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THE KREIN-VON NEUMANN REALIZATION OF PERTURBED LAPLACIANS ON BOUNDED LIPSCHITZ DOMAINS 5 1 JUSSIBEHRNDT,FRITZGESZTESY,TILLMICHELER,ANDMARIUSMITREA 0 2 Abstract. Inthispaperwestudytheself-adjointKrein–vonNeumannreal- n izationAK oftheperturbedLaplacian−∆+V inaboundedLipschitzdomain a Ω⊂Rn. Weprovideanexplicitandself-containeddescriptionof thedomain J of AK interms of Dirichletand Neumann boundary traces, and weestablish 3 aWeyl asymptoticformulafortheeigenvalues ofAK. 1 ] P S 1. Introduction . h The mainobjective ofthis note is to investigatethe self-adjointKrein–vonNeu- t a mann realization associatedto the differential expression−∆+V in L2(Ω), where m Ω ⊂ Rn, n > 1, is assumed to be a bounded Lipschitz domain and V is a non- [ negative bounded potential. In particular, we obtain an explicit description of the domain of A in terms of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary traces, and we prove 1 K v the Weyl asymptotic formula 6 N(λ,A ) = (2π)−nv |Ω|λn/2+O λ(n−(1/2))/2 . (1.1) 9 K λ→∞ n 8 (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 Here N(λ,AK) denotes the number of nonzero eigenvalues of AK not exceeding λ, 0 v is the volume of the unit ball in Rn, and |Ω| is the (n-dimensional) Lebesgue n . measure of Ω. 1 0 Let us first recallthe definition and some properties of the Krein–vonNeumann 5 extension in the abstract setting. Let S be a closed, densely defined, symmetric 1 operator in a Hilbert space H and assume that S is strictly positive, that is, for v: some c > 0, (Sf,f)H > ckfk2H for all f ∈ dom(S). The Krein–von Neumann i extension S of S is then given by X K r SKf =S∗f, f ∈dom(SK)=dom(S)+˙ ker(S∗), (1.2) a see the original papers Krein [47] and von Neumann [61]. It follows that S is K a nonnegative self-adjoint extension of S and that for all other nonnegative self- adjoint extensions S of S the operator inequality S 6 S holds in the sense of Θ K Θ quadratic forms. As ker(S ) = ker(S∗), it is clear that 0 is an eigenvalue of S K K Date:January14,2015. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35J25, 35J40, 35P15; Secondary 35P05, 46E35,47A10,47F05. Keywordsandphrases. Lipschitzdomains,KreinLaplacian,tracemaps,eigenvalues,spectral analysis,Weylasymptotics. J.B.gratefullyacknowledges financial support bythe AustrianScience Fund (FWF), project P25162-N26. Work of M.M. was partially supported by the Simons Foundation Grant #281566 and by a UniversityofMissouriResearchLeavegrant. 1 2 J.BEHRNDT,F.GESZTESY,T.MICHELER,ANDM.MITREA (except if S is self-adjoint, in which case S = S∗ = S). Furthermore, if the self- K adjointFriedrichs extension S of S has purely discrete spectrum then the same is F true for the spectrum of S with the possible exception of the eigenvalue 0, which K may have infinite multiplicity. For further developments, extensive references, and a more detailed discussion of the properties of the Krein–von Neumann extension of a symmetric operatorwe refer the reader to [2, Sect. 109],[3], [4]–[6], [7, Chs. 9, 10], [8]–[13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [19], [27], [28], [31, Sect. 15], [32, Sect. 3.3], [35], [37], [38, Sect. 13.2],[39], [40], [49], [54], [56], [57, Ch. 13], [58], [59], [60], [63], [64], [65], and the references cited therein. In the concrete case considered in this paper, the symmetric operator S above is given by the minimal operator A associated to the differential expression min −∆+V in the Hilbert space L2(Ω), that is, A =−∆+V, dom(A )=H˚2(Ω), (1.3) min min where H˚2(Ω) denotes the closure of C∞(Ω) in the Sobolev space H2(Ω), and 0 6 0 V ∈ L∞(Ω). It can be shown that A is the closure of the symmetric operator min −∆+V definedonC∞(Ω). WepointoutthathereΩisaboundedLipschitzdomain 0 and no further regularity assumptions on ∂Ω are imposed, thus it is remarkable that the functions in dom(A ) possess H2-regularity. The adjoint A∗ of A min min min coincides with the maximal operator A =−∆+V, dom(A )= f ∈L2(Ω) −∆f +Vf ∈L2(Ω) , (1.4) max max where ∆f is understood in the sense(cid:8)of distributi(cid:12)ons. From (1.2) and(cid:9)(1.3) it is (cid:12) clear that the Krein–von Neumann extension A of A is then given by K min A =−∆+V, dom(A )=H˚2(Ω)+˙ ker(A ). (1.5) K K max In the present situation A is a symmetric operator with infinite defect indices min and therefore ker(A∗ ) = ker(A ) is infinite-dimensional. In particular, 0 is min max an eigenvalue of A with infinite multiplicity, and hence belongs to the essential K spectrum. It is also important to note that in general the functions in ker(A ) K do not possess any Sobolev regularity, that is, ker(A ) 6⊂ Hs(Ω) for every s > K 0. Moreover, since Ω is a bounded set, the Friedrichs extension of A (which min coincideswiththeself-adjointDirichletoperatorassociatedto−∆+V)hascompact resolventandhenceitsspectrumisdiscrete. Theabstractconsiderationsabovethen yield that with the exception of the eigenvalue 0 the spectrum of A consists of a K sequence of positive eigenvalues with finite multiplicity which tends to +∞. ThedescriptionofthedomainoftheKrein–vonNeumannextensionA in(1.5) K is not satisfactory for applications involving boundary value problems. Instead, a moreexplicitdescriptionofdom(A ) viaboundary conditionsseems to be natural K and desirable. In the case of a bounded C∞-smooth domain Ω, it is known that dom(A )= f ∈dom(A ) γ f +M(0)γ f =0 (1.6) K max N D holds,where γ andγ den(cid:8)ote the Dirichlet(cid:12)andNeumann traceop(cid:9)erator,respec- D N (cid:12) tively, defined on the maximal domain dom(A ), and M(0) is the Dirichlet-to- max Neumann map or Weyl–Titchmarsh operator for −∆+V. The description (1.6) goesback to Grubb [36], where certainclassesofelliptic differentialoperatorswith smooth coefficients are discussed in great detail. Note that in contrast to the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions the boundary condition in (1.6) is THE KREIN-VON NEUMANN REALIZATION OF −∆+V ON LIPSCHITZ DOMAINS 3 nonlocal, as it involves M(0) which, when Ω is smooth, is a boundary pseudodif- ferential operator of order 1. It is essential for the boundary condition (1.6) that both trace operators γ and γ are defined on dom(A ). Even in the case of D N max a smooth boundary ∂Ω, the elements in dom(A ), in general, do not possess any K Hs-regularityfors>0,andhencespecialattentionhastobepaidtothedefinition and the properties of the trace operators. In the smooth setting the classical anal- ysis due to Lions and Magenes [48] ensures that γ : dom(A ) → H−1/2(∂Ω) D max and γ : dom(A ) → H−3/2(∂Ω) are well-defined continuous mappings when N max dom(A ) is equipped with the graph norm. max Let us now turn again to the present situation, where Ω is assumed to be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Our first main objective is to extend the description of dom(A ) in (1.6) to the nonsmooth setting. The main difficulty here is to K define appropriate trace operators on the domain of the maximal operator. We