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JOURNALOFGEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL.X,XXXX,DOI:10.1029/2016JGRXXXXX,2016 The life cycle of a coherent Lagrangian Agulhas ring Y. Wang1, F. J. Beron-Vera2 and M. J. Olascoaga1 Abstract. We document the long-term evolution of an Agulhas ring detected from satel- lite altimetry using a technique from nonlinear dynamical systems that enables objec- tive (i.e., observer-independent) eddy framing. Such objectively detected eddies have La- grangian (material) boundaries that remain coherent (unfilamented) over the detection period. The ring preserves a quite compact material entity for a period of about 2 years even after most initial coherence is lost within 5 months after detection. We attribute 6 this to the successive development of short-term coherent material boundaries around 1 the ring. These boundaries provide effective short-term shielding for the ring, which pre- 0 vents a large fraction of the ring’s interior from being mixed with the ambient turbu- 2 lent flow. We show that such coherence regain events cannot be inferred from Eulerian n analysis. This process is terminated by a ring-splitting event which marks the ring demise, a near the South American coast. The genesis of the ring is characterized by a ring-merging J event away from the Agulhas retroflection, followed by a 4-month-long partial coherence 7 stage, scenario that is quite different than a simple current occlusion and subsequent eddy pinch off. ] h p 1. Introduction the Cape Basin, which is in line with the fast decay of the - o ring’s SSH anomaly amplitude. Beyond the Walvis Ridge a a The long-term ability of Agulhas rings detected from large fraction of the ring (about 6×104 km3, correspond- . satellitealtimetrymeasurementsofseasurfaceheight(SSH) ing to a 2-km-deep, 200-km-diameter ring) is observed to s to maintain Lagrangian (i.e., material) coherence has been preserve a compact Lagrangian entity far beyond the the- c i demonstrated using satellite ocean color imagery [Lehahn oretical Lagrangian coherence horizon. This is shown to s et al., 2011]. This suggests a long-term transport ability becausedbysuccessiveshort-termcoherenceregainevents. y for such rings, which has been the subject of recent inves- Demise of the ring eventually occurs, triggered by a ring h tigation using nonlinear dynamical systems techniques that splitting event, after a rapid decay of the area enclosed by p enable objective (i.e., observer-independent) framing of La- theshort-termcoherentLagrangianloopsthatprovidedthe [ grangiancoherence. Usingtheovertwo-decade-longaltime- interiorfluidshieldingfromturbulentmixingwiththeambi- 1 tryrecord,Wangetal.[2015]foundthatlong-lived(ofupto entfluidalongtheringpath. Notalloftheseaspectsofthe v atleast1yearofduration)ringshavesmall(about50kmin evolution of the ring are inferable from Eulerian analysis of 0 diameter)coherentLagrangiancores,suggestingafastdecay SSH, which although signals coherence gain upon crossing 6 fortherings. Ontheotherhand,theyfoundthatsuchcores theWalvisRidge,suggestsslowdecaythereafter. Itisnoted 5 carry a small (about 30%) fraction of water traceable into finally that even if this behavior generalizes to all Agulhas 1 the Indian Ocean. The two findings together question the rings,whichneedstobeverified,theirlong-rangetransport 0 long-range ability of rings in transporting Agulhas leakage. ability is still limited. . In turn, Froyland et al. [2015] found that the rings decay The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Geodesic 1 slowly, enabling long-range Agulhas leakage transport, and eddy detection is briefly reviewed in Section 2, which con- 0 thatthisisinferablefromtheEulerianfootprintsoftherings tains basic information of the altimetry dataset and some 6 on SSH. numerical details. The life cycle of the ring is described 1 The goal of the present paper is to bridge the gap be- in Sections 3–5. Implications for transport are discussed in : tweentheaboveseeminglycontradictingresultsbycarrying Section 6. Finally, Section 7 includes concluding remarks. v out a detailed objective investigation of the genesis, evolu- i X tion, and decay of the ring priorly investigated by Froyland et al. [2015]. This is done using Haller and Beron-Vera’s 2. Geodesic eddy detection r [2013; 2014] technique, which enables