The Litany Jan van Patten Orv Cantor or Cantor: Choir: = SS ee Have mer-cy on as. |, Gad the Fater,crearor of eavea and earth, Cantor: al a ee Hive ery on God she Son, Redsemer ofthe world, Hane ee-cy on we God she Holy Spins, giver of life, Have mer-y on ws Holy, blessed and glorious Tiny EES = == oe = a — = = (aa : lS ini tect oc ua crt betes hp pace aoc ; acelin { ay — = au coo £ —— = = (f = 4 ‘envy, hatred and malice, and ai! un - chavitableness, Save us, good Lard. From sins of thought, word and deed, ftom the al Choir biennial — = = SS } Swe vs, good Lect Fon ig, strom and Meo, ror dis - ese, pestilence aud ———— = : Choi: (= ae ‘mud, und fiom dying unprepared, Save us, goed Lax From false doctrine, ftom = = hardness of heart, rom con - temp of your word and cemmandment, aa om the evel of schism, —— = = = an ae (= > = = — = 31 hw ae er ae — alk choir SAcnly (a= == a §] judgement, Seve us gt tant. || 3a us, Lend Gish by the mystey of you oly inca _——sae ——— Organ nation, by your bir, childhood and o-bedience, by your bap - tis, fasting and temp -ttion, (= = al = | al Sia: aaa = Sve 1, Land Chit. By your ministry in word and work, by your mighty acts of power, and by your ore all sia a 5 Saas eg ae rouching of the kingdom, Save us, Lad Chit. By youragony and wal, by your eross and ESE — -- = = alk sk: (fe ae ead asson sod by yr precios deaand bua Save uted Cut By Your mighy esr (a ee a = Al (== = ae ae aoe os a | etion, by your glorious as -consion and by your sending ofthe Holy Spit, Saye us, Land Chr (ze = - FORTHE CHURCH Choir pet (= —— 4] 4Hlen us, good Loni, govern and direct your holy Church, fil it with love and truth, and seat it ( pees ee == Oni Al 8 5 Pca ene eer ee = ai WAY, rm tk Give your auage pee i : All: 2 ( oe a aa 4] gospel ant ake disciples ofall tensions, Heer we. gpd Love knowl and unde = ee att 7== aS & —— = w PSS ? if standing to bishops, priest and deacons, dat by their life and teaching they may pro -claim your word, ee al stan PSS — ot a ee Pee Ge eee eae Be St = = m Ze Pt eee ee Sa (= Ss = = = = a z = ee eh a, ——— FOR THE STATE Male voices in unison: Heer us, good Lor, Gund ead bless our rulers and grant that they may trstin you, and seek your aS All: © ina T = honour nd glory, Hear a, 80d Lond! BE ree = z nthe same way all verses ofthis par (Male voices}: Bless our comtry, end give grace, wisdom and undecstanding oat n authority ‘lll Hear ws, good Lord ‘Male voices) Sess the Furopean Union, and draw us closer to one another in justice and (reedom, Ally: Hleac us, goed Lord. ‘aie voices): Sless those who udminiser the fav shat they may upinoldjustioe sil, Heur us, ed Lor. {Choir SATB in unison: Bless and Keep all who maimain pence and sefety, {AID: Hear us, good Lord {Choir SA2B in unison} Give to all nations unity, peave and concord, LAD). Hear, good Lord honesty ud tut, FORALL PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS pChoiSATB: ChoirSiA: —— 2 = ——= Hear om, good Lord, Strengthen the taithful, confor and help te fantchearted, raise up those who —— = a == ong, ( = = —B =e == = = fall, and drive out all evil, Hear, good Lond a Jn the same way the next ve verses =the words where the notes chenge are printed bold (Choie S14: Support and encourage all who are in poverty, unemployment or distress, protect those whose ‘work is dagerous, and keepin safety all who travel, (AID: Hear is, 200d Lord (Choir Si): Keep lather, mothers and children united in their family Tie, and give them wisdom and strength in time of stress, (ALD: Hear us, good Lord (Choir 8/4) Heal the sick, care forthe old and lonely, and comfort the be-reaved, (All): Fear us, Good Lord (Choic Sis): Remember the pour who long to hear good news: give us the will. strengthen ther through acts of generous love, (AU); Hear us, good Lord (Chis 8): Show your pity on victims of srt, onthe homeles and the hungy, on prisoners anon ll ‘who lve in far, (Ally ese us, good Lord ee ss = So = Forgive our cnnemies, presecutors and slanderers and turn theis hearts, Hear us, gand Lor = _ooho Organ colle race actin The remaining three verses ofthis part in he same way (Choir SATB) Guide ané direct all who influence others through the writen or the spoken Word, and aspire all who serve mankine in selene, industry an art, (All: Hear us good Lor, (Chout SATB): Bless and keep all your people, (AMD: Hear ws, good Lord (Choir SATB) Teach ns to use the resourees ofthe earth vo your glory, dat all may share in your gooduess aad praise you for your loviag kindness, (All) Hea us, good Lor Choir SAT (Ongan ab) Ss — = ) ‘Saviour ofthe world, forgive our sins, known and un known, things done, and left un - done i ¢ (F === = {grants tse grace of your Holy Spirit that we may a~ mend our ves ac - cording t == a = | See See eae ‘This a setting of "The Litany in Contemporary Language” (L.vany Two) for the Book of Common Prayer “The vers may be sua by aChoiin harmony ~ ins bony nerd - ry «Cant TF aamgby a Cano the lowe chr pas aye elo atrunantalier ‘The texts should be somg naturally, asi spoken. The value of each note is subservienezo the jengtn of the text covered by that note All avclamations tobe sung by Congregation and Choir in unison - the final three aeclamations may be sang ip harmony by the Choir The role of the Organ isa modest one - the sober and repetitive character of Litany does not equ aceompanimest by any mstumnt- in this Zespecsno instrument can match the human voies. However, «given the risks tat come with unaccompanied singing, some instrumental support may unavoidable