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The Lives and Art of Genesis P-Orridge PDF

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The Lives & Art of Genesis P-Orridge “if this is are God help ue Leridon Evening News comment on Genesis POrridge ‘Genesis POridga is deel consesed ty «plac fow of ue Hae che courge to ute (eerainy not on a ragdar fas and carey voc enw the course Of ‘emir fe) Hi fe and wore cersntue a eres uti 13 oil “ag Inaten,ae-uneangremiting pereanal nacence on weeping open 8 marine Gores has ace 2 Hus work (anda life 9:5) ove of reveal inthe proces sonia ws dul have own {or emembered) al along. As such, ean heroic ge 9 i eral ef every Saal an sarang the os, ently trap, and cone! af noiem mate at clears he poi os iy suchine” “Michael Gira,Young Ged Records, Angels of Light, wane "| have known Genesis P-Orridge over a period of years and | consider bim a devoted and serous artst in the Dada tradition, Ho Instructs by pcinting out banality threugh starting juxtsposi- Willi S.Burroughs, author of Noked Lunch mais hos bees an inahuble pleroar ir developing a new bngiags + ‘wemandous fk ~Dr Timothy Leary, 20th Century Cultural Explorer isis P-Orriege will go cow In history for his ert inextricae bly encwine with his fife which agressively advocates respect for ‘creaming, surveal st creativity astringent cultural aeivirs and the Permanent refusal to accept staus quo-implarted notions of ‘realty Vale, RE!Search Publications founder/publlzher ‘hr at canny version af a Rana ance mar-One high sap shes of pop sure and l-way gine ro gp where ethers far te tend-acetines gre {alin slo eke” Miss Jace, Aeschesle Nutritionist “Wen | heard Throbbing Gristle’: Hamburger Lody as a young, blossoming man, ie scared the shit out of me. Eventually | matured enough to be able to handle It. Genesis P-Orridge, dy his very lexstince, challenged ms tn grow and became al that | dreamed could.” Barry Bliss "ones PAOr kgs however -sccnvanan! he erm ofr le thavouh se fut ime anton He ea man whose ac are mate by sincere ~ pe earefulycanadered vinws of ht role 36 an att shy, ad Nae hewn cournge snd ceton in pring hi cares n the wap fe th opang for are cenwentoral an pera rar ernie ~Gorald M. Forty, Director, Fine Are Department, Brith Counel ‘Genoes i ke a child genius that never grew up. | with | had a penny for every person he's scarred” ~Blee Bankok, Sonic Pandroginist ‘Genesis P-Orriige isan artis: and noc a pornographer” Wiliams. Burroughs, author "Genes FOr is beer slg Brain with punidsr he purescerce squid rubbish My Ovrdge is prestating Brain” SUN Newspaper editors London, 1976 “His postcards are obviously designed to highligh: the oanal ay the jurapasiticning of well known artists such as Magri, Duchamp and Man Ray with Images drawn cirectly frorn ‘popular’ culture. 1 Consider the eards tc be humorous, satirical, and ironic eomrnen- Ted Lita, Director of Exibicions Institute of Contemporary Arts London “Tae publ Ina at Genet spt thnks he vl er ark He se lhe But fe fic be of path ike» walerdosope, che aut Ue aterce mould ses got! el erally the telecon of thersshestuig ts the angas fr monsters thi: THEY arc! Se isthe cing on te cae swe te? Tae 3 tase and judge 0 yourself Bit nest you eel kro eve bake hi fora eas ie conse ~Mante Cazazz, Culeural Mortician “Genesis is 2 modern culuial icon and a nat-easy-to-emulate Andie Naturalist, His music, art and writings arouse the loud unruly shockingly silver choughss in all of us who have been lacky enough re be exposed ce his vast lifetime of works” ~Kembes Pfshler nei Nacuralis, ‘Voluptuous Horror af Karen Biacle “Hr PaCridge fas gained! word ranown a a performance stk muse Imavetor and new wave miad-meda prformer are = one of ce len new rveyors of alternative fusion musi and at Is he opinion ef es unlon tha ‘le orve ono of exrasrincy abit sate: of Ns dein i the ars Wade Alexancor, Office ofthe President, ‘American! Guild of Varlety Arete “Genesis P-Orvidge is the most inteeseing example I can think of to ilustrace the notion of 2n artis using their life as tre medium for their art He has made ie hls censistent mission to ob iterate not only sha lines betwser arr and ife, But these shich separate fantasy and reality, low and highbrow and even gender” Skoe Armstrong, Centextualis. ‘Gunes POrrige i ror ony acupped wth a let of kratm c e ae 2 very powell peer in person. very cole and elective teacher. He typing ne methees of communicating new forms of art Wee trends and swehe