1 The Light of Sunnah vs. The Darkness of Bid’ah, according to the Qur`an and Sunnah [The Way of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as opposed to innovation in religion] By Dr. Sa’eed ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani ةنسلاو باتكلا ءوض يف ةـعدبلا تاـمـلظو ةـنسلا روــن يناطحقلا فهو نب يلع نب ديعس :ىلاعت الله ىلإ ريقفلا فيلأت Translation (with some adaptations), Introduction and Notes by Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle يلربا نيدلا ءايض ناملـــس وبأ 2 Contents TRANSLATOR’S INTRODUCTION .......................................... 3 AUTHOR’S INTRODUCTION ................................................... 5 LIGHT OF SUNNAH ................................................................. 7 Meaning of Sunnah ..................................................................... 7 The names of Ahl-as-Sunnah and their characteristics ............... 9 The Sunnah is a complete and absolute blessing ...................... 13 The Status of the Sunnah .......................................................... 14 DARKNESS OF BIDAH .......................................................... 17 The meaning of Bid’ah ............................................................. 17 Conditions for deeds of worship to be accepted ....................... 20 Condemnation of Bid’ah in the Religion .................................. 21 Examples from the Sayings of the Followers of the Companions (Taba’een) and those after them ............................................... 28 The causes of Bid’ah................................................................. 29 Kinds of Bid’ah ......................................................................... 39 Ruling about Bid’ah in Religion ............................................... 43 Various kinds of Bid’ah at the Graves ...................................... 46 Some modern forms of Bid’ah that are widespread ................. 48 The kinds of blessings that we are not allowed to seek ............ 66 Some Other Examples: ............................................................. 70 The Repentance of the Innovator .............................................. 71 The consequences of Bid’ah and its harms ............................... 73 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................... 82 GLOSSARY .................................................................. 82 3 In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent in Mercy, the Most Merciful TRANSLATOR’S INTRODUCTION Strict adherence to the Way (Sunnah) of Allah’s Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, may the salutations, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and its corollary of absolute avoidance of all forms of falsehood, superstitions, fabrications and innovated ways in religion (Bid’ah), is one of the most critical fundamentals of the religion of Islam. This is so readily apparent for those whom Allah has chosen to guide that it appears self-evident along with the definition of Islam as humble submission to Allah, a simple tautology. Yet unfortunately many are ignorant of the basics of Islam and, therefore, they fall prey to the propaganda of various sectarian transmitters and the corruptions of previous religions. Some of the innovators may even have what they claim are good intentions but this does not lessen the danger of the innovation and the damage it causes through misguidance and corruption among the masses. For instance, the Christians innovated for themselves celibacy and asceticism. Despite their good intentions this unlegislated and unnatural state has had innumerable consequences and ramifications among their followers leading to much corruption that remain evident even until today, the age of secularism among the majority of them. Allah the Exalted said: َةْفرَ مهِمع َع َّتا نََيََِّا ِِمل مق فِ اَنلْعَجَوَ لَينِْْلِْْا مهاَن يْ َتآَوَ َيََرْمَ نِْبا ىسَ يعِِب اَن يْفَّ َقوَ اَنِلسمرمِب مْهِرِثََآَ ىَلعَ اَن يْفَّ َق َّثُم ﴿ ﴾ اهَِتََاعَرِ قَّحَ اهَِْعَرَ امََة للََِّّا نِاَِضْ رِ َءاَغِتْبا لََِّّإ مْهِيَْلعَ اهَاَن عْ َتكَ امَ اهَِمعدََت ْبا َّيِناَعهْرَوَ َحْْرَوَ “Then, following their footsteps, We sent Our messengers and followed them with Jesus, the son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel. And We placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him and monasticism they innovated – We did not prescribe it for them except that 4 they were seeking the pleasure of Allah. But they did not observe it with due observance.” (57:27) For education and information a book like the one before the reader is an excellent primer to introduce the subject of Sunnah and Bid’ah, their definitions, and some of the most important issues that a Muslim needs to navigate in the perilous world of misinformation, trials and temptations. We ask for the author and ourselves and for the readers, the guidance of Allah to His bounty, mercy, forgiveness and salvation. We have adapted some of the phrases to make the English version flow better and have made a few stylistic and organizational changes. For this reason we have qualified the translation with the words “with some adaptations.” All the footnotes are of the author except those sections within brackets and beginning with the capitals TN [Translator’s Note]. A glossary has been provided for some of the terms and proper nouns used by the author. My gratitude goes to the Al-Rabwa Office for Islamic Call and Guidance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (website: www.islamhouse.com) for assistance in the preparation of this booklet. My special gratitude goes to Um Salman for continual encouragement and detailed scrutiny, criticism and review of the work. May Allah give all of them the great reward for all their good deeds and for engaging in the work that pleases their Lord, Most Majestic, and promoting the revitalization of His divine religion Islam. Any mistakes and lapses are my own for which I am solely responsible. I would welcome any constructive criticism to correct shortcomings and improve the work. The electronic version is free to download for personal study but all printed and published versions have specific commercial rights attached to them considering the investments involved. Infringing upon these brotherly Muslim rights by copying, printing, publishing and distribution for commercial reasons is forbidden and punishable. If one wishes to help in the printing, publishing and distribution of the book for the pleasure of Allah, seeking His reward, please contact the English Department of the Al-Rabwa Office for Islamic Call and Guidance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (email: [email protected] ) or contact me personally for specific authorized permission, directions, comments and constructive criticism. Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle [email protected] 5 AUTHOR’S INTRODUCTION The praise is for Allah, we praise Him and seek aid and forgiveness from Him and seek refuge in Him from the evil of ourselves and the wicked consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide; and whoever is misguided, none can guide thereafter. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah (nothing has the right to be worshipped except Him) who is alone without partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. This is a summarized booklet about the light of the Sunnah and the darkness of the Bid’ah, wherein I have clarified the meaning of Sunnah, the names and titles of Ahl-as-Sunnah, that the Sunnah is altogether absolutely blessed, the standing of the Sunnah, the status of the people of Sunnah and their outward signs and traits, the meaning and standing of Bid’ah, the status of the people of Bid’ah, the conditions for the acceptance of worship, reproach of Bid’ah in religion, the reasons for its occurrence, kinds of Bid’ah at the gravesites and other places, common modern types of Bid’ah, effects of Bid’ah and its harmful consequences. There is no doubt, whatsoever, that the Sunnah gives life and light by which there is happiness and guidance for the slave of Allah. By the Sunnah people progress, even if they are sluggish in performing good deeds. As Allah said: ﴾ دَُِّسَْتوَ ٌهِ جموم ضُّ َي عْ َت مَِْ ََ﴿ “On the Day some faces will become white and some faces will become black…” (3:106) Ibn Abbas, may Allah be please with them, said about this verse of Allah: قرفتلاو ةعدبلا لهأ هوجو دوستو ،فلاتئلااو ةنسلا لهأ هوجو ضيبت “The faces of Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (the People of the [Prophet’s] Way and the Unified Group) are made white (brightened) but the faces of the people of Bid’ah (innovation) and dissention are made black (darkened).” 