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~tJ111cers ' .t!SSUE 1 Volume 72 Serving the University of Windsor since 1927 Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Price: Free Campus hero returns home Inside ,..-a .-:";er ,... ... ---..,,r.1 I-arl l( <'.,J..-,1. . ......... utU··', f ,, r.r ~ 't ,, 1 · ... : M1KEVANNIE • .. j I . ( Staff Writer ' r · .J . .f ~ · Inspired by Terry Fox and moti- " vated by government cutbacks to neurological research, University of Windsor part time student Joannie Cowie has travelled half way across Canada in her attempt to become the first women to cross the coun try in a wheelchair. Cowie, who has Guillian-Barre Syndrome and has been in a wheel chair since the age of six, rolled into Windsor on August 2-6 for a much needed five day break and chance to catch up with family and friends. On August 27, over fifty peo Train 45 bids farewell ple gathered on campus to wel come the Criminology and Sociol to the Press Club ogy student back home . ....p age 11 "The dedication, time and en ergy put into something of this magnitude is unbelievable and I just want to let you know that all of the students are behind you one hun dred percent," UWSA Vice Presi Sports dent Internal Affairs Dale Boylan told Cowie upon her arrival at the Mike Whaley /The Lance university. Joannie Cowie, a part time student at the University of Windsor, is in the middle of her atterr,pt to become the Cowie's Canada Cares Tour, first women to wheel chair across Canada. On August 27 she was given a hero's welcome on Campus when which began January 1 in Cape here Canada Cares Tour rolled into Windsor. Spear, Newfoundland, has raised $10,000 to date. By the time she want to see them walk, I don't Cowie, whose highlight of the Cowie's spirits have also been completes her journey Cowie want to see them sick anymore." trip so far has been meeting Terry lifted by the presence of her two hopes to have raised $100,000 to Cowie first got the idea for a Fox's brother Darryl, has travelled sons, 9 year old Alex and 1 2 year wards neufological research. cross Canada fundraising trip at the a remarkable 2,200 km to date, but old Brad, for large portions of her Although her tour got off to a age of 12, and decided to set her knows she has a lot of road left to trek. Her upper body strength has rough start in the east coast, includ dream in motion after witnessing cover. She plans to reach the Pa increased, and physically she feels ing not having access to a vehicle, further cuts to neurological re cific Ocean by the end of Novem great. However, the reason for her Cowie found plenty of ways to search. ber, and although she knows she Canada Cares Tour is always fresh motivate herself to push harder. "When I started seeing pro might be a bit late, Cowie is confi in her mind. "I want to walk. I want kids to grams and services for people with dent she will eventually reach h(q "People don't realize that I can walk. 1 don't want to see anymore disabilities being fragmented a great destination. wheel my wheelchair across Lancer football season kids in wheelchairs," says Cowie, deal and when research dollars "I get up everyday and I still do Canada, but I can't get in and out preview who has wheeled an average of 60 were cut off for neurological dis the same thing. I say a little prayer of a bathtub by myself," she says. ... page 9 kilometres a day. eases it really upset me and I said and hope everything goes okay that Donations to the Canada Cares " I've been visiting hospitals 'I'm going to make a change."' day," she says. Tour can be made at the Bank of Montreal, Account# 8091355 from the east coast to here and I Student participation wanted at Features conference schools there is relatively little "I thought it would be signifi discussionencouraged amongst the cant to build on this success and students on what is actually going make sure that in the university stu STEVE RAPTOS college students are at the fore on in these areas and how it re dents were seriously looking into Special to the Lance front of this process of building an lates to Canada. the actual situation which is un atmosphere of discussion and learn "We have made sure in formu folding internationally, of which On October 1s tand 2nd the Uni ing at our university," Villamizar latir:ig the different themes that we Canada is a part," says Villamizar. versity Of Windsor Student Alliance says. want to discuss all aspects of the "We have invited some very will be hosting a Forum under the "The University of Windsor Stu issue, from economic factors, to knowledgeable speakers in order title "CEO-POLITICS and GLOBAL dent Alliance has decided that we human rights, to environmental to provide some insight into Cana CONFLICT". The forum is being or want to lead this work of building consequences, to the role of the da's role in the international ganized in conjunction with the an academic atmosphere on cam media," he said. sphere, as well as some opinions Windsor Peace Committee. pus and hopefully create some mo The initiative to organize the fo on where they think Canada UWSA Vice Pre,sident of Univer mentum that will carry over into rum came out of the work of a should head in the 21 st century. Welcome to the sity Affairs Enver Villamizar says other projects this year and really newly formed local organization We are especially excited about University of Windsor the event is going to be an exciting blaze a trail for student govern called the Windsor Peace Commit- the Saturday sessions in which the chance for both