optimal detection of a rings with Lagrangian boundaries that exhibit no signs of We are concerned with fluid regions enclosed by excep- filamentation over the coherence assessment time interval. tional material loops that defy the exponential stretching Lagrangian coherence is found to emerge quite sponta- that a typical loop will experience in turbulent flow. As neouslyfromturbulence,processthatdiffersfromtheideal- Haller and Beron-Vera [2013, 2014] have shown, such loops ized scenario in which an Agulhas ring forms as a result of have small annular neighborhoods exhibiting no leading- the occlusion of, and subsequent pinch off from, the Agul- order variation in averaged material stretching. hasretroflection. Thisinitialcoherenceisrapidlylostwithin 1DepartmentofOceanSciences,RosenstielSchoolofMarineandAtmosphericScience,UniversityofMiami,Miami,Florida, USA. 2DepartmentofAtmosphericSciences,RosenstielSchoolofMarineandAtmosphericScience,UniversityofMiami,Miami, Florida,USA. Copyright2016bytheAmericanGeophysicalUnion. 0148-0227/16/2016JGRXXXXX$9.00 1 X - 2 WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING Morespecifically,solvingthisvariationalproblemreveals 2013,2014;Beron-Veraetal.,2015;Wangetal.,2015;Kar- that the loops in question are uniformly stretching: any of rasch et al.,2014]andasoftwaretoolisnowavailable[Onu their subsets are stretched by the same factor λ under ad- et al., 2015]. Here we set the grid width of the computa- vection by the flow from time t to time t. The time t tionaldomainto0.1kmcontainingthering,whichenabled 0 0 positionsofλ-stretchingmaterialloopsturnouttobelimit us to push the Lagrangian coherence detectability horizon cycles of one of the following two equations for parametric close to 1.5 years. All integrations were carried out using a curves s(cid:55)→x (s): step-adaptingfourth/fifth-orderRunge–Kuttamethodwith 0 interpolations done with a cubic method. (cid:115) (cid:115) dx λ (x )−λ2 λ2−λ (x ) ds0 = λ (x2 )0−λ (x )ξ1(x0)± λ (x )−1λ (0x )ξ2(x0). 3. Lagrangian coherence detection 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 (1) Here λ (x ) < λ2 < λ (x ), where {λ (x )} and {ξ (x )}, Webeginbyapplyinggeodesiceddydetectionont0 =31 1 0 2 0 i 0 i 0 March 1999, date by which the ring in question is in a suf- satisfying ficiently mature Lagrangian coherence stage. On that date 1 the ring is found inside the region indicated by the square 0<λ1(x0)≡ λ (x ) <1, ξi(x0)·ξj(x0)=δij i,j =1,2, in the left panel of Fig. 1a. Geodesic eddy detection was 2 0 carried out over t through t = t +T for Lagrangian co- (2) 0 0 herence time scale T increasing from 30 d in steps of 30 d are eigenvalues and (normalized) eigenvectors, respectively, out to 480 d, the longest T from which it was possible to of the Cauchy–Green tensor, extract a coherent Lagrangian eddy boundary. This is a very long Lagrangian coherence time scale, consistent with Ct (x ):=DFt (x )(cid:62)DFt (x ), (3) t0 0 t0 0 t0 0 thestatementabovethattheringisinamatureLagrangian coherencestageonthedetectiondate. Infact,buildingma- an objective (i.e., independent of the observer) measure of terial coherence takes a few months, as we show in Section material deformation, where Ft : x (cid:55)→ x(t;x ,t ) is the t0 0 0 0 5. Application of geodesic eddy detection as just described flow map that takes time t positions to time t positions of 0 resulted in a nested family of Lagrangian boundaries with fluid particles, which obey coherence time scale increasing inward. Theextractedboundariesareindicatedinredonthede- dx =v(x,t), (4) tection date in Fig. 1a (the right panel shows a blow-up dt of the region indicated by the rectangle in the left panel). For each T considered there is a nested family of λ-loops; where v(x,t) is a divergenceless two-dimensional velocity the loop shown is the outermost one in each family. For field. T between 30 and 210 d the loops have λ = 1; for T in- Limitcyclesof (1)eithergroworshrinkunderchangesin creasing from 210 d, λ increases from 1.05 to 1.75. Thus λ,formingsmoothannularregionsofnonintersectingloops. as T increases the largest fluid area enclosed by a coherent The outermost member of such a band of material loops material loop shrinks and the ability of a loop to reassume is observed physically as the boundary of a coherent La- itsinitialarclengthdiminishes,reflectingthattheringturns grangian