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The Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students PDF

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• e 1 era ure • ev1ew SAGE hasb eenp arto ft heg lobaalc ademicco mmunity 1965, since supportihniggh qualirteys earacnh dl eanring thattr ansfosromcsi eatnyd o uru nderstandoifin ngd iidvuals, SAGE groupsa,n dc ultures. ist hei ndependeinntn,o vative, naturhaolm e fora uthoresd,i tors saoncdi etiwehso share ourc ommitmenatn d passino fort hes ociaslc ineces. Finodu tm orea tw:w w.sagepublications.com Connect, DebatEen,g ageo n Methodspace Connecwti tho therre searchearnsd d iscuss yourr esearcihn terests Keepu p witha nnouncementisnt hef ield, fore xamplcea llfso rp aperasn dj obs Discovearn dr evierwe sources Engagew ithf eaturceodn tenstu cha s keya rticlpeosd,c astasn dv ideos Findo uta boutr elevacnotn ferences ande vents broughttoy oub y ($)SAGE Connectitnhge R esearcCho mmunity www.methodspace.com TheL iterature Review A Step-by-GSutiedpe foSrt udents DianRai dley 2ndE dition ($)SAGE LosA ngelIeL so ndoInN ewD elhi SingapoIWr aes hingtDoCn �SAGE LoAsn geIlL eosn dINo enw D elhi SingaIWp aosrhei nDgCt on SAGEP ublicatLitodn s © DianRai dl2e0y1 2 1 OliveYra'rsd 55C itRyo ad Firpsutb lis2h0e0d8 T.hi se diti2o0n1 2 LondoEnC 1Y1 SP Aparftr oamn yf aidre alifnogtr h ep urposoefsr esearocrh SAGEP ublicatIinocn.s privastteu ,do yrc riticoirrs emv ieaws,p ermitutnedde trh e 2455T ellReora d CopyrigDhets,i gannsd P atenAtcst 1,9 88t,h ipsu blication ThousanOda ksC,a lifornia 91320 mayb er eproducsetdo,r eodrt ransmiitnta endyf ormo,rb y anym eanso,n lwyi tthh ep ripoerr missiinow nr itionftg h e SAGEP ublicatIinodniPsav tL td publishoerri snt, h ec aseo fr eprograrpehpirco ducitni on, B 1/11 M ohanC ooperatIinvdeu stArrieaal accordanwciett hh et ermosf l icenciesss uebdyt heC opyright MathurRao ad LicensAignegn cEyn.q uircioensc ernrienpgr oducotuitosni de New Delh1i1 00 44 thostee rmssh oulbde s entto t hep ublishers. SAGEP ublications AsPitaeL- tPda cific 33P ekiSnt re#e0t2 -01 FarE astS quare Singapo0r4e8 763 LibraorfyC ongresCso ntroNlu mber2:0 11944017 BritiLsihb raCrayt aloguiinnP gu blicatdiaotna EditoKra:t iMee tzler Assisteadnitt Aonrn:a H orvai A catalorgeuceo rfdot rh ibso oki sa vailafbrloem Producteidoint Ioarn:A ntcliff theB ritiLsihb rary CopyediRtoosre:m arMyo rlin ProofreaLdoeuri:sH ea mby Marketimnagn ageBre:n G riffin-Sherwood Covedre sigWne:n dyS cott Typesbeyt:C &M Digit(aPl)Ls t d Printaendd b ounbdy C PIg rou(pU K)L td, CroydoCnR,O 4 YY JJ MIX Papefrr om FSC responsisboluer ces ISBN9 78-1-4462-0142-8 FSC•C 013604 www.fsc.org ISBN9 78-1-4462-0(1P4)3 -5 Contents Lisotf t ablaensd f igures IX Acknowledgements x Aboutt hea uthor Xl 1 Introduction 1 Whati sa literatruervei ew? 2 Thel iteratruervei eawt d ifferednetg relee vels 4 Why isi ti mportatnotu ndertaak lei teratruervei ew asp arotf y ourr esearch? 