1 The person of the Sunnah is enlivened and enlighted by his obedience to the commands of Allah and by his following the way of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, internally and externally. But the person of Bid’ah (innovation) is dead and dark in his heart such that the darkness envelops his whole self. So they live in the darkness. Thus if Allah wishes true happiness for a person, He guides him out of these layers of darkness to the light of the Sunnah. 2 1 Mentioned by Ibn Qayyim in Ijtima al-Juyoosh al-Islami 2/39 [TN And by many others in the exegesis of the Qur`an like Ibn Jauzi, al-Baghawi, al-Qurtubi, ibn Katheer and others]. 2 See Ibn Qayyim in Ijtima al-Juyyoosh al-Islami 2/38-41. 6 As evident from the Table of Contents, I have divided this booklet into two sections and under each section there are various topics. I ask Allah the Almighty and Majestic to bless this work and make it solely for His Magnificent Face; and make it beneficial for me in my life and after my death; and make it beneficial for all those who come upon it. Indeed He is the Best One who is supplicated and hoped for and He is sufficient for us. He is the Best of Trustees. There is no power or strength except by Allah the Exalted and Great. And may the peace and blessings be upon His Slave and Messenger, the best and the chosen one of His creation, our Prophet Muhammad, and on his family and companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Resurrection. Dr. Sa’eed ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani Wednesday 17/10/1419 7 LIGHT OF SUNNAH Meaning of Sunnah The Sunnah has its people (Ahl) who have creed and faith (Aqeedah) and unity upon the truth (Jamaa’ah), thus it is appropriate here to define these three words of the saying “Aqeedah Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. 3 1. Aqeedah in the Arabic language and Islamic terminology This word is taken from Aqd, which is a bond and knot tied with strength. From this is the meaning of ruling with finalization and completeness, being combined with tightness, tying a knot with firmness, binding a contractual agreement and, of course, Aqd is opposite to untying. In the Islamic terminology Aqeedah means firmly determined faith and decisive ruling that has no doubt about it. It is what a person believes, holds dearly and firmly in his heart and takes as his ideology and religion. The Aqeedah may be correct, like the Aqeedah of the Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, or incorrect, like the Aqeedah of the deviant misguided sects. 2. Meaning of Ahl-as-Sunnah The word Sunnah means ways, manners and behavior, whether good or bad, attractive or ugly. The meaning of the Sunnah to the scholars of Islamic Aqeedah is the guidance that the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, and his companions were upon in their knowledge, belief, sayings and actions. This is the Sunnah that is obligatory to follow and to which one must adhere strictly. The people of the Sunnah are praiseworthy and those that act contrary are blameworthy. Upon this meaning it is said that a person is of the people (Ahl) of Sunnah, meaning the good, straight and praiseworthy way.4 Al-Hafizth ibn Rajab said: “The Sunnah is the pathway that is followed and this includes what the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, and his rightly guided successors (Caliphs) were upon in their beliefs, actions and sayings, and this is the complete Sunnah.”5 Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah said, may Allah have mercy upon him: “The Sunnah is that which has a clear legal proof established for its legality as obedience to Allah and His Messenger, whether it was an action of the Messenger of Allah himself, peace and blessings be upon him, or it was done during his time and he acknowledged it, or even if he himself did not do it during his time nor it was done because there was no necessity at that time to do this action or there was a factor which inhibited its performance.”6 Upon this the Sunnah is “following the way, actions and sayings of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, 3 [TN The author will mention the meaning of “ Sunnah” below and for more on various usages see the introduction.] 