brieflysketchthestrategyfrom[18],whichismainlybasedandinspiredbyabstract extension theory of symmetric operators. For this denote by A and A the self- D N adjoint realizationsof −∆+V correspondingto Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, respectively. Recall that by [42] and [30] their domains dom(A ) and D dom(A ) are both contained in H3/2(Ω). Now consider the boundary spaces N G (∂Ω):= γ f f ∈dom(A ) , G (∂Ω):= γ f f ∈dom(A ) , (1.7) D D N N N D equipped with(cid:8)suitab(cid:12)le inner produ(cid:9)cts induced by t(cid:8)he Ne(cid:12)umann-to-Diric(cid:9)hlet map (cid:12) (cid:12) andDirichlet-to-Neumannmapfor−∆+V−i,seeSection3forthedetails. Itturns outthatG (∂Ω)andG (∂Ω)arebothHilbertspaceswhicharedenselyembedded D N inL2(∂Ω). Itwasshownin[18]thatthe Dirichlettraceoperatorγ andNeumann D trace operator γ can be extended by continuity to surjective mappings N γ :dom(A )→G (∂Ω)∗ and γ :dom(A )→G (∂Ω)∗, (1.8) D max N N max D where G (∂Ω)∗ and G (∂Ω)∗ denote the adjoint (i.e., conjugate dual) spaces of D N G (∂Ωe) and G (∂Ω), respectively. Withinethe same process also the Dirichlet-to- D N Neumann map M(0) of −∆+V (originally defined as a mapping from H1(∂Ω) to L2(∂Ω))admitsanextensiontoamappingM(0)fromG (∂Ω)∗ toG (∂Ω)∗. With N D the help of the trace maps γ and γ , and the extended Dirichlet-to-Neumann D N operator M(0) we are then able to extendfthe description of the domain of the Krein–vonNeumannextensioenforsmeoothdomainsin(1.6)to thecaseofLipschitz domains. fMore precisely, we show in Theorem 3.3 that the Krein–von Neumann extension A of A is defined on K min dom(A )= f ∈dom(A ) γ f +M(0)γ f =0 . (1.9) K max N D For an exhaustive treatme(cid:8)nt of boundary t(cid:12)race operators on bou(cid:9)nded Lipschitz domains in Rn and applications to Schr¨oding(cid:12)eer operaftors wee refer to [17]. Our second main objective in this paper is to prove the Weyl asymptotic for- mula (1.1) for the nonzero eigenvalues of A . We mention that the study of the K asymptoticbehaviorofthe spectraldistributionfunctionofthe DirichletLaplacian originates in the work by Weyl (cf. [67], [66], and the references in [68]), and that generalizationsoftheclassicalWeylasymptoticformulawereobtainedinnumerous papers - we refer the reader to [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [55], [62], and the introduction in [16] for more details. There are relatively few papers available that treat the spectral asymptotics of the Krein Laplacian or the perturbed Krein Laplacian A . Essentially these considerations are inspired by Alonso and Simon K 4 J.BEHRNDT,F.GESZTESY,T.MICHELER,ANDM.MITREA who, at the end of their paper [3] posed the question if the asymptotics of the nonzeroeigenvaluesofthe KreinLaplacianis givenby Weyl’s formula? In the case where Ω is bounded and C∞-smooth, and V ∈ C∞(Ω), this has been shown to be the case three years later by Grubb [37], see also the more recent contributions [51], [52], and [39]. Following the ideas in [37] it was shown in [14] that for so- called quasi-convex domains (a nonsmooth subclass of bounded Lipschitz domains with the key feature that dom(A ) and dom(A ) are both contained in H2(Ω)) D N the Krein–von Neumann extension A is spectrally equivalent to the buckling of K a clamped plate problem, which in turn can be reformulated with the help of the quadratic forms a[f,g]:= A f,A g and t[f,g]:= f,A g , (1.10) min min L2(Ω) min L2(Ω) defined on dom(A(cid:0) ) = H˚2(Ω(cid:1)). In the Hilbert spa(cid:0)ce (H˚2(Ω(cid:1)),a[·,·]) the form t min