6 Whered ow e findt hel iteratruervei eiwn a dissertation ort hesis? 6 Structuryionugrl iteratruervei ew 20 Task1 .1C hoosian gl iteratruervei eawp proach 20 Summary 21 Overview 21 2 The multiplpeu rposeosf a literaturreev iew 23 Them ultippluer poses 23 Historibcaaclk ground 25 Contemporacroyn text 28 Theoretiucnadle rpinnings 30 Definitioannsdd iscussoifot ne rminoluosgeydi nt her esearch 33 Signallai gnagp i np revioruess earacnhd u sintgh is toj ustify oywonu r 35 Thes ignificaonfca e p roblefomr research 36 Task2 .1R eflectionngy ouro wnr esearch 39 Summary 40 3 Sourceosf i nformatiaonnd conductinsge arches 41 Whati sa literatsueraer ch? 41 Whata ret hep urposoefsa literatsueraer ch? 42 Sourceosfi nformation 43 Thlei terraetvuireew Evaluationngl inseo urceosfi nformation 47 Differentty peosf r esearch 48 Toolfosr findinrge levasnotu rces 49 Thep roceosfsc onductian lgi teratsueraer ch 53 Theu seo fk eyw ordsa ndB oolealno gic 57 Keepinugp tod ateR:S S feedsa nde maiall erts 58 Sociablo okmarking 59 Task3 .1T rackianngd r ecordiynogu rs earch 60 Summary 61 4 Readinagn dn ote-taksitnrga tegies 62 Techniqufoers r eadinegff iciently 63 Criticraela ding 65 Increasyionugr r eadinsgp eed 66 Reasonfosr notet aking 67 Techniqufoers n otet aking 67 Threem ainfo rmatsfo r notet aking 69 Youro wnc omments 69 Handwrittneont evss c omputenro tes 70 Makingc onnectiboentsw eedni fferetnetx tuss:i nkge yw ords 70 Makingc onnectiboentsw eedni fferetnetx ts: a tabulcaorm parison 72 Techniqufoers w ritian gs ummary 73 Task4 .1A pplyintgh ep rinciptloey so urfi eld 78 Summary 78 5 Referenmcaen agemenkte:e pinrge cordasn d organisiinnfgo rmation 79 Managintgh ep rocess 79 A recorodfk eyw ords earches 80 A recorodfb ibliogradpehtiaci ls 81 A personlailb rary 84 Copyrilgehgti slation 84 Bibliograpshoifctawla praec kages 86 Task5 .1R ecorkde epinfogr youro wnr esearch 96 Summary 96 6 Structurtihnegl iteratruervei ew 98 Thep rocessiensv olviendt hec reatioofn lai teratruervei ew 98 Beginnitnogw rite 99 Thes tructuorfte h el iteratruervei ew 100 Developitnhges tructuorfye o urr eview 104 vi Contents Task6 .1St ructuryionugro wnl iteratruervei ew 106 Ther elationbsehtiwpe etnh ei ntroducatnidot nh e literatruervei ew 107 Task6 .2Re flectionngy ouro wnr esearficehl d 116 Summary 117 7 In-tecxitt ations 118 Why dow e reference? 119 Whati sp lagiarism? 119 Whatt ypeo fi nformatiroenq uirae rse ference? 122 Referencisnygs tems 123 Integraanld n on-intergerfearle nces 124 Disciplidniaffreyr enicner eferenctey pe 127 Typeosf c itation 128 Disciplidniaffreyr enicnec itatitoynp e 131 Choicoefr eportivnegr b 132 Disciplidniaffreyr enicner eportivnegr bs 132 Tensoef r eportivnegr b 133 Choicoeft ensien t hec lausoers entenwchee ret he informatiisor ne ported 135 Effectiavned u nacceptacbiltea tions 136 Textm atchinsgo ftwarTeu:r nitin 139 Task7 . 