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212 Pages·2010·7.94 MB·English
by  LeoBessie
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THE LIFE AND WORK OF ALAN LEO THEOSOPHIST-ASTROLOGER-MASON WITH A FOREWORD BY ANNIE BESANT " From the unreal lead us to the Real, From dn~kttessl end us to Light, FI-OWdLe ath lend to Intmot'tnlity." ~LS LONDON : " MODERN ASTROLOGY " OFFICE, 40, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LUDCATE CIRCUS, E.C. 4. THET RADESU PPLIEIDY : L. N. FOWLER & CO., 7, IMPERIAI, ARCADE, E.C. CONTENTS. PAGE FOREWOR: DA s APPRECIATIO..N. .. . 7 ... .. . ... ALANL EO'SF AITH CHAP. I. PARENTAGAEN D EARLYL IFE , 11. EARLYD AYSIS ASTROLOGY. .. ,, 111. ~~ARRIAGAES D HOMEL IFE ... ,, IV. THEP ASSINGOF ALANL EO ... ,, V. SOME RE~IISISCENCES ... ,, VI. RESIINISCESCAESSD APPRECIATIOSS FOREWORD AN APPRECIATION IT was my good fortune to know Alan Leo for very many years, to me he was first of all a devoted student of the Divine JVisdom, that Wisdom which has come down to us through a succession of Sages, forming in all a golden thread interwoven in the cord of huinaii evolution, an unbroken thread on which are strung the religions of the world living and dead. To that Divine \Visdoin, reproclaimed in our own days under its old Greek name Theosophia, Theosophy, he was ever absolutely loyal, un~vaveringlyb rave in its defence, ever eager to learn, willing to teach. It was the Lamp of his life, guiding him through Inally hard and thorny ways ; he threw its light on problems that seemed insoluble and they were 7 8 LIFE AND WORK OF ALAN LEO solved ; no trouble could dim its glow, no attack could shake his faith for he had tried it and proved it, and he knew that in which he had believed by the personal knowledge of his own experience. Then I knew him as a singularly able well- balanced and intuitive Astrologer ; his love for this ancient and much maligned science was only second to his love for Theosophy, and indeed they were so interwoven in his thought, they so permeated his life, that one can scarcely speak of first and second. Indeed Astrology is a Department of the Divine Wisdom, as li~lowili n Chaldea and all ancient lands. I-Ie was one of the foremost in raisin& Astrology from fortune-telling to a scientific forecasting of conditions, a delineation of tendencies in a character, a map of the personal nature, and a wide outloolc on coming evolution. He ever bore in mind not oilly the circumstances through which the individual would pass, but the re-action of the individual on the circumstai~ces, remoulding and re- shaping them; a11d he remembered that previous remouldiilgs and reshapings by the LIFE AND ITTORE; OF ALAN LEO I_ spiritualised orgallism during its present life would introduce far-reaching changes into the life map drawn from the horoscope at birth. He appreciated fully the bearing on the happenings of the future of the pregnant hint ('The wise man rules his stars," and the sequential effect of his previous rulings on those future happenings. He realised that as the power of the Spirit, the Inner Ruler Immortal, passed in ever increasing measure out of latency in potency, so did the future become more and more inscrutable by means of ordinary rules, since the emergent new forces brought about their necessary results in fashions well nigh incalculable by most Astrologers. Outside these great studies 1vhic11 formed his life, Alan Leo was singularly patient, tolerant and forbearing, unchanging in his loyalty to his friends, and ever the faithful servant of Duty. Of his utter devotion to the Great Beings who are the Guardians of Humaility and the Teachers of the individual Souls who aspire to learn that they may become the helpers of the inen and \vomen arc Th. e silent devotion in the Temple founmts be$; t expression in a life of toil and sacrifice for human service and his work will ever be his best memorial. ANNIEB ESANT. ALAN LEO'S FAITH " I AM convinced that the problem of the inequalities of the human race can only be successfully solved by a knowledge of Astrology. " I believe that the Principle which gives life dwells in us and without us comes from the Supreme Intelligence through the Rays of the Sun, and I am convinced that this life is affected or modified every four minutes in time by the diurnal revolution of the Earth, also by the annual motion of the Earth round the Sun, affecting the Changes of Season and men's individual natures. " I believe the Soul of Humanity is immortal or perpetual; and I am convinced that each individual soul or mind is symbolised by the Moon in its ebb and flo~v,a nd various phases, also by its relation to the Planetary Spheres of Influence ; and as the Moon affects 11

Astrology is a Department of the Divine. Wisdom, as li~lowil in Chaldea and all ancient lands. I-Ie was one of the foremost in raisin&. Astrology from
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