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The Legacy of Anne Frank The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 1 17/05/18 3:26 PM The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 2 17/05/18 3:26 PM The Legacy of Anne Frank Gillian Walnes Perry The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 3 17/05/18 3:26 PM First published in Great Britain in 2018 by PEN & SWORD HISTORY an imprint of Pen & Sword Books Ltd 47 Church Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2AS Copyright (c) Gillian Walnes Perry 2018 ISBN 978 1 52673 104 3 The right of Gillian Walnes Perry to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Publisher in writing. Typeset in Times New Roman 10/12.5 by Aura Technology and Software Services, India Printed and bound in UK by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Pen & Sword Books Ltd incorporates the imprints of Pen & Sword Archaeology, Atlas, Aviation, Battleground, Discovery, Family History, History, Maritime, Military, Naval, Politics, Railways, Select, Social History, Transport, True Crime, and Claymore Press, Frontline Books, Leo Cooper, Praetorian Press, Remember When, Seaforth Publishing and Wharncliffe. For a complete list of Pen & Sword titles please contact Pen & Sword Books Limited 47 Church Street, (Barnsley: South Yorkshire, S70 2AS, England E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pen-and-sword.co.uk The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 4 17/05/18 3:26 PM Contents Acknowledgements �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������vii List of Photographs ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������viii Prologue Anne Frank is Here in the World �������������������������������������������x Chapter 1 Anne Frank ����������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Chapter 2 Otto Frank ���������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Chapter 3 ‘Anne Frank in the World’ is Launched �������������������������������31 Chapter 4 The Anne Frank Trust is Born ���������������������������������������������36 Chapter 5 Anne and Eva Schloss – the Girl who Became her Stepsister ���������������������������������������������������������45 Chapter 6 Anne Frank’s Role in the Transition from Communism ���������������������������������������������������������������54 Chapter 7 The Woman Who Gave a Personal Pledge to Otto Frank �����������������������������������������������������������������������73 Chapter 8 Anne Frank in Latin America ����������������������������������������������78 Chapter 9 Anne Frank and Audrey Hepburn ���������������������������������������95 Chapter 10 On the Road with Anne Frank ���������������������������������������������99 Chapter 11 Anne Frank and the Children of Bosnia ����������������������������110 Chapter 12 Anne Frank and Nelson Mandela ��������������������������������������120 Chapter 13 Anne Frank and her Protector Miep Gies �������������������������128 Chapter 14 Anne Frank goes into British Prisons ��������������������������������137 Chapter 15 Anne Frank and Stephen Lawrence�����������������������������������145 Chapter 16 Anne Frank Helping to Make Peace in Ireland �����������������151 Chapter 17 Anne Frank and her Secret Hero ���������������������������������������155 The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 5 22/05/18 11:32 PM Chapter 18 Anne Frank and Daniel Pearl ............................................160 Chapter 19 The Anne Frank Declaration .............................................163 Chapter 20 The Anne Frank Trust is Growing .....................................173 Chapter 21 Who Betrayed the Frank Family? ......................................188 Chapter 22 Anne Frank is Educating Millions ....................................194 Chapter 23 Inspired by Holocaust Survivors .......................................207 Chapter 24 Anne Frank and the Girl who was Kidnapped by Sardinian Bandits ..............................................................219 Chapter 25 Anne Frank in the Far East ................................................223 Chapter 26 Anne Frank was a Real Person ..........................................237 Chapter 27 Anne Frank in the Indian Subcontinent ............................247 Chapter 28 The Strange Circle of the House on Blaricummerweg ..........................................................262 Chapter 29 Anne Frank and her Fear ...................................................269 Chapter 30 Anne Frank and the Future ................................................272 References ...............................................................................................281 Index .......................................................................................................284 vi The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 6 17/05/18 3:26 PM Acknowledgements I truly want to thank everyone I have encountered or heard about in the world of Anne Frank for their dedication and for being an inspiration to me. But sadly I can’t, or this chronicle will span a further 300 pages. So here are my thanks to a few of the key players in a story that relates the lives and activities of hundreds of fascinating people and spans a period of thirty years. To all my wonderful colleagues, past and present, at the Anne Frank Trust, the Anne Frank House, the Anne Frank Fonds and throughout the Anne Frank family of educators and activists around the world. Too many to mention I fear, but they all know who they are. To Hans Westra, Rabbi