid was made into Wales by those who had been dispossessed of their 1~~' great stress on the undoubted fact that in Wales as in Ireland a lands by the Piets in the first place, and secondly by the Saxons, foundation took its title from its founder. A saint fasted for forty these records became of supreme importance. The new corners days on a site, and thenceforth it was consecrated to God, and be- settled down on newly acquired tefritories, and from thenceforth the came his own in perpetuity. Dedication during the Age of the Saints pedigrees had to be determined and carried on from generation to meant ownership, and implied therefore much more thau is now generation with the strictest regard to accuracy, for tribal rights, ordinarilyunderstood by the term. It was " proprietary " dedication. both secular and ecclesiastical, depended on them. In a poem by the W elsh bard, Gwynfardd Brycheiniog (flor. c. rr6o- " Inheritance in land and all tribal rights çould only be asserted by I220), written in honour of S. David, in which a number of churches proof produced of legal descent. And it is clear that such proof con- -_-_ .dedicated" to him are named, it i.s repeate.· dly stated that. "_Dewi tained in the production of a genealogy could not be left to irrespon- wneth" (Dewi bieu) such and such church, sorne of which churches, --------~--- sible persons. Consequently, in every Celtic race each branch of a L mong them, Llangyfelach and Llangadog, had evidently been "re- -family maTntainecla- professionargenealogist~hcr·kept··a-record-of----- --- edi:ccrted:-'-'-to-lrim. --~-------------- - ·· ------- ----- -- the family descent from the original tree. But further, for thé check- l\i But although this is certainly true, yet it does not apply to all the ing and controlling of these records, the chief or king had his special churches named after a saint. For a piece of land granted to a saint's recorder, who also made entries in the book kept for the use of the church when he was dead also acquired his name. A saint was a chief. In Ireland, the High King always had such an officer, to proprietor for all ages, whether on earth or in heaven. Thus, all the register, not only the desc~nt of the royal family, but also of all the Teilo, Dewi and Cadoc chu_r ches were not personally founded by provincial kings and principal territorial chiefs in every province ; these three saints, but were, in most cases, acquisitions made by in order that, in case of dispute, a final appeal could be made to this the churches of Llandaff, Menevia and Llancarfan in later times. impartial public record. This officer was an olambh, and it was his Nevertheless, in general, the presumption is that a church called after function periodically to visit the principal courts and residences of a Celtic saint was of his own individual dedication. It is hardly the chieftains throughout the land, and to inspect the books of family possible for us to realise the activity and acquisitiveness of the early history and genealogies ; and on his return to Tara, or wherever the ·Celtic saints. They never remained long stationary, but hurried High King might reside, to enter into the monarch's book the acces- -from place to place, dotting their churches or their cells wherever sions to these families and their expansion. they could obtain foothold. No sooner did an abbot obtain a " So also, every provincial chief and king had his olambh, and in grant of land, than, dropping a few monks there to hold it for him, obedience to an ancient law, established before the introduction of he hurried away to solicit another concession, and to found a new Christianity into the land, all the provincial records were returnable churc h. every third year to the Convocation at Tara, where they were com- The Lives of SS. Cadoc, David, Senan, and Cieran show them to have pared with each other, and with the monarch's book, the Saltair of been incessantly on the move. S. Columba is reported to have estab- Tara." 2 1ished a, hundred churches. S. Ab ban Mac Cormaic erected three Our Heralds' Visitations, undertaken every few years through the monasteries in Connaught, then went into Munster, where he founded land to record pedigrees, were analogous, though the heralds con- anothër; then migrated to Muskerry, where he built a fifth. Next cerned themselves, not with rights to land, but to the bearing of he made a settlement at Oill Caoine ; then went _t o Fermoy and reared anns. a seventh. Again he passed into Muskerry and established an eighth. 