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The Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity Mission 4 Slava G. Turysheva, Michael Shaoa and Kenneth L. Nordtvedt, Jr.b 0 0 aJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena,CA 91109 n b a Northwest Analysis, 118 Sourdough Ridge Road, Bozeman MT 59715 USA J 5 This paper discusses new fundamental physics experiment to test relativistic gravity at the accuracy better 1 than the effects of the 2nd order in the gravitational field strength, ∝ G2. The Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity(LATOR)missionuseslaserinterferometrybetweentwomicro-spacecraftwhoselinesofsightpassclose 1 by the Sun to accurately measure deflection of light in the solar gravity. The key element of the experimental v design is a redundant geometry optical truss provided by a long-baseline (100 m) multi-channel stellar optical 3 interferometerplacedontheInternationalSpaceStation(ISS).Theinterferometerisusedformeasuringtheangles 6 betweenthetwospacecraft. InEuclideangeometry,determinationofatriangle’sthreesidesdeterminesanyangle 0 1 therein; with gravity changing the optical lengths of sides passing close by the Sun and deflecting the light, the 0 Euclidean relationships are overthrown. The geometric redundancy enables LATOR to measure the departure 4 fromEuclideangeometrycausedbythesolargravityfieldtoaveryhighaccuracy. LATORwillnotonlyimprove 0 thevalue of the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter γ to unprecedentedlevels of accuracy of 10−8, / it will also reach ability to measure effects of the next post-Newtonian order (c−4) of light deflection resulting c q from gravity’s intrinsic non-linearity. The solar quadrupole moment parameter, J2, will be measured with high - precision,aswellasavarietyofotherrelativisticeffectsincludingLense-Thirringprecession. LATORwillleadto r very robust advances in the tests of fundamental physics: this mission could discover a violation or extension of g : generalrelativity,orrevealthepresenceofanadditional long rangeinteraction inthephysicallaw. Thereareno v analogstotheLATORexperiment;itisuniqueandisanaturalculminationofsolarsystemgravityexperiments. i X r a 1. Introduction Ranging (LLR) provided ∼ 0.01% verification of GRviaprecisionmeasurementsofthelunarorbit Einstein’sgeneraltheoryofrelativity(GR)be- [3,4,5]. Finally, the recent experiments with the ganwithitsempiricalsuccessin1915byexplain- Cassini spacecraft improved the accuracy of the ing the anomalous perihelion precession of Mer- tests to ∼ 0.0023% [6]. As a result, GR has be- cury’s orbit, using no adjustable theoretical pa- comethestandardtheoryofgravitywhenastrom- rameters. Shortly thereafter, Eddington’s 1919 etry and spacecraft navigation are concerned. observations of star lines-of-sight during a solar However,thecontinuedinabilitytomergegrav- eclipse confirmed the doubling of the deflection ity with quantum mechanics and recent cosmo- angles predicted by the theory as compared to logical data indicate that the pure tensor gravity Newtonian-like and Equivalence Principle argu- of GR may need modification or augmentation. ments. From these beginnings, GR has been ver- Recent work in scalar-tensor extensions of grav- ified at ever higher accuracy. Thus, microwave ity which are consistent with present cosmolog- ranging to the Viking Lander on Mars yielded ical models [7,8] motivate new searches for very accuracy ∼0.1% in the tests of GR [1]. The as- small deviations of relativistic gravity in the so- trometric observations of quasars on the solar lar system, at levels of 10−5 to 10−7 of the post- background performed with Very-Long Baseline Newtonian effects or essentially to achieve accu- Interferometry (VLBI) improved the accuracy of racycomparablewiththesizeoftheeffectsofthe the tests of gravity to ∼ 0.03% [2]. Lunar Laser 2ndorderinthegravitationalfieldstrength. This 1 2 requires few ordersofmagnitude improvementin at 0.2 µas using theoretical value of J2 ≃ 10−7) experimental precision from present tests. to 1 part in 20, and the frame dragging effects When the light deflection in solar gravity is (the nominal effect is ±0.7 µas) on light due to concerned, the magnitude of the 1st order effect, thesolarangularmomentumtoprecisionof10−2. as predicted by GR for the light ray just grazing Technologically LATOR is a very sound con- the limb of the Sun, is ∼ 1.75 arcsecond. The ceptasallthetechnologiesthatareneededforits effectvariesinverselywiththeimpactparameter. successhavebeenalreadydemonstratedasapart The 2nd order term is almost six orders of mag- of the JPL’s Space Interferometry Mission(SIM) nitude smallerresultingin∼3.5microarcseconds