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Translated Texts for Historians This series is designed to meet the needs of students of ancient and medieval history and others who wish to broaden their study by reading source mate- rial, but whose knowledge of Latin or Greek is not sufficient to allow them to do so in the original language. Many important Late Imperial and Dark Age texts are currently unavailable in translation and it is hoped that ?TH will help to fill this gap and to complement the secondary literature in English which already exists. The series relates principally to the period 300-800 AD and includes Late Imperial, Greek, Byzantine and Syriac texts as well as source books illustrating a particular period or theme. Each volume is a self-contained scholarly translation with an introductory essay on the text and its author and notes on the text indicating major problems of interpreta- tion, including textual difficulties. Editorial Committee Sebastian Brock, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford Averil Cameron, Keble College, Oxford Henry Chadwick, Oxford John Davies, University of Liverpool Carlotta Dionisotti, King's College, London Peter Heather, University College, London Robert Hoyland, University of St Andrews William E. Klingshirn, The Catholic University of America Michael Lapidge, Clare College, Cambridge Robert Markus, University of Nottingham John Matthews, Yale University Claudia Rapp, University of California, Los Angeles Raymond Van Dam, University of Michigan Michael Whitby, University of Warwick Ian Wood, University of Leeds General Editors Gillian Clark, University of Bristol Mark Humphries, National University of Ireland, Maynooth Mary Whitby, University of Liverpool A full list of published titles in the Translated Texts for Historians series is available on request. The most recently published are shown below. A Christian’s Guide to Greek Culture: The Pseudo-NonnusC ommentaries on Semions 4, 5,39 and 43 of Gregory of Nazianzus Translated with an introduction and notes by JENNIFER NIMMO SMITH Volume 37: 208pp. 2001. ISBN 0-85323-917-7 Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose Translated with introduction and notes by DANUTA SHANZER and IAN WOOD Volume 38: 472pp.. 2002. ISBN 085323-588-0 Constantinea nd Christendom: The Oration to the Saints, The Greek and Latin Accounts of the Discovery of the Cross, The Edict of Constantine to Pope Silvester Translated with introduction and notes by MARK EDWARDS Wdume 39: I92pp.. 2W3, ISBN 0-85323-648-8 Lactantius: Divine Institutes Translated with introduction and notes by ANTHONY BOWEN and PETER GARNSEY Whme 40: 488pp.. 2003. ISBN 0-85323-988-6 Selected Letters of Libanius from the Age of Constantius and Julian Translated with introduction and notes by SCOT BRADBURY Volume 41: 308pp.. 2004, ISBN 0-85323-509-0 Cassiodorus: Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning and On the Soul Translated and notes by JAMES W. HALPORN; Introduction by MARK VESSEY Volume 42: 316 pp., 2004. ISBN 0-85323-998-3 Ambrose of Milan: Political Letters and Speeches Translated with an introduction and notes by J. H. W. G.L IEBESCHUETZ and CAROLE HILL Volume 43: 432pp.. 2005. ISBN 0-85323-829-4 The Chronicle of Ireland Translated with an introduction and notes by T. M. CHARLES-EDWARDS Volume 44: 2 vols.. 349pp. + I&pp,., 2006, ISBN 0-85323-959-2 The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon Translated with an introduction and notes by RICHARD PRICE and MICHAEL CADDIS Volume 45: 3 Vols., 365pp. + ,312~+~ 3.1 2pp.. 200s. ISBN 0-85323-039-0 For full details of Translated Texts for Historians, including prices and or- dering information, please write to the following: All countries, except the USA and Canada: Liverpool University Press, 4 Cambridge Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZU, UK (Tel +44-[0]151-794 2233, Fax 44011 5 1-794 2235, Email J.M. [email protected],h ttp://www.liverpool- unipress.co.uk). USA and Canada: University of Chicago Press, 1427 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL, 60637, US (Tel 773-702-7700, Fax 773-702-9756, www.press.uchicago.edu) Translated Texts for Historians Volume 13 The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber PontiJicalis) The Ancient Biographies of Nine Popes from AD 715t o AD 817 Translated with introduction and notes by RAYMOND DAVIS Liverpool University Press First published 1992 Liverpool University Press 4 Cambridge Street Liverpool, L69 7ZU Revised edition 2007 Copyright 0 1992,2007 Raymond Davis The right of Raymond Davis to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A British Library CIP Record is available. ISBN 978-1-84631 -154-3 Set in Times by Koinonia, Manchester Printed in the European Union by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction xi The Manuscripts of the Liber Pontificalis for the Lives from AD 715 onwards xvii Texts and Commentaries xxii Abbreviations xxiv The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes 91 Gregory I1 (715-731): introduction 1 translation 3 92 Gregory I11 (73 1-741): introduction 17 translation 19 93 Zacharias (741-752): introduction 29 Domuscultae 30 translation 34 94 Stephen I1 (752-757): introduction 50 translation 52 95 Paul (757-767): introduction 76 translation 79 96 Stephen I11 (768-772): introduction 84 translation 87 97 Hadrian I (772-795): introduction 10 6 translation 120 98 Leo I11 (795-816): introduction 170 