eddy. Limit cycles of (1) tend to exist only for unstable after a sufficiently long time. λ ≈ 1. Material loops characterized by λ = 1 resist the The outer, shorter-lived boundaries provide a shield to universallyobservedmaterialstretchinginturbulence: they the inner, longer-lived boundaries surrounding the core of reassume their initial arclength at time t. This conser- the coherent Lagrangian ring. This is evident in the suc- vation of arclength, along with enclosed area preservation cessive advected images of the boundaries under the flow. (whichholdsbyassumption),producesextraordinarycoher- These are shown in Figs. 1b–f on selected dates over more ence[Beron-Veraetal.,2013]. Finally,limitcyclesof (1)are than 2 years of evolution (an animation including monthly (null) geodesics of the generalized Green–Lagrange tensor snapshots is supplied as supporting information Movie 1 at Ct (x )−λ2Id, which must necessarily contain degenerate https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6qr2bkrqtiltkr/SI1.mov?dl=0). pot0ints0ofCt (x )whereitseigenvectorfieldisisotropic. For An advected boundary is depicted red when it is within t0 0 this reason the above procedure is known as geodesic eddy its theoretical Lagrangian coherence horizon and light blue detection. when is beyond it. As expected, no noticeable signs of fila- The specific form of the velocity field considered here is mentation are observed up to that time scale. The filamen- given by tation observed beyond the coherence horizon reveals that v(x,t)= g∇⊥η(x,t), (5) theevolutionoftheringischaracterizedbyadecayprocess f Fig. 1g shows the area enclosed by the largest coherent Lagrangianboundaryasafunctionofthegeographicallon- where g is the acceleration of gravity, f stands for Corio- gitudetakenbytheringasittranslateswestward. Notethe lis parameter, and η(x,t) is the SSH, taken as the sum of a drop,nearlyexponential,beforetheringreachestheWalvis (steady)meandynamictopographyandthe(transient)alti- Ridgeandtheslowdecaythereafter. Indeed,withinthefirst metricSSHanomaly. Themeandynamictopographyiscon- 5monthstheareachangesfromabout4.5×104 to7.5×103 structedfromsatellitealtimetrydata,in-situmeasurements, km2 (or the mean diameter from roughly 240 to 100 km), and a geoid model [Rio and Hernandez, 2004]. The SSH yetoverthefollowing11monthstheareadecaysveryslowly anomalyisprovidedweeklyona0.25◦-resolutionlongitude– atarateofnomorethan15km2d−1untilvanishing. Nearly latitude grid. This is referenced to a 20-year (1993–2012) 90% of the ring interior loses its initial material coherence mean, obtained from the combined processing of data col- prior to crossing the Walvis Ridge. lected by altimeters on the constellation of available satel- Therapiddecayofthering’smaterialcoherenceisnotre- lites [Le Traon et al., 1998]. flectedinthetopologyofthetotalaltimetricSSHfield,but Forthepurposeofthepresentinvestigationwehavecho- isaccompaniedbyasimilarrapiddecayintheSSHanomaly sen to focus on the ring detected and tracked by Froyland amplitude. ThisisillustratedinFig.2,whichdepictsinstan- et al. [2015] over the period 1999–2001. This ring was con- taneous total SSH field streamlines (a) and maximum SSH sideredbyWangetal.[2015]intheircoherenttransportcal- anomaly (b) in the domains occupied by the ring indicated culations. The numerical implementation of geodesic eddy inFigs.1a–f. Firstnotethatthestreamlinesareclosedboth detection is documented at length [Haller and Beron-Vera, beforeandaftertheringcrossestheWalvisRidge,signaling WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING X - 3 Figure 1. (a) Nested family of coherent Lagrangian ring boundaries extracted from altimetry-derived velocity by applying geodesic eddy detection on t = 31 March 1999 inside the region indicated by a 0 rectangle. Each member of the family has a different Lagrangian coherence time scale T ranging from 30 d (outermost) to 480 d (innermost) in steps of 30 d. Selected isobaths (in km) are indicated in gray. Theoutsetisablowupoftheindicatedregion. (b–f)Advectedimagesundertheflow(i.e.,evolution)of thecoherentLagrangianeddyboundariesin(a)onselecteddates. Anadvectedboundaryisdepictedred whenitiswithinitstheoreticalLagrangiancoherencehorizonandinabluetonewhenisbeyondit. The boundary from an additional detection from t with T =65 d is depicted green over the whole tracking 0 process. (g) As