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CONTENTS 3yron’s Publisher and His ‘Spy’: Constancy and change among John Murray II's printers, 1812-1831. By PETER ISAAC (with one illustration Woodcut Illustrations of the Canterbury Tales, 1483—1602. By DAVID R. CARLSON with eighteen illustrations Implicit Structures and Explicit Interactions: Pierre Bourdieu and the History of the Book By PETERD . MCDONALD : James Orchard Halliwell and Friends IV. Howard Staunton. V. Samuel Weller Singer VI. Charles Knight. By MARVIN SPEVACK Unrecorded French Incunables in the Thiringer Universitats- und Lande sbibliothek Jena By DAVID |. SHAW (with five illustrations ; : James Orchard Halliwell and Friends VII. Richard Grant White. VIII. Horace Howard Furness. IX. William James Rolfe. By MARVIN SPEVACK apital in the London +e Trade: James Moxon’s Stock Disposal 1698, a ‘Mathematical Lottery’. By D. |.B RYDEN The Publication, Prosecution, aa Re-publication of James Hanley’s Boy (1931). By JAMES ARMSTRONG (with one illustration BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Some False Dublin Imprints. By DENNIS E. RHODES , The Speckled Letters of Joshua Solomon Soncino (1487). By ADRI K. OFFENBERG (with three illustrations The Printer of Sheet G in Robert Greene’ s Orlando Furioso Q1 (1594). By CHIAKi HANABUSA A Newly Identified Letter in the Hand of John Shirley. By MARGARET CONNOLLY (with one illustration : , :' : A la recherche du livre perdu Three Italian Editions of the Sixteenth Century. By DENNIS E. RHODES Love’s Victory: A Supplementary Note. By ARTHUR FREEMAN REVIEWS DAVID PEARSON, Provenance Research in Book History (Nigel Ramsay BERNHARD FABIAN (gen. ed.), Handbuch der historischen Buchbestainde. Reihe 1 Handbuch der historischen Buchbestaénde in Deutschland, ed. by FRIEDHILD! KRAUSE et al. Reihe u: Handbuch der historischen Buchbestande in Osterreich Wien), ed. under the auspices of the AUSTRIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY (David Paisey MARIELISA ROSSI, Il libro antico dal XV al XIX secolo: analisi e applicazione della seconda edizione dell’ISBD(A) (Neil Harris : : c ‘ ; , JOHN L. FLOOD and WILLIAM A. KELLY (eds.), The German Book 1450--1750: Studies Presented to David L. Paisey in His Retirement (lan Maclean INGRID TIEKEN-BOON VAN OSTADE, The Two Versions of Malory’s Morte Darthur: Multiple Negation and the Editing of the Text (Lotte Hellinga LAURA PEPERONI and MARIA ZUCCOLI, Vultus Uraniae: Raffigurazioni di U rania ne lla Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Astronomia (R« ger Hutchins v. ELLIOTT et al., Early Imprints in New Zealand Libraries: A Finding List of Books Printed before 1801 held in Libraries in the Wellington Region; RACHEL BARROWMAN, The Turnbull: A Library and Its World; RACHEL SALMOND, Govern ment Printing in New Zealand, 1840 to 1843 (Mark Bland) ; ; é ; D. W. KRUMMEL, The Literature of Music Bibliography: An Account of the Writings on the History of Music Printing and Publishing (John Wagstaff : ; KEITH ROBBINS (comp. and ed.), Bibliography of British History 1914 1989 E.H. H Green) H. R. WOUDHUYSEN, Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manus. ripts 1558: 1640 (Germaine Warkentin) DAVID WOODWARD, Catalogue of Wate rmarks |in Italian Printed Maps ca. 1§40~-1600 (Neil Harris) : , ; TONY CoPsEY, Book Distribution and Printing in ‘Suffolk 1534 1850 Booksellers, Stationers, Binders and Printers (Peter Isaac) , F. BLOM, J. BLOM, F. KORSTEN, and G. scott (eds), English C ‘atholic Books -1 701-1800 A Bibliography (Alison Shell) , , , , ; . : ; DAVID FATE NORTON and MARY Jj. NORTON, The David Hume Library (Christopher Edwards) ROGER