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Preview The last twenty years of parasitic Hymenoptera karyology: an update and phylogenetic implications

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 4, 1995, pp. 41-63 The Last Twenty Years of Parasitic Hymenoptera Karyology: An Update and Phylogenetic Implications Vladimir E. Gokhman and Donald L. Quicke J. (VEG) Botanical Garden, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia; (DLJQ) Department of Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7PY, U.K. — Abstract. A survey of karyological data in the parasitic Hymenoptera shows a considerable uniformity in chromosome numbers within higher taxonomic groupings, with most chalcidoids having n = 5-6 and most cynipoids, ichneumonoids and those very few species of Diapriidae and Scelionidaeexamined to date havingn = 10-12. The Encyrtidae and Eurytomidaediffer from other chalcidoids examined to date in having higher n values (8-11). The braconid subfamilies Aphidiinae {ii - 4-7), Charmontiinae (n = 5) and Exothecinae (» = 6) are shown to have lower values than do otherbraconids. New data are presented for 32 species, including the first records ofchromosomenumbersfortheEupelmidae,Bethylidae,Diapriidae,Ormyridae,the ichneumonid subfamilies Banchinae, Pimplinae, and Tryphoninae, and the braconid subfamilies Aphidiinae, Charmontinae, Doryctinae, Exothecinae, Macrocentrinae, Meteorinae, and Miracinae. Chromo- some number data are discussed in relation to current views on Hymenoptera phylogeny. INTRODUCTION menopteran chromosomes (Imai et al. 1988, Baldanza et al. 1991b), have opened There has long been a tendency for tax- the possibility of greatly expanding our oofnosmyissttesmattoicigenvoiredemnacenyinpoftaevnotuiralosfoumrocrees Fkunrotwhlere,dgiteisofnopwarapsoistsiicblweatsopobktaariynolgoogoyd. traditional morphological, and nowadays results working with adult tissues such as molecular, data. Whilst this lack has not ovaries (Gokhman 1985, 1990a), and such been ubiquitous amongst taxonomists, protocols have allowed, for the first time, where it has occurred it may have been an examination of chromosome number due to a number of reasons including lack and structure in natural populations. of understanding of novel characters, lack Karyological studies have, nevertheless, of facilities for investigating them and lack played an important role in the systemat- of availability of information about such ics and species level taxonomy of various characters. In this respect, it is not sur- groups of the non-parasitic Hymenoptera prising that chromosome number and oth- including, sawflies, ants, bees and social er karyological features have played little wasps (principally Polistinae) and these role in considerations of hymenopteran have been reviewed in detail elsewhere phylogeny, and this is especially true for (see for example, Kerr 1972, Kerr and da the parasitic families. Reasons for this are Silveira 1972, Naito 1982, Imai et al. 1977, manifold. Hymenopteran chromosomes Moritz 1986, Pompolo and Takahashi have traditionally been studied in imma- 1987, 1990, Hoshiba, Matsuura and Imai ture stages in which dividing cells are 1989, Costa et al. 1993). Wide variation in common, but larvae ofparasitic wasps are n is well known among the ants (Formic- perhaps especially difficult to identify and idae) and ranges from 1 to 47 (Imai and obtain except when species are in culture. Taylor 1989, Imai et al. 1990), but is modal Recent developments in the study of hy- at 11 (Imai et al. 1988). Indeed, the greater 42 Journal of Hymenoptera Research part of this range can even be found with- tory cultures. Chromosome preparations in the single ant genus Myrmecia. How- were obtained according to the schedule ever, within the parasitic Hymenoptera described in Appendix I. Voucher speci- there appears to be be rather more consis- mens for Ichneumoninae are deposited in tency, and for most famiUes the observed the collection of Moscow State University, range of variation is far narrower. those for other taxa are in the Natural His- Outside of the Hymenoptera,both chro- tory Museum, London. mosome numbers, structure and size have RESULTS AND DISCUSSION all been found useful in phylogenetic re- construction, usually but not exclusively The last review of chromosome number in combination with