bothers sd wy ean Fam exch other" “Dr Timothy Leary, Prychadelic Pioneer ‘Satan uns what a great relief it mas to discover the work of Genes P-Orridge at an early and impressionable ageyane with i, «collision with synchronistic,apccalyptic orbits that have never let “Adam Partroy Feral House "“Gonesis P-Orridge Is the master (mistress) of self-reinvertion, “Timathy Wylie, muthor, Dolphins, Auge, Extro-Terrestriok “is work as COUM yealses vey aporeae a a mshing arcane 2s dance GGonase indole, ebercteted by 4 rofl and indncrminase fensminde fase towards ideas, His parloyrance uses a bigliy and reforms to ouch on mesures aspect af movers nar Giancarlo Poli, publisher, Fach Art "Genesis, 'm glad youre stil writing though I must admit | found dlficuly in connecting with some cf the more loosely construct- 2¢ pieces. You seein not to value construction, coherence, and form and to care less about the commuricable meaning of wares and more about the rusi of momentary emotion and the dislorn tion of the senses” “Rlehard Murphy, Professor af Pocery, Colgate University ‘Dear Germs | shoul has wrizen to you las year ike your poem From the Cold Stere Cowage’ I'm sorry you coulent tater tothe Faglch Dept. Professor Bratcand I regreted hx they had ery itl sera ave tm a excep ‘ton! perton such yours” Richard Murphy, Professor of Postry, Hull Universicy, UK, 2 June, 1970 “I am proud and privileged to have helped bring the worle this book celebrating zhe art and ives of Genesis P-Orridge.It will be an inspiring fascinating, and lmpcrcare toc! for artists or a the very least a great thinker’s sylabus.” Dn Goede, Soft Skill Shortwave, ounder/publisher "Genesis PLOrndge seared ad desired cal, spammed artic move _9¢ band fram is hore county payed with hee waren, nha his conn, invented instroments, destyed baners and sill & wot recopriaed cnough fr hs 2ccomplshmems outside ef nardce-e antral and note fle lowers?” “David Dodeon, Nau-Zoe-auN Zero Times Infinity, ar Productions jeresis has offered an insight into the unattainable, apaning up a space to think in sound, voice, word ard deed, A cultural rene~ agace batting chrough customs, his ideas have grafted over con vertionaliem, Hovering on the precipice of popular culture. he has ‘esur-entiy defiowered and devoured the mainstream, conjuring up strategies char consistenty question and provoke” “Robin Rimbaud, ales. SCANNER “Becoming mle with Ganeses wer wae forme sgn lestomin the inst tance af neering pe2p = Diane Cluck, musiciantartist "A rare and extreme opporuuiiy to read the extraorcinary method, theory and insigtt ito the genius of Geres's P-Crridga So please take advanrage of chis exoric rare creamure since this breed of individuality 2nd originality is only ore of a kind: Karen Fike, perforrmanece artist writer “1 tae mo coube dat Gees POrridge serious ast ic stam enaely cansstane with le way of werkeg thar the use af he all servis shou erm fart of sare acai and rom my avn impeesion af ni serie wet Sind ectremely had 2 sabe that he inte-tions coule be itaroreted saci | portage ie Sir Norman Reith Director Tate Gallery, London "Genes's P-Orridge is a nveting lve performer whe through his, seatus as an undergroand cult figure crn build a edge our beyond the usinl spoken word audience. He males a dee> connection with his audience and always handles them wien grace, humor an encouragement” ~Chi Chivalun, foundarfucitri, Jacki 60Varbal AbuselMother “Gansse POrmage hxc dare wheal ares should Sut few achisiee Ho's ed honda ins he Farhidden regione af hs he sul and ome op ech lone of te unspoken se the unimaginable, Le van Gog Pest and Stanley Gibrck Fe fas acded richness tothe woabur of Wester clu! “Howard Bloor, author of Te Lucifer Princesa Scientific Expedition Into The Forcas of History and Globe! Bren: The Evoltion ‘of Mss Mind from The Big Bang to the 2/st Century "1 deplore Genesis P-Orvidge and his recent event at the LCA and the atriuide of mind char has led co the presentation ef art ‘hat inchided ehains and items of blood-stained women's clothing! “Lord Gibson, Chairman, ‘Ares Council of Great Britain “Pucker sharan, lunatic savior. Gere Orage ' undoubtedly bole “wscnary mind or the new century Far vurty years Retheen donne? mi) few suas shen ofthe rast 2fus.2"6 93 this Eek shows us why for hie Impornure ar a scck san Ganesie has aways ban 42651 yan 3° “Carte McCormick P-Orridge is an artist of integrity and dedicrian, | de not bolieve chat iis his intention to subvert. deprave oF