CHARTIER, Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer, ALBERTO MANGUEL, A History of Reading; |AMES RAVEN, HELEN SMALL, and NAOMI TADMOR (eds) The Practice and Representation of Reading in England (Joad Raymond ; ‘ : ° ; ; MICHAEL TAYLOR and BROCARD SEWELL (comps), Saint Dominic’s Press: A Bibliography 1916—1937 (Arnold Hunt ; . , : ‘ JOSEPH ROSENBLUM, A Bibliographic History of the Book: An Annotated Guide to the Literature (G. H. Martin , , ‘ ; : : R. SHARPE, J. P. CARLEY, R. M. THOMSON, and A. G. WATSON, English Benedictine Libraries: The Shorter Catalogues (Richard W. Pfaff J. H. BAKER (ed.), Catalogue of English — Manuscripts in ( imbridge University Library (D. J. Ibbetson ; PETER ROBINSON (ed.), Geoffrey ( hauce r: The Ww ife of Bath s Prologue on CD- ROM O. S. Pickering , The Illustrated ISTC on CD-ROM Robin Alston ’ ; , RICHARD BEADLE and A. J. PIPER, New Science out of Old Books: Studies in Manus ripts and Early Printed Books in Honour of A. 1. Doyle (Jonathan Bengtson H. BONING and EMMY MOPPS, Deutsche Press: Biobibliographische Handbiic her zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse von den ae bis 1815, Bd. 1 rg David Paisey JAN BOS and j. A. GRUYS (eds), Cats ¢ vatalogus De werken van lacob ( ats in de Short Title ¢ oe em Netherlands (Anna E. C. Simoni ; , CARLO PASTENA, Libri, editori e tipograf a Palermo nei secoli XV e XVI: saggio biobibliografico (Neil Harris ‘ . ; ; P. ALESSANDRA MACCIONI RUJU and MARCO MOSTERT, The Life and Times of Guglielmo Libri (1802—1869), Scientist, Patriot, Scholar, Journalist and Thief: A Nineteenth Century Story (B. J. Findlay : , ; MARIANNE TIDCOMBE (ed.), Women Bookbinde rs 1880 1920 (Jane Griffiths i DAVID N. DUMVILLE, English Caroline Script and Monastic History: Studies in Benedictinism, A.D. 950—1030 (G. H. Martin ‘ : ; “ _ ARMANDO PETRUCCI, Public Lettering: Script, Power, and Culture and ARMANDO PETRUCCI, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy: Studies in the History of Written Culture (Rosamond McKitterick , : - ; MARGARET M. MANION, VERA F. VINES, and CHRISTOPHER DE HAMEL, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in New Zealand Collections (Rosamond McKitterick THEODOR BRUGGEMANN, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 1498-1950: Kommentierte Katalog der Sammlung Briiggemann (Brian Alderson , ! FRED SCHREIBER, Simon de Colines: An Annotated ( —poe of 230 Examples of His Press, 1520-1546 (David McKitterick) ‘ ; DAVID WOODWARD, Maps as Prints in the Italian ‘Renaissance: Makers, Distributors and Consumers (Sarah Bendall) DAVID G. SELWYN, The Library of Thomas Cranmer Ih omas S. Freem: an JEAN MICHEL MASSING, Erasmian Wit and Proverbial Wisdom: An Illustrated Moral Compendium for Francois | (David Rundle JEAN GUSTIN, Catalogue des imprimés du XVle siécle conservés a la bibliothé que du Séminaire de Liége (Ingrid A. R. De Smet ‘ , : ; - JOAD RAYMOND, The Invention of the Newspaper: English Newsbooks, 1641-1649 Michael Harris ; ‘ i : ; O M BRACK, Jr (ed.), Writers, Books, and Trade An Eighteenth-Century Miscellany for William B. Todd( J ames E. May PAUL STIFF (ed. , Typography Papers 1 (DavidC hambers MICHAEL HARRIS and TOM O'MALLEY (eds), Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History C. Y. Ferdinand) RECENT BOOKs . ; P ; , : ‘ , ; 3, 168, 277 RECENT PERIODICALS . : ‘ ‘ : : . , ‘ ’ 02, 171, 282, Books RECEIVED , ; = : ; - ‘ . ; ; 03, 181, 290, 3 NorON eCOsNTR IBUTORS : ; : : ’ 104, 182, 291, INFORMATION. ‘ ; ; z . , ‘ , ; ; 182, 291, 3 CORRESPONDENCE The Bibliographical Society Annual Meeting 14 October 1996 and Annual Report 1995—96

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