other morphochar- in the parasitic Hymenoptera was by Cro- acters, and this has been particularly true zier (1975) at which time values were of plant systematics. For example, George known for only about twenty species & Geethamma (1992) have recently pro- (with data published before 1930 not in- posed a phylogeny of jasmines based on cluded for the reason of insufficient reli- chromosome numbers and assumed poly- ability); his data are summarized in Figure ploidy events. Among the insects, chro- 1. Since then, chromosomes of nearly 140 mosome numbers have been used exten- additional species have been studied sively in the systematic treatment and (Gokhman 1994), and for this review we phylogeny of the Hemiptera (Blackman have investigated 32 more in order to help 1980, Emeljanov & Kirillova 1989, 1991). fill in a number of gaps and to confirm Kuznetsova (1985), for example, has con- some previous findings. These data are cluded that the homopteran subfamily Or- presented in Table 1 and summarized in geriinae is monophyletic based on an au- Figure 2. The great majority of published tosomal fusion giving 2m=27 (in males) chromosome numbers come from studies compared with the plesiomorphic value of on the ichneumonid subfamily Ichneu- 2n=29 (in males), and similarly that the moninae by Gokhman (1985, 1987, 1989, tribe Almanini of the Orgeriinae is mono- 1990a, 1990b, 1991a, 1991b, 1993a), though phyletic on the basis of an autosome-sex they also include a substantial body of ev- chromosome fusion (giving 2n=26). idence especially relating to various fam- In this paperwe review the currentstate ilies of Chalcidoidea. Within the better of knowledge of the karyology ofparasitic studied parasitoid families (i.e. Ichneu- wasps and, in addition, provide new data monidae, Cynipidae, Torymidae) chro- for approximately 32 taxa including the mosome numbers were found to be rela- first records of chromosome numbers for tively stable, and were generally uniform the Eupelmidae, Bethylidae, Diapriidae, at the generic level. This contrasts mark- Ormyridae, the ichneumonid subfamilies edly with observations for many aculeate Banchinae, Pimplinae, and Tryphoninae, Hymenoptera which often show striking and the braconid subfamilies Aphidiinae, chromosomal variability even within gen- Charmontinae, Doryctinae, Exothecinae, era (Imai and Taylor 1989, Imai et al. Macrocentrinae, Meteorinae, and Miraci- 1990). nae. The apparent bimodality in haploid MATERIALS AND METHODS number of parasitic Hymenoptera appar- ent in Crozier's small sample (Fig. 1) now New karyotypic data were obtained us- appears to be well founded (Fig. 2). How- ing ovarian tissues of adult wasps which ever, the exact modal numbers are slightly were either collected from the wild at Sil- different (n = 5 and 11 compared with n wood Park, Berkshire, U.K., during early = 5 and 10 of Crozier), probably due to September 1995, or obtained from labora- the strong bias in favour of the ichneumo- Volume 4, 1995 43 14 -T- 12 - 10 6 - 2 -- + + + + 4- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Haploid chromosome number Fig. 1. Histogram of haploid chromosome numbers for parasitic Hymenoptera, data modified after Crozier (1975) to take into account subsequent taxonomic changes. nid subfamily Ichneumoninae in the pres- monoids whose haploid n values range ent enlarged data set. As will be apparent from 8 to 17. ufersomartoheunfdigu5relsa,rgtehleypceoamkpriinsehsapmloeimdbevarls- GENOMIC SIZE AND ITS of the Chalcidoidea and there is only IMPLICATIONS slight overlap between these and the other Rasch et nl. (1975, 1977) calculated the peak centred around 11. The same is true, haploid genomic size of the braconid though less pronounced, when the data wasps, Habrobracon juglandis and H. seri- are plotted for genera rather than species nopae both to be 0.154).16 x 10 ^^g dNA (Figure 3: each n value in a genus being and that of the pteromalid, Nnsonin (as represented only once in the histogram). Mormoniclla) vitripennis to be 0.33-0.34 X Members of three of the chalcidoid fami- 10 '-^g. These values translate (using an lies investigated to date, the Eurytomidae average molecular weight of a base pair (Eiiri/toma), Encyrtidae (6 species in three as 660) to base pair numbers of approxi- genera) and Aphelinidae (one species, mately 1.4 X 10** and 3.0 X 10^ base