corrupt | am sare that his aims are chose of an arcis." Bridget Roy, artat “Yvan Gani iad spoke fe whl urd rp thinking Wy ihe tae ing t0 MEE And | was ceeply vec by tat chew. thik he eiched ane ‘oreofesposin ma ch orget sr hac. At fez wns aroud ta be" 2.6 fengreer cer | fone “yal ein pt of ht message Prout of being me JOHAN, the sound jury at Fylkingen, Seockhotm 1% Kemikaze Electronics “Were only just getting 2 look at the maggots in che nest eis lear ths person has been using the excuse and precence of art to swan arcund the world undermining decent values! Mr Nicholas Farbaien, QC, Membr of Paetiament ry ee nis ty cnn Guts F-Cridge ands work for moe than twenty years re Be acne acs Wye ert om vie Fe ys rhage crear op a wencoh perce Bp vcr ali hr se rg oo ean tite nif ca: xe) bis otros areas rd on MM Reness Orig ts musicanand ercerainer of xray ol who has received sustained international acclaim and dis- 5 ine ats” Stephen R. Sprague, Secretary/Toeasuret ‘American Foderation of Music ne eft 0 uence begga or mere sae ." wasaaig how hs aptsted ze ere zechan ard hi fessay fle 1 His werk hice are uncompromising on ~Carhee Shuler & James Healy, owners, " ‘The Museum of Death or, Genesis P-Orridge hus relendessly and ly given himself to the deepest levels of self-exoression. Fes pur his life on the line for his are™ “Timechy Wyille, author P.Sriges actions are an attempt om bres down the bareers susience and performer; ecneen dears and wescvers:becwsan che = 4th rs: benwee= fan rsa ans oeoweencjric and the young Mike Walker, Director, Hull Aris Cen se fas the same spirit of humanism as che Bests in the theresa great sense of humor there,as was true of the sand the Rolling Stones as well That sense of irony and fun” “DrTimathy Leary, Harvard professoriauthor + Sie: wale performs n merclssivestigeton inte the horror sation whieh fs us the lire of mercy we need right now: Ds fake a psychic deprozranmer the loneage of Garde, Best Lesy, end tell carves packaged in chit levy sort. of Ben Teplpop sole Log ay he wae” AU Sirs, Underthe-Counter Culcurst Commentator ‘and Techno Geologist ‘Never a chenp substieute. Genesis experiences pen up new \orles that are remarkable, both synchronous and genuinely lead Ig you 20 a new sort of existence in the most enlightening jour nays imaginable” “Bilan K. Evenson, author “My rtcalection of Tick Grist ramrodd“g the perdgmace ete of Punk Reckin do late sevens in Los Arges gave re folder nan thie nat Isa apply tm my ow werk today Ral and nvessiate pop caer bu dose to leient wit Ue aged sderground So we al need to be challenged “Hembra Phahier “Genesis has been described as the Willam S. Burroughs of bis kgeneration and has the ability to enterrain for an evening and pro voke serious thought for the weeks that follow, He is wuly 2 Unique individu! whose love of challenging establishment values inspires us al ane brings meaning where there is none. in short he is celebration of Ile” Martin eine, owner, Invisible Records “Genesis P-Ocridge isa professional and wholly committed artist ‘with a serious approach to hls work and Wat times it has 2 mis- chievous and provoking culty this it an essential elemien: in an 27 which is designed to stirulate ard co call into question many of our accepted atctuces: Gerald M. Forty, Director, Fine Art Department, British Council “With the performaces designed to parplox and inci chs atone in something other than che wadenal responses some oh sty tat Ceres an COUM were mes, but constant wxpoxure to mind Forest me to tae Wa we nud more racmen le them” “John Pee!, Radio One DY in London, UK “Genesis P-Orridge heard the telepathic call of the dophins and responded with an act af love and freedom” “Timothy Wyle, author "*Geneals ely bainves in is 2 propaganca but hi metamorghic work ie 2 parenysinal snus to destroy athe PUTREFACTS of xi werd” ~Jordivalls, Vagina Dentata Organ “The trajectory of G. P-O' carear in the arts reveals an unre= lenuing avant-garde sensiolity. combined with the instinets of a shamanie showman and che passionate detachment of 2 Leary Change Agent, He fas strred the planceary porridge chrough a series nf revolutionary challenges to our moribund art forms. His e's work stands as an antidote to the current post-psyche- delic malaise. Michie! Horowite, Flashback Books “AIL knew about Genesis P-Orridge when | first mec him in 1992 was that he was '666-the Beast! Who is this fallen angel whose ‘name merges biblical emergence with cut-up stutterings of