4 See Nasr al-Aql, Mabaahith fi Aqeedat Ahl-as-Sunnah, p.13. 5 Jame’ al-Uloom wal-Hikam 1/120. 6 Majmu al-Fataawa 21/317. 8 internally and externally, and following the way of the foremost companions from the Muhajireen and Ansar (Emigrants and Helpers).”7 3. Meaning of Jamaa’ah In the Arabic language the root word is Jama’ whose meanings revolve around collection, combination, unity, assembly, gathering and congregation, which is opposite to separation and division. Ibn Faris, may the mercy of Allah be upon him, said: Jeem, Meem and Ain is the root that indicates joining together and it is said, I gathered these things Jam’an. [Mu’jam Maqayis al- Lughah, in the letter Jeem]. In the Islamic terminology the Jamaa’ah are the predecessors of this community and nations of believers, of the companions (Sahaabah), the followers (Taba’een) and those that followed them in goodness until the Day of Resurrection, who unite on the clear truth of the Qur`an and the Sunnah.”8 Ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said: كدحو تنك نإو قحلا قفاو ام ةعامجلا “The Jamaa’ah is what conforms to the truth even if you are alone.” Nu’aim ibn Hammad said: “This means that if the Jamaa’ah has become corrupted then you must adhere to what the Jamaa’ah was upon before it became corrupted, for by this you are the Jamaa’ah.”9 7 Majmu al-Fataawa 3/157. 8 See Ibn Abil Izz, Sharh al-Aqeedat-at-Tahaawiyyah, p. 68; and Ibn Taymiyyah, Sharh al-Aqeedat-al-Waasitiyyah, authored by al-Allaamah Muhammad Khaleel Hiraas, p. 61. 9 Mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim in Ighaathat-al-Lahfan 1/70 and reported by al- Baihaqi. [TN Significantly the report by al-Baihaqi in his book al-Madkhal on Amr ibn Maimun al-Auadi reads as follows: تبحص مث ماشلاب بارتلاب هتيراو ىتح هتقراف امف نميلاب اذاعم تبحص يدولأا نوميم نب رمع لاق هتعمس مث ةعامجلا ىلع الله دي نإف ةعامجلاب مكيلع لوقي هتعمسف دوعسم نب الله دبع سانلا هقفأ هدعب يهف اهتاقيمل ةلاصلا اولصف اهتيقاوم نع ةلاصلا نورخؤي ةلاو مكيلع ىليس لوقي وهو مايلأا نم اموي تلق كاذ امو لاق نوثدحت ام ىردأ ام دمحم باحصأ اي تلق لاق ةلفان كل اهنإف مهعم لصو ةضيرفلا ةعامجلا عم لصو ةضيرفلا يهو كدحو ةلاصلا لص يل لوقت مث اهيلع ينضحتو ةعامجلاب ينرمأت لاق لا تلق ةعامجلا ام يردت ةيرقلا هذه لهأ هقفأ نم كنظأ تنك دق نوميم نب ورمع اي لاق ةلفان يهو نبا لاقف ةياور يفو كدحو تنك نأو قحلا قفاو ام ةعامجلا نأو ةعامجلا اوقراف سانلا روهمج نا الله ةعاط قفاو ام ةعامجلا نأو ةعامجلا اوقراف سانلا روهمج نأ كحيو يذخف ىلع برضو دوعسم تنك نأو دسفت نأ لبق ةعامجلا هيلع تناك امب كيلعف ةعامجلا تدسف اذإ ينعي دامح نبا ميعن لاق ىلاعت ذئنيح ةعامجلا تنأ كنإف كدحو “I was the companion of Mu’adth in Yemen and I did not leave him until he died and we buried him in Sham (greater Syria) and then I was the companion of the most knowledgeable in jurisprudence after him, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, and I heard him say, ‘Adhere to the congregation (or United Group) for verily Allah’s hand protects the congregation,’ and then I heard him say one day, ‘There will come a time when the leaders will delay the prayers from their proper times, so pray in the proper times and this is the obligatory prayer and then pray with them 9 The names of Ahl-as-Sunnah and their characteristics 1. Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (The People of the Way and Unified Group) They are the people who are upon that which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and his companions were upon, adhering closely to the Sunnah and the way of the companions, followers and the leader of jurisprudence who followed them. They are the people who remain steadfast upon the straightforward way of these predecessors and avoid innovation in religion, no matter in what era or land. A group of them will remain victorious until the Day of Resurrection. They are called Ahl-as-Sunnah because they identify with the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and are unanimous about taking from the Sunnah, in both external and internal affairs and in sayings, deeds and beliefs. 