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ASIA Stljata, Neva Ijnrh CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION CHINA AND THE CHINESE THE GIFT OF CHARLESWILLIAM WASON CLASSOF1876 1918 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924023552510 THE LANGUAGES OF CHINA BEFORE THE CHINESE. —— ) LINGUISTIC AND ORIENTAL WORKS/ By Prof. Dk. TEKRIEN DE LACOUPEPIE. — DuLangage: EssaisurlaNatureet l'Etude des Mota et des Langues. Paris- Leipzig, 1867,—1vol., 8vo. LeaNomsproprea. LeHavre, 1868. Early Hiatory of the Chin—ese Civilization (with plate of early Chinese and Babyloniancharacters). London, 1880,8vo. - The Silver Coinage of Tibet (with plate).—London, 1882, 8vo. (Repr. from JVumismatic Chronicle). ALoloManuscriptwrittenonSatin.—London, 1882,8vo.(Repr.fromJ.R.A.S.) PaperMoneyoftheNinthCentury,and supposed Leather Coinage of China. London,1882,8vo. (Sepr.Num. Chron. — OntheHistoryoftheArchaicChinese Writings and Texts. London,1882,8vo. (Repr.fromJ.S.AS.) — OrientaliaAntiqua(editedbyT. deLacouperie). London, 1882,8vo. TheOldestBookoftheChineseanditsAuthors(Jour.—Soy.Asiat. Soc, 1882,vol. ThexOilv.d,Npupm.e7r8a1l-s8,15th;e1C88o3u,ntvoiln.gxvB.o,dpsp,.2a3n7d-2t8h3e.4S8w4)a.n-pSaenconidnedCihtiinoan.i—ntLhoenpdreosns,. 1882,8vo. (Repr. N. C.) TheAffinityof—the TenStems of the Chinese Cycle of Ten with the Akkadian Numerals. London, 1883(Repr. Academy). — TheChineseMythicalKingandtheBabylonianCanon. London,1883(Repr.Acad). TraditionsofBabyloniainEarlyChineseDocuments.—London,1833(Repr.Acad.) ChineseandJapaneseCoins(HistoricalSketchof),pp. 198-235, CoinsandMedals bytheauthorsoftheBritish—MuseumOfficialCatalogues.—London,1885,8vo. The Cradle of the Shan Bace. London, 1885 (Introd. to A. B. Colquhoun's AmongsttheShans). — TheSinimofIaaiah,nottheChinese. Lo—ndon* 1887(Repr.Bab.andOr.Record). DidCyrusintroduceWritingintoIndia? London, 1887('Repr. B. O.R.) Babylonia and China. Western Origin of the Early Chinese Civilization. London, 1887 (Repr.B.O.R.) BeginningsofWriting(withsixplates).—London, 1887, 1vol.,8vo. The Languages of China before the C—hinese (Repr. from the Address of the PresidenttothePhilologicalSociety). Londo—n, 1887i 1vol.,8vo. FormosaNotesonMSS.,LanguagesandEaces. Lon—don, 1887(Repr. J.R.A.S.) IdeologyofLanguages, and its Belation to History. London,1887, 1 vol.,8vo. The.CIonitnhseporfesCsh.ina,from the British Museum and other Sources.—Vol. i.,4to. TheISncitehnecpereosfs.Language,chieflywithregardtoS. E.Asia.—1vol., 8vo. Soon inthepress. TheChinese and their Future Prospects(J. Soc. ofArts,July,1880).—TheLolo aonndCMooi—nsssoofWrGihtianzgasn(P(rCoact.alRo.gQu.eS.o,f18O8r2i,enstuaplp.Copianps.,IB.r)it—iOshnMau—Bsaegusmp,avLoel.gevni.d n18a8m1)e.ofChtihenesKeomIanns'crEipmtpiionrse ((iAbcida.d,em1ys,tOc2t4ot—bherS,ep1t8.8,1).1—88T1)h.eSTuhmeeriCahninaensde Accadian Dialects (ibid., 24th Jan., 1882). Lolo not connected with Vei Characters (Athenasum. 23rd Sept., 1882).—The Th-king (ibid., 21stJan 9thand30th Sept., 1882).—Chinese and AccadianAffinities(Academy 20th Jan., 1883).—TheShiftingof theCardinal Points,as an illustration of the Chaldeao-Babylonian Culture borrowedbytbe early Chinese (abstr ibid 12thMay,1883).-EarlyChineseLiterature(ibid.,28thJuly,1883)—Chinese andSiamese(ibid., 11thAugust, 1883).—Tin-yfitnotIndia (ibid 2nd Mav 1885).—India from China (ibid., 5th Sept., 1885).—Babylonian and Old C2h4tihnesOcet.M,ea1s8u8r5e)s.-(Tihbied.,Ne1s0ttohriOacnt.T,ab1l8e8t5)(.T—iImensd.o-4CthhinFeesbe P1h8i8l5o)lo—sTvhfeibiTdn Indigenes of Tungking (Proc. R.G.S.,April, 1886).—Babylonia and ChiZna (Academy,7thAug.,1880).-The Nestorian TabletatSi-ngarTfu(Time, Sept., 1886).—Comparative Ideology(Academy,4thSept., 1886)—Akkadian —aS.nTdhWeS.uKmCuehsrhiiinataens(,iAnwcahCdooemmpwyae,rrae9ttithvheeFyePPbh.(i,ilboi1dl.o8,g8yD7e)(cB—,aAb1.8Na8an6td)iv.Oe—rAWrRNieteciownrgdWriiNntoivFnogr1m8f8or6sn1™^ (ibid.,Aug.,1887).—LesLanguesdelaChineavantlesChinois (Le Mfuus*ilo„nn, Janvier,Avril,Jnillet,1887). K : THE LANGUAGES OF CHINA BEFORE THE CHINESE. EE8EAECHES ON THE LANGUAGES SPOKEN BY THE PEE-CHINESE EACES OF CHINA PEOPEE PEEYIOUSLT TO THE CHINESE OCCUPATION. TERRIEN DE LACOUPERIE, DOCTORINPHILOSOPHYANDINLETTERS PROFESSOR OP INDO-CHINESE PHILOLOGY (UNIVERSITY C;OLLEGE, LONDON) : M. OP COUNCILROYALASIATICSOCIETYANDPHILOLOGICALSOCIETY . J CM. ACADEMIE EE STANISLAS OF NANCY, PEKING ORIENTAL SOCIETY, ETC. LONDON DAVID NUTT, 270, STEAND. 1887. PL330I {Included in the Address of the President to the Philological Society, 1886.)

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