development. The LATOR concept arose from (µas)lightdeflectioneffect,andwhichfallsoffin- severaldevelopmentsatNASA andJPLthatini- verselyasthe squareofthe lightray’simpactpa- tially enabled optical astrometry and metrology, rameter [9]. The small magnitudes of the effects and also led to developing expertize needed for emphasize the factthat, amongthe four forcesof the precision gravity experiments. Technology nature, gravitation is the weakest interaction; it thathasbecomeavailableinthelastseveralyears actsatverylongdistancesandcontrolsthelarge- such as low cost microspacecraft, medium power scale structure of the universe, thus, making the highlyefficientsolidstateandfiberlasers,andthe precision tests of gravity a very challenging task. development of long range interferometric tech- The ability to measure the 1st order light deflec- niques make possible an unprecedented factor of tiontermattheaccuracycomparablewiththeef- 3,000 improvement in this test of GR possible. fectsofthe2ndorderisoftheutmostimportance This mission is unique and is the natural next for the gravitational theory and is the challenge step in solar system gravity experiments which for the 21st century fundamental physics. fully exploits modern technologies. The LATOR mission concept will directly ad- This paper organized as follows: Section 2 dress these challenges [10]. The test will be per- provides more information about the theoretical formed in the solar gravity field using optical in- framework, the PPN formalism, used to describe terferometry between two micro-spacecraft. Pre- thegravitationalexperimentsinthesolarsystem. cise measurements of the angular position of the This section also summarizes the science motiva- spacecraft will be made using a fiber coupled tionfortheprecisiontestsofgravitythatrecently multi-chanelled optical interferometer on the ISS became available. Section3providesanoverview with a 100 m baseline. The primary objective of for the LATOR experiment. Section 4 discusses the LATOR Missionwillbe to measure the grav- the next steps in the mission development. itationaldeflectionoflightbythesolargravityto accuracyof0.1picoradians,whichcorrespondsto 2. Scientific Motivation ∼10 picometers (pm) on a 100 m baseline. In conjunction with laser ranging among the 2.1. PPN Theoretical Framework spacecraft and the ISS, LATOR will allow mea- Generalizing on a phenomenological param- surementsofthegravitationaldeflectionbyafac- eterization of the gravitational metric tensor tor of more than 3,000 better than had recently field which Eddington originally developed for a been accomplished with the Cassini spacecraft. special case, a method called the PPN metric In particular, this mission will not only measure has been developed (see [3,11,12,13,14]). This thekeyPPNparameterγ tounprecedentedlevels method represents the gravitytensor’s potentials of accuracy of 10−8, it will also reach ability to for slowly moving bodies and weak interbody measure the next post-Newtonian order (c−4) of gravity, and it is valid for a broad class of metric light deflection resulting from gravity’s intrinsic theories including general relativity as a unique non-linearity. As a result, this experiment will case. The several parameters in the PPN met- measure values of other PPN parameters such ric expansion vary from theory to theory, and as δ to 10−3 (never measured before), the solar theyareindividuallyassociatedwithvarioussym- quadrupolemomentparameterJ2 (whichissized metries and invariance properties of underlying 3 theory. Gravity experiments can be analyzed in finding no anomalies at the next order, then it terms of the PPN metric, and an ensemble of follows that any anomalies in the strong gravity experiments will determine the unique value for environmentarecorrespondinglyquenchedunder these parameters, and hence the metric field, it- all but exceptional circumstances. self. We shall discuss the recent motivations for the InlocallyLorentz-invarianttheoriestheexpan- precision gravity tests below in more details. sionofthemetricfieldforasingle,slowly-rotating gravitationalsourceinPPNparametersgivenas 2.2. Motivations for New Gravity Tests The continued inability to merge gravity with M M2 g00 = 1−2 r Q(r,θ)+2β r2 +O(c−6), qsourangtruamvitmyeochfaGniRcsnsueegdgsestmsotdhiafitcatthioenpuorreatueng-- g0i = 2(γ+1)[J~×r3~r]i +O(c−5), (1) mitye,nwtahteioren.theTuhseuatlengseonre-rsaclarlaerlattihveiotyrietesnosofrgfiraevld- M 3 M2 coexists with one or several long-range scalar g =− δ 1+2γ Q(r,θ)+ δ +O(c−6), ij ijh r 2 r2 i fields, are believed to be the most promising extension of the theoretical foundation of mod- where M and J~ being the mass and angular