10 Auf ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ىراصنلا تقرتفاو ،رانلا يف نوعبسو ةنجلا يف ةدحاوف ةقرف نيعبسو ىدحإ ىلع د وهيلا تقرتفا” هديب د محم س فن يذلاو ،ةنجلا يف ةدحاوو رانلا يف ةقرف نيعبسو ىدحإف ةقرف نيعبسو نيتنث ىلع “رانلا يف نوعبسو ناتنثاو ةنجلا يف ةدحاو ،ةقرف نيعبسو ث لاث ىلع يتمأ نَّ قرِ تفْ ت ل “ةعامجلا” :لاق ؟مه نم ،الله لوسر اي :ليق The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one will enter Paradise and seventy will enter Hellfire. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one will enter Hellfire and one will enter Paradise. By Him in Whose and that will be a supererogatory prayer for you.’ I said, ‘O you companion of Muhammad (the Prophet) I don’t understand what you are talking about?’ He said, ‘And what’s that?’ I said, ‘You commanded me to adhere to the congregation (and United Group) and encouraged me in this and then you say pray alone and that is the obligatory prayer and then pray in congregation and that will be a supererogatory prayer, He said, ‘O Amr ibn Maimoon, I thought you understood more than anyone else in this town. Do you know what is the congregation?’ I said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘The majority of the people have left the (proper) congregation (or United Group) since it is what corresponds to the truth even if you are alone.’” And in another version of the narration, “Ibn Mas’ud struck my thigh and said, ‘Woe to you, the majority have left the congregation and it is what corresponds to obedience of Allah the Exalted.” The sub-narrator Nu’aim said, ‘This means that when the congregation has become corrupted then go to what the congregation was doing before it became corrupted even if you are all alone since you are the congregation then.’”] 10 See Nasr al-Aql, Mubaahith fil Aqeedah, p. 13-14; Muhammad al-Uthaimeen, Fath Rabb al-Bariyah bi Takhlees al-Hamawiyyah, p. 10; Salih al-Fouzan, Sharh al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah, p. 10. 10 hand my soul is, my community (Ummah) will split into seventy- three sects, one will enter Paradise and seventy-two will enter Hellfire. Someone asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah who are they?’ He replied, ‘Al- Jamaa’ah (Unified Group).’11 And in another version narrated by Abdullah ibn ‘Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, the wording ends as follows: يباحصأو هيلع انأ ام” :لاق ؟الله لوسر اي يه نمو :اولاق “Someone asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah who are they?’ He replied: ‘What I and my companions are upon.’”12 2. Al-Firqat-an-Naajiyah (The Saved Sect). This is taken from the text of the narration which says: ةدحاو لاإ رانلا يف اهلك “All of them are in the Hellfire except for one.” 13 3. At-Taa`ifat-al-Mansurah (Victorious Group) Mu’awiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: مهفلاخ وأ مهلذخ نم مه ر ضي لا الله رمأب ةمئاق يتمأ نم ةفئاط لازت لا سانلا ىلع نورهاظ مهو الله رمأ يتأي ىتح “There will remain a group of my nation that will be steadfast upon the command of Allah and those that abandon them or oppose them will not harm them until the command of Allah comes and they will be prevailing upon the 11 Reported by Ibn Majah 2/13, no. 3992 and this is his wording, and Abu Da`ud 4/194, no. 4596. Al-Albani verified it as authentic in Sahih ibn Majah 2/364 12 At-Tirmidthi 5/26, no. 2641 [TN The wording is significant since the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ةينلاع همأ ىتأ نم مهنم ناك نإ ىتح لعنلاب لعنلا وذح ليئارسإ ينب ىلع ىتأ ام يتمأ ىلع نيتأيل ثلاث ىلع يتمأ قرتفتو ةلم نيعبسو نيتنث ىلع تقرفت ليئارسإ ينب نإو كلذ عنصي نم يتمأ يف ناكل يباحصأو هيلع انأ ام لاق الله لوسر اي يه نمو اولاق ةدحاو ةلم لاإ رانلا يف مهلك ةلم نيعبسو “There will come on my nation exactly as what came upon the sons of Israel, just as one shoe copies the other, even to the extent that if there were one who pounced upon his mother openly (in adultery) from among them, there would be someone in my nation who will do likewise. The sons of Israel divided into seventy-two sects and my nation will divide into seventy-three sects, all of which are in the Hellfire except one. They asked, ‘Which one is it, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said: ‘The one that is on what I and my companions are upon’.” This has been declared good by al-Albani for its pathways and supporting evidence] 13 See Salih al-Fauzan, Usool Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, p. 11.