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The larvae of Teinopodagrion caquetanum De Marmels and T. vallenatum De Marmels (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae) PDF

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Preview The larvae of Teinopodagrion caquetanum De Marmels and T. vallenatum De Marmels (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae)

Odonatologica36(3):307-313 SeptemberI,2007 Thelarvaeof Teinopodagrioncaquetanum De Marmels and T. vallenatum DeMarmels (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae) L.A.Pérez-Gutiérrez Laboratorio deZoologíayEcologíaAcuática,DepartamentodeCiencias Biológicas, Universidad deLosAndes,Carrera 1N° 18A 10,Bogotá,Colombia [email protected] ReceivedFebruary23,2007/ RevisedandAcceptedApril3,2007 Thelastinstarlarvaearedescribed andillustrated.Theyarediagnosedagainstthe congeners onthebasis ofpublisheddescriptions.Theprincipal diagnosticfeatures arefound in caudal gills, cerci and protuberancesof occipitallobes. Akeytothe known Teinopodagrionlarvaeisprovided. INTRODUCTION Megapodagrionidae is apantropically distributedfamily. Thelarvalstagesof mostspecies are unknown, especially thoseoftheneotropical taxa. Teinopoda- grioniswelldistributedalongtheAndesmountainrange.DEMARMELS(2001) reportsforColombiaT. caquetanum, T.macropus,T. mercenarium,T. muzanum, T. oscillans, T. temporale. T.vallenatum, andas possible residents.T. curtum, T. turikum, T. venaleand T. vilorianum.Sofar25species areknown, andthe larval stagesofonlyfouroftheseweredescribed(DEMARMELS, 1982, 2001; VON ELLENRIEDER, 2006). The following descriptions of 77 caquetanumand 77 vallenatumlarvaewill bringthetotalnumberto six. MATERIALANDMETHODS Larvae werepreservedin 75%ethyl alcohol and depositedintheentomologicalcollection ofthe NaturalHistoryMuseumoftheUniversidad delos Andes(UNIANDES), Bogota.Drawingswere made usingastereoscopeZeiss Stemi SV6coupledtoacameralucida. Measurements aregivenin millimeters,total lengthincludes gills. 308 L.A. Perez-Gutierrez TEINOPODAGRION CAQUETANUM DE MARMELS,2001 Figures2,4,7,9,11,13,16,18,19 Material. — 26 last instarlarvae. Colombia: Meta,Villavicencio,vereda La Argentina,594 m a.s.1, 10-XII-2004,L. Perez leg. Generalcolourof larvaeterra cotta, presumably due to some ferrouscom- pound covering body. Legs long, gillsshortandslender. Head. — 1.6timesas wideas long, occiputconcave, occipital lobeswithslen- der, conicalprotuberances (Fig. 2).Antenna6-segmented; firstandsecondseg- mentsofaproximately samesize;withoutanydiscerniblecolourpattern, butwith somemediansizedhairs(Fig.4). Articulationofpre-andpostmentumbetween first pairoflegs, maximumwidthofprementumat 67, 56%itslength. External margin devoidof spines, ligula moderately convex, finely serrate, mediancleft shallow, prementumandpalpdevoidofsetaeandspines(Fig. 7). Movablehook longer thanexternaledge of palp. Palp withthree teeth, ofwhich internaland externalones are approximately the samesize; mediantoothtwicetheirlength. Mandibularformula(sensu WATSON. 1956) L T12340a(m1234)b; R T 1234y a(m°)b(Fig. 9). Thorax. — Prothoraxnarrower than head, withdorsolateralconicalpro- jections of same size as thoseon occipital lobes (Fig. 2). Legs withoutany dis- Figs 1-7.Last larval instarofT.vallenatum (Figs 1, 3,5,6) and T.caquetanum (Figs2,4,7): (1-2) head,dorsalview; - (3-4)rightantenna, dorsal view; - (5)prementum;- (6-7)prementum,dor- sal view. Larvae ofTeinopodagrioncaquetanum and T.vallenatum 309 cemiblecolourpattern (Fig. 11). Flat meso- and metathoraxirregularly black patterned. Posteriorwingpads surpassing proximal borderofS5. Abdomen. — Without any discerniblecolourpattern, but with a small bluntprotuberance onS6andslenderdorsalhooksonS7, 8,and9.HookonS9 surpassing length ofsegmentposteriorly (Fig. 13),distalborderofS10without triangular incision. Abdomen/lateralgill length proportion is 66, 15% (Tab. I). Lateralgillstriquetral,mediangillfoliaceous; pointed andprolongued, without any discerniblecolourpattern. (Fig 16).Cerci elongate withcurved dorsaland ventraledges, andwithblunttip directeddownwards(Fig. 18).Gonaphophyses small, unpatterned andwithoutspines (Fig. 19). Measurements (inmm). - Total length:17.8(including