1A nalysirnegf erentceec hniqiuney so ur ownr esearficehl d 140 Summary 140 8 Beincgr itical 141 Thed ifferenbceet weecnr itirceaald inagn dc ritiwcrailt ing 141 Beincgr itiicnaw lr iting 142 How differernets earchaedrosp at c ritiacpaplr oach int heiwrr iting 144 Task8 .1Cr itiwcrailt iinngy ouro wnr esearficehl d 156 Summary 156 9 Foregroundwirnigt evro ice 157 Whati sw ritevro ice? 157 Theo rganisatoifto hnet ext 159 Unattribuatsesde rtifoolnlso webdy s upporfrto m citations 159 Makinge xpliccointn ectiboentsw eecni tations 160 Summarya nde valuatoifos no urcmea terial 160 Overaslulm marya te ndo fs ectioornc hapter 162 Theu seo fp ersonparlo nouns 162 vii Thlei terraetvuireew Thec hoicoefc itatipoant tern 167 Thee valuatpiovtee ntoifad li fferernetp ortivnegr bs 169 Evaluataidvjee ctiavdevse,r basn dp hrases 17 1 A mixturoefe valuatsitvrea tegies 172 Task9 .1Re flectionngt hew riterv'osi cien youro wnr esearch 174 Summary 174 10 Thec ontinuipnrgo cess 175 Thel iteratruervei epwr ocess 175 Referrintgot hel iteratiunyr oeu rd iscusscihoanp ter 177 Task1 0.R1e flectionngm akingt hec onnectiionny so ur ownr esearch 187 Findinsgusp poratn e xistitnhge ory 178 Comparinag n ewm odela nda ne xistitnhge ory 179 Explainian fign dinugs intgh el iterature 180 Contributoifco unr rernets eartcohe xistitnhge ory 181 Interpretthiend ga tau sintgh el iterature 183 Applicatoifto hne ortyot hefi ndings 184 Summary 187 11 sAy stemaltiitce ratruervei ew 188 Whati sa systemaltiitce ratruervei ew? 188 Thep roceosfsc onductian sgy stemaltiitce ratruervei ew 190 Whati sa meta-analysis? 192 Narratisvyen thesis 195 An examploef a systemarteivci ew 198 Appraisoafal systemaltiitce ratruervei ew 200 Task1 1.S1e archifonrg a ndc ritiquai snygs temaltiitce rature revieiwn y ourfi eld 201 Summary 201 Furtherre ading 202 Conclusion 203 Electrognuiicd es 204 References 207 Index 211 viii Liosftt ablaensd f igures Tabl1e. 1 Degreeasn dt hen aturoeft hel iteratruervei ew 5 Tabl2e.1 Them ultippluer posoefsy ourl iteratruervei ew 39 Tabl3e. 1 A recorodfy ourl iteratsueraer c-ha c hecklist 60 Tabl4e. 1 A tabulcaorm parisoofsn o urces 72 Tabl6e. 1 Thel iteratruervei eawr chitecture 105 Tabl6e. 2 An examploeft hea rchitecotfua r lei teratruervei ew 106 Tabl7e. 1 In-terxetfe rencisnygs temasn dt heb ibliography 123 Tabl7e. 2 Integraanldn on-intergerfearle nciens differednits ciplines 128 Tabl7e. 3 Citatitoynp eisn d ifferednits ciplines 131 Tabl7e. 4 Them ostfr equentulsye dr eportivnegr bisn differednits ciplines 133 Tabl9e. 1 Propositiroensaplo nsibainldit teyx tuvaoli ce 167 Tabl9e. 2 Linguissttirca tegtiose hso wd ifferednetg rees ofc ommitment 171 Figur4e. 1 An examploefp attenront es 77 Figur6e. 1 Thel iteratruervei epwr ocess 99 Figur6e. 2 Organisatipoantatle rfonrs t hel iteratruervei ew 102

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