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The lace bug genera Pleseobyrsa and Stragulotingis : reviews, keys, and description of one new species in each (Heteroptera : tingidae : tinginae) PDF

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Preview The lace bug genera Pleseobyrsa and Stragulotingis : reviews, keys, and description of one new species in each (Heteroptera : tingidae : tinginae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(3), 1991, pp. 767-771 THE LACE BUG GENERA PLESEOBYRSA AND STRAGULOTINGIS: REVIEWS, KEYS, AND DESCRIPTION OF ONE NEW SPECIES IN EACH (HETEROPTERA: TINGIDAE: TINGINAE) Richard C. Froeschner U.S. Natural History Museum—Stop 127, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. Abstract.—The two genera Pleseobyrsa Stal and Stragulotingis Froeschner are reviewed taxonomicallywith adorsal habitusdrawingofthe type-species ofeach. P. bicincta Monte and P. lichyi Monte are newly transferred to Stragulotingis and two new species are described: P. nigribasis from Colombia and S. englemani from Panama. A short review ofknown host plants is included. A key to the species ofeach genus is provided. Key Words: Heteroptera, Tingidae, Pleseobyrsa, Stragulotingis, new species, keys The genus Pleseobyrsa Stal was cataloged entered the earlier Monte reference and by Drake and Ruhoff(1965: 341-343) as a Venezuela underP. plicata; thatcitation and member oftribe Tingini with nine species. record should be transferred to Stragulotin- Subsequent study by Froeschner (1969) gis lichyi. foundthattwo ofthese species, P. atratarsis The Drake and Ruhoff (1965) catalog Drake and Hambleton and P. plicata summarized the host information on lace (Champion), possessed the enlarged tarsi bugs. For the present two genera they listed that Drake and Ruhoff (1965: 18) used to P. chiriquensis (Champion) from Persea characterize their new tribe Litadeini; he americana Britton and Wilson, and an in- therefore transferred them into that tribe terception of S. plicata (Champion) on a and proposed the new genus Stragulotingis shipment of the orchid Cattleya dowiana for them. aurea Williams and Moore. Host records Now,throughthekindcooperationofDr. on specimens collected since that time in- Jose C. M. Carvalho, Museu Nacional, Rio clude two Colombian collections ofP. chi- de Janeiro, I was able to examine the ho- riquensis from Persea americana Miller; one lotypes ofDr. Oscar Monte's two species P. BoliviancollectionofP. bolivianafrom that bicinctaand P. lichyi, theonly speciesofthe same host; and the entire series ofthe new cataloged Pleseobyrsa for which I had not species P. nigribasis labeled as from "Ara- yet seen the types. Both were found to be- ceae." long to the genus Stragulotingis and are so All measurements in this paper are given placed and keyed below. in millimeters. When Monte proposed his new species Pleseobyrsa lichyi he explained it was based Tribe Tingini Laporte on the Venezuelan specimen he had for- merly(1942: 97) identifiedas P. plicata and Genus Pleseobyrsa Drake and Poor that the Venezuela record for the latter spe- Pleseobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937: 165. cies should be deleted. Drake and Ruhoff, Type-species: Leptohyrsa boliviana Drake however, overlooked this explanation and and poor, original designation. . 768 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON - Lateralcarinaeofpronotumnotextendingonto posterior triangular projection of pronotum, terminated remotely from its lateral margin . . 