mo- ern gravitationaltheory. The superstring, many- mentumoftheSun,Q(r,θ)=(1−J2Rr223cos22θ−1) dimensional Kaluza-Klein, and inflationary cos- withJ2 being the quadrupolemomentofthe Sun mology theories have revived interest in the so- with R being its radius. r is the distance be- called ‘dilaton fields’, i.e. neutral scalar fields tween the observer and the center of the Sun. whose background values determine the strength β,γ,δ are the PPN parameters and in GR they of the coupling constants in the effective four- areallequalto l. The M/r termin the g00 equa- dimensional theory. The importance of such the- tion is the Newtonian limit; the terms multiplied ories is that they provide a possible route to the bythepost-Newtonianparametersβ,γ,arepost- quantizationofgravityandunificationofphysical Newtonian terms. The term multiplied by the law. Although the scalar fields naturally appear post-post-Newtonian parameter δ also enters the in the theory, their inclusion predicts different calculation of the relativistic light deflection. relativistic corrections to Newtonian motions in The PPN formalism has proved to be a versa- gravitating systems. These deviations from GR tile method to plan gravitational experiments in lead to a violation of the Equivalence Principle thesolarsystemandtoanalyzethedataobtained (either weak or strong or both), modification of [3,11,12,13,14]. Different experiments test differ- large-scale gravitational phenomena, and gener- ent combinations of PPN parameters (see [12]). ally lead to space and time variation of physical Using the recent Cassini result [6] of γ − 1 = “constants.” As a result, this progress has pro- (2.1±2.3)×10−5,theparameterβ wasmeasured vided new strong motivation for high precision as β−1=(0.9±1.1)×10−4 from LLR. The pa- relativistic gravity tests. rameter δ has not yet been measured though its Therecenttheoreticalfindingssuggestthatthe value can be inferred from other measurements. presentagreementbetweenEinstein’s theoryand Thetechnologyhasadvancedtothe pointthat experiment might be naturally compatible with onecanconsidercarryingouttestsinaweakfield the existence of a scalar contribution to gravity. to 2nd order in the field strength parameter. Al- DamourandNordtvedt[7](seealso[8]forthere- thoughany measuredanomaliesin 1stor 2ndor- cent summary of a dilaton-runaway scenario and der metric gravity potentials will not determine referencestherein)havefoundthatascalar-tensor strongfieldgravity,theywouldsignalthatmodifi- theory of gravity may contain a ‘built-in’ cosmo- cations in the strong field domain will exist. The logical attractor mechanism towards GR. Their converse is perhaps more interesting: if to high speculation assumes that the parameter 1(1−γ) 2 precisionnoanomaliesarefoundinthelowestor- wasoforderof1intheearlyuniverse,atthetime der metric potentials, and this is reinforced by ofinflation,andhasevolvedtobecloseto,butnot 4 exactly equal to, zero at the present time. The tions discussed above. In particular, extensions numbersfor1−γ underthevariousattractorsce- to GR were shown to predict an experimentally narios need checking on under the ‘new’ versions consistentuniverseevolutionwithouttheneedfor of the mechanism [8] in which the scalar fields’ dark energy. These dynamical models are ex- migrationstowardthe attractorstartbackatthe pectedtoproducemeasurablecontributiontothe time of inflation. The expected deviation from parameter γ in experiments conducted in the so- zeromaybe oforderofthe inverseofthe redshift larsystemalsoatthelevelof1−γ ∼10−7−10−9, of the time of inflation, or somewhere between thusfurthermotivatingtherelativisticgravityre- 10−5 and 10−7 depending on the total mass den- search. By testing gravity at ever higher accu- sityoftheuniverse: 1−γ ∼7.3×10−7(H0/Ω30)1/2, racy, one not simply discriminates among the al- whereΩ0 istheratioofthecurrentdensitytothe ternativetheoriesofgravity;ineffect,oneobtains closure density and H0 is the Hubble constant in the criticalinformationonthebeginning,current units of 100 km/sec/Mpc. As a result, this re- evolution and ultimate future of our universe. cent work in scalar-tensor extensions of gravity This unexpected discovery demonstrates the motivate new searches for very small deviations importance of testing the new ideas about the ofgravityinthe solarsystem,atlevelsof10−5 to nature of gravity. We are presently in the “dis- ∼5×10−8 of the post-Newtonian effects. covery”phaseofthisnewphysics,andwhilethere There is now multiple evidence indicating that are many theoretical conjectures as to the origin 70%ofthecriticaldensityoftheuniverseisinthe of a non-zeroΛ, it is essentialthat we exploit ev- form of a “negative-pressure” dark energy com- eryavailableopportunitytoelucidatethephysics ponent; there is no understanding as to its ori- that is at the root of the observed phenomena. gin and nature. The fact that the expansion of In summary, there are a number of theoretical the universe is currently undergoing a period of reasons to question the validity of GR. The LA- acceleration now seems well confirmed: it is di- TOR mission is designed to provide the needed rectly measured from the light-curves of several experimental support to this quest. hundred type Ia supernovae [15], and indepen- dentlyinferredfromobservationsofCMB[16,17]. 