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The large-scale structure of passive scalar turbulence Antonio Celani and Agnese Seminara CNRS, INLN, 1361 Route des Lucioles, 06560 Valbonne, France (Dated: February 8, 2008) We investigate the large-scale statistics of a passive scalar transported by a turbulent velocity field. At scales larger than the characteristic lengthscale of scalar injection, yet smaller than the correlation length of the velocity, the advected field displays persistent long-range correlations due totheunderlyingturbulentvelocity. Theseinducesignificant deviationsfrom equilibriumstatistics for high-order scalar correlations, despite theabsence of scalar flux. PACSnumbers: 47.27.-i 5 0 Turbulent flows are systems far away from equilib- ior at scales larger than the pumping correlation length 0 2 rium, characterized by a flux of energy through a range L, with significant differences from Gibbs statistical en- of scales. This cascade process is often accompanied semble. In this Letter we show that these results extend n a bystronglynon-gaussianstatisticsandnontrivialscaling to passive scalar advection by a realistic flow, namely J properties [1]. Passive scalar turbulence is no exception, two-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence in the inverse 3 inthisrespect. Itsunderstandinghasrecentlyundergone cascade range. This flow has been studied in great de- remarkableprogress,withresultsthoroughlyreviewedin tail both experimentally (in fast flowing soap films [7] ] Ref. [2]. A passive scalar field θ(x,t), like dilute dye and in shallow layers of electromagnetically driven elec- D concentration or temperature in appropriate conditions, trolyte solutions [8]) and numerically [9, 10]. The ve- C transported by an incompressible velocity field v(x,t), locity is statistically homogeneous and isotropic, scale- . n evolves according to invariant with exponent 1/3 (no intermittency correc- i tions to Kolmogorov scaling) and with dynamical cor- nl ∂tθ+v ∇θ =κ∆θ+f , (1) relation times. This flow has also been utilized to inves- · [ tigate passive scalar transport in the scalar flux range 1 where f is a source of scalar fluctuations that acts at a L > r > r [11, 12] and multi-particle dispersion, an lengthscale L. The velocity field is assumed to be tur- d v int∼imate∼ly related subject [13, 14]. From this ensemble 7 bulent and characterized by a self-similar statistics (e.g. of studies it emerged that the lessons drawn from the 0 (v(x+r) v(x)) r1/3 accordingto Kolmogorov’s1941 − ∼ studyoftheKraichnanmodelareindeedrelevantforthe 0 theory) in the range of scales delimited above by the ve- 1 locity correlation length L and below by the viscous qualitative understanding of passive scalar transport by v 0 realistic flows; and this will turn out to be true for the scaleη. Passivescalarfluctuationsgeneratedatthescale 5 present case as well. L form increasingly finer structures due to velocity ad- 0 Some basic, although incomplete, information about / vection and this process results in a net flux of scalar n the scalar statistics in the supposed “thermal equilib- variance to small scales, where it is eventually smeared i rium range” can be gained by studying the isotropic l out by molecular diffusivity at a scale r . Here we will n d spectrum E(k) = 2πk θˆ(k)2 for kL > 1. Let us re- v: consider the case where these scales are ordered as fol- call that the equilibriuh|m st|atiistics for∼the scalar field lows: L L η,r . In the range L r r the i v ≫ ≫ d ≫ ≫ d would be described by the Gibbs functional P[θˆ] = X averagescalarflux is constantandequalsthe averagein- Z−1exp[ β θˆ(k)2dk], i.e. the Fourier modes should r putrate: thisisthewellstudiedinertial-convectiverange − | | a behave as inRdependent Gaussian variables with equal where θ displays non-gaussian statistics and anomalous variance 1/(2β). As shown in Fig. 1, we observe E(k) scaling [3, 4]. Conversely, at scales larger than L there ∼ k,inagreementwithequipartitionarguments;moreover, is no scalar flux. Accordingly, one would expect Gaus- the statistics of