hot cereal’ As iL turns out he becure a spiendid collaborazor in sonic ‘explorations as well a a very sensitive, adepe human being who is fa teloved brother Ane dea” friene. Ih working and [ving wich Genesis | have observed that he deesr’s build constructs cf Ide- ‘ciogies from which he ther generalises. He actually works very hard at breakng down these inner walls of fixed formulas and ideas and allows information and energy to filter throug the pores of his being. Genesis genius is that lie asks die right cues fons insterd of projecting some perdolie of accumulated ‘answers. Genesl Is neerested in whatever process gets i clos- fest to the dawn of Truth Fe Is Intevestee In recogriaing the Truth and he is ingerested in living the Truth. H's a-z and muse of swon- ty years and more are mere droppings of evidence of this process left behind lice old skis and « can't possiby gauge the inner gant steps, Generis hre mace on his journey towards the Absolute Genesis P-Orridge is froe to follow new insigts on vistas ef long ing for the Truth because he doesnt hold cn to nastaige self- ccbsession The art and music world neecs ro follow bis laa ‘Larry Thrasher, ex Psychic TV current member Thee Majesty Mardin Atkins, Piface Invisible Records "Gen. you must be rotarded gerseior maybe youre ia anoth- “Charles Manson, musician and social scapegoat 1 the wordy 19: dascribe the acti of Ganas Gre. But we wil VLE. BV. SICK AND CEPRAVED ae uss fw that came te mn iorial, The People Newspaper, Landan “Genes P-Orridge is trickster In the cruest senso of che ‘word, Repeatedly hurling himsalf into 2 dangercus psycho, sexu al and social turritery, he's overshot the Binaries of strnight/queer, echicalfpervarted; shamawscientst; maletfemale ‘wildiwise For his pains, this gorgeous creature has spurrad some ‘of the more crucial eveural trends of the lsc cantury” ~Scatt Treleaven, writer an filmmaker, The Salivation Army “have aly "ad huge admirer f= Gene Working wi hi a rg erating ind inepring experience znd i great ate onus to realy Te he's xe a masave influence an contemporary cultare and + one of che vey fv aerts who can sulysubeere ye liber tgenda™ ‘Danie! Miler, Mute Records PAINFUL ACKNOWLEDGEMEANTS, This book has required unceasing and meticulous attention to detail. As a result | have been immersed to the exclusion of almost everything else, existing in a strange form of voluntary sensory deprivation and socially disconnected isolation. To all whose appointments I missed, Phone calls | left unanswered, emails unread and birthdays and weddings misplaced, | apolo- gise and thank you for endless and sincere forgiveness. A fond farewell to Don Goede, with whom | have became bonded in a most intensely personal creative process, often working until the dawn garbage chorus. Finally, and most important of all, it is then, with happy con trition and sincere appreciation at her patience and understanding at my prolonged absences, that | thank, with all my heart, my soulmate and artistic partner in crime, Miss Jackie Breyer P-Orridge. FABULOUS ACKNOWLEDGEMEANTS Delving into one's life and creative autput from the early ‘60s until the present is a most. peculiar and intimidating venture. There were times that | questioned my sanity as much as some of the tabloid press! There has also been a great deal of joy and self-discovery. Much of the joy has been due to the readiness with which disparate people offered support, and the reliability with which they donated their valuable time and writing skills to make this book possible. | will never forget the generosity of all those wha wrote especially for the “blurbs.” Their incredible kindness of intent and observation that I experienced as a resule has been. ‘overwhelming. Thank you all so much. Please, dear reader, note thelr names. More gratitude is due Jean-Pierre Turmel and Michael Horowitz for loaning key material from their collections. Te Monee Cazazza; Skot Armstrong; and Michael Gira for their initial encouragement. Ken “Url” Court for stepping into the day to day process of seanning and ceataloguing. To Larry Thrasher; Carl Abrahamsson; Richard Metzger; Paul and Jackie Cecil Miss Jackie; Douglas Rushkoff; Don Goede; Nick Mamatas; Maggie rerk; Ellen Moynihan; David Janik Bengala; Scott Treleaven, Carol Tessitore, Jahn Brien and David Dodson for thel ‘ongoing input as to structure and direction and/or the inspiration of their writings. In partic.

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