2.3. PPN Parameters in the Near Future Cosmic speed-up can be accommodated within Prediction of possible deviation of PPN pa- general relativity by invoking a mysterious cos- rameters from the general relativistic values pro- mic fluid with large negative pressure, dubbed videsarobusttheoreticalparadigmandconstruc- dark energy. The simplest possibility for dark tive guidance for experiments that would push energy is a cosmological constant; unfortunately, beyond the empirical upper bound on γ [6] of thesmallestestimatesforitsvalueare55ordersof γ−1=(2.1±2.3)×10−5. NotethattheEdding- magnitude too large (for reviews see [18]). Most ton parameter γ, whose value in GR is unity, is of the theoretical studies operate in the shadow perhaps the most fundamental PPN parameter, of the cosmological constant problem, the most in that (1−γ) is a measure, for example, of the embarrassing hierarchy problem in physics. This fractional strength of the scalar gravity interac- fact has motivated a host of other possibilities, tion in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Within most ofwhichassume Λ=0,with the dynamical perturbation theory for such theories, all other dark energy being associated with a new scalar PPNparameterstoallrelativisticorderscollapse field. However, none of these suggestions is com- totheirGRvaluesinproportionto(1−γ). There- pelling and most have serious drawbacks. Given fore,measurementofthe1storderlightdeflection thechallengeofthisproblem,anumberofauthors effectatthelevelofaccuracycomparablewiththe [18,19] considered the possibility that cosmic ac- 2nd-order contribution would provide the crucial celerationisnotduetosomekindofnewphysics, information separating alternative scalar-tensor but rather arises from new gravitationalphysics. theories of gravity from GR discussed in ([11]). The PPN parameter γ may be the key param- Tests of fundamental gravitationalphysics fea- eter that holds the answers to most of the ques- ture prominently among NASA’s goals,missions, 5 and programs. Among the NASA missions that able to test a number of relativistic effects pre- will study the nature of gravity, we discuss here dictedbythemetricgravityandwillsignificantly the missions most relevant to LATOR science: improve the accuracy for several of these tests. The Gravity Probe-B (GP-B) mission will be In particular, LATOR will test the key PPN pa- able to measure the geodetic precession effect to rameter γ to unprecedented levels of accuracy of 2×10−5andtomeasuretheframe-draggingeffect 10−8, it will also reach ability to measure effects to3×10−3. Asaresult,thisexperimentwillper- oftheorder(c−4)oflightdeflectionresultingfrom mit direct measurement of the parameter γ with gravity’s intrinsic non-linearity (further testing accuracy of ∼5×10−5. While the LATOR’s ac- the metric structure of the gravity field); it will curacy to measure the Lense-Thirring precession provide the value for the solar quadrupole mo- willbe limited by the smallvalue ofthe solaran- mentparameter,J2 (veryimportantforthesolar- gular momentum, the PPN parameter γ will be terrestrial physics and gravitationalwave experi- measured with accuracy of almost 3.5 orders of ments in the solar system, but never measured). magnitudebetterthanthatexpectedwithGP-B. AmajoradvantageoftheLATORmissioncon- LLR contribution to the relativistic tests of cept is its independence on both – the drag-free gravity comes from its ability to study the lunar spacecraft environment and the phase-coherent orbit to a high accuracy. As such, LLR is basi- laser transponding techniques. The LATOR ex- callya β experimentratherthana γ experiment, perimentisoptimizedforit’sprimarysciencegoal primarilytesting the non-linearityofgravitythe- – to measure deflection of light in the solar grav- ory. LATOR will benefit from the technologies ity accurate to 10−8. There is no technological developed for LLR over the more than 35 years breakthroughsneededtosatisfytheLATORmis- historyofthisexperiment. However,LATORwill sion requirements. All the required technologies be able to directly measure the PPN parameter existandmostarespace-qualifiedasapartofour γ with accuracy of almost 4 orders of magnitude on-going interferometry program at JPL. better than currently available. We shall now discuss LATOR in more details. A lander on Mars, with a Cassini-class com- munication system, may be capable to measure 3. Overview of LATOR γ with accuracy of 10−6, limited by the aster- oid belt noise. As oppose ranging to Mars, LA- The LATOR experiment uses laser interferom- TOR will not be affected by the asteroid model- etry between two micro-spacecraft(placed in he- ingproblem. Redundancyoftheopticaltrussand liocentric orbits, at distances ∼ 1 AU from the a particular geometry makes LATOR insensitive Sun)whoselinesofsightpassclosebythe Sunto to such a noise, allowing it to outperform such a accuratelymeasuredeflectionoflightinthe solar mission by at least two orders of magnitude. gravity. Another component of the experimental An ambitious test of one of the foundations of designisalong-baseline(∼100m)multi-channel GR – the Equivalence Principle (EP) – is pro- stellar optical interferometer placed on the ISS. posed for the STEP (Space Test of Equivalence Figure 1 shows the general concept for the LA- Principle) mission. STEP will test the compo- TORmissionincludingthemission-relatedgeom- sition independence of gravitational acceleration etry, experiment details and required accuracies. forlaboratory-sizedbodiesbysearchingforavio- lationoftheEPwithafractionalaccelerationac- 3.1. Mission Design curacy of ∆a/a∼10−18 [20]. The STEP mission The key element of the LATOR experiment is will be able to test very precisely for any non- a redundant geometry optical truss to measure metric, long range interactions in physical law, thedeparturefromEuclideangeometrycausedby however the results of this mission will say noth- Gravity. Thetriangleinfigurehasthreeindepen- ing about the metric component of gravity itself. dentquantitiesbutthreearmsaremonitoredwith LATORisdesignedspecificallytotestthemetric laser metrology. From three measurements one nature of the gravitationalinteraction. It will be cancalculatetheEuclideanvalueforanyanglein 6 Figure 1. Geometry of the LATOR experiment. this triangle. In Euclidean geometry these mea- measured with accuracy of 10−3, including first surementsshouldagreetohighaccuracy. Thisge- ever measurement of the PPN parameter δ. The ometric redundancy enables LATOR to measure frame dragging effect is ±0.7 µas (or ± 339 pm) the departure from Euclidean geometry caused would be measured with 10−2 accuracy and the by the solargravityfield to a veryhigh accuracy. solarquadrupolemoment(usingtheoreticalvalue The difference in the measured angle and its Eu- J2 ≃ 10−7) can be modestly measured to 1 part clidean value is the non-Euclidean signal. in 20, all with respectable signal to noise ratios. On the ISS, all vibrations can be made com- The laser interferometers use ∼2W lasers and mon mode for both ends of the interferometer by ∼20 cm optics for transmitting the light between coupling them by an external laser truss. Ad- spacecraft. Solid state lasers with single fre- ditionally, the orbital motion of the ISS provides quencyoperationarereadilyavailableandarerel- variabilityintheinterferometer’sbaselineprojec- atively inexpensive. Assume the lasers are ideal tionneededto resolvethe fringeambiguityofthe monochromaticsourcesandthemeasuredlengths stable laser light detection by an interferometer. are 2AU = 3×108 km. The beam spread is 1 The 1st order effect of light deflection in the µm/20 cm = 5 µrad. The beam at the receiver solar gravity caused by the solar mass monopole is ∼1,500 km in diameter, a 20 cm receiver will is 1.75 arcseconds, which corresponds to a delay detect 1.71×102 photons/sec assuming 50% q.e. of ∼0.85 mm on a 100 m baseline. We currently detectors. 5 pm resolution for a measurement of areabletomeasurewithlaserinterferometrydis- γ to10−8 ispossiblewith≈10secofintegration. tances with an accuracy (not just precision but We now outline the basic elements of the LA- accuracy) of < 1 pm. In principle, the 0.85 mm TOR trajectory and optical design. gravitational delay can be measured with 10−9 −5 accuracyversus10 availablewithcurrenttech- 3.2. A 3:2 Earth Resonant Orbit niques. However, we use a conservative estimate The two LATOR spacecraft will be launched for the delay of 10 pm which would produce the into the orbit with a 3:2 resonance with the measurementofγtoaccuracyof10−8ratherthan Earth [21]. For this orbit, in 13 months after the 10−9. The2ndorderlightdeflectionis3.5µas(or launch, the spacecraft are within ∼ 10◦ of the ∼ 1702pm) andwith 10pmaccuracyitcouldbe Sun with