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The Life and Times of A Remarkable Misfit - AJ Leon PDF

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SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com to the misfits , I wrote these essays over the last two years, after leaving a lucrative finance career in Manhattan in order to travel the world & work on projects that actually matter. I wrote them at different times and for different reasons, and I never intended to publish them together. I hope you will forgive any repetitiveness or lack of cohesion. They are dif- ferent thoughts for different moments, but I wrote them with you in mind. You see, I believe that you, like me, were not meant to live a life of convention and conformity. I believe that you were put here at this very moment, to change the world in a fashion that only you can. These essays were written while on my own path to do just that. And I hope beyond hope that they will help you in some small way to find yours. Here’s to taking over the world. Your Fellow Misfit, AJ SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ACT I ACT III A Necessary Revolution 7 We Don’t Care About What You Know 39 Maybe It’s Your Time 11 A Time to Reflect and a Time to Stop Traffic 41 A Brief Moment of Audacity 13 Arrogance and The War of Art 43 When We Have Dreamed Too Little 14 The Trap of Infinite Scalability 46 The Anatomy of Average 16 Every Artist is A Thief 48 What Kind of Tired Are You 19 Beer and A Bike Ride 51 The Absence of Fear Is Not Courage 21 Destructive Creation and a Big Flying Horse 53 When Perfection is Achieved 23 ACT II The Opportunity Cost of Not Taking Yourself Seriously 25 Any Child Can Poke Holes in a Balloon 27 The Paralysis of Waiting 28 Beginnings Matter 29 Let It Go 31 You Can’t Have It Both Ways 33 A List of 10 Essential Don’ts 35 16 Simple Ways to Make Money and Lose Self Respect 36 SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com A Necessary Revolution Greetings from a crowded coffee shop in Boston. “There are times when we sail so far off course, scene. But to stop, once and for all, living some oth- when our dreams are so far from reach that they er dude’s life. That day I realized two things. There appear but balmy glimmers violently strewn on a was more to life than working a job you hate, and distant horizon which we will never pierce. When more importantly, there was more to me than could complacency and compliance, when safety and secu- ever be expressed in a place with so many rules. If rity have so entranced us, that gradual reform is no you read this paragraph and have no idea what I’m longer possible. In these moments we have but one talking about, you should probably stop reading option – revolt.” now. For the rest of you, hopefully this will be help- ful. I sure as hell wish somebody would have shared My name is AJ, and I nomad around the world and this with me. make things happen. I used to be an unremarkably average financial executive in Manhattan. I made six The Game We’re Taught to Play figures, had an outrageous bonus and a corner office. But there was this little problem. I despised my job. The day I graduated from school, the world handed I was passionless about my work. And of course, I me a pair of dice and pointed me towards a famil- hated myself for trading the hours of my life away iar board game. Except this time instead of a Rolls for more money at every turn. On December 31, Royce, I was sporting a busted ass MetroCard. The 2007, I left my six figure, crazy bonus, Manhattan parameters of this game were simple. Just follow corner office job. Not for a raise. Not in a vertical the board, round and round, and the longer I stayed move to another company. Not to get a change of on the board, the more times I could pass Go, the SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com more stupid little green houses I’d get to buy, the A Life You Were Meant to Live more railroads I’d procure - the more wealth I’d If you are still reading this essay, you either have accumulate. All of which would culminate into me no idea what the hell I am talking about or you’ve turning into a happy rich guy with a white mustache already bookmarked it. If you’re in the latter camp, and a top hat. let me tell you something. If you feel like you don’t belong where you are right now, maybe you weren’t Of course, soon enough I realized that I was essen- meant to just win. Maybe you were meant to tially spending the vast majority of my existence change the world. rolling the same stupid dice over and over again, following the same board to a completely prescribed A Necessary Revolution life plan, taking no risks, tucking away every dream I The time has come for you to plan your very own ever had, living for the weekend, and peering off the conspiracy. Not against your boss or your company board from time to time, dreaming of the glory of a or the system or the world, but against yourself. life that could have been. Against your inner critic who keeps telling you that you can’t make it outside the game of Monopoly that Why Monopoly Sucks as a Boardgame and as the world handed you. Who keeps telling you that a Life Plan you’re crazy to think you can. You’re selfish to think It’s fun for about 10 minutes. you deserve more. And you’re silly to think you’re It’s entirely about the accumulation important enough. The greatest obstacle any of us of stupid things you neither need nor want. (in the developed world) have to living a remarkable life is not outside pressure or finances, it’s not eco- The best you can do is win. nomics or market conditions, it’s the lack of courage SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com to question the devils in our own mind that tell us #2 Start Taking Yourself Seriously we’re not special enough. I know. I spent the first The greatest opportunity cost you have as a human part of my twenties believing them and the second is not taking your own ideas seriously. Write a 500 part inciting a revolution against them. word description of what you want your life to look like in 2 years. This will act as your signpost. Then Three Ingredients (and here’s the kicker) post it on your blog or email it to someone who will “get it”. It’s hard to go back Here are the first three ingredients you need to start on a revolution that you’ve already announced. Don’t cooking up your very own revolution. have anyone to send it to? Email it to me at aj (at) misfit-inc (dot) com. Think this is a stupid exercise? #1 Stop Wasting Time It’s exactly what I did four years ago. I am now do- ing every single thing on that list, including traveling You get home from work, you’re drained and all you to 35 40 47 countries, raising millions of dollars for want to do is grab some Chinese left overs and watch humanitarian projects, working every day with my reruns of Seinfeld until you fall asleep. I know. I’ve beautiful wife and living a life on my terms. been there. But you know what? The French Revo- lution was fueled by old coffee and stale baguettes #3 Create an Evacuation Plan at midnight in Parisian bistros. The time you have There is no sense dreaming about something you in between work and sleep is sacred, it’s where you don’t actively plan towards. Every great revolution plan your insurrection. is a mixture of incremental changes and brief mo- ments of courage. Start writing out precisely what you will do every day to breach the gap between the SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com life you live and the life you were destined to lead. If you’ve gotten this far, then maybe you were meant to read this today. Maybe, it’s more than just sheer luck that you landed right here, right now, on this particular day. Maybe this isn’t all a game of cosmic chance. And maybe, just maybe this is your moment to change everything. Here’s to taking over the world Written from: Barrington Coffee in Boston SHARE THE MANIFESTO: www.pursuitofeverything.com

We Don't Care About What You Know. A Time to Reflect and a Time to Stop Traffic. Arrogance and The War of Art. The Trap of Infinite Scalability. Every Artist is A
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