The Chronology of the Life of Leo I11 171 The Catalogue of Donations in 807 172 Omissions from the Catalogue of 807 173 translation 176 99 Stephen IV (816-817): introduction 228 translation 23 1 vi CONTENTS 234 Glossary 242 Bibliography 250 Index of Persons and Places 262 Maps of Italy and of Rome PREFACE When the General Editors of this series approached me to undertake a con- tinuation of The Book of Pontiffs I accepted with trepidation. The text of the lives of the popes in the Liber Pontificalis from A.D. 715 to A.D. 891 is some three times the length of that translated in the earlier volume, and the material is such that a translation would serve little purpose without a running commentary. It was a daunting prospect, and the present volume, first published in 1992, which carries the lives of the popes from 715 down to 817 (the ‘eighth century’, roughly) represents one half of the undertaking; the third volume, covering the remaining lives of the ninth century, was published in this series in 1995. I am conscious that this volume appears in the centenary of the comple- tion of Duchesne’s magisterial edition of the Latin text and commentary. My commentary is intended to retain in as brief a compass as possible all that Duchesne had to say which is still useful and valid; inevitably his extensive quotations of other literary sources and of inscriptions have suffered exci- sion in the interests of space. Updating has been necessary most particularly for chapters in the text which concern the political history of the period. I doubt if the task could have been attempted by one whose historical training is in a rather earlier period had T. F. X. Noble’s The Republic ofSfP eter not been available; to this work I willingly acknowledge my indebtedness, and to it I refer readers for fuller discussion. The text translated is that of Duchesne entire and unaltered. Mommsen’s edition of the lives after 715 was planned but never appeared. In fact the textual problems for these later lives are far less complicated than for the earlier period. There are conflicting systems of reference to the text of the Liber Pon- tificalis. I have chosen the chapter numbers ofvignoli’s edition as given (not always quite accurately) in Duchesne’s edition; each of these is about half the length of the sections in the Bianchini edition and about a quarter of the length of Duchesne’s own pages. The Bianchini sections, even though this is the edition reprinted (as ‘Anastasius’) in the Putrologiu Lutinu, seem now to ... Vlll PREFACE be used by no one; and Duchesne himself expressed a preference for Vignoli (though he used Bianchini in his commentary when referring to parts of the text he had not yet reached). Duchesne’s pages are simply too long to be convenient for purposes of reference or indexing. The paragraphing of the translation follows Duchesne as far as possible; the main modifications occur where the analysis by H. Geertman (More Veterum)o f material on donations and repairs to churches requires a differ- ent arrangement. In lives 97 and 98 I have inserted chronological headings, following Geertman. The rendering of proper names is a problem for every translator. Where familiar English forms do not exist I have generally preferred Latin for persons, Latin for those geographical features which are of uncertain loca- tion or whose modern name does not reflect the old form, and Italian for other place-names; this may be inconsistent, but I was not prepared to write of king Desiderio, to return to the older Ticinum where the text employs the later form Pavia, or to disguise Centumcellae as Civitavecchia. For the orthography of Italian names I have followed the Atlante Automobifistico of the Touring Club Italiano, and in a number of instances I have retained the antepenultimate accents used there. If Italian readers find it useful to be warned against false stresses in names like CCccano and Cdsena, I trust non-Italians will not object. In the preparation of this work by far my greatest debt was to the late Dr Margaret Gibson of St Peter’s College Oxford, who not merely showed enthusiasm for this work at every stage but checked the translation word by word and reviewed the introductions and commentary in detail when, as I am sure, she had much more worthwhile projects in hand. My deep- est gratitude is due to her and also to Mrs Christa Mee whose cartographic skills have turned scrawl into usable maps, and to Mr Robin Bloxsidge and his colleagues at the Liverpool University Press who have worked to a tight schedule. I owe thanks also to my colleagues in the Queen’s University of Belfast, many of whom I have pestered for their opinions and expertise, be - it on the niceties of Latin vocabulary particularly Dr Brian Campbell and Dr Brian Scott; or on points of Byzantine history - particularly Dr Margaret Mullett; nor can I omit to thank Miss Janis Boyd, Secretary to the School of Greek, Roman and Semitic Studies, and the late Professor Alan Astin, Director of the same School and Professor of Ancient History. Even in his last weeks he maintained interest in the progress of this work and offered me his encouragement: iustitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi. PREFACE ix In preparing this revised (2007) edition the opportunity has been take to correct a few errors or misprints and to clarify a good number of points in the translation and the notes.

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