single Fourier modes is indistinguishable sian statistics and equipartition of scalar variance, i.e. from Gaussian. However, we anticipate that from those the hallmarks of statistical equilibrium. This expecta- findings alone one cannot state conclusively that large- tion is correct at r L , where the dynamics of the v ≫ scale passive scalar is in a thermal equilibrium state, large-scalepassivescalarisruledbyaneffectivediffusion giventhatthey donotallowtoruleoutthe possibilityof equation resulting in a Gaussian statistics. However, in the intermediate range L > r > L, deviations from long-rangecorrelations for higher order observables (e.g. v “thermal equilibrium” might∼aris∼e as a consequence of four-point scalar correlations). Amorerefineddescriptionofthelarge-scaleproperties turbulent transport. Indeed, Falkovich and Fouxon [5] of passive scalar can be obtained in terms of the coarse- have recently shown — in the context of the Kraichnan grained field modelofpassivescalaradvectionwherethevelocityfield is gaussian, self-similar and short-correlated in time [6] θ (x,t)= G (x y)θ(y,t)dy (2) — that the scalar field shows a highly nontrivial behav- r Z r − 2 where Gr acts as a low-pass filter in Fourier space (for 101 instance, the top-hat filter G (x y) = 1/(πr2) if r (a) − 0 x y < r and zero otherwise; or the Gaussian filter 10 |G (−x |y)=(2πr2)exp[ x y 2/(2r2)]). Forr 0the -1 k r 10 − −| − | → filter reduces to a two-dimensional δ-function and there- -2 10 foreθ θ. Thestatisticsofθ istypicallysupergaussian r [15,16]→: itsprobabilitydensityfunctionhasexponential- 10-3 -5/3 like tails even for a gaussian driving force f. Indeed, in -4 k 10 the latter case it can be shown that θ is the product of -5 twoindependentrandomvariablesθ =∆ φ√F T whereφis 10 0 -6 a gaussianvariableofzero meanandunit variance,F is 10 0 the averageinjection rate ofscalarfluctuations, andT is -7 10 a positive-defined random variable, independent from φ. 0.1 1 ThevariableT isessentiallythetimetakenbyaspherical kL blobofminuteinitialsizetodisperseacrossalengthLfor a given flow configuration [17, 18]. For example, assum- 100 ing a poissonian distribution for the rare events when T (b) 2 exceeds its average value yields exponential tails for the 1/ 10-1 > pdf of θ [19]. The distribution of θ is supergaussian as r 2 | well;however,asrincreasesabovetheforcingcorrelation ) k -2 length, the probability density of θr tends to a gaussian ^θ( 10 0.2 | distribution,as itisclearlyseenbythe scale-dependence < ofthedistributionflatnessandhyperflatness(seeFig.2). ) 10-3 <|^θ(k)|2> k) 0.1 WithintheframeworkofGibbsstatisticalequilibrium, ( the scalar field has vanishingly small correlations above ^θ( 10-4 the scale L: therefore one could view θ as the sum of P 0 kL r -5 0.05 0.5 N (r/L)2 independent random variables (identically 10 ≈ -4 -2 0 2 4 distributed as θ) divided by N. By central limit the- orem arguments [20], the moments of order 2n of the ^θ(k) / <|^θ(k)|2>1/2 coarse-grainedscalarfield(odd-ordermomentsvanishby symmetry) should then scale as N−n, giving (θ )2n FIG. 1: (a) Passive scalar and velocity spectra. The data re- r θ2 n(r/L)−2n. This is a very good estimatehfor n =i ∼1: sultfromthetimeintegrationofthetwo-dimensionalNavier- hindieed, as shown in Fig. 3, the product (r/L)2 θ2 has a Stokes equations ∂tv+v·∇v =−∇p+ν∆v+F −αv and h ri eq. (1) by a pseudospectral method on a 10242 grid. The very neat plateau. This is consistent with the fast decay passivescalar isinjected byaGaussian, δ-correlated in time, of the two-point scalar correlation θ(x,t)θ(x+r,t) at r > L. Indeed, in this case the shecond-order momient sntaartrioswticbaallnydhoofmwoagveenneuomusbearnsd. Tisohterionpiitciaflocrocinndgitrieosntrfiocrtethdetvoea- ihsθr2∼diom=inRatdeyd1dbyy2Gcorn(tyr1ib−utxio)nGsrw(yit2h−yx)hθy(y1,<t)θL(yy2ie,ltd)i- lioncteitgyrafiteioldnisanadcotnhfiugsuaralrteiaodnytaaktenthfreomstaatipstriecvailolyussltoantgio-ntiamrye 1 2 ing θ2 θ2 (r/L)−2. Alternativel|y, b−y Fo|u∼rier trans- state. The passive scalar starts from a zero field configura- formhinrgi ∼thhe cioarse-grained field one obtains θ2 = tion,and after atransient of afew large-eddy turnovertimes Gˆ (k)2 θˆ(k,t)2 dk θ2 (r/L)−2, since theh trrians- τv = Lv/vrms where Lv is the integral scale of the velocity | r | h| | i ≃ h i field,itreachesitsownstatisticallysteadystateaswell. Time Rformed filter Gˆr(k) is close to unity for kr 1 and falls averages are taken after this relaxation time has elapsed, for ≪ off very rapidly for kr > 1, and θˆ(k,t)2 θ2 /(πL2). a total duration of more than 104 scalar correlation times In summary, two-point∼statistics| appea|rs≃tohbei consis- τL≈τv(L/Lv)2/3. HereL/Lv ≈0.02. Thevelocityspectrum tent with Gibbs equilibrium ensemble. The situation for agreeswiththeKolmogorovpredictionk−5/3 andthepassive scalar one follows very closely the equipartition spectrum in multi-point correlations will turn out to be different. two-dimensionsE(k)∼k(seealsotheinsetofpanel(b)). (b) A careful inspection of higher-order moments shows a The marginal probability density function of a single Fourier lessgoodagreementwithcentral-limittheoremestimates amplitude θˆ(k) is indistinguishable from a Gaussian (dotted (see Fig. 3): this points to the existence of subleading curve) for all wavenumbers in the range L−1 >∼ k >∼ L−v1. contributionstothemoments θ2n forn>1arisingfrom Hereare shown threewavenumberswith kL=0.5,0.25,0.12. h r i Intheinsetisshownthespectraldensityh|θˆ(k)|2ithatshows long-range correlations of multiple scalar products. In a neat plateau at kL≪1 (notice the linear scale on the ver- order to quantify more precisely the rate of convergence tical axis). to gaussianity and its relationship to long-range correla- tions,itisusefultoconsiderthecumulantsoftherandom variable θ . According to central limit theorem [20], the r 3 ] 2 n > n=4 > 0.6 2 n r 1.8 2 n=1 θ θ 0.5 < < 1)!! 1.6 > / 0.4 n=2 2n- 1.4 n=3 2n r 0.3 n=3 ( θ [ < / 1.2 n=2 n 0.2 n=4 > 2 n L) 0.1 2θr 1 (r/ 0 < 1 10 1 10 100 r/L r/L FIG. 2: The flatness and hyperflatness of the coarse-grained FIG.3: Momentsofthecoarse-grainedscalarfieldhθ2nicom- r scalarfieldasafunctionofr/L,normalizedbytheirgaussian pensated by the thermal equilibrium expectation (r/L)2n. values (2n−1)!!. For r → 0 the curves tend to the flatness The errorbars are determined by dividing the sample in ten factors of the field θ: the numerical values correspond to a subsamples and computing thedispersion around the mean. supergaussian probability density function lnp(θ)∼−θ1.6. 1 10 cumulantoforder2nshouldvanishwithN−2n+1 leading >> 100 n=2 to an expected scaling θ2n θ2n (r/L)−4n+2. Let n us reiterate that the forhmh errieix∼prehshsioniiis expected to be 2θ 10-1 n=3 valid inabsence of scalarcorrelationsacrosslengthscales << 10-2 r-16/3 r >L. / ∼For n = 1 we have hhθr2ii = hθr2i whose behavior >> 10-3 r-22/3 has been already detailed above. In Fig. 4 we show n -4 the behavior of hhθr4ii = hθr4i − 3hθr2i2 and hhθr6ii = 2θr 10 hθr6i−15hθr2ihθr4i+30hθr2i3. For the fourth-order cumu- < 10-5 lant, we observe a scaling law very close to the theo- < -6 retical expectation θ4 θ4 (r/L)−16/3 [5]. This 10 has to be contrastedhhwritihi t≃hehhscailiing law (r/L)−6 given 1 10 by central limit arguments. The breakdown of central r/L limit theorem is due to the existence of long-range dy- namical correlations in the range r L. These exclude FIG. 4: Cumulants of order 4 and 6 for the coarse-grained ≫ scalarfield. Thebestfitsfortheslopesgiveexponents5.32± the possibility of a true Gibbs statistical equilibrium at 0.05 forn=2and7.5±0.5for n=3. Thetheoretical values largescales. Theleadingcontributiontothefourth-order −16/3 and −22/3 are shown for comparison. cumulant θ4 = dy dy dy dy G (y x)G (y hh rii 1 2 3 4 r 1− r 2− x)G (y x)G (yR x) θ(y ,t)θ(y ,t)θ(y ,t)θ(y ,t) r 3 r 4 1 2 3 4 − − hh ii comes from configurationswith the four points arranged exponentfor θ6 cannotbedeterminedwithgreatpre- in two pairs of close particles (e.g. y1 y2 < L cision, yet ithlhiesriwiithin the range between 7 and 8, and y3 y4 < L) separated by a d|ista−nce |r ∼(e.g. thus definitely different from the central-lim−it-theor−em y1 | y3− r|).∼ Otherwise stated, two-point correla- expectation 10. |tors−of t|he≃squared scalar field θ2(x,t)θ2(x + r,t) Further in−sightonthe deviationsfromstatisticalequi- must display a nontrivial scalinghh(r/L)−4/3. We wiilil librium at large scales can be gained by studying the get back to the issue of the statistics of θ2 momentar- statistics of the coarse-grainedsquared scalar field ily. Thesixth-ordercumulant θ6 isextremelydifficult hh rii to measure because of the strong cancellations between θ(2)(x,t)= G (x y)θ2(y,t)dy . (3) various terms. Upon collecting the statistics over about r Z r − ten thousand scalar correlation times, we can conclude (2) The cumulants of θ give useful information about the that the results are consistent with the power-law decay r θ6 θ6 (r/L)−22/3 suggested by the theory, and presence of long-range correlations of the field θ2. The ahhrisriinig≃frohhm itierms like θ4 θ2 that appear in the first-order cumulant θr(2) θr(2) is trivially equal to expansion of the sixth-ohrhderriichuhmruiilant [5]. The actual θ2 . The second-orhdher cuiim≡ulahnt iθ(2)2 = θ(2)2 r r h i hh ii h i − 4 this is not the case for T and T because of the under- 1 2 lying velocity field. Therefore, the long power-law tail >> 100 n=1 for θ(2)2 arises from events where T T T 2. 2n (r/L)-4/3 Thishhamrouinitstosaythattwoblobsofinhiti1al2siize≫smhaliler θ 10-1 than L, released at a distance r L in the same flow, < ≫ < <<θ(2)n>>/<<θ(2)2>>n-1 do not spread considerably by turbulent diffusion (i.e. > / 10-2 3 r n=4 r n=2 T1,2 ≫hTi) with a probability ∼(r/L)−4/3. > n) 2 We acknowledge illuminating discussions with G. (2θr 10-3 1 FalkovichandA.Fouxon. Thisworkhasbeensupported < n=3 r/L by the EU under the contract HPRN-CT-2002-00300. < 0 -4 Numericalsimulations have been performedat CINECA 10 1 10 (INFM parallel computing initiative). r/L FIG.5: Cumulantsofthecoarse-grained, squaredscalar field θr(2). Thedefinitionsfor thelow-order cumulantsofageneric [1] U. Frisch, Turbulence, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam- random variable z are: hhzii = hzi, hhz2ii = hz2i − hzi2, bridge, (1995). hhz3ii = hz3i−3hzihz2i+2hzi3, hhz4ii = hz4i−4hzihz3i− [2] G. Falkovich, K. Gaw¸edzki, and M. 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[15] Jayesh&Z.Warhaft,Phys.Rev.Lett.,67,3503,(1991). r [16] J. P. Gollub et al, Phys.Rev. Lett., 67, 3507, (1991). [17] U. Frisch, A. Mazzino, A. Noullez, and M. Vergassola, θ(2) 2 for a scalar field in thermal equilibrium should Phys. Fluids. 11, 2178 (1999). dhercayi rapidly to zero at large scales r >L. On the con- [[1189]] AB.. CI.elSahnriaaimndanD.&ViEn.ceSnizgig,iaP,hyPshicyas.DR1e7v2.,E1,0349(,2020921)2., trary, as shown in Fig. 5, we observe∼a slow power-law (1994). decay with an exponent close to the theoretical expecta- [20] The statistics of the random variable z =( Nw )/N, tion θr(2)2 θ4 (r/L)−4/3 [5]. wherewiareindependentandidenticallyNdistrPibiutediran- hh ii≃hh ii dom variables with zero mean and finite variance σ2, Higher-order cumulants behave self-similarly as hhθr(2)nii∼hhθr(2)2iin−1. Thisresultcanbeinterpretedin iGs(cso)m=plehteexlyp(cshzaNr)aic.teBriyzedvirbtyuethoef gsteanteirsatitcinalgifnudnecpteionn- terms of the geometrical properties of the positive mea- dency and identity in distribution of the w’s, we have sure defined by the squared scalar field: at scales r > L G(s) = h Ni exp(swi/N)i = hexp(sw/N)iN = g(s/N)N the field θ2 appears as a purely fractal object with∼di- where g Qis the generating function for w. For N ≫ 1 we have g(s/N) ≃ (1+s2σ2/(2N2))N ≃ exps2σ2/(2N) mension D 2/3 (see Fig. 6). We end up by briefly F ≈ (a version of the central limit theorem) and therefore discussingthephysicaloriginoflong-rangescalarcorrela- hz2ni ≃ (2n−1)!!σ2nN−n. The cumulants hhz2nii are tions. Foragaussianforcingwehaveθ2(x1,t)θ2(x2,t)=∆ deNfined in terms of the Taylor series of lnG(s)Naround F φ2φ2T T . At distances x x = r L the two s = 0: since lnG(s) = Nlng(s/N) we have hhz2nii ∼ ga0us1sia2n1va2riables φ and φ| a1r−e ind2e|pende≫nt. However, hhw2niiN−2n+1. N 1 2

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