gills),median gill4.5,lateral gill 5.3. HABITAT. — Larvaewere collectedfroma smallstream in thefoothillsofthe ColombianEasternCordillera, whichdrainsto theOrinoco. Ithasasandy bed, presenting a ferrouscompound which tinged the larvaewith aterracotta col- ouration.Theassociated riparian forestis heavily fragmented andcomposed of endemicshrubsandtrees fromthetropical lowlandrainforest. TEINOPODAGRION VALLENATUM DE MARMELS,2001 Figures 1,3,5,6,8, 10,12, 14,15,17,20 Material. - 3d last instar larvae. Colombia: Magdalena,Santa Marta, SierraNevada de Santa Marta, QuebradaMalabrigo,ViaCerro Kennedy, 1600m a.s.1, 1 d,20-X-200I. Colombia: Magdalena,Santa Marta, Sierra Nevada deSanta Marta,QuebradaHarimaca, 800m a.s.l., 1 <J, 13-IV-2005. Colombia: Magdalena,Santa Marta,Sierra Nevada deSanta Marta,Rio Gaira,Pozo Azul, 1100ma.s.l.,1 S, 11-11-2006. Larvapalewithconspicuous darkstripes on caudalgillsandlegs (Fig. 14). Head. — Triangular, occiput concave (Fig. 3); conicalprotuberances ofoc- cipital lobesnotstrongly protruding. Antenna6-segmented, being the firstseg- mentthelargest,secondandthirdseg- Table I ments withdark stripe, stripe on sec- Dimension proportion ofsome body parts of ond segment located at middle and T.caquetanum and T. vallenatum presentssomefine hairs,onthird seg- PPrrooppoorrttiioonn ccaaqquueettaannuumm vvaalllleennaattuumm ment thedark stripe morebasally lo- cated(Fig. 5).Articulationofpre-and LLoonnggiittuuddee 8844%% 8800%% postmentumlocatedbetweenfirstpair cceennttrraall//llaatteerraall ggiillll of legs, maximum width of premen- WWiiddtthh//lloonnggiittuuddee 1133..77%% 1177..55%% WWiiddtthh//lloonnggiittuuddee 88..44%% 1111..2266%% tum at72%itslength. Palpal andpre- llaatteerraallggiillll mental setaeabsent(sensu CORBET, WWiiddtthh//lloonnggiittuuddee 6677..5566%% 7722%% 1953),lateraledgeofprementurnbeset pprreemmeennttuumm withshortspinesalongitsentirelength LLoonnggiittuuddee 6666..1155%% 8833%% (Figs5,6). Mandibularformula(sensu llaatteerraall ggiillll//aabbddoommeenn 310 L.A.Perez-Gutierrez WATSON, 1956)L IT234 0a(m12'4)b;R T 1234ya (m°)b(Fig. 8). Thorax. — Pro- and mesothorax dorsally presents acordiformblack spot, itsbluntendbecomes visibleand extends up to the wing pads insertion point (Fig. 14). Wing pads extending to base of S8. Femora with three black stripes, of whichthe most basal one being narrower andleastconspicuous. Tib- iae and tarsi pale, unpat- terned (Fig. 10), covered with short spines, the first spine is longer, claws sim- ple. Abdomen. — With protruding lateralkeels on S1-S8. Abdomen/lateral gill length proportion is 83% (Tab. I). Blunt dorsal hookspresentonS6-S9be- ing theoneonS6thesmall- Figs 8-13. Last larval instar of T. vallenatum (Figs8, 10, 12) and T.caquetanum (Figs9, 11,13):(8-9)mandibles,inner view; est(Fig. 12). Distalborder — (10-11)anteriorlegs, dorsal view; — (12-13)abdomen,lat- of S10 with asmallweak- eralview. ly marked triangular inci- sion; maximumwidth ofabdomenat S5 and S6, S9 is the narrowest. Caudal gillslong, lateralgillstriquetral,mediangillfoliaceous, thelattervisibly shorter, widerand withblunt tip (Fig. 15).All threegills besetwith spines along entire borders, thesespines being largeranddenser towardstips. Twowidetransverse darkbandsonall three gills,besidesof irregularly dispersed spots. Malegona- pophyses smallandtriangular, finely spinous ventrally (Fig. 20). Cerci shortand blunt, dorsaledge in basalhalfarched downwards, ventraledge arched upwards in distalhalf (Fig. 17). Measurements (inmm). - Totallength:20.7(including gills),median gill:6.7,lateralgill: 8.7. habitat. — Thelarvaewerecollectedinamountainstream withheavy sand bottomand slowcurrent inwell-preserved riparian forestin drytropical forest. Larvae ofTeinopodagrioncaquetanum and T vallenalum 311 KEY TOTHE LAST LARVALINSTAROF TEINOPODAGRION (MODIFIED FROM VON ELLENRIEDER, 2006) 1 Malecercuscylindrical 2 — Malecercustaperingtoend 3 2 (1)LabiumextendingbeyondcoxaeII;caudallamellae shorterthanabdomen;wingcasesextend- ingtoendofS6;tibiaeunpattemed;abdomenwithdarklongitudinalmarksanddorsal hookson S5-9;Venezuela andColombia oscillans — LabiumextendingtobetweencoxaeIand II;caudallamellae shorter than abdomen;wingcases