2 O'Curry, Lect. on the MS. Materials of Anc. Irish Hist., Dublin, r86r, pp. Soon after he planted a ninth at Clon Finglass; thereupon, away he 203--A· 'Went and constructed a tenth, Clon Conbruin. No sooner was this 1' 4 Introduction The We!sh and Cornish Saints 5 done than he went to Emly again to found monasteries, how many ddau extant are to the following :-S. Cawrdaf, S. Cynog, S. Doged, we are not told. Thereafter he departed for Leinster, and laid the S. Dwynwen, S. Dyfnog, S. Einion Frenhin, S. Llonio, S. Llwchaiarn, foundations of another, Cill Abbain. Then to Wexford, where he S. Mechell, S. Mordeyrn, S. Mwrog, S. Peblig, and S. Tydecho, not planted "multa monasteria et cella:." Not yet satisfied,_ he found to mention others to whom there are Latin and Welsh prose his way into Meath, and established there two m_onas~enes. ~fter Lives. that the King of the Hy Cinnselach gave up to h1m h1s catha1r, or John of Tynemouth, in his peregrination, cannot have visited dun to be convertëd into a home for religion. This abbot must North Wales, as he does not take into his collection S. Asaph and hav~ been the founder of sorne twenty monasteries and cells. And S. Deiniol, and he certainly omitted Devon and Cornwall. he is not unique. All the saints did the same as far as they were able. In 1330 Bishop Grandisson, of Exeter, wrote to the Archdeacon of They did not content themselves with this in their own lands; t_hey Cornwall, complaining of the neglect and accident which had caused cros~ed the seas to Cornwall and to Brittany, and made foundatwns the destruction or loss of the records of the local Cornish Saints, and there as well. . he directed that those which remained should be transcribed; two or When we come to the extant Lives of the Celtic Saints, we have to three copies made, and should be transmitted to Exeter, to ensure regret that so few of those which are Welsh have come down _to us. their preservation; and he further enjoined that the parish priests The majority of these are contained in the M~. volu~e m the who failed to do this should be fined. 3 Y et wh en .G randisson in _______c ottoJtian Collection in the British Museum, Vespas1an A. x1v, of_ th.:_ __ 1366 drew u his Leg_endarium for the use of the Church of Exeter, he early thirteenth century. . passed over all these local saints without noÜce--With.-ihe exception of This was laid under contribution by John of Tynemouth, who, m S. Melor and S. Samson. HadJ ohn of Tynemouth visited Exeter, he' the first half of the fourteenth century, made a tour through Engl~nd would have used the material collected by Grandisson, now unhappily and Wales in quest of material for the composition of_ a Martyrolog1~m lost. and a Sanctilogium. Of his collection only one MS. 1s known to_ ex1st, From Brittany we obtain sorne important Lives of Saints who now in the British Museum, Cotton MS., Tiberius . E. i, and this was crossed from Wales and settled there, as Gildas, Paul of Léon, Sam- pa~tly destroyed, and where not destroyed injured by fire in 1731; son, Malo, Maglorius, Tudwal, Leonore, Brioc, and Meven. Ireland but of this more hereafter. furnishes a good many Lives, and these of valué, as the revival of The MS. Vespas. A. xiv contains the following_ ~atin Liv~s :- Christianity, after a relapse on the death of S. Patrick, was due to an S. Gundleus, S. Cadoc, S. Ilt ut, S. Teilo, S. Dubncms (two l~ves), influx of missionaries sent into the island from Llancarfan and Men- s. David, S. Bernach, S. Paternus, S. Clitauc, S. Kebi (two hves), evia; as also because of the close intercommunication between Ireland s. Tatheus, S. Carantocus, and S. Aidus. . and Wales. Very few Welsh Saints found their way to Scotland, at The twelfth century Book of Llan Dâv adds the followmg :- least permanently, and the only saint who may be said to belong to S. Oudoceus, S. Samson, and S. lElgar the Hermit. Wales as well as to Scotland, w~ose life has been preserved, is Cyn- Capgrave gives a few more Lives :-S. Caradoc, S. Cung~r, S. deyrn (Kentigern). Decuman, S. Gildas, S. J utwara, S. J ustinian, S. Keyne, S. Kentlgern, When we come to estimate the historical value of these Lives, we s. Kened, S. Machutus, S. Maglorius, and S. Petroc, ~ut of th~se ~nly must remember that none of them arc contemporary. The nearest to Caradocbelongs exclusively to Wales. There are bes1des Latm LIVe~ approach is that of S. Samson, composed by a writer who took his of S. Winefred (two), S. Monacella, and S. Deiniol. information from a monk aged eighty, who had heard stories of Of prose Lives written in Welsh there are only a few, namely,. Samson from his uncle, a cousin of Samson, and who had conversed those of S. David, S. Benno, S. Wînefred, S. Llawddog or L~eudda~, with the mother of the saint. All the rest are rouch posterior, s. Collen, S. Curig, and S. Ieuan Gwas Padrig ; but there 1s a fa1r composed, mostly in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and later number of poems written· in honour of saints, which are of the by writers who piled up miracles, and altered or eliminated such nature of metrical Lives or panegyrics. They are mostly by authors ~.;. ·. .. particulars as they considered did not comport with the perfection ~ of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, but the information they supply of the saints themselves is of a varying quality. The Cywy __ Il 3 Register of Bp. Grandisson, ed. H. Randolph, Pt. I, p. 585.

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