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The Linear Theory of Thermoelasticity: Course Held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids July 1972 PDF

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Preview The Linear Theory of Thermoelasticity: Course Held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids July 1972

INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES CO U R S E SAN D L E C T U RES No. 119 IAN N. SNEDDON UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW THE LINEAR THEORY OF THERMOELASTICITY COURSE HELD AT THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICS OF SOLIDS JULY 1972 UDINE 1974 SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN GMBH This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1972 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by Springer-Verlag Wien-New York in 1972 ISBN 978-3-211-81257-0 ISBN 978-3-7091-2648-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2648-6 PRE PAC E This monogpaph is made up of the notes fop the lectupes I gave at the Intepnational Centpe fop Mechanical Sciences in Udine in June 1972. Chaptep I contains a bpief account of the depivation of the basic equations of the lineap theopy of thepmoelasticity. The ppopagation of thepmoelastic waves is consideped in some detail in Chaptep 2, while boundapy-value and initial value ppoblems ape considep ed in the pemaining two chapteps. In Chaptep 3 an ac count is given of coupled ppoblems of thepmoelasticity, and in the final chaptep the methods tpaditionally used in the solution of static ppoblems in thepmoelasticity ape outlined. Since integpal tpansfopm methods ape used whepe apppoppiate, the main ppopepties of the most fpe quently used integpal tpansfopms ape collected togethep in an Appendix. It is my pleasant duty to pecopd hepe my thanks to the officeps of C.I.S.M. and in papticulap to ppofessop Luigi Sobpepo and ppofessop Woclaw OZszak fop inviting me to give the lectupes and fop making my stay in Udine so vepy enjoyable and stimuZating. Udine, June 1972 Ian N. Sneddon CHAPTER I THE BASIC EQUATIONS OF THE LINEAR THEORY OF THERMOELASTICITY 1.1 Introduction The theory of thermo elasticity is concerned with the effect which the temperature field in an elastic solid has upon the stress field in that solid and with the associated ef fect which a stress field has upon thermal conditions in the sol id. In the "classical" theory attention is restricted to perfect ly elastic solids undergoing infinitesimal strains and infinites imal fluctuations in temperature. It turns out that these assump tions are sufficiently strong to justify a purely thermodynamic derivation of the form of the equation of state of an elastic sol id. The resulting equations are linear only if the range of fluc tuation of temperature is such that the variation with tempera ture of the mechanical and thermal constants of the solid may be neglected. In these notes we shall also make the basic assump tion that there exists a state in which all of the components of strain, stress and temperature gradient vanish identically. We shall assume, in addition, that the solid is isotropic. This is not an essential assumption. It is simply one which makes the equations much easier to handle. The correspond- 6 1.1 Introduction ing equations for an isotropic body are still linear - but a good deal more complicated than those derived here. The study of thermal stresses was begun by Duhamel (1838) who derived the additional terms which must be added to the components of the strain tensor when a temperature gradient has been set up in the body. Duhamel's results were re discovered by Neumann (1885) who applied them in a study of the double refracting property of unequally heated glass plates. Neumann also showed that these additional terms in the strain components can be interpreted as meaning that the effect of a non-uniform distribution throughout an elastic solid is equiva lent to that of a body force which is proportional to the tem perature gradient. The defect of the Duhamel-Neumann theory is that although it predicts the effect of a non-uniform temperature field on the strain field, it leads to the conclusion that the process of the conduction of heat through an elastic solid is not affected by the deformation of the solid. Both Duhamel and Neumann were conscious of this defect in their theory and (again, independently) suggested on purely empirical grounds that a term proportional to the time rate of change of the dilatation should be added to the heat-conduction equation. A number of authors no tably Voigt (1910), Jeffreys (1930), Lessen and Duke (1953) and Lessen (1956) adduced thermodynamic arguments to justify the coupled equations postulated by Duhamel and Neumann. The failure 1.1 Introduction 7 of these authors to establish a satisfactory basis for thermoe lasticity stems from their use of classical (i.e. reversible) thermodynamics. For, although the deformation of a perfectly e lastic solid is a reversible process, the diffusion of heat oc curs irreversible so that the derivation of the field equations has to be based on the theory of irreversible processes. The de velopment of a satisfactory theory of irreversible thermodynamics - an excellent account of which is given in de Groot (1952) - provided the tools necessary to establish a proper theory of thermo elasticity. This theory was established by Biot (1956) •. In these lectures we shall be concerned more with the solution of the equations of thermoelasticity than with a full discussion of their derivation. In this first chapter, however, a brief sketch is given of the derivation of the basic field equations and of the variational principles which are their e quivalent. Full accounts are given by Nowacki (1962) and Kovalenko (1969) and a more brief outline by Chadwick (1960). The present discussion leans heavily on the last two works quoted. To facilitate the solution of problems in cylin drical and spherical polar coordinates the equations are derived in terms of these coordinates in § 8. Throughout we have used the notation of Green and Zerna (1954) for the stress tensor, denoting stress components by dij (i,j = 1,2,3) or in particular problems by dxx ,dyy, dzz , 0yz,dxz ,dxy • For the components of the strain tensor we use 8 1.2 The Basic Equations of Thermoelasticity so that for an infinitesimal strain, ~;j E. . = !(DUj + i)Ui) IJ 2 Dx. ax. I J = (i,j 1,2,3). 1.2 The Basic Equations of Thermoelasticity We consider a perfectly elastic solid, initially unstrained, unstressed and at a uniform temperature J~ • When the solid is deformed by either mechanical or thermal means a displacement field U and a non-uniform temperature fieldT are v set up. These in turn lead to a velocity field and a distribu tion of strain and stress described respectively by the strain tensor £ij and the stress tensor dij • Following such a disturb ance of the equilibrium state, energy is transferred from one part of the solid to another by the elastic deformation and by the conduction of heat. The deformation of a perfectly elastic solid is a reversible process but heat conduction takes place irreversibly so the derivation of the partial differential equa tions satisfied by the field quantities has to be based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. If d denotes the density of the solid in the ini tial state and ("1 ,"2, "3) the components of the velocity vector v the conservation of mass is expressed by the equation 1.2 The Basic Equations of Thermoelasticity 9 (1.2.1) where (x ,Xa,Xg) are the coordinates of a typical field point 1 and is the operator of convective time differentiation. Similarly, the conservation of "linear momen tum is expressed by the three equations (1~) = (i 1,2,3) (1.2.2) where (X1,X2,X3) are the components of the body force per unit mass. If we denote by Q the rate at which heat is gener ated (perunitvolume) by internal sources and introduce the heat flux vector "if = (q1 ,Q2,Q3) the equation expressing the conser vation of energy is i) ()q. = oX· ". + -ax. (V. d.·) - _axI. + Q • (1.2.3) 1 1 1 IJ J I (1~) The summation convention is used consistently throughout these notes 1.2 The Basic Equations of Thermoelasticity 10 The final equation of the set expresses the sec ond law of thermodynamics. If U denotes the specific (~~) in ternal energy and S the specific entropy of the system we have the equation (1.2.4) If we form the scalar produce of both sides of the vector equation (1.2.2) with the velocity vector vwe find that and substracting this equation from (1.2.3) that DU = 6 .. _Ov_· aq· + Q • I ___I Dt IJ ax. Ox. J 1 From the symmetry of the stress tensor we deduce that (a". ()Vj) a,,· = 1 ff .. _ax_.I -6. . ---.!. + -ax. 2 OX· IJ I) J J 1 so that this last equation may be written in the form ( ~<) It should be observed that"specific" means "per unit vo lume" throughout.

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