extendingtoendofS5;tibiaewithonebasal darkband;abdomen paleandwithdorsalhookson SI- 9,thoseon2-5minute;PeruandBolivia decipiens 3 Tibiaeunpattemed;wingcasesextendingtobeginningorslightlydistaltobeginning,ofS5;dor- salhooksonS5-9;Venezuela andColombia venale — Tibiaewithorwithoutbasalspots;caudallamellae longerorshorterthan abdomen 4 4 Tibiaewiththreebasalspots;caudallamellae longerthan abdomen;wingcasesextendingtoend ofS5;dorsalhooksonSI-9Bolivia and Argentina meridionale — Tibiaewithout basal spots;caudallamellae shorterthan abdomen;dorsal hooksonS6-9 5 5 WingcasesextendingtobeginningofS5; antennalsegmentsunpatterned;blunt protuberanceon S6andslender dorsalhooksand increasinginsizefrom7,8, and9 caquetanum — WingcasesextendingtobeginningS8;secondandthirdantennal segmentswithdarkstripes;dor- salhooksofS7,S8andS9areverysimilar insize,onS6issmall.(EndemictoSierraNevada de Santa Marta,Colombia) vallenatum DISCUSSION T. vallenatum is an endemic species of the Sierra NevadaofSantaMarta(DE MARMELS, 2001). Its knownaltitudinaldistributionvariesfrom800ma.s.l. inMinca, PozoAzulsiteto 1600ma.s.l inQuebrada Malabrigo. T. caquetanumisfoundinthefoothillsof theColombianEasternCordillerawhichdrainstothe Orinocobasin. T. caquetanumand T. vallenatumlarvae are quite similarin general appearance.Diagnostic characters of T vallenatumare: DorsalhooksarepresentonS6-S9, thatonS6isvery small, hooksofS7, S8andS9 are very similarin size and thickness; abdomenhas lateralkeels similar to those foundin larvaeofHetaerina(Calopterygidae). In T caquetanumthe dorsalhooks are moreslender thanin T. vallenatum, and only thoseon S8 and S9 are similar insize. Fig. 14.Teinopodagrionvallenatum: last larval instar,generalas- pect. 312 L.A.Perez-Gutierrez Median gill in T. vallena- tum presents an intermedi- ate widthbetween those of T. venaleandT. oscillans, be- sidesofhavingablunttip.In T. caquetanumthemediangill isvery small. Cercus of T. vallenatum male is evidently different fromthatof T. venaleand T. oscillans. Inthesetwospecies thecercusisdirectedupwards andhas smoothedges, while in T. vallenatumthe edges of cercus show sudden change intheirdirectiontowardstip, e. g., with dorsalmargin di- rected downwards in basal half,andwithventralmargin arched upwards indistalhalf ofcercus(Fig. 17).Segments 2and 3ofthe antenna ofT. Figs15-20,LastlarvalinstarofT.vallenatum (Figs15,17,20) vallenatumhavedarkstripes; and T.caquetanum (Figs 16,18, 19):(15-16)caudallamellae, segment 2 presents few and lateralview;—(17-18)cercus,dorsalandlateralviews;—(19- 20)gonapophyses, - [Figs 17-20 nottoscale] relativelyshorthairs,segment 3hasnohairs. Neither T. ve- nalenor T. oscillansshowsdarkstripes or hairson antennae. Wing padsextend toanteriormarginofS8in T.oscillans, whileinT. venaletheyjust reachto S5. ThemaindifferencesbetweenT. vallenatumand T.caquetanumlay intheshape ofcerci, projections ofoccipital lobesand pronotum. (Figs 2, 3).Thelatter in T. vallenatumis devoidoflateralprojections andalmost rounded;the occipital lobesshow small, scale-likeprojections andwiderthanin T. caquetanum. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ThanksareduetoDrJURGDEMARMELSforhiscommentsonthemanuscript,andtotheRe- search CommitteeoftheFacultyofSciencesoftheUniversidad deLosAndes,Bogota,forthefund- ingpart ofthisproject,aswellastothe Laboratorio deZoologiayEcologiaAcuatica (LAZOEA) ofthesameuniversityforallowinguseoftheequipmentandtheirinstallations forthedevelopment oftheproject. Larvae ofTeinopodagrioncaquetanum and T.vallenatum 313 REFERENCES CORBET, P.S., 1953. Aterminologyforthe labium oflarvalOdonata. Entomologist86: 191-196. DE MARMELS,J.C., 1982. Dos nayadesnuevasdela familia Megapodagrionidae(Odonata:Zy- goptera).Bolnent. venez.(N.S.)2(10):89-93, DE MARMELS,J.C.,2001. Revisionof Megapodagrion(Selys, 1886) (Insecta, Odonata: Mega- podagrionidae).Diss., Univ. Zurich. VONELLENRIEDER,N., 2006.ThelarvaeofTeinopodagriondecipiensDeMarmelsandT. me- ridionale DeMarmels (Zygoptera;Megapodagrionidae).Odonatologica35(3):281-287. WATSON, M.C., 1956.The utilization ofmandibular armatureintaxonomicstudies ofanisopter- ousnymphs.Trans. Am.ent. Soc. 81: 155-205.

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