pairs Pteroptrix (= Archenomiis) orientalis Silves- for the ichneumonoid and the chalcidoid tri, out of 5 investigated; see below) differ respectively. More recently. Bigot et al. from other chalcidoids in having haploid (1991) using DNA reassociation kinetics numbers rangingbetween 8 and 11, whilst calculated the haploid genomic sizes of members of the braconid subfamilies the ichneumonid Diadroniiis and piilchclliis Aphidiinae {Aphidius, Diaretiella, Ephcdriis, the chalcidoid, Eiipclmus viiillcti, as 1-2 X Praon), Charmontinae [Charmon) and Ex- 10'^ base pairs and 10 X 10"^ base pairs re- othecinae [Rhysipolis) are atypical in hav- spectively. Unfortunately, no data for the ing haploid numbers of 4 to 7, 6 and 5 numbers ofchromosomes are available for respectively, compared with other ichneu- Eupelmus vuiUeti but we have investigated 44 Journal of Hymenoptera Research Table 1. Chromosomenumber in parasiticwasps Taxon 2/!* Reterence(h)t Diaprioidea Diapriidae Beli/ta depressa Thomson 8 16 present papertt Cinetus lanceolatus Thomson 10 20 present paper Scelionoidea Scelionidae Telejtomusfariai Lima 10 20 Dreyfus & Breuer 1944 Chalcidoidea Aphelinidae Apheliniis mali Haldeman 5 Aphytis mytilaspidus (Le Baron) Archenonnis orientalis Silvestri Encarsia berlesei Howard Encarsia pergandiella Howard Chalcididae Bradiyineria intermedia Nees B. lasus Burks B. ovata Say Dirhiniis himalayanus Westwood Encyrtidae Dalman AgeniaspisfiiscicoUis Copidosoma buyssoni Mayr C. gelechiae Howard C. gelechiae Howard C. truncatelliim (Dalman) (= Ifloridanum Ashmead) C.floridanum Ashmead C.floridanum Ashmead Apoanagyrus lopezi (DeSantis) Eulophidae Cirrospilus diallus Walker 6 Colpoclypeiisflorus Walker 6 Melittobia chalybii Ashmead 5 Tetrastichusgigas Burks 6 T. megachilidis Burks 6 Eupelmidae Anastatus catalonicus Bolivar 5 Macroneura vesicularis (Retzius) 5 Eurytomidae Eudecatoma bigidtata (Swederus) 9 Eurytoma californica Ashmead 10 Leucospidae Leucospis affinis Say Ormyridae Ormynis sp. ?6 Pteromalidae Anisoptcromalus calandrae (Howard) 7 Coelopisthia extenta (Walker) 5 Dibrachys sp. 5 Lariophagus distinguendus Foerster 5 Muscidifurax zaraptor Legner 5 Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) 5 Volume 4, 1995 45 Table 1. Continued Taxon Reference(s)t Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) 46 Journalof Hymenoptera Research Table 1. Continued Taxon Volume 4, 1995 47 Table 1. Continued Taxon Ret'erence(s)+ Ephialtes manifestator (L.) 48 Journal of Hymenoptera Research Table 1. Continued Taxon Volume 4, 1995 49 30 T 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 chromosome number Haploid Fig. 3. Histogram of haploid ciiromosome numbers of parasitic Hymenoptera, data from Table 1, each n value occurring in a genusbeing represented only once. two other eupelmid species in the genera would be interpreted as the application of Macroneura and Anastatiis, which were the much decried commonality principle. both found to have haploid numbers of 5 The 'common equals primitive' associa- in common with Nasonia. Although the re- tion is of course probabilistic rather than sults of Raschet al. (1975, 1977) and of Big- deterministic (Watrous and Wheeler 1981, ot et al. (1991) don't quite agree in the or- Frohlich 1987, Quicke 1993). Some further der of magnitude of base pairs they esti- insight into whether modal chromosome mate, probably due to differences in pro- number is likely to reflect the ancestral cedure, they did both show the chalcidoid number can come from the comparison of to have a larger genome than the ichneu- modal and median numbers. If these monid. Thus, if these values are roughly numbers coincide, and the whole distri- representative of other members of their bution may be approximated to a normal superfamilies, then the chromosomes of one, then the data provide no evidence of most chalcidoids would be expected to a directed change, though it must be re- have between four and twenty times as membered that there is always the possi- much DNA on average thanchromosomes bility that an evolutionary change in chro- of ichneumonids. mosome number early in the evolution of CHROMOSOME NUMBER IN the group could lead to the same distri- bution. In the Ichneumonoidea and the RELATION TO HYMENOPTERA PHYLOGENY Cynipoidea both the median and modal chromosomenumbersare the same 11 and In