canbeexpressedwiththehelpofanonnegativecompactoperatorT,anditfollows that λ∈σ (A )\{0} if and only if λ−1 ∈σ (T), (1.11) p K p counting multiplicities. These considerations can be extended from quasi-convex domains to the more general setting of Lipschitz domains, see, for instance, Sec- tion 4 and Lemma 4.2. Finally, the main ingredient in the proof of the Weyl asymptotic formula (1.1) for the Krein–von Neumann extension A of −∆+V K on a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω is then a more general Weyl type asymptotic formula due to Kozlov [45] (see also [44], [46]) which yields the asymptotics of the spectral distribution of function of the compact operator T, and hence via (1.11) the asymptotics of the spectral distribution function of A . This reasoning in the K proofofoursecondmainresultTheorem4.1isalongthelinesof[14,15],wherethe special case of quasi-convex domains was treated. For perturbed Krein Laplacians this result completes work that started with Grubb more than 30 years ago and demonstrates that the question posed by Alonso and Simon in [3] regarding the validityoftheWeylasymptoticformulacontinuestohaveanaffirmativeanswerfor bounded Lipschitz domains – the natural end of the line in the development from smooth domains all the way to minimally smooth ones. 2. Schro¨dinger Operators on Bounded Lipschitz Domains This section is devoted to a study of self-adjoint Schr¨odinger operators on a nonempty, bounded Lipschitz domain in Rn (automatically assumed to be open). We shall make the following general assumption. Hypothesis 2.1. Let n ∈ N\{1}, assume that Ω ⊂ Rn is a bounded Lipschitz domain, and suppose that 06V ∈L∞(Ω). We consider operator realizations of the differential expression −∆+V in the Hilbert space L2(Ω). For this we define the preminimal realization A of −∆+V p by ∞ A :=−∆+V, dom(A ):=C (Ω). (2.1) p p 0 It is clear that A is a densely defined, symmetric operator in L2(Ω), and hence p closable. The minimal realization A of −∆+V is defined as the closure of A min p in L2(Ω), A :=A . (2.2) min p THE KREIN-VON NEUMANN REALIZATION OF −∆+V ON LIPSCHITZ DOMAINS 5 ItfollowsthatA isadenselydefined,closed,symmetricoperatorinL2(Ω). The min maximal realization A of −∆+V is given by max A :=−∆+V, dom(A ):= f ∈L2(Ω) −∆f +Vf ∈L2(Ω) , (2.3) max max where the expression ∆f, f ∈L2(Ω), is(cid:8)understood(cid:12)in the sense of distrib(cid:9)utions. (cid:12) In the next lemma we collect some properties of the operators A , A , and p min A . The standard L2-based Sobolev spaces of order s > 0 will be denoted by max Hs(Ω); for the closure of C∞(Ω) in Hs(Ω) we write H˚s(Ω). 0 Lemma 2.2. Assume Hypothesis 2.1 and let A , A , and A be as introduced p min max above. Then the following assertions hold: (i) A and A are adjoints of each other, that is, min max A∗ =A∗ =A and A =A =A∗ . (2.4) min p max min p max (ii) A is defined on H˚2(Ω), that is, min dom(A )=H˚2(Ω), (2.5) min andthegraphnormofA andtheH2-normareequivalentondom(A ). min min (iii) A is strictly positive, that is, for some C >0 we have min (Aminf,f)L2(Ω) >Ckfk2L2(Ω), f ∈H˚2(Ω). (2.6) (iv) A has infinite deficiency indices. min One recalls that the Friedrichs extension A of A is defined by F min A :=−∆+V, dom(A ):= f ∈H˚1(Ω) ∆f ∈L2(Ω) . (2.7) F F It is well-known that AF is a strictly posit(cid:8)ive self-adjoi(cid:12)(cid:12)nt operator i(cid:9)n L2(Ω) with compact resolvent (see, e.g. [29, Sect. VI.1]). In this note we are particularly interested in the Krein–von Neumann extension A of A . According to (1.2), A is given by K min K A :=−∆+V, dom(A ):=dom(A ) ∔ ker(A ). (2.8) K K min max In the following theorem we briefly collect some well-known properties of the Krein–vonNeumannextensionA inthepresentsetting. Formoredetailswerefer K the reader to the celebratedpaper [47] by Krein and to [3], [4], [11], [14], [15], [16], [39], and [40] for further developments and references. Theorem 2.3. Assume Hypothesis 2.1 and let A be the Krein–von Neumann K extension of A . Then the following assertions hold: min (i) A is a nonnegative self-adjoint operator in L2(Ω) and σ(A ) consists of K K eigenvalues only. The eigenvalue 0 has infinite multiplicity, dim(ker(A ))=∞, K and the restriction AK|(ker(AK))⊥ is a strictly positive self-adjoint operator in the Hilbert space (ker(A ))⊥ with compact resolvent. K (ii) dom(A )6⊂Hs(Ω) for every s>0. K (iii) A nonnegative self-adjoint operator B in L2(Ω) is a self-adjoint extension of A if and only if for some (and, hence for all) µ<0, min (A −µ)−1 6(B−µ)−1 6(A −µ)−1. (2.9) F K 6 J.BEHRNDT,F.GESZTESY,T.MICHELER,ANDM.MITREA We also mention that the Friedrich extension A and the Krein–von Neumann F extension A are relatively prime (or disjoint), that is, K dom(A )∩dom(A )=dom(A )=H˚2(Ω). (2.10) F K min For later purposes we briefly recall some properties of the Dirichlet and Neu- mann trace operator and the corresponding self-adjoint Dirichlet and Neumann realizations of −∆+V in L2(Ω). We consider the space H3/2(Ω):= f ∈H3/2(Ω) ∆f ∈L2(Ω) , (2.11) ∆ equipped with the inner product(cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12) (f,g)H∆3/2(Ω) =(f,g)H3/2(Ω)+(∆f,∆g)L2(Ω), f,g ∈H∆3/2(Ω). (2.12) One recalls that the Dirichlet and Neumann trace operators γ and γ defined by D N γ f :=f ↾ and γ f :=n·∇f ↾ , f ∈C∞(Ω), (2.13) D ∂Ω N ∂Ω admit continuous extensions to operators γ :H3/2(Ω)→H1(∂Ω) and γ :H3/2(Ω)→L2(∂Ω). (2.14) D ∆ N ∆ Here H1(∂Ω) denotes the usual L2-based Sobolev space of order 1 on ∂Ω; cf. [50, Chapter 3] and [53]. It is important to note that the extensions in (2.14) are both surjective, see [35, Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2]. In the next theorem we collect some properties of the Dirichlet realization A D and Neumann realization A of −∆+V in L2(Ω). We recall that the operators N A and A are defined as the unique self-adjoint operators corresponding to the D N closed nonnegative forms aD[f,g]:=(∇f,∇g)(L2(Ω))n +(Vf,g)L2(Ω), dom(aD):=H˚1(Ω), (2.15) aN[f,g]:=(∇f,∇g)(L2(Ω))n +(Vf,g)L2(Ω), dom(aN):=H1(Ω). In particular, one has A = A by (2.7). In the next theorem we collect some F D well-knownfactsabouttheself-adjointoperatorsA andA . TheH3/2-regularity D N of the functions in their domains is remarkable, and a consequence of Ω being a boundedLipschitz domain. We referthe readerto[34,Lemma3.4andLemma4.8] for more details, see also [41, 42] and [30]. Theorem 2.4. Assume Hypothesis 2.1 and let A and A be the self-adjoint D N Dirichlet and Neumann realization of −∆+V in L2(Ω), respectively. Then the following assertions hold: (i) The operator A coincides with the Friedrichs extension A and is given D F by A =−∆+V, dom(A )= f ∈H3/2(Ω) γ f =0 . (2.16) D D ∆ D The resolvent of AD is compact, and(cid:8)the spectrum(cid:12)of AD is(cid:9)purely discrete (cid:12) and contained in (0,∞). (ii) The operator A is given by N A =−∆+V, dom(A )= f ∈H3/2(Ω) γ f =0 . (2.17) N N ∆ N The resolvent of AN is compact, and(cid:8)the spectrum(cid:12)of AN is(cid:9)purely discrete (cid:12) and contained in [0,∞). THE KREIN-VON NEUMANN