university and high ment." tee . students are going to take over ... page 14 school students to exchange their Villamizar feels that a danger Over the summer, the commit and lead the discussion," he said. ideas on the future of their country. ous situation is emerging in which tee organized a Peace Concert at The UWSA is inviting every "We are really enthusiastic about Canada is participating in conflicts which hundreds of young people one to attend, and hopes that stu the event. We are going all out to in different areas of the globe, and members of the community dents will participate. make sure high school, university and while in the universities and high attended and participated. / - Page 2 The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 T The Pub gets facelift for new school year ·I I KIMBERL) HOOK years major renovations are made. This newly spiced up hole will be Accessibiliy will be no problem The Pub has booked many Staff Writer This summer the Pub went under used for different sports teams and when it comes to getting food and events for the fall semester, such minor renovations, which include clubs. Also available in the hole drinks at the Pub. as the new solo singer Edwin I Students returning to school this a new paint job, wooded areas will be a big screen television, a There is a brand new kitchen (former member of I Mother Earth,) week will be greeted by $25,000 behind the service stations, and VCR and satellite television. With with a new and impressive menu. Toni the X-rated hypnotist, come in changes to the University Pub, much more. The decore of the Pub the satellite television, the Pub will The kitchen will be open from 9:00 dians and other various acts. whose ownership fell into the is now that of a bronze mesh. The have access to pay-per-views and a.m. until 2:00 a.m.. The menu Students looking to quench their hands of the UWSA after an agree steel pillars and walls resemble a other special television events. will include breakfast, lunch and thirst will also be able to try the ment reached this summer. bronze-like finish. There is also a On the CAW building there will dinner food choices. Pub's own brand of beer, lancer According to Kyle McDonald, nice wood finish behind the bar and be the new Pub logo (a beer keg Lager. UWSA VP of Finance and Opera service stations which give the Pu~ with the words The Pub on top of C r tions, it is standard procedure that a more Pub-like effect. the keg) in lights. The sound sys Infinite Computer Technologies the pub had annual minor renova The old arcade in now called tem has also been refurbished and L i1 tions, and that every six to seven the "Hole in the Wall" project. improved. 5635 Tecumseh Rd. E 945-9933 g September Specials ~? r System Special Component Specials AMD K6-2 350 Mhz 44X CD ROM $69.95 32MBPCIOOSDRAM AT Cases $29.95 • 4.3GB Hard Drive 56 K PCI Modem $39.95 1.44 Floppy Drive l 6Bit ISA Sound Card $29.95 44X CD ROM Drive I~ AGP Video & PCI Sound on MB 15'' Monit.or -Referb $149.95 , F Mini Tower Case { Keyboard t Mouse & PAD t 15'' Monitor -Refcrb ' $849.95 f Unlimited Internet Access (30 Days) 'I $14.95 15% Discount on service to all University students Emma Boycott/ The Lance (must present student ID card) The University Pub has a new look after $25,000 in renovations over the summer. Volunteer Opportunities Gain Practical Hands-on Experience Windsor Regional Hospital has various volunteer opportunities available. We are currently accepting applications for the following areas/disciplines: Metropolitan Campus Western Campus Near Tecumseh and Walker Road Near Huron Church Road (519) 254-5577 EXT.52343 (519) 257-5267 Operating Room Communicators Physiotherapy Patient & Visitor Assistance Occupational Therapy Family Care House Speech Services Medical Administration Patient & Pet Visitation Occupational Health Nurse Music Library -Project & MORE .... & MORE .... Minimum 6-Month commitment recommended-approx. 2-4 hours/week - -- --'------- Page 3 The Lance, Tuesd-ay, September 7, 1999 Parking nightmare worsens ·U of R student LANCE STAFF "Things are going to be a lot drive to school. union faces With parking spots already a rar more chaotic this year," says Jim "Be patient, and come early the ity around the University of Wind Foreman, Director of Campus Po first few weeks. There are enough sor campus, things are going to get lice Services. spots for everyone, the question is potential lawsuit worse before they get better. Even when all of the university where are the spots." With the Canadian side of the lots are open, it is still hard to find Foreman also warns that al Ambassador Bridge being painted, a parking spot after 10 a.m. on a though things will be hectic until TARIQ HASSAN-GORDON other student paper on campus. portions of the university lots un weekday. work on the bridge is done, Cam Canadian University Press "The clause is in the agreement der the bridge are temporarily Campus Police has a few words pus Police will still be enforcing the to protect the paper," said Kim closed. of advice for students who plan to lots. Infuriated over the cancellation Krett, the Carillon's summer edi of a grant, the Student Activist tor. "The Carillon is a democrati ' newspaper is threatening to sue the cally run student newspaper that's ' University of Regina Student Un- accountable to the community." 1 ion. The student union's executive • Virtual Reality Games The case centres on a $5,000 then contacted their legal council grant given to the left-wing paper, for a second opinion. • NTN Trivia Games ~ quarterly publication of the Di "Our lawyer agreed with the • Satellite Sports rect Action Solidarity Network. Carillon, we made an improper • Dancing to Top 40 This past April, URSU's execu decision," said McEachern. • 11 Upscale Billiard Tables tive council voted to give the Ac URSU's executive then called • 10 Pin Bowling , tivist $5,000. an emergency meeting and One of those voting was stopped payment on the cheque. • 15 Ft. T.V. Screen Marjorie Brown, who also happens In response, Brown, citing vio • Steaks, Chicken, Ribs, Pasta , to be the financial officer for the lation of the anti-oppression clause • New Tex Mex Menu Student Activist. in Saskatchewan's non-profit incor • Daily l.unch & Dinner Specials Sean McEachern, current URSU poration act, gave the University of • Fooze Ball Tables president, said last year's executive Regina Students' Union a summer Billiards & Bo.wling Sports Pub council, "voted at the very end of deadline to reinstate the funding. ""'Q" • Tons of T.V.s their term to give the Student Ac McEachern still does not know 2960 C~c;t, ftd Your 15 Foot TV Screen Scatelllte tivist the' money." if the Activist will sue them. 966-33SS Sports Heodqucarten (Footbcall, Following the vote, the lawyer The paper, which was originally WWF, WCW, Hockey, Boxing, etc) for the Carillon, the official student started at the University of Guelph newspaper of the University of by former International Socialists, Regina, notified the incoming is not registered as a student group URSU executive that they had vio at the University of Regina. lated the autonomy agreement Krett believes the paper will try between the student union and the to run a fall referendum to receive Carillon. student fees in Regina. The agreement states that the No one from the Student Ac ;students' union cannot fund any tivist returned repeated phone calls. USED BOOKSTORE . September 1999 Hours of Operation r -- -- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday I 2 3 4 \.. University of Windsor StucJ.ents' Alliance 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Drop Off DropOff Dmp Off & Sell Drop Off &Sell Drop Off &Sell L'A ssociation des Etudiants de l'Universite de Windsor 9am-&pm 9am-8pm 9am-6pm 9am-6pm llam-4pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Closed Clo$ed Sell Sell Sell Sell Seti 9am-5pm 9nm-5pm 9'<1111-Spm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 19 X) 21 22 23 24 25 USED BOOKSTORE Clo,cd Pick up books & Pick uo books & Pick up books & Pick up book> & Pack up books & Closed money money money mom:y money 9am-4m11 9am-4nm 9um-4vm 9'~m-4nm 9am-4tm 26 TI 28 29 30 BASEMENT OF THE Closed Special Receipts CAW STDENT CENTRE Health & Dental Plan Opt Out \ September 1999 HEALTH/ DENTAL OPT OUT Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fiiday Saturday ; 2"d FLOOR I L. 3 4 CAW STUDENT CENTRE 5 6 7 8 9 10 JI DmrOIT Opt Out Op1 Out Opt Out 9a,n-8pm 10mn-4pm I0:1111-4pm IOrun-4pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Opt Out Opt Ou1 Opt Out Op1 Out Opt Out A Service of Your ltudents' Alliance 10am-4pm 10am-4p111 toa111-4pm IO:lm-4pm 10a:n-4pm 19 X) 21 22 23 24 25 Opt Out Pre-armngcd ltk,m-4pm appoinunents only l.tw Dar 26 Yl 28 29 30 - l The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Page 4 Stats Canada blames Ottawa and the provinces for tuition fee hikes Conlon. "While the fee hikes are down a little bit this year, the re. port makes a very compelling argu. ment that the federal government CHRIS BODNAR secondary students. fees for dentistry programs have of Students, has similar feelings. must address the issue of federal Canadian University Press Across Canada, tuition fees for more than quadrupled since 1995 "The report essentially confirms transfer payments for post-second undergraduate arts programs have and medicine fees have doubled our analysis that there is a direct ary education." A new report from Statistics increased by 125.9 per cent since or quadrupled, depending on the relation between the government Government officials, who were Canada has confirmed what many 1990, result ng in an average cost institution. cuts and the increase in tuition still studying the report, were not students already know-tuition fees of $3,658. The numbers don't surprise stu fees," said Conlon. able to comment by press time. across the country have skyrocketed Nova Scotia general arts stu dent leaders. The report did note British Co in the last nine years. dents pay the highest tuition at just "The reality of this is that it will lumbia has frozen public university The report blames the tuition over $4,100 a year. • continue until both levels of gov tuition fees for five years, and Que tee increases on a reduction in edu Alberta arts students have seen ernment begin to work on putting bec has also kept fees low for resi cation spending by Otlawa and the the greatest increases, with fees money back into the post-second dents of the province. provinces. almost tripling in the last nine years. ary education system," said Jason In addition, the most recent tui Government funding, including Meanwhile, medicine and den Abeig, national director of the Ca tion fee increases for the 1999- both provincial and federal grants, tistry programs have been hit the nadian Alliance of Student Associa 2000 academic year are at a 7 per now make up less than 58 per cent hardest of a I university programs. tions. "Tuition fees simply back-fill cent average across Canada, down of Canadian universities' operating Medical fees have increased 32 per the hole left by the reduced gov from 11 per cent in each of the revenue, down from 7 4 per cent cent to $7,377 this year alone, ernment funding." past two years. in 1980. This has resulted in a dras while dentistry fees have increased Michael Conlon, national chair "The report shows a good tic increase in tuition fees for post- 15 per cent to $5,699. In Ontario, person of the Canadian Federation news, bad news scenario," said ORIENTATION 199 PRESENTS LIV£ l·N CONCERT AT Tff £ PUB SATURDAY S£PT£M8£R II, 1999 TICKETS ON SALE STARTING TUESDAY, SEPT. AT THE PUB 7th, SB/ADVANCE, S 12/DOOR 3~ The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Page 5 NEW DEAN OF ENGINEERING r From the University ofWindsor . The University of Windsor has "I am extremely pleased that Dr. neering College's director of re e announced the appointment of Dr. Reader has accepted this position," search and its head of Power and DoilyNews Graham Reader as Dean of Engineer says Vice-President, Academic, Neil Electrical Engineering; head of the I· ing. Gold. "His combination of teaching, Stirling Engine Research Facility at , Dr. Reader is a fonner naval com research and administrative ex the Royal Naval Marine Engineer mander with over 30 years of indus pertise will make him a valuable ing College; and Bradford Univer 1. A Paid Advertisement From University of Windsor trial and academic experience. He addition to this university." sity's head of engineering science External Affairs has spent the last IO years as head Previous to his work at the Uni and mathematics. His industrial ex e of Mechanical and Manufacturing versity of Calgary, Dr. Reader held perience includes seven years in •l Engineering at the University of various administrative and teaching coal mining and 15 years in the Maior push in faculty hir Calgary. Dr. Reader expects to ar positions in the United Kingdom Royal Navy and he is a registered rive in Windsor in late September. including: the Royal Naval Engi- professional engineer in Alberta, the U. K. and Europe. ing will refocus U of W MACDONALD HALL UNDERGOES Beginning immediately with cal Integrated Circuit Design. These hiring for automotive engineering positions will support Windsor's MAJOR RENOVATIONS and the environmental sciences. the NSERC/DaimlerChrylser Chair in : University of Windsor will hire more Automotive Design and its NSERC/ ,, , than I 00 new faculty over the next Ford Chair in Materials. Residence Services has been The total renovation cost is just new and improved exterior of three years to sharpen the focus of Five new Windsor professors will very active this summer with sev under $500,000. Macdonald Hall as you tour through the institution's academic programs. be hired for the Great Lakes Insti eral residence buildings undergoing Other renovation projects this the Quad area of campu~. Please be ''The University of Windsor is tute for Environmental Research. many renovations and improve summer including painting Phase I advised that as renovations are still moving strategically to build on the The university is seeking special ments. Liz Leal, of Clark Hall on Sunset Avenue and ongoing, admittance to Macdonald strengths that have developed be ists in Ecotoxicology, Environmen Assistant Department Head, Fa purchasing new mattresses for Cody Hall is limited to the contractors but cause of our unique location and our tal Chemical Analysis, Environmen ci Ii ties has worked in conjunction and Tecumseh Halls. Residence you are welcome to tour the interior partnerships with industries and tal Mineralogy, Conservation with Physical Plant and architect Service encourages all campus em of the building once it reopens on community groups." says Univer Genetics and Environmental Mod Michele Di Maio to coordinate the ployees and students to view the September 5. r sity of Windsor President Ross Paul. el I ing. project during the 6 month planning "It is critically important that the Eight other new faculty will fill and construction phase. University of Windsor recruit and positions ranging from Creative Macdonald Hall has been the Employment Opportunity ' retain the best new faculty in what Writing and Dramatic Art to Inor focus of the majority of the renova is becoming a very competitive en ganic Chemistry, Sports Manage tions. Specifically, the complete in vironment." ment, International Relations, Geo terior of the building was painted The aggressive faculty hiring graphical Information Systems, including all bedrooms, lounges. The Children's Rehabilitation Centre requires part-time process is being driven by campus Accounting Information Systems bathrooms, hallways and study wide academic planning. It is the and Nursmg. rooms. The ceilings in every lounge employees for the Special Services at Home Program. university's largest hiring effort The 16 arc part of 88 new fac and study room were removed and since its beginnings in the 1960s ulty positions to be allocated for replaced with new, acoustic ceilings. This program provides in-home services to children who have and 70s, and will bolster the current hiring over the next three years. The Every window in Macdonald Hall a variety of special needs. Hours of work vary. Please faculty complement by nearly 20 University of Windsor previously is currently being removed and re indicate your availability and whether or not you have trans percent. announced that 1-l faculty are be placed with new energy conserving portation. Among 16 tenure-track posi lllg hired 111 the School of Compu windows. New desk chairs have been tions to be filled immediately arc ter provided for every student and stair Currrently there are positions available in Windsor. Tecumseh, two appointments in Mechanical Science with support from the treads will be replaced with new Emeryville and Essex. . and Materials Engineering and a provmcial Access to Opportunities treads before the students arrive on Specialist in Micro-elcctromechani- Program (ATOP). Sunday, September 5th. Applicants should have a background in Nursing, Human Kinetics, Education or other Social Sciences. Experience with PILLSIUORTHS• children is an asset. Apply to: SPECIALTY SOURCE FOR SPORTS Pauline Trombley Serving our customers for 54 years Children's Rehabilitation Centre 3945 Matchette Rd. 3353 Walker Rd ............... 3 blocks south of E.C. Row. .................. 969-1993 Windsor, ON N9C 4C2 Fax: 252-5873 BACKPACKS FOR SCHOOL OUTDOOR HIKING FOOTWEAR Over 40 Models • Salomon • Merrel • Vasque Organization of Part-Time • North Face • Outbound Timberlaild • Columbia etc • Kelty • Jansp ort & more!! ! Mens and ladies models University Students Swimsuits for all!! Over 2.000 Fantastic selection Fleece wear Invites all part-time students to in stock plus sandals. caps, for fall!!! goggles, masks, fins, snorkels Point Zero, Columbia, Brooks attend the first Class Rep Meeting Super savings on last season's ski and snowboard gear!!! of the Fall 1999 Semester Tuesday September 21, 1999 , 5:00 pm OPUS Office, CAW Student Centre All Part-Time Students are Welcome RSVP by September 20, 1999 Phone 971-3603 email: [email protected] - T r=;· ~ I Lf. ,} I Page 6 The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Editor in Chief: Mike Van Nie, ext. 3909 THELANCE Higher education for sale at a I • Volume 72 Issue 1 uni~ersity near you Editor in Chief I Mike Van Nie Production Manager Abdulwahab Ali I News Editor Asha Tomlin~on F. DE Jesus MENDOZA ments of the population being ship. your degree's value has decreased Associate News Editor U Wire priced out of the market Even more disturbing than separa Essentially, college students are Nneka Nnolm Moreover, education's tion by economic clas.s at universities paying more for degrees that are Arts Editor Mike WhaleY. Higher education is just another commodification means the exist is the paradox that has grown out of worth a lot less. Features Editor item for sale on the shelf in a capi ence of vast price differences sup education's rise as an industry. We've all seen the affect of th~ Kimberly Hook Sports Editor talist market. posedly denoting the quality of the Universities are a business ven education devaluation over our life NPhicokto C Ehdroitnoorp oulos This is a reality many of us never education product. ture. As is true for any business, time. Long gone are the days when Zoe Wong had our eyes open to before we Universities, like food products, it's all a numbers game. In this case, you didn't need a degree to get a Associate Photo Editor Brenda Bush arrived on campus for the first time. come with different price tags. At enrollment figures are the magic job. Several years ago, it used to Business Manager Maybe others of us have yet to re one end, you've got brand name number linked to the irdustry's be you needed a bachelor's de AAId-Avezrhtaisr inKgh aRlfaenp resentative alize this. items (Ivy League schools). At the survival. gree, but now you need a master's Gary Potvin I'm afraid like many aspects of other end are the generic store Every university wants to herd if you want to make a decent liv Ad Designer Vacant American mythology, education has brand items (community colleges). as many students to their campus ing. Circulation fallen victim to our society's need Sure, you're told that if you as they can in pursuit of almighty It seems education is just one Ambika Aneja CUP Liaison to reduce every necessity and work really hard and get good enrollment dollars. more tool aimed at perpetuating Vacant pleasure to dollars and cents. grades then you can have the brand Universities have had great suc class division antithetical to the prin CCooonpterirb, utSotervse:E Rmampiae rsB, oCyacrolotts. DRaerfrreenn Don't believe education is just name macaroni and cheese. That's cess at enticing high school gradu cipals of equality for all in the pur another commodity like food, the point of any good sales pitch - ates into seeking a college degree suit of life and liberty. Editorial Policies clothing and shelter? Then just ob getting you to believe that you can through smoke and mirrors tactics How did this happen? Since d1J CoTrhpe oLr.aitniocne ".i npudb plrisinhtesd 1 b0y,0 th00e Scotupd eesn et vMerey serve the tactics used to get you and must have a product such as aid packages and student when is the education system one Tuesday of the fJII and winter >(>rtleSters Its of here. But once those 30 seconds on loans that make an education seem aimed at widening the divide of fice, are loc,1ted on the basement of the CAW Student Centre. Witness-the ad campaign of bill the television screen have passed affordable. society pitting each of us against Unsigned eclitori.il, ,1re produ, eel by the /.a11< <' editorial board, and m.iy r1<>t rellcct the be· boards, mailings, television ads, and reality sets in, you realize you The problem is with more col each other in a game of survival? l1efs of all it, members. Opinions expressed in the web sites and high school campus can't have the brand name maca lege degree holders floating around f..an<.l! are not nece!,5dnly those of the University of Windsor or the Student Alliance Submis.s1ons recruitment sponsored by universi roni and cheese because you don't are wekome and become the property of the newspaper. Submissions must include contribu ties meant to sell you, your parents have the money to buy brand tor, name and phone number and must be typed. legibly handwritten, or on an IBM compatible and teachers on the virtues of col names. floppy disk. The editor reserves the right to edit lege education. Let's not forget the What's true in the supermarket fa< space and clarity. Mad letters will be accepted until the Thur<;<lay scholarships, financial "aid" and free is magnified in the education mar as hell? before publication and mu,t include the writers n.ime, ma1or of ,tud} and phone number. Con t-shirts meant to entice the not so ket place. tent, e 1998. Reproduction ,n ,my way is forbid easily convinced consumer. After all, what barrio or ghetto den without the written pcrrnis,1on oft he editor on t h,cf The L.ln<e 1s .1 m,:,mber of the Can.1d1dn So universities have joined the kid's parents have an extra ten Not going to take it anyn1orc? \.Jn1ver.;1ty Press. marketing bandwagon. What's grand a year stashed away to hand Telephone: wrong with that? over to the Ivy League? Not one. (519) 253-3000 Plenty, when you consider That's why very few kids of the Fax: te Wfi (519) 971-3624 some of the forces driving the edu working poor, and even the mid Grab a pen and Advertising: cation industry. dle class, make it to the ranks of (519) 971-:3604 Editor: Marketing is meant to create elite student bodies that serve as a letter to the editor. Ext. 3909 demand. Demand leads to higher the breeding grounds for the na News and Arts: Ext. 3910 prices. Higher prices lead to seg- tion's business and political leader- Features, Sports & Photo: Ext. 3923 O.K. so maybe you're happy. Mission Statement The Baby Era The goal of the Lance 1s to produce a week]> newspaper that provides informative anp accurate accounts of What a great excuse to fire off a events and issues relevant to the University of Windsor, its students Lo and the surrounding community CARLOS REDFERN Well, what can I say. This is the letter to the editor. The Lance acknowledges its privi Lance Columnist age when a criminal can kill his fam leged position ,n being free from ily and then get off trouble free. commercial and administrative controls. We strive to protect that What's wrong with tlie world The reason why is because he told position bv \1gorou~ly defending our today? .I wish we could go back to the caring jury that he had tempo editorial autonomy. the time when the human race rary insanity or that his parents trau Entail them to: Our mandate is to cover ,~sue, that wasn't a bunch of babies. matized him because they didn't athf,f1et tnt os tusudbenietcst. nHeoewde fvaellr ,o uwbe1 dbee ltieheve In this day and age it is ironic take him to Disneyland when he uwlancc (ql u windsor.ca grasjJ of the ~tudent press. and that how a restaurant can get sued for was three years old. Wl' iest serve our purpose when we not putting a warning label on their What's worse, if a criminal does help widen the boundaries of debate on t><lucat1onal, social economic, coffee lids stating "CAUTION: May get convicted, then they have the :\Jail them to: environmental and political issues. be hot, sip with care." Come on, right to complain of the facilities, The Lance and tts staff shall at all it's common sense that coffee is the food, or even their basic-cable The Lance times, strive to adhere to the Code of going to be hot, even my four year rights. That is wrong, because if Ethic, of the Canadian University 40 I Sunset Ave. Press. old cousin knows that a coffee c.up they think that they have the right with coffee is hot. to violate someone else's rights, Windsor. On Mailing Address: Thb is also the era where you then they shouldn't be able to keep [email protected],or.ca The l.tJnc.e, C/O Univen,ity of Windsor cannot defend yourself in a fight. their personal privileges. They go N9B 3P4 401 Sun!>CI Ave. because you might get sued by to prison to pay for their wrong W1ncbor, ON. CANADA N'JB .3P4 your aggressor. doing, not to have a summer vaca Our "Baby Era", that is what I tion. Drop off at call it, has affected our society so Something should be done The Lance much that people think twice on about this Baby Era, because this is helping other people in their time the only era in the history of hu basement of CA\ V Student Centre of need. For the sole reason that man kind when a jock can kill his they are afraid that the person that ex-wife and get away with it, even (across from Puh) they just tried to help might sue though it was clear that he was them because they didn't perform guilty. This is also the age when CPR to perfection. babies first words are not "daddy or mamma", but "Can I sue?" The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Page 7 Buy a BENEFIT CARD and you promote environmental and The social justice plus you get these DOMf N f ON o,,unof'lblc;"~' ~-Group GREAT DISCOUNTS! 3140 Sandwich Street WINDSOR --------------------------- HOUSE 25.1-1041 Aromatherapy Shoppe* l 0% OF?A shton's Orgnn1c Gardens" I 0% OFF select 1tems•Bas1l Court Thai Restaurant• IQ% OFF any dinner menu entrce•Bcans Coffe Inc.• IQ% OFF*Bookroom*IO% OFPByblos Dona1rs*IO% OFF on all regular priced food 1tcms*Casa Chavcla* l 0% OFF regularly priced merchandise• Dr. Disk* I 0% OFF*Eclcctic Cafc• 10% OF?Eros Restourant010%0FF"Ferrary's Restourant* 15% OFFbct~ccn 12 noon and m1dmght"Floyd Jones & Assoc. 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J Vanitt CAcW.S,.!l,l.d , Cude -raw ~ -- ~ Visu r1acc ~ ",l' <~ ..i"0:..: ·ts;- , CAW Student Centre, Rm B107 li .t Patncia Ave. tl ~ 561a1425 SwunAve. travelcuts.com Page 8 The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Asian Curry House Medical School (OMSAS) October 15, 1999 AUTHENTIC Law School (OLSAS) ,a' . :·· .; INDIAN CVISINE V' W; · November 1, 1999 NON-VEGETARIAN~ VEGETARIAN ~·• Teacher Education (TEAS) &. TANDOORI DISHES December 1, 1999 SERVING DELICIOUS MILD, ~ " Rehabilitation ScienCe~ (ORPAS) MEDIUM.& HOT DISHES 1 1Jt;S: January 17, 2000 CLOSE TO THE CASINO & BRIDGEI Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy/Physical Therapy Audiology Speech-Language Pathology DELIVERY & TAKE-OUT • FULLY LICENSED FOR INFORMATION OR TO REQUESTA N 977-1234 APPLICATION FORM PLEASE VISIT USAT: http://www.ouac.on.ca i i ''; ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES' FREE PARKING AT REAR APPLICATION CENTRE 1139 UNIVERSITY W. 650 Woodlawn Road West P.O. Box 1328 .. Guelph ON N1 H 7P4 .... / _.,./ (519) 823-1940 Sports Editor: Nick Chronopoulos 253-3000 ext.3923 The Lance Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Head coach Mike Morencie knows lhe game well enough to be NICK (HRONOPOULOS able to prepare the team for what Staff Writer the season has in store, and already has his goals for the team in mind. Great things are done when men "We went 1-6-1 last season, and mountains meet; which is an improvement over 0-8 This is not done by jostling in two seasons ago, and this season's the street. goal is to simply continue improv William Blake, Gnomic Verses, I ing. We hope to hit the 3-5 mark for this year," says Morencie. To triumph personally and col Morencie also knows the quali lectively is to truly live. Of course, ties the team must provide in or only the presence of adversily can der to see results. accommodate victory, redemption, "The team needs to play to our and triumph. utmost potential to meet success Welcome to Lancer Football this year, and for that to take place '99. the players have to believe in them In a season where more than a selves and put the troubled past , few worthy challenges will present behind them. The Lancers sharpen their speed, running sprints in training camp. Zoe Wong/ The Lance themselves, the key to success will "Team speed will be instrumen be compensating in lacking areas tal, along with a positive outlook. For the most part, we have suffi level of team awareness. More than "Anything can happen in this with relenlless effort and recogniz A key component to a sustained cient depth, but I've got eleven two-thirds of the team are first and sport where games are won and ing each obstacle wilh a solution. playing level is having no injuries. linemen, total, to make it through second year players, with only two lost on the smallest of mistakes. For the season, so an injury there will fifth year players, so obviously, the . this team to make the playoffs, we especially hurt our efforts." fresh faces have got to come to need to play great football on every _ In addition to the potential for terms with this level of play and play of every game and keep off injuries, the Lancers will have to meet the challenge," Morencie the injury sheets. We have to capi combat the relative inexperience says. talize on all of our chances." they bring to the table, as Morencie In brutally honest fashion, and A thought that mirrors life, inci noted. quite admirably, Morencie noted dentally. There are mountains to be "We don't have many veterans that the Lancers are a longshot to met; we can rise to greatness-all to lead this team, so the few that make the playoffs, but added an that we need is a little adversity. remain will have to step up the optimistic spin on the battle ahead. New Women's Soccer Coach IAN HARRISON Mulvey's high school boys and Joining Mulvey as an assistant Special To The Lance girls teams have won three county coach is Sue Andrykew, a former championships, a Southwestern Lanc~r assistant and the current Kevin Mulvey, a 21-yearveteran Ontario championship and one head coach of the F.C. Nationals of youth soccer coaching in the Ontario "AA" title, while his girls under 17 girls team. Andrykew, who Windsor area, is the new head club teams have enjoyed success attended Charleston Southern Uni coach of the University of Windsor in a variety of competitions across versity on a soccer scholarship, re Blue 42, set ... Executing the in-game plays. Zoe Wong, The Lance Lancers women's soccer team. North America, including a quarter mains an active player with the F.C. Mulvey is a level three certified final appearance in the Ontario Nationals senior team. coach and holds a "C" license from Cup. Ready For Ree? the Ontario Soccer Association. He is currently the principal at Assump DARREN COOPER soccer, women's soccer, co-ed 6- tion College School, following 11 Lance Reporter on-6 volleyball, co-ed 3-on-3 vol years as principal at St. Thomas of leyball, co-ed basketball, and co Villanova Secondary, and is also As the University prepares for ed Ultimate Frisbee. Students have head coach of the Windsor F.C. .- its fall semester, the Campus Rec the option of registering as a team Nationals under 16 girls team. · reation Department is gearing up or individually for any of these in "I'm very much looking forward • for another jam-packed year. tramural activities. The deadline for to the challenge," says Mulvey, a With programs being offered in registration is Thursday, September native of England who moved to · such areas as martial arts, yoga, 16, at 4:00 at the CAW Student Windsor in 1976. dance, aromatherapy, reflexology, Centre. "I hope to encourage local high rock climbing, scuba diving, For further information on any school graduates to stay at home \ kayaking, aerobics, aquafitness, of these activities or events, the and bring the Lancer program in swimming lessons for infants, chil department will be running a booth, creased success." dren, teenagers, and adults, cardio beginning Wednesday, September Dr. Joanne Maclean, Chair of kick, First Aid/ C.P.R. courses, and 8, through Friday, September 17 Athletics, is happy to add a coach r Aerobic Instructor and Personal Located in the CAW Student Cen of Mulvcy's calibre. !!!!! t _ Trainer courses, the department tre, the booth will operate from ·10 "He's someone who's really " hopes to provide lhe students with a.m. to 4 p.m. During these times, enthused about building a women's the opportunity to meel new peo Activity Booklets outlining all of the soccer program," she says. "He has ple, maintain their fitness levels, year's events can also be obtained. extensive coaching experience, a < socialize with friends, and perhaps So, if you're looking for a way tremendous level of certification, even diminish the dreaded "fresh to get involved on campus and are and his credentials as an educator man 15". into sports and athletics, come and are just excellent. Our women's Along with these favourites, check out what the recreation de program needs leadership and Campus Ree. will also be holding partment has to offer. It may be Kevin's going to provide us with ... unce t-,le Photo its regular intramural events, such just whal you need to jump !>lart that." The.Lancer woman's soccer team has a as men's basketball, men's floor your university experience. new leadership for the '99 campaign. • hockey, men's ice hockey, men's The Lance, Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Page 10 Border City Wrestling Returns To Windsor THE MOL,TH OF THE NORTH Denis. More details on those Sporb Entertainment Columnist shows when available. Finally, The Mouth comes back Ring Nuggets-In the upcoming to The Lance!!!! weeks look for a couple of special Yes, you peons it is I, your savior, editions of Ringside with features shamelessly ripping off wrestler's on Dan Severn and Steve Lombardi gimmicb and lines to bring you the aka The Brooklyn best damn wrestling column in lhe Brawler. .. Reminder to all to catch Canadian University Press. ECW on TNN Friday nights at 8pm After a big summer of wrestling and Thursday nights at 11 pm on news choosing the lead story for UHF channel 38 ... Chris Jericho is the first Ringside was simple- the the man. Let the Y2J phenomenon return of Windsor's own Border reign forever. .. Hardcore Holly is my City Wrestling(BCW). After an early pick for most improved wres early August show in Amherstburg tler of the year. .. Look for the re they ran a show on the riverfront turn of The Boss and Big Willie as as a part of Classicfest. the wrestling experts with a cou The show featured BCW Tag ple of new additions. .. Does any Team Champions Otis Apollo and one care about the Hummer angle Irish Bobby Clancy who got the best in this, it's third incarnation? ... Love of a department store's mascot the set of Smackdown ... Nice to see before the .match and then went Chris Benoit getting the push he on to successfully defend their ti so richly deserves. Now here's tles against Larry Destiny and Rocco hoping they don't job him out to Davinci. The BCW Television title Sid ... Curtis Hughes will be back in was successfully defended by the WWF. The former body guard Brooklyn Brawler after he beat to Jim Cornette and last seen as Chris Valentino with a neckbreaker. HHH's bodyguard pre-Chyna will The BCW tag-team champs ... lrish Bobby Clancy and Otis Apollo M ke Wha ey/ The Lance BCW North American Champion most likely be Shane McMahon's Scott D'Amore also successfully bodyguard ... Raven's move to ECW Write for The defended his title against WCW's could be the biggest move of the Johnny Swinger. year (my apologies to Chris Jericho) eos· The other two big names on the after seeing the initial response Lance Sports show were former NWA and Ulti from the TNN show Sept. 3 ... The mate Fighting champion Dan Sev WCW Mayhem countdown is for Section 3000 ern, who beat Gaza Kalman with a the new video game. Pretty sad dragon sleeper, and Jim "The An how they had to try and emulate vil" Neidhart who downed the the WWF's Millenium wrestler formerly known as Johnny countdown ... Lenny and Lodi are K-9, Bruiser Bedlam, after a shot going down as my favorite angle of Call Nick with a tennis racket. the year. Giving Le1111y the BCW Commissioner Chuck Cruiserweight title was one of the ext.3923 Vader promised that they were re few things WCW has done right turning including a show at Dia lately. .. That's it for Ringside. Email monds Roadhouse out in the east me with your thoughts, threats and end of town and a show in Novem favorite Lanny Poffo poems to ber here at the University at St. [email protected]. The DOMINION 3140 Sandwieh street ------------ ----- ---- ----- 7041 HO USE • EAT FREE. for the month of September * 2f or 1m eals for students * • nut buy a dri* each. eQUiValant to SP or mn • 11111t lbow stlMlant I • lllt Vaid with •Y Otta' food .. . free 111881 11111t bi of • ir luaar valm u.. fnt 111181 Kitchen Hours: 11 am to &.pm Mondy to Saturday --

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