3 3. Medial carina on triangular posterior projec- tionofpronotumslightlyelevatedwithasingle row ofsmall but distinct cells extending vir- tually to its apex. Length 3.7-3.9. (Bolivia) boliviana Drake & Poor - Median carina on triangular posterior projec- tionofpronotumreducedtoalowcarinawith- out cells 4 4. Pronotal collarforminga lowbutdistinct tec- tate anteromedian cyst, latter projecting be- tween occipital spinesasa broadly obtusean- gle. Length 4.3. (Peru) peruana Drake - Pronotalcollarwithoutadistinctcyst,anterior margin transverse, not projecting 5 5. Antennal segments I and II and femora dark brown to black. Length 4.2-5.1. (Colombia) nigribasisnew species - Antennal segments and legs wholly yellowed. Length 3.2-3.9. (Panama) Fig. I. Pleseobyrsa holiviana 9. Natural length 3.7 chiriquensis(Champion) mm. Pleseobyrsa nigribasis Froeschner, Members ofthis genus show certain dif- New Species ferences between the sexes. The abdomen Diagnosis:This is the only speciesofPle- ofthe female is much broader than that of seobyrsawiththebasesoftheantennae(seg- themaleand isaccommodatedbya marked ments I and II) and of the legs (femora) broadening ofthe hemelytra, especially the blackened—hence the species name. subcostal and discoidal areas. The shape of Description.—Length 4.2-4.5; greatest theapexofthediscoidalareamayalsodiffer width, near apical third ofhemelytra, 2.9- inthetwosexes: Inthemaletheapical angle 3.3. ofthediscoidal areaisdisplaced laterad (to- Holotype male: Head black; width vs. ward costal margin) whereas in the female length 6.40:0.25; interocular width 0.24. it is placed more centrad. These differences Genalspinesyellow,aboutaslongasaneye, must be considered when working with de- subhorizontal, tapering, slightly incurved. scriptions ofspecies based on only one sex. Supraclypeal median spine very short, sub- erect. Occipital spines short, gray tuber- Key TO Pleseobyrsa Species cules. Antennal segments I, II, and IV (ex- 1 Lateral carinae ofpronotum absent. Occipital cept very base) black; III yellow. Bucculae spines elongate, decumbent, reaching to mid- yellow. Pronotum dark brown, calli black; lengthofeye.Length3.2-3.7(Guatemala,Pan- longitudinal carinae, narrow anterior mar- ama) nigriceps(Champion) - Lateral carinae ofpronotum low but distinct, gin, and veinsofparanotayellow; paranotal sometimes present only on anterior slope of cells hyaline. Hemelytra with most veins interhumeral convexity. Occipital spines very distinctly embrowned except some along short, sometimes tubercle-like, suberect 2 edgesofdiscoidal area, inbaseofcostalarea 2. Lateral carina of pronotum extending onto and pale band across combined hemelytra posteriortriangularprojectionofpronotumand beyond apex of discoidal area which are nearlyorquitereachingmiddlethirdofitslat- eral margin. Length 4.1. (Peru) white; cells, except those in pale areas in- ablusa Drake & Hambleton dicated above, distinctly enfumed; with VOLUME 93, NUMBER 3 769 prominent brown areas occupying most of discal and subcostal areas, a large spot be- yond discoidal area, and a transverse band in costal area near apex of discoidal area. Legs with femur dark brown to black, tibia andbaseoftarsusyellow. Venterblackwith sternal carinae and apex ofabdomen paler. Paranotum triseriate apically, becoming uniseriate around humeri; cells hyaline. Longitudinal carinae low, distinct: median carina with a single row of tiny cells from anterior end to pronotal convexity, thence without cells on the posterior pronotal pro- jection; lateralcarinaerestrictedtopronotal convexity, each with a single row of tiny cells. Hemelytral cells variable in size and arrangement,thosein hyalineareasanddark markings smaller, more numerous; costal area 4-5 cells wide basally, uniseriate at apex; subcostal area quadri- toquinqueseri- ate along discoidal area; latterwith