REALIZATION OF −∆+V ON LIPSCHITZ DOMAINS 7 3. Boundary conditions for the Krein–von Neumann realization Our goal in this section is to obtain an explicit description of the domain of the Krein–von Neumann extension A in terms of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary K traces. Forthiswedescribeanextensionprocedureofthetracemapsγ andγ in D N (2.14) onto dom(A ) from [18]. We recall that for ϕ∈ H1(∂Ω) and z ∈ ρ(A ), max D the boundary value problem −∆f +Vf =zf, γ f =ϕ, (3.1) D admits a unique solution f (ϕ) ∈ H3/2(Ω). Making use of this fact and the trace z ∆ operators(2.14)we define the Dirichlet-to-NeumannoperatorM(z), z ∈ρ(A ), as D follows: M(z):L2(∂Ω)⊃H1(∂Ω)→L2(∂Ω), ϕ7→−γ f (ϕ), (3.2) N z where f (ϕ)∈H3/2(Ω) is the unique solution of (3.1). It can be shown that M(z) z ∆ is an unbounded operator in L2(∂Ω). Moreover, if z ∈ ρ(A )∩ρ(A ) then M(z) D N is invertible and the inverse M(z)−1 is a bounded operator defined on L2(∂Ω). Considering z =i, we set Σ:=Im(−M(i)−1). (3.3) The imaginary part ImM(i) of M(i) is a densely defined bounded operator in L2(∂Ω) and hence it admits a bounded closure Λ:=Im(M(i)) (3.4) inL2(∂Ω). BothoperatorsΣ andΛ areself-adjointandinvertiblewith unbounded inverses. Introducing the boundary spaces G (∂Ω):= γ f f ∈dom(A ) (3.5) D D N and (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) G (∂Ω):= γ f (cid:12)f ∈dom(A ) , (3.6) N N D we equip G (∂Ω) and G (∂Ω) with the inner products D N (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12) (ϕ,ψ)GD(∂Ω) := Σ−1/2ϕ,Σ−1/2ψ L2(∂Ω), ϕ,ψ ∈GD(∂Ω), (3.7) and (cid:0) (cid:1) (ϕ,ψ)GN(∂Ω) := Λ−1/2ϕ,Λ−1/2ψ L2(∂Ω), ϕ,ψ ∈GN(∂Ω), (3.8) respectively. Then GD(∂Ω)(cid:0)and GN(∂Ω) bo(cid:1)th become Hilbert spaces which are dense in L2(∂Ω). The corresponding adjoint (i.e., conjugate dual) spaces will be denotedby G (∂Ω)∗ andG (∂Ω)∗,respectively. The followingresultcanbe found D N in [18, Section 4.1]. Theorem 3.1. Assume Hypothesis 2.1. Then the Dirichlet trace operator γ and D Neumann trace operator γ in (2.14) can be extended by continuity to surjective N mappings γ :dom(A )→G (∂Ω)∗ and γ :dom(A )→G (∂Ω)∗ (3.9) D max N N max D such that ker(γ )=ker(γ )=dom(A ) and ker(γ )=ker(γ )=dom(A ). D D D N N N e e In a similar manner the boundary value problem (3.1) can be considered for all ϕ ∈ G (∂eΩ)∗ and the Dirichlet-to-Neumanneoperator M(·) in (3.2) can be N extended. More precisely, the following statement holds. Theorem 3.2. AssumeHypothesis 2.1andlet γ and γ betheextendedDirichlet D N and Neumann trace operator from Theorem 3.1. Then the following are true: e e 8 J.BEHRNDT,F.GESZTESY,T.MICHELER,ANDM.MITREA (i) For ϕ∈G (∂Ω)∗ and z ∈ρ(A ) the boundary value problem N D −∆f +Vf =zf, γ f =ϕ, (3.10) D admits a unique solution f (ϕ)∈dom(A ). z max (ii) For z ∈ρ(A ) the Dirichlet-to-Neumanen operator M(z) in (3.2) admits a D continuous extension M(z):G (∂Ω)∗ →G (∂Ω)∗, ϕ7→−γ f (ϕ), (3.11) N D N z where f (ϕ)∈dom(A ) is the unique solution of (3.10). z max f e Nowweareabletostateourmainresultinthissection: Adescriptionofthedo- mainofthe Krein–vonNeumann extensionA interms ofDirichletandNeumann K boundary traces. The extended Dirichlet-to-Neumannmap at z =0 will enter as a regularizationparameter in the boundary condition. For C∞-smooth domains this result goes back to Grubb [36], where a certain class of elliptic differential opera- tors with smooth coefficients is discussed systematically. For the special case of a so-called quasi-convex domains Theorem 3.3 reduces to [15, Theorem 5.5] and [35, Theorem 13.1]. In an abstract setting the Krein–von Neumann extension appears in a similar form in [18, Example 3.9]. Theorem 3.3. Assume Hypothesis 2.1 and let γ , γ and M(0) be as in Theo- D N rem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2. Then the Krein–von Neumann extension A of A is K min given by e e f A =−∆+V, dom(A )= f ∈dom(A ) γ f +M(0)γ f =0 . (3.12) K K max N D Proof. We recallthat the Krein–v(cid:8)onNeumannext(cid:12)ensionA ofA is d(cid:9)efined on (cid:12)e fK emin dom(A )=dom(A ) ∔ ker(A ). (3.13) K min max Thus, from Lemma 2.2(ii) one concludes dom(A )=H˚2(Ω) ∔ ker(A ). (3.14) K max,Ω Next, we show the inclusion dom(A )⊆ f ∈dom(A ) γ f +M(0)γ f =0 . (3.15) K max N D Fixf ∈dom(A )anddeco(cid:8)mposef inthefor(cid:12)mf =f +f ,wher(cid:9)ef ∈H˚2(Ω) K (cid:12)e mfin e0 min and f ∈ ker(A ) (cf. (3.14)). Thus, γ f = γ f = 0 and γ f = 0 max D min D min N min γ f =0, and hence it follows from Theorem 3.2(ii) that N min e M(0)γ f =M(0)γ (f +f )=M(0)γ f =−γ f =−γ f. (3.16) D D min 0 D 0 N 0 N e Thus, γ f +M(0)γ f =0 and the inclusion (3.15) holds. fN e fD e f e e e Next we verify the opposite inclusion e f e dom(A )⊇ f ∈dom(A ) γ f +M(0)γ f =0 . (3.17) K max N D We use the direct sum deco(cid:8)mposition (cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12)e f e dom(A )=dom(A )+˙ ker(A ), (3.18) max D max which is not difficult to check. Assuming that f ∈ dom(A ) satisfies the max,Ω boundary condition M(0)γ f +γ f =0, (3.19) D N f e e THE KREIN-VON NEUMANN REALIZATION OF −∆+V ON LIPSCHITZ DOMAINS 9 according to the decomposition (3.18) we write f in the form f = f +f , where D 0 f ∈dom(A )andf ∈ker(A ). Thus, γ f =γ f =0byTheorem3.1and D D 0 max D D D D with the help of Theorem 3.2(ii) one obtains e M(0)γ f =M(0)γ (f +f )=M(0)γ f =−γ f . (3.20) D D D 0 D 0 N 0 Taking into account the boundary condition (3.19) one concludes f e f e f e e −γ f =M(0)γ f =−γ f , (3.21) N D N 0 and hence e f e e 0=γ (f −f )=γ f . (3.22) N 0 N D Together with Theorem 3.1 this implies f ∈ ker(γ ) = ker(γ ) = dom(A ). D N N N Thus, one arrives at e e f ∈dom(A )∩dom(A )=dom(Ae )=H˚2(Ω), (3.23) D D N min where (2.10) and A =A was used (cf. Theorem 2.4(i)). Summing up, one has D F f =f +f ∈H˚2(Ω) ∔ ker(A )=dom(A ), (3.24) D 0 max K which shows (3.17) and completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. (cid:3) 4. Spectral asymptotics of the Krein–von Neumann extension As the main result in this section we derive the following Weyl-type spectral asymptotics for the Krein–vonNeumann extension A of A . K min Theorem 4.1. Assume Hypothesis 2.1. Let {λj}j∈N ⊂ (0,∞) be the strictly pos- itive eigenvalues of the Krein–von Neumann extension A enumerated in nonde- K creasing order counting multiplicity, and let N(λ,A ):=# j ∈N:0<λ 6λ , λ>0, (4.1) K j betheeigenvalue distribution func(cid:8)tion for A . Then t(cid:9)hefollowing Weylasymptotic K formula holds, v |Ω| N(λ,A ) = n λn/2+O λ(n−(1/2))/2 , (4.2) K λ→∞ (2π)n (cid:0) (cid:1) where v = πn/2/Γ((n/2)+1) denotes the (Euclidean) volume of the unit ball in n Rn (with Γ(·) the classical Gamma function [1, Sect. 6.1]) and |Ω| represents the (n-dimensional) Lebesgue measure of Ω. The proof of Theorem 4.1 follows along the lines of [14, 15], where the case of quasi-convex domains was investigated. The main ingredients are a general Weyl type asymptotic formula due to Kozlov [45] (see also [44], [46] for related results) and the connection between the eigenvalues of the so-called buckling operator and the positive eