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TheLanguageSituationinChina Volume2 Language Policies and Practices in China Edited by 李嵬 Li Wei ( ) Volume 2 The Language Situation in China Volume 2. 2008–2009 李宇明 Editor-in-Chief: Li Yuming ( ) 周庆生 郭熙 Associate Editors: Zhou Qingsheng ( ), Guo Xi ( ) & 周洪波 Zhou Hongbo ( ) 李嵬 English Editor: Li Wei ( ) 许小颖 Editorial Assistants: Xu Xiaoying ( ) & 戴文颖 Dai Wenying ( ) 赵守辉 Translation Advisors: Zhao Shouhui ( ), 姚小平 师鲁道 Yao Xiaoping ( ) & Rudolf Salzlechner ( ) The Commercial Press ISBN978-1-61451-400-8 e-ISBN978-1-61451-365-0 ISSN2195-9838 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookhasbeenappliedforattheLibraryofCongress. BibliographicinformationpublishedbytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableintheInternetathttp://dnb.dnb.de. 62014WalterdeGruyter,Inc.,Boston/BerlinandtheCommercialPress,Beijing,China Typesetting:RoyalStandard,HongKong Printingandbinding:Hubert&Co.GmbH&Co.KG,Göttingen ♾ Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedinGermany www.degruyter.com Li Yuming (李宇明) Preserving and developing language resources Foreword to The Language Situation in China: – English Version, Vol. 2 (2008 2009) In recent years,the idea of language resource has been gradually accepted and extended from academic circles to language affairs and other fields of society, and it has become a general focus of attention.With its humanistic properties, language has become an important resource of the high-end of the new econ- omy and information industry, and has entered the domain of hard power from that of soft power with the development of computational linguistics and the arrivaloftheinformationera. Carefully considered, a language resource may be divided into three types: 1) natural language resource; 2) derivative language resource; and 3) linguistic competence. 1 Natural language resource A natural language is one that has evolved naturally in history as a means of communication among people, e.g., Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, and Zhuang (壮) languages. A natural language is composed of the common language and its dialects, and if well-developed, has its written system. From the perspective of China, the naturallanguageresourceincludes(i)Putonghua,Chinesedialectsandclassical andcontemporaryChinesecharacters;(ii)Minoritynationallanguages,dialects, andwriting;and(iii)Foreignlanguages,bothspokenandwritten. Both(i)and(ii)arenativelanguageresources,whosecurrentconditionmay besummarizedbelow: 1) Putonghua is spreading faster both in China and abroad and its learning andapplicationvalueisbeingswiftlyheightened. 2) “Regional common languages” have their actual communicative value; however,their linguistic status is not yet established and research is rather limited. 3) The value of Chinese dialects is being reconsidered. Chinese dialects are also changing fast with culture-loaded words passing swiftly. Therefore, with the help of modern information means, research and preservation of thesedialectsisbeingattempted. vi LiYuming(李宇明) 4) More concern is being shown to the relationship between simplified and traditionalChinesecharacters.Theintensifiedglobalinfluenceoftheformer is unparalleled and emphasis is given domestically to the latter’s role in culturalinheritance. 5) FrequentcommunicationbetweendomesticandoverseasChineseresultsin mutual assimilationandpromotion,moving inthedirectionofconvergence. Chinese-character-dependent polities are trying to reduce barriers of com- municationinthevirtualaswellasactualworld. 6) Therewasnomajorchangeinthepastsixdecadesintheregionsandcom- munities of ethnic languages. However, due to certain historical reasons and reality factors, a lot of these languages are in decline or even en- dangered, for instance, Manchu, Hezhen, Oroqen, She (畲), Tujia (土家), Yugur,andQiang(羌). 7) Language life in the minority ethnic regions is characterized by a tendency towardbilingualismormultilingualism.Minoritynationallanguages,particu- larly those few with traditional writing systems, e.g. Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazak, Korean,Yi (彝) and Dai (傣), are playing their proper roles inpolitics,education,culture,thepubliclanguageservice,anddigitization. 8) The investigation of minority languages, especially pluricentric languages, needs to be improved and the preservation and protection of these lan- guagesfromaculturalperspective,bymeansofmoderndigitaltechnology, commandssocialconcern. 9) The international education in minority languages does not meet the demandofinternationalcommunities. 10) Insufficient attention is given to the collection and processing of archaic Chinese characters, the history of written minority languages, and various systems of Romanization or transliteration symbols with a cultural value. Most of their word stock is not computerized, and this will seriously affect thesurvivalofChinesecultureincyberspace. Regardingforeignlanguagesandwritingasourlanguageresourceisanew approach. Although a foreign language is the language of another country, it cannotberegardedasuselessorhavingnothingtodowithus.Againsttheback- dropofChina’sopeningupandreformandtheprogressofworldintegration,it is a necessary quality that the Chinese population is able to use foreign lan- guages,forthemasteryofaforeignlanguageopensanewmodeofobservation and expression, and it becomes a new channel through which cultural com- munication is facilitated. To an individual, a foreign language has become an important capital to be exploited; to a country, it is a powerful tool to develop with; and to all of mankind, learning foreign languages creates an important ForewordtoTheLanguageSituationinChina:EnglishVersion,Vol.2(2008–2009) vii vehicle by which mutual understanding is possible and,therefore,world peace andharmonymayberealized. TheforeignlanguageresourceinChinaisquitepoor.Amongtheover6,000 languagesintheworld,lessthanahundredareintroducedintothiscountryon acomprehensivescale.Thereareaboutfiftytosixtyforeignlanguagecourseson offer in schools or universities now, and of the several dozens of foreign lan- guages spoken here, only approximately ten are frequently used. The foreign language resource available nowis notfully exploited. Journals and magazines in foreign languages are rather limited in number.Valuable literature in foreign languagesisnottranslatedintime,andthetranslationofChineseliteratureinto a limited number of foreign languages has little influence, partially due to the poor quality of translation. Foreign languages used in public places await standardization and improvement. The development of the foreign language resource is short of a well coordinated long-term plan, lacks an administrative institution in charge, and has no policy to meet the developmental demand of the country.The statusplanning of foreign languages needs an overallnational scheme of foreign language education, application, translation and translation technology. 2 Derivative language resource A derivative language resource is formed by the research and processing of naturallanguages.Itisacombinationoflinguisticknowledgeanditsapplication indifferentfieldsandinvariousforms,theformerbeingmanifestedinworksof linguistic research and the latter in such forms as dictionary compilation, indexing conventions, information retrieval systems, instructional materials, various standards of language, linguistic corpuses, language knowledge bases, acomputerizedwordstock,keyboardinputschemes,andsoftwareandplatform oflanguageprocessing,includingtranslation. The derivative language resource is renewable,while the natural language resource is not. There is a positive correlation between the strength of such renewablepowerandtheleveloflinguisticresearchandtechnologicalprogress. Before the advent of modern communication technology represented by the computerandnetworking,derivativelanguageresources were appliedto various categories of the humanities such as language teaching, lexicography, informa- tionretrieval,translation,advertising,typetechnology,calligraphy,andlinguistic code design (Braille, sign language, telegram, semaphore, lamp signal, crypto- gram, etc.). In the digital era, they often become the standards of industry, the viii LiYuming(李宇明) foundationofinformationtechnology,thefundamentalelementsoftheproducts of information and communications technology, and they are intimately asso- ciatedwithhigh-endtechnologyandeconomicdevelopment. China has an abundant natural language resource, a long tradition of linguistic research, and a rich derivative language resource. In the realm of information technology,we have a broad and fast-growing market for informa- tion products, a rudimentary foundation of linguistic computerization, and an advantage in the application of Chinese characters to computer keyboards and mobilephonescreens.However,thereareproblemstobefacedsquarelyinthis field,forexample,theideaofaderivativelanguageresourceisnotyetinshape and such a resource is not understood from the perspective of “language econ- omy”. Linguistic research has not obtained the attention it deserves: it is not foundonthenation’sfirstclasslistofacademicdisciplinesandfewuniversities have a department or institute of linguistics. Linguistic research does not meet thedemandofapplication,suchasnaturallanguageprocessing.TheIT-oriented language standard is seriously lagging behind. There is a difficulty in sharing fundamental resources like the language database and knowledge base. Little progresshasbeenmadeindevelopingindependent intellectualpropertyrights. Research on the particularity of the intellectual property of linguistic informa- tion technology is insufficient, and intellectual property cannot be protected in aneffectivemanner. 3 Linguistic competence Linguistic competence refers mainly to natural language capacity – that of a native language and that of nonnative languages, including the ability to use language information products. To the ethnic Han, nonnative languages are divided into two types: languages of minority ethnicgroups and those of other nations. China is a big family of multiple nationalities, each of whom should learn the other’s language(s).The ethnic majoritygroup of Han Chinese, partic- ularlythosewholiveintheethnicminorityareasandthosewhoareengagedin ethnological research and nationalities affairs, should be able to use minority languages. Regarding the Chinese ethnic minority groups, their nonnative lan- guage competence is constituted by the ability to use Putonghua – the national lingua franca.On a certain level,the command of Putonghua enables their par- ticipation in national affairs and wins them greater opportunity for personal development. Why is natural language competence regarded as a resource? Firstly, lan- guage is the most important system of signs used for human communication ForewordtoTheLanguageSituationinChina:EnglishVersion,Vol.2(2008–2009) ix and thought. It determines the ability to transmit information and affects the level of intellectual development to a great extent. Like mathematical com- petence,linguisticcompetenceisacorecompetenceofhumanbeings.Secondly, language is an important component and carrier of culture. Its mastery deter- mines the level of culture and defines the identity of linguistic communities. And thirdly, a certain linguistic competence guarantees the continuity and development of the language in question, enables the mutual understanding andunityofvariousnations,ensurestheintroductionandapplicationofforeign languages, and harnesses and further creates different derivative language resources. It is for these reasons that linguistic competence should be regarded as an important national language resource and as an important indicator of nationalsoftpower. Nowadays,we are entering the information era.The learning and applica- tion of a language is practically inseparable from the products of language information. The level on which language information products are employed is immediately associated with the efficiency and quality of language learning and linguistic proficiency, and thus has turned into a significant element of linguisticcompetence. Since linguistic competence is an important language resource, a plan of training for this competence should be made by specialists with a mastery of the Chinese language and other ethnic languages within China proper as well asforeignlanguages,andalsobylinguists specializedincreating anddevelop- ing derivative language resources. However, what is more fundamental and significantistoestablishanationallanguagestandard. A national language standard is the standard of language teaching in the phase of compulsory education. From the perspective of going from China to the world and leading the world, the national language standard has four key points worthy of attention:1) It aims at a step-by-step approach to multilingual abilities (on the basis of ethnic languages, national language, and foreign lan- guages) instead of one single language. For example, bilingualism of Chinese and a minority language or a foreign language should be put into practice currently in the entire Han monolingual areas,while in the basically bilingual minority ethnic regions, bilingualism or trilingualism of a native language, Chinese and/or a foreign language may be practiced. 2) Scientific standards should be established for all levels of language competence and an attempt should bemadeto prevent structural linguistic knowledge from beingregarded asactuallinguisticcompetence.3)Thecultivationofmultiplelanguageabilities shouldbecompletedinthephaseofcompulsoryeducation,forlanguagelearn- ing is a privilege of children and it is difficult to learn another language well after the critical period of 12–14 years of age.4) A standard should also be set

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