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THE LEARNED KING Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Google Originalf rom Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN THE LEARNED l(ING The Reign of Alfonso X of Castile JOSEPH F. o'cALLAGHAN ,,y University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN f7P 1ito,'3 25} Q University of Pennsylvania Press 1 MIDDLE AGES SERIES / 4C3f Edited by Edwtml Peters I Henry Charles Lea Professor of Medieval History University of Pennsylvania A listing of the available books in the series appears at the back of this volume Publication of this volume was assisted by a subvention from the Program for Cultural UX>pcration Between Spain's Ministry of Culture and United States Universities. Copyrighet 1993 by the University of PennsylvaniaP rCM All rights rcscrvcd Printed in the United States of America Library of Congt"C" <:ataloging-in-Publication Data O'Callaghan, Joseph F. The lcamcd king: the reign of Alfonso X of Castile/ Joseph F. O'Callaghan. p. an. - (Middle Ages series) Includes bibliographical referencesa nd index. ISBN 0-8122-3226-7 1. Alfonso X, King ofCa.ttile and Lc6n, 1221-1284. 2. Castile (Spain)-His tory-Alfonso X, 12s2-12&4-. 3. Castile (Spain)-Kings and rulers-Biography. I. Title. II. Series. DP14(). 3.02s 1993 946' .02'092-dc20 93-13417 [B] CIP Frontispiece Alfonso X surrounded by his musicians and scribes. Cantigas de Santa Maria, Prologue B. Escorial, Ms T. 1. j. Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN For Billy, Cathy,A nnie, and Joe Google Original from UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Digitized by Contents List of Illustrations IX Abbreviations and Citations X Genealogical Table XU Maps XIV Preface XVll Introduction I 1. The King and His Kingdoms s 2. The Ideology of Government 17 3. The Tools of Government 31 4. The Church 49 s. The Nobility 64 6. The Municipalities 81 7. Religious Minorities 96 8. The Economy 114 9. Literature and Leaming 131 10. The Peninsular Christian States 147 11. The African Crusade 163 12. The Revolt of the Mudejars 181 13. The Quest for Empire 198 14. The Revolt of the Nobles 214 1s. The Benimerines and the Succession Crisis 234 16. The End of the Reign 252 17. The Learned King 270 Notes 283 Bibliography 349 Index 377 Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Illustrations Frontispiece. Alfonso X surrounded by his musicians and scribes. Cantig11d1e Santa MM'UI, Prologue B. Escorial, Ms T.1.j. 1. A wicked mother-in-law orders a Moor to sleep with her son's wife and summons the police, who bum the Moor, but Holy Mary saves the good wife. C11,r,tig1d1e 1S 11nt11 MM'UI, 185.E scorial, Ms T.1.j. 2. A farmer gives his boy a young donkey, which dies, but recovers through the intercession of Holy Mary. CantigllS de S1mt11Mlmll,1 78.E scorial, Ms T.1.j. 3. When stonns threaten their ship, merchants arc saved and after selling their wares at Acre offer thanksgiving at the shrine of Holy Mary at Salas. Qmtigar de S11nt1M1l, mll, 172. Escorial, Ms T.1.j. 4. A Christian taken captive by the Moors is restored to liberty by Holy Mary. Omtigar de S11nt1M1a rl/I, 83. Escorial, Ms T.1.j. s. The Moors request permission from Infante Alfonso, Jaime I, Alfonso X, and <Abd Allah to remove the church of St. Mary from the Arrixaca of Murcia. OintigRSd e S11,nta Mlmll, 169. Escorial, Ms T.1.j. 6. Abii Yusuf, the emir of the Benimerines, is defeated in Morocco by Christian knights bearing the banner of Holy Mary. CMitigRSd eS 11,r,tMa lmll, 181.E scorial T.1.j 7. Alfonso X recovers his health at Vitoria when the book of the OintigRS is laid on his body. CantigllSt ie Stmt11M, lmll, 209. Florence, Bibliotcca Nazionale, Ms Banco Rari 20. 8. Alfonso X, the Troubadour of Holy Mary. C1mtig11d1e S11nt1M1 11rillP, rologue A. Escorial T.1.j. Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Abbreviationsa nd Citations AC Archivo Catedralicio ACA Archivo de la Corona de Arag6n, Barcelona AEM Anuario de EstudiosM etliewues AHDE AnURriod e Historia del DerechoE spMUJl AHN Archivo Hist6rico Nacional, Madrid AM Archivo Municipal ANTT Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon BAE Bibliotecad e Autores Espanoles2. 