a function of longitude, area of the largest domain enclosed by advected boundaries within their theoretical Lagrangian coherence horizon. acoherenteddyfromanEulerianperspective. Furthermore, region filled with streamlines dominates over the transla- the tangential geostrophic velocity at the periphery of the X - 4 WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING Figure 2. (a) Streamlines of the altimetric sea surface height (SSH) field in each rectangular region indicated in (a–f). (b) As a function of longitude, maximum SSH anomaly associated with the ring. tional speed of the region, indicating an eddy capable of stretchesawayfrom,norspiralsinto,theringcore. The65- maintainingacoherentstructure[Flierl,1981]. Second,the dboundaryenclosesabout55%ofthefluidenclosedbythe anomaly falls from about 35 cm in March 1999 to nearly 30-d material boundary on 31 March 1999. Any boundary 20 cm in August 1999, before the ring reaches the Walvis larger than the 65-d boundary is found to develop long fil- Ridge. Similar behavior for other altimetry-tracked rings aments far to the east of the ring as it translates westward within the western Cape Basin was reported by Schouten beyond 2 months or so. Effectively, however, about 70% of et al. [2000]. the fluid enclosed by the 30-d boundary is actually seen to However, a change in SSH anomaly does not necessarily evolve quite coherently for about 2 years. This conclusion implyacorrespondingchangeinmaterialcoherence. Infact, follows from tracking passive tracers lying in between the theamplitudeoftheSSHanomalyrecoverspasttheWalvis 30- and 65-d boundaries. Ridge, reachinginNovember1999almost90%ofitsampli- The enduring Lagrangian coherence of the ring is ex- tudeinMarch1999. BeyondNovember1999,theamplitude plained as a consequence of successive short-term La- of the SSH anomaly falls again, at a rate of about 0.9 cm grangian coherence regain events. To illustrate this, in Fig. month−1. But meanwhile the ring interior loses material 3a we show (in green) selected advected positions of the coherence gradually with no interruption. 65-d boundary. Overlaid on each we depict (in red) a 30- AnincreaseintheSSHamplitudemayneverthelessbein- d boundary identified on the date when the advected 65- dicativeofinteractionwiththebottomtopography. deSteur d boundary is shown. (An animation including monthly and van Leeuwen’s [2009] numerical experiments reveal an snapshots is supplied as supporting information Movie 2 at upward transfer of kinetic energy accompanied by an in- https:/www.dropbox.com/s/tl4f5h8n3upuy9j/SI2.mov?dl=0) creaseoftheSSHamplitudewhenabarocliniceddycrosses For nearly 2 years the advected 65-d boundary is instanta- a meridional ridge. A large vertical extent for the ring can neously closely shadowed by a 30-d boundary, which pro- thusbeexpected, giventhatthecharacteristicdepthofthe vides an effective short-term shield to mixing of the fluid WalvisRidgeisover2km[Byrne et al.,1995]. Suchalarge near and inside the advected 65-d boundary with the am- vertical extent is in line too with in-situ hydrographic ob- bient fluid stirred by turbulence. Furthermore, because a servations [van Aken et al., 2003]. shielding boundary is the outermost member of a nested family of coherent material loops that fill up the ring in- terior, the ring core remains impermeable over such an ex- 4. Enduring Lagrangian coherence tendedperiodaswell. Thisismanifestedbytheincapability ofthe65-dboundarytopenetratetheringcorebyspiralling While filamentation of the ring is observed starting 30 inward. Suchalong-lastingtangentialfilamentationisfound d after detection on 31 March 1999, a large fraction of the toapplyto65-dthrough120-dboundaries. Inotherwords, ring’sfluidpreservesastrikinglycompactentityover2years thematerialbeltdelimitedbythe65-and120-dboundaries of evolution. This is manifested in the evolution of the ma- provides a thick barrier that provides isolation for the fluid terialloopindicatedingreeninFig.1. Thisloopistheout- inside the 120-d boundary. This accounts for 27% of the ermost of a nested family of arclength-reassuming (λ = 1) total fluid trapped inside the ring, which has a diameter of loopsobtainedfromaT =65dcalculation. Beyonditsthe- about 120 km. oretical coherence horizon and for nearly 2 years, this 65- Beyond approximately 2 years filamentation of the ad- d boundary develops only tangential filamentation. More vected65-dboundaryceasestobetangential,signalingmore specifically, even after formal coherence is lost, it neither intense mixing with the ambient fluid. Consistent with this WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING X - 5 Figure 3. (a) In green, advected images on selected dates of the third-to-outermost material loop in Fig. 1a, corresponding to the Lagrangian ring boundary with coherence time scale T = 65 d. In red, shielding boundaries detected from 30- or 15-d integration from the dates shown. (b) Area enclosed by the short-time shielding boundaries as a function of their geographic longitude location. the 30-d boundaries start to shrink, loosing their shielding 480-d boundary on 31 March 1999). By 30 January 1999, power, until no 30-d boundary can be detected (Fig. 3b no boundary with T = −30 d could be extracted, so we shows the area enclosed by the shielding boundaries as a switched to T = −15 d and reduced the detection step to function of longitude position taken). This happens on 19 two weeks. This led to the isolation of 2 boundaries with May 2001. Beyond this date only a 15-d boundary can be T =−30don31and1March1999,and6boundarieswith extracted. Eventuallyby3June2001noshort-termbound- T =−15dfrom30January1999backto16November1998 aryispossibletobeidentified,theringdetectedon31March every 15 d. 1999losesLagrangianentitycompletely,andcanbedeclared Figure4depictsonselecteddatesthesebackwardbound- dead, prior to reaching the South American coast. aries (in red) overlaid on the backward-advected images of Not surprising due to the observer-dependent nature of the forward boundaries extracted on 31 March 1999 (light Euleriananalysis,thedemiseoftheLagrangianringcannot blue). Thebackwardboundaryon31March1999issmaller be inferred from the inspection of the topology of the SSH than the outermost forward boundary on that date, which field. In fact, a compact region of closed SSH streamlines provides only partial shielding for the ring when advected existsevenwhentheringhasvigorouslyfilamented(cf.left- in backward time. Note the filaments stretching away from most SSH contours in Fig. 2a and Fig. 1f). Also, that the the ring into the South Atlantic. areaenclosedbytheshieldingboundarieshasshrunkconsid- A closer look reveals that some filaments spiral inward erablybyFebruary2001explainswhyFroyland et al.[2015] to the center of the ring. This is evident from the inspec- could not extract any coherent sets beyond February 2001. tionofthebackward-advectedimagesof120-dboundaryon ThustheslowdecayreportedbyFroyland et al.[2015]is attributed to the occurrence of successive coherence regain 31 March 1999 (depicted in dark blue in Fig. 4 on selected events. ThisenduringLagrangiancoherenceisnotinferable dates). The inward spiraling of this boundary happens at from a direct application of geodesic eddy detection on a least up to 16 December 1998. fixed date as done in Wang et al. [2015]. Revealing it re- Theshieldingboundariesshrinkconsiderablypast16De- quiresonetoapplyitonsuccessivedates. Theimplications cember1998,andfilamentationofthe120-dboundaryturns of slowly decaying rings for transport are discussed in Sec- both inward and outward spiraling. By 16 November 1998 tion 6 below. the shielding boundary has shrunk considerably and a part ofthe120-dboundaryisseentospiralintoaswirlingstruc- ture from which neither forward- nor backward-time coher- 5. Genesis ent material loops are possible to extract. On 1 November Anattemptwasmadetootoshedlightonthegenesispro- 1998the120-dboundarytakesahighlyconvolutedfilamen- cessoftheringbyapplyingagaingeodesiceddydetectionon tal structure. t =31March1999,butinbackwardtime.1 Thisprocedure The genesis process thus resembles the demise stage but 0 enabledisolatingcoherentLagrangianeddyboundariesonly in reversed time. The ring in question is seen to be the re- with T >−60 d. Because the short-termed forward bound- sult of a ring-merging event rather than a simple occlusion arieswerefoundtoprovideshieldingfortheringoveralong of,andsubsequentpinchofffrom,theAgulhasretroflection time scale, we set T = −30 d and performed the analy- [Dencausseetal.,2010;Pichevinetal.,1999]. Suchamerg- sisaroundthebackward-advectedlocationsoftheringcore ing event occurs right within Cape Cauldron, a highly tur- (taken as the center of mass of