first occultation occuring in 15 months 7 telescope focal plane and deflected in the right direction by the piezo-actuated mirrors. The third telescope is the laser light track- inginterferometerinputaperturewhichcantrack both spacecraft at the same time. To eliminate beam walk on the critical elements of this tele- scope, two piezo-electric stages are used to move two single-mode fiber tips on a spherical surface whilemaintainingfocusandbeampositiononthe fibers and other optics. Dithering at a few Hz is used to make the alignment to the fibers and the subsequent tracking of the two spacecraft com- Figure 2. The Sun-Earth-Probeangle during the pletely automatic. The interferometric tracking periodof3occultations(twoperiodiccurves)and telescopes are coupled together by a network of the angular separation of the spacecraft as seen single-mode fibers whose relative length changes fromthe Earth(lower smooth line). Time shown are measured internally by a heterodyne metrol- is days from the moment when one of the space- ogy system to an accuracy of less than 10 pm. ◦ craft is at 10 distance from the Sun. Thespacecraftareidenticalinconstructionand containarelativelyhighpowered(2W),stable(2 after launch. At this point, LATOR is orbiting MHz per hour ∼ 500 Hz per second), small cav- ataslowerspeedthan the Earth,but asLATOR ity fiber-amplified laser at 1.3 µm. Three quar- approaches its perihelion, its motion in the sky ters of the power of this laser is pointed to the begins to reverse and the spacecraft is again oc- Earththrougha20cmaperturetelescopeandits culted by the Sun 18 months after launch. As phase is tracked by the interferometer. With the the spacecraft slows down and moves out toward available power and the beam divergence, there aphelion,itsmotionintheskyreversesagainand are enough photons to track the slowly drifting it is occulted by the Sun for the third and final phase of the laser light. The remaining part of time 21 months after launch. the laser power is diverted to another telescope, Figures 2 shows the occultations in more de- whichpointstowardstheotherspacecraft. Inad- tails, giving the trajectory when the spacecraft ◦ dition to the two transmitting telescopes, each wouldbewithin10 oftheSunasviewedfromthe spacecraft has two receiving telescopes. The re- Earth. The two similar periodic curves give the ceivingtelescopeontheISS,whichpointstowards Sun-Earth-Probeanglesforthe2spacecraftwhile the area near the Sun, has laser line filters and the lower smooth curve gives the angular separa- a simple knife-edge coronagraph to suppress the tion of the spacecraft as seen from the Earth. Sun light to 10−6 of the light level of the light 3.3. Optical Design received from the space station. The receiving A single aperture of the interferometer on the telescope that points to the other spacecraft is ISS consists of three 10 cm diameter telescopes. free of the Sun light filter and the coronagraph. One of the telescopes with a very narrow band- In addition to the four telescopes they carry, width laser line filter in frontand with an InGAs thespacecraftalsocarryatiny(2.5cm)telescope camera at its focal plane, sensitive to the 1.3 µm with a CCD camera. This telescope is used to laser light, serves as the acquisition telescope to initially point the spacecraftdirectly towardsthe locate the spacecraft near the Sun. Sun so that their signalmay be seenatthe space The second telescope emits the directing bea- station. One more of these small telescopes may conto the spacecraft. Both spacecraftare served alsobe installedatrightanglestothe firstoneto out of one telescope by a pair of piezo controlled determine the spacecraft attitude using known, mirrors placed on the focal plane. The properly bright stars. The receiving telescope looking to- collimatedlaserlight(∼10W)is injectedinto the wards the other spacecraft may be used for this 8 purposepartofthetime,reducinghardwarecom- violation or extension of GR, or reveal the pres- plexity. Star trackerswith this constructionhave enceofanadditionallongrangeinteractioninthe been demonstrated many years ago and they are physicallaw. TherearenoanalogstotheLATOR readily available. A small RF transponder with experiment; it is unique and is a natural culmi- an omni-directional antenna is also included in nation of solar system gravity experiments. the instrument package to track the spacecraft Theworkdescribedherewascarriedoutatthe while they areontheir wayto assumethe orbital JetPropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstituteof position needed for the experiment. Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 4. 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