03 vols. thus far. Madrid: Real Academia Espanola, 1846-. BEC Bibliothe1Judt e l'Ecoled es Chartes BL British Library, London BN Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid BRAH Boletlnd e ui Real Academiad e la Historia CAX Cr6nicad el reyd onAlfonsoX. BAE, 66: 3-66. CDACA Colecciond e documentosi neditosd elA rchi110d e la Corona de Amg6n. Ed. Prospero de Bofarull ct al. 41 vols. Barcelona: Imprenta del Archivo, 1847-1910. CHE Cuadernosd e Historia de Espana CLC Cortesd e losa n#tJuosr einosd e Le6n y Castilla. s vols. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1861-1903. CODOIN Colecciond e documentosin editosp ara la historia de Espana. Ed. Martln Fernandez de Navarrete ct al. 112 vols. Madrid: Calera and others, 1841-1895. CODOM Colecciond e documentosp ara la H istoriad el Reino de Murcia. Ed. Juan Torres Fontes ct al. 18 vols. thus far. Murcia: Academia Alfonso cl Sabio, 1963-. CSM Cantigas de Santa Marili. Ed. Walter Mettmann. 4 vols. Coimbra: Universidadc de Coimbra, 1959-1974; reprint, 2 vols. Vigo: Edicions Xerais de Galicia, 1981. DAAX Manuel Gonzalez Jimenez, DiplomatarioAn/UUuzd e AlfonsoX . Seville: El Monte. Caja de Huelva y Sevilla, 1991. Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Abbreviations and Citations x1 EHR EnglishH istoricRRJ eview ES EspanaS agrtula.E d. Enrique Fl6rez et al. 52 vols. Madrid: Antonio Marin and others, 1754- 1918. HID H istoriRI, nstitucionesD, ocummtos MGHSS Monument11G emumiae Historica,S criptoresE. d. G.H. Pertz et al. Hannover and Berlin: Hahn and others, 1826-. MHE MemorialH ist6ricoE sp11noslo. v ols. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1851-1 963. MIOG Mitteuungen desI nstituts fur Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung Partida (BM) PrimeraP artida segune l manuscritoA dd. 20.78Jd el British Museum. Ed. Juan Antonio Arias Bonet. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 1975. PCG Primera Cr6nicaG enera/,E. d. Ram6n Menendez Pidal. 2 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1955. PMH PortugaliaeM onumenta Historica.E d. Aleixandre Herculano et al. 6 vols. Lisbon: Academia Real das Ciencias de Lisboa, 1856-1897. RABM Rnist11d e ArchiJ10BS,i blioteCIyI SM useos RAH Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid RHF Recueu desh istoriensd es Gaulese t de la France.E d. Martin Bouquet et al. 24 vols. Paris: Academic des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 1738- 1904. A NOTEO N CITATION OF THE CUADERNOS OF THE CoRTES In citing laws enacted in the cortes the site of the cortes precedes the date and the number of the article in the printed edition, e.g., Valladolid 1258, art. 1. References are to the following editions: Seville 1252: Georg Gross, "Las Cortes de 1252. Ordenamiento otor gado al concejo de Burgos en las cortes celebradas en Sevilla el 12 de oc rubre de 1252 (segwt el original), BRAH 182 (1985): 95-114. Seville 1253L (Leonese cuaderno): Matias Rodriguez Diez, Hirtoria de la audluld e Astorga, ut ed. (Astorga: Porfirio L6pez, 1909 ), 697-713. Valladolid 1258: CLC, I, 54-63. Seville 1261: Rodriguez Dfez, Astorga, 715-720. Jerez 1268: CLC, I, 64-85. The Ordinance of Zamora 1274: CLC, I, 87-94. Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN THE FAMILY OF ALFONSO X OF CASTILE Fernando II of Lc6n Alfonso VIII of Castile 1157-88 1158-1214 Alfonso IX of Lc6n - Bercnguela Enrique I of Castile 1188-1230 + 1246 1214-17 Jaime I of Aragon Fernando II I of Castile and Leon - ( 1 ) Beatrice of Swabia 1213-76 1217-52 +1235 I Pedro III Violante • Alfonso X Fadrique Enrique Felipe Sancho Manuel 1276-8S 123~1300 1221-84 +1277 +1304 +1274 +1261 +1283 Bercngucla Beatriz Fernando Leonor Sancho IV Constanza Pedro 12S3-13?? 1254-80 de la Cerda 1256?-75 1258-95 1259?-? 1261-83 -William of 1255-75 • Maria de - Marguerite Montferrat - Blanche Molina of Narbonne d. Louis IX I Alfonso Fernando Fernando IV 1270-1327 1272-? 1285-1312 ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN OF ALFONSO X Alfonso X -I Mayor Guillen __ -:,::s~• -------------::-::-- ,,," ,,," Alfonso Fernandez Urraca Manin Beatriz - Afonso III of Portugal +1281 1242-1303 1245-79 I Dinis 1279-1325 Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN

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