the fluid lying inside the bulent region well separated from the Agulhas retroflection X - 6 WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING Figure 4. Backward-advected images on selected dates of the ring boundaries in Fig. 1 corresponding to several Lagrangian coherence time scales (all depicted light blue, except the 120-d boundary, shown indarkblue)withtheshort-termshieldingboundaryobtainedfrombackward-timeintegrationfromthe date indicated overlaid (red). [Boebel et al.,2003]. Thisisconsistentwiththeobservation 6. Implications for transport made by Wang et al. [2015] that material Agulhas rings An important question is how material coherence regain are organized from incoherent fluid away from the Agulhas events affect the conclusions of Wang et al. [2015] if they retroflection. Furthermore, quite a good deal of the fluid were to be verified for all Agulhas rings. A quick compu- tation reveals that rings would carry yearly about 6 Sv (1 (morethan75%asalongbackwardadvectionreveals)that Sv = 106 m3s−1) across the South Atlantic. This rough ends up forming the ring comes from the South Atlantic. estimate follows from assuming that annually about 3 co- WANG,BERON-VERA&OLASCOAGA: THELIFECYCLEOFANAGULHASRING X - 7 herentmaterialringsareformed[Wang et al.,2015],andas [2015]conclusionsaboutthelimitedabilityofAgulhasrings inferred for the ring investigated here, the diameter of the tocarryAgulhasleakageacrosstheSouthAtlanticwouldre- ringsisabout240km,thecoherenceresponseatthesurface mainvalidasthesecorrectedtransportestimateswouldstill extends down to 2 km, and 70% of the ring fluid on the be much smaller than reported leakage estimates. The con- detectiondateiscarriedwellacrossthesubtropicalgyre. If tributionofcoherentLagrangianAgulhasringstothetrans- we further assume that about 25% of the ring contents are portofsaltisalsosmallerthanestimatesbypreviousstudies traceableintotheIndianOcean,asisapplicabletothering [vanBallegooyenetal.,1994;LutjeharmsandCooper,1996] investigatedhere,thentheAgulhasleakagetrappedinrings suggesting that over 95% (more than 70×1012 kg year−1) which is able to traverse the South Atlantic would amount of interbasin salt flux is attributable to rings. Neverthe- to up to 1.5 Sv. less, the excess salt associated with a coherent Lagrangian Overall, the transport results of Wang et al. [2015] may ringmaybetoolargetobeneglected, whichdeservestobe beunderestimatedbyoneorderofmagnitude. Butthemain investigated in more detail. conclusions of Wang et al. [2015] should remain unaltered Acknowledgments. Thealtimeterproductswereproduced because Agulhas leakage estimates are still almost an order by SSALTO/DUCAS and distributed by AVISO with sup- of magnitude bigger [e.g., Richardson, 2007]. On the other port from CNES (http://www.aviso.oceanobs). Our work was hand, there is large uncertainty around the behavior of the supported by NASA through grant NNX14AI85G and NOAA rings below the surface. For instance, according to numer- throughtheClimateObservationsandMonitoringProgram. ical simulations the vertical structure of a ring may decay muchfasterthanitssurfacesignature[deSteuretal.,2004]. Notes Moreover,Wang et al.[2015]showedthatonlyaverysmall fraction of fluid trapped inside rings detected over the last 1. Allofthebackward-timeintegrationresultsreportedaresuch twodecadesiseventuallypickedupbytheNorthBrazilCur- thatatleast90%reversibilityoftheinitialtracerpositionsis rent. ThuswhilecoherentLagrangianAgulhasringsprovide guaranteed. adirectroutefortheAgulhasleakageacrossthesubtropical gyre, most of it may be advected incoherently. The genesis of coherent material rings in the Cape Caul- dronalsoimpliesaverydistinctprocessoftransportofsalt References by these rings. In particular, while previous observations suggestthatAgulhasringsaresheddirectlyfromtheAgul- Beron-Vera, F. J., Y. Wang, M. J. Olascoaga, G. J. Goni, and hasretroflectionandexperienceturbulentmixingthereafter G. Haller (2013), Objective detection of oceanic eddies and [Boebel et al., 2003; Schouten et al., 2000; Schmid et al., theAgulhasleakage,J. Phys. Oceanogr.,43,1426–1438. 2003], mixing of the Agulhas leakage with its surrounding Beron-Vera, F. J., M. J. Olascoaga, G. Haller, M. Farazmand, occurs before a coherent material ring is actually born. As J. Trin˜anes, and Y. 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