karyological studies it is common 10 respectively; in contrast, for example, practice to interpret modal chromosome ants (Formicidae) have a modal numberof numbers as representing the initial (ances- 11 but the median is 15. However, cladis- tral) number, though to many cladists this tic analyses based on independent char- 50 Journalof Hymenoptera Research acter systems, via outgroup comparisons, the bulk of the taxa currently regarded as provide the most reliable means of deter- 'Microhymenoptera' including Chalcidoi- mining plesiomorphic chromosome num- dea, Cynipoidea, Scelionoidea, Diaprioi- bers and, where possible, this is the ra- dea and Proctotrupoidea s.s. (Fig. 4). tional that we have employed. Our data show that the modal n value According to currently accepted views in the Ichneumonoidea, theprobable sister of Hymenoptera phylogeny, the sawflies group of the Aculeata, is 11. Further, our ('Symphyta') form a paraphyletic group limited data for the less derived aculeates with respect to the Apocrita with the latter of the family Bethylidae {Epyris and Lae- being the sister group of the Orussidae, liiis; Fig. 10), whilst demonstrating some and the Apocrita+Orussidae in turn most degree of variation in haploid number be- probably being the sister group of the tween 10 and 14, when considered togeth- Xiphydriidae (Konigsmann 1977, Rasnit- er with data for other aculeates suggest syn 1980, 1988, Gibson 1985). Unfortunate- the ancestral aculeate may have had a ly, chromosome numbers are not known haploid number around 11, as was also either for the Orussidae or for the Xiphy- concluded by Hoshiba, Matsuura and driidae, although they are known for Imai (1989). Similarly, available values for members of two other sawfly families three other parasitoid superfamilies, the with claims for a close relationship with Diaprioidea (Fig. 5), Scelionoidea and Cy- the Apocrita, viz the Siricidae and Cephi- nipoidea, are similar. According to Ras- dae (Konigsmann 1977, Basibuyuk & nitsyn's (1988) phylogenetic hypothesis Quicke 1994, 1995). In the Cephidae n (see Fig. 4), the Scelionoidea are putatively ranges from 9 to 22-26 (Mackay 1955, Cro- the sister group of the Chalcidoidea s.l., zier and Taschenberg 1972), whilst in the and thus taking the former as the out- Siricidae, according to Sanderson (1932, group, the plesiomorphic haploid chro- 1970), the haploid number varies between mosome number for the Chalcidoidea 8 and 18. As regards other, less derived maybe postulated asbeing approximately sawflies, haploid chromosome number 10. Therefore the data collectively support ranges from 5 to 22 in the Tenthredino- the hypothesis that the small values of n idea, with three quarters of species having (from 3 to 7) found in the majorityofChal- an n value rangingbetween 7 and 10 (Nai- cidoidea are likely to be apomorphous. to 1982). Taking the Siricidae and Cephi- Unfortunately, there are no well founded dae as the two sawfly families closest to views of relationships within the Chalci- the ancestral lineage of the Apocrita (i.e. doidea (Trjapitzin 1978, LaSalle 1987, Bou- putative sister groups of the Apocrita + cek 1988a, Woolley 1988, Noyes 1990, Gib- Orussidae) for which chromosome num- son 1990), largely perhaps because of the bers are available, it seems reasonable to considerable plasticity in adult morphol- conclude that the plesiomorphic haploid ogy displayed by many of the families, chromosome number in the latter was at which may result because of the undoubt- least 8 and possibly rather higher. edly polyphyletic natures of some family Within the Apocrita there is a picture level taxa. Trjapitzin (1978) made few pro- emerging from independent investiga- posals about higher level relationships, tions of phylogenetic relationships (Ras- and only suggested two possible group- nitsyn 1988, Johnson 1988, Gibson 1985, ings, his 'pteromaloid' group comprising Mason 1983, Quicke et al. 1993, 1994, Her- Pteromalidae, Tanaostigmatidae, Eupel- aty et al. 1994) that the group divided rel- midae and Encyrtidae, and a 'tetracam- atively early in its history into a lineage poid' group comprising Tetracampidae, giving rise to the Ichneumono- Eulophidae, Elasmidae and Aphelinidae. idea+Aculeata and a second comprising A relationship between the Aphelinidae

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