six cells across widest part. The paratypes conform well to the above description except that the discoidal and Fig. 2. Stragulotingisplicata 9. Natural length 3.2 subcostalareasofthefemalesarenoticeably wider than in the males. Holotype male: Colombia: "Encamacion (Ant.), en Araceae, Die. 1980, A. Madrigal C." Deposited in United States National List of Species Museum ofNatural History. Paratypes: 18 Stragulotingis atratarsis (Drake and Ham- males, 2 females, same data (deposited in bleton). the Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Co- Pleseobyrsa atratarsis Drake and Ham- lombia and the U.S. National Museum of bleton,'l946: 124 [Brazil]. Natural History). Stragulotingis atratarsis. —Froeschner, 1969: 132. Stragulotingis bicincta (Monte), new com- Tribe Litadeini Drake and Ruhoff bination. Genus Stragulotingis Froeschner Pleseobyrsa bicincta Monte, 1946: 283 [Brazil]. Stragulotingis Froeschnev, 1969: 130. Type- Stragulotingis englemani new species species: Leptobyrsa plicata Champion, Stragulotingis lichyi (Monte), new combi- original designation. nation. TheexpansionofthegenusStragulotingis Pleseobyrsa lichyi Monte, 1945: 251 by the above-noted transfer ofPleseobyrsa [Venezuela]. bicincta and P. lichyi plus the following de- Stragulotingisplicata(Champion)(figure2). scription ofa new species make desirable a Leptobyrsa plicata Champion, 1897: 26 new list ofthe included species as well as a [Panama]. new key for their separation. Pleseobyrsa parana Drake and Hamble- 770 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON - Convex anterior margin ofpronotum project- ing only to imaginary line connecting mid- pointsofeyes.Overlappingmarginsofhemely- tra beyond apex of discoidal area distinctly straight for much oftheir length. Length 3.2 lichyi(Monte) Stragulotingis englemani Froeschner, New Species Fig. 3 Figs. 3-4. 3, Stragulotingis engleniani. head and Diagnosis:Thisnewtaxondiffersfrom all prothorax.4,Stragulotingisbicincta, headandprotho- other species ofthe genus in the combina- rax. tion of the median tectation of the collar being higher than the median pronotal ca- ton, 1944: 95 [Brazil]. Synonymized by rinapassingoverthepronotalconvexityplus Drake and Ruhoff, 1965: 343. — paranotal marginposteriortoanteriorpara- Strangulotingis plicata. Froeschner, notal lobe being shorter than the width of 1969: 132. that lobe (compare Figs. 3 and 4). Key TO Stilagulotingis Species Description: Holotype female. Length 3.27; greatest width 2.4. \. Strongly tectate elevation on collar (in lateral Head yellow, width versus length, 0.36: view)distinctlyhigherthancarinaoverconvex pronotaldisc. Outerlimiting vein ofdiscoidal 0.14; interocularwidth0.17. Cephalicspines area prominently tectately elevated, in lateral almost white, elongate: jugal pair porrect, view distinctly higher than median carina on straight, parallel, tapering, attaining apical triangular posteriorprojection ofpronotum . . 2 fourthoffirstantennalsegment; supraclype- - Tectationofcollarlow,nothigherthanmedian carina over convex pronotal disc. Outer lim- al median spine porrect, tapering, reaching itingveinofdiscoidalarealow, in lateralview almosttoapexofjugalspines; occipitalspine lower than median carina on triangular pos- terete, decurved along inner margin ofeye, terior projection ofpronotum 3 slightly surpassing antennal insertion. An- 2. Paranotumwithanteriorlobebroadlyrounded tennal segments, I, 0.19; II, 0.08; III, 0.68; t(Fhiagn. s3)u.bcDoisstcaolidaarleaa.reLaenognthpos3.t2eriorhalfwider IV, 0.51; segment I with numerous stout englenianinew species hairs a little longer than diameter of seg- - Paranotumwithanteriorlobenarrowlyround- ment; segments II-IV with numerous more ed (Fig. 4). Discoidal area on posterior half slender hairs 2-3 times as long as diameter narrowerthan subcostal area. Length 3.1 ... of supporting segment. Labium yellow, its bicincta(Monte) black apex reaching between middle coxae. 3. Lateral carina on pronotum moderately ele- vated into a low lamina containing a row of Pronotumtricarinate; mediancarinalow, smallbutdistinctcells,atleastanteriorly.Tar- containinga single rowofelongatecells; lat- susyellow, concolorous with tibia, sometimes eral carinae slightly lower than median ca- slightlydarkened apically. Length 3.0-3.3 . . rina, restricted to pronotal convexity, with plicata (Champion) - Lateral carina on pronotum absent or obso- a fewelongatecells in middlethird. Median letely developed but without cells. Tarsus tectation of collar higher than median ca- black 4 rina over interhumeral convexity of pro- 4. Convex anteriormargin ofpronotum project- notum. Anterior margin forming a broad, ingtoimaginarylineconnectinganteriormar- blunttriangleoverbaseofhead. Paranotum ginsofeyes.Overlappingmarginsofhemelytra with anterior two-thirds forming a broad, beyondapex ofdiscoidal area noticeablycon- vex for full length. Length 3.6 oblique lobeextendingbeyondapexofhead, atratarsis(Drake and Hambleton) diagonal width of that lobe greater than VOLUME93, NUMBER 3 771 length of paranoial margin posterior to it helpful reviews; and to Silver B. West for (Fig. 3, compare with Fig. 4). the careful typing. Hemelytral color pattern much as in S. Literature Cited plicata (compare with Fig. 1). Costal area in basal half with about six rows of very Champion, G. C. 1897. Tingitidae. In Godwin and irregular cells, rows progressively fewer in Salvin, eds., Biologia Centrali-Americana, Rhyn- chota 2: 1^8. apical half. Subcostal area about one-third Drake, C. J. and E. J. Hamblelon. 1944. Four New as broad as costal area and two-thirds as American Tingitidae. Proceedings of the Ento- wide as greatest ofdiscoidal area. Subcostal mological Society ofWashington 46: 94-96. anddiscoidalareaseachwithsixcellsacross . 1946. Three New Speciesand a NewGenus ofAmerican Tingidae (Hemiptera). Entomologi- greatest width. cal News 57: 121-125. Venter yellow brown, legs paler with ex- Drake, C. J. and M. E. Poor. 1937. Concerning the pandedtarsalsegmentofanteriorlegbrown. Genus Leptohyrsa Stal (Hemiptera). Proceedings Holotype female, "Panama: Gatun Spill- ofthe Biological Society ofWashington 50: 163- way, Canal Zone, December 28, 1975, coll. 166. D. Engleman." Deposited in the United Drake,C.J. and F.A. Ruhoff. 1965. Lacebugsofthe States National Museum of Natural His- WStoartleds,NaatCiaotnaallogMu(sHeemuimpteBurlal:etTiinn,g2id4a3e:).i-vUiniii,te1d- tory. 634, frontispiece, plates 1-56. This species is named after the collector Froeschner, R. C. 1969. ZoogeographicandSystem- oftheholotype. Dr. DodgeEnglemanwhose atic Notes on the Lace BugTribe Litadeini, with personal studies and cooperation with oth- the Description ofthe New Genus Stragulotingis (Hemiptera:Tingidae).GreatBasinNaturalist29: ersare helping to increase ourknowledge of 129-132. Neotropical Heteroptera. Monte, O. 1942. Apontamentos sobre Tingitideos (Hemiptera)Americanos,especialmentedoBrasil. Acknowledgments Arquivosdo Instituto Biologico 12: 91-98. Special thanks are due for help with this . 1945. Tres Novos Tingitideos. Revista de Entomologia 16: 249-252. manuscript: to Elsie H. Froeschner for the 1946. Novas Especies de Tingitideos (He- fine illustrations; to Thomas J. Henry, Paul mip.tera) do Brasil. Revista de Entomologia 17: J. Spangler, andananonymousreviewerfor 282-286.

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