David Soetendorp, Eva Schloss, the late Bee Klug, Jan Erik Dubbelman, Dienke Hondius and the late Buddy Elias for the faith they placed in me all those years ago. I followed an unforgettable path with them, and they have guided my life with wisdom and love. To Penguin Books, to Michelle Rosenberg and to Jon Wright, Laura Hirst, Stephen Chumbley and the team at my publishers Pen & Sword who have so ably and supportively helped to realise this dream. It has been a true privilege to have worked with you all. To my late husband Tony Bogush, who was behind me every step of the way from the start and left a huge mark on the Anne Frank Trust. To my children Joe and Tilly, who lived throughout their teenage years with the Anne Frank Trust taking over their family home. Having survived the experience, they grew up to make me the proudest mother in the world from their remarkable achievements and a doting Nana to Ewan, Emily and Jonah. Finally, to my amazing husband Elon Perry, who brought his talent and many years of experience as a celebrated Israeli journalist, writer, poet and editor, to help bring the manuscript into such shape that the publishers had no need for editing. Also, for his love, devotion, endless cups of tea, beautiful Sephardic meals, and his support along the way. vii The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 7 17/05/18 3:26 PM List of Photographs 1. Cover image: Anne Frank aged eleven in April 1941. Photograph taken at the Frank family apartment on the Merwedeplein, Amsterdam. Photo by Anne Frank Fonds – Basel via Getty Images. 2. Happy and normal family life. Edith Frank takes seven-year-old Margot and three-year-old Anne on a trip to Frankfurt city centre in March 1933. Hitler has been in power for two months, and life for Germany’s Jews is about to change. Photo by Anne Frank Fonds – Basel via Getty Images. 3. In May 1941, the photographer Frans Dupont took a series of exquisitely posed studio images of eleven-year-old Anne. Photo by Frans Dupont/Anne Frank Fonds – Basel via Getty Images. 4. (a) The front cover and (b) inside of Anne’s original diary with photos she pasted inside it. From the Anne Frank House collection. 5. The first Anne Frank traveling exhibition Anne Frank in the World 1929-1945 was monochrome and huge in scale. Here it is on show in Glasgow in 1990. From the Anne Frank House collection. 6. Otto Frank and his wife Fritzi visiting Audrey Hepburn at her home in Switzerland, circa 1957. A copy of this photo was given to me in Los Angeles by Audrey’s son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer. It was taken by his late father, the actor Mel Ferrer. 7. Anne Frank’s cousin Bernd ‘Buddy’ Elias reads the Anne Frank Declaration to United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan at UN headquarters in New York in January 1999. Those watching include (from left) footballer and UN Ambassador John Fashanu; my late husband Tony Bogush; the UK’s Ambassador to the UN Sir Jeremy Greenstock; Eva Schloss; myself and at back right, Barry van Driel, who composed the Declaration. Photo: UN photographer, from the Anne Frank Trust collection. 8. A very special memory of attending the 1996 Academy Awards in Hollywood with Miep Gies. Jon Blair, the writer and director of the Oscar winning documentary feature Anne Frank Remembered is at the back on the right. Photo: Jerome Goldblatt. 9. Anne Frank House International Director Jan Erik Dubbelman greets Japanese children coming to the exhibition in Tokyo in 2010 Photo: Aaron Peterer, Anne Frank House collection. viii The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 8 25/05/18 6:15 PM List of PhotograPhs 10. Latvian and russian teenagers performing together in The Dreams of Anne Frank riga, 1998. for some it was their first opportunity to interact socially. from the anne frank house collection. 11. student peer guides in the south african township of orlando West with aaron Peterer of the anne frank house education team (centre right back). Photo: gift Mabunda, 2009 from the anne frank house collection. 12. Eva schloss with a prisoner guide (face obscured) at Wormwood scrubs Prison in London. on the right is steve gadd, the anne frank trust prison tour manager. Photo: Mark McEvoy for the anne frank trust. 13. Dutch foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen (with red tie) is shown around the Anne Frank, A History for Today exhibition at the CEU Paraisopolis school in sao Paulo, 2010. his enthusiastic and knowledgeable guides are as young as ten and eleven. Photo: riccardo sanchez for the instituto Plataforma Brasil. 14. anne frank ambassadors show schools and members of the public around the Anne Frank + You exhibition at Bradford College in West Yorkshire in 2013. With thanks to Bradford Metropolitan District Council and the anne frank trust. 15. anne frank peer guides at the forest gate school in London. from the anne frank trust collection. 16. after the thirty-year-long sri Lankan civil war, the Anne Frank, A History for Today exhibition gave students in Jaffna an opportunity to reflect on their recent past and future. from the anne frank house collection. ix The_Legacy_of_Anne_Frank_Final.indd 9 01/06/18 3:25 AM

From her secret hiding place in wartime Amsterdam, the Jewish teenager Anne Frank wrote heart-wrenchingly about the terrors of a captivity that would ultimately end with her death at the hands of the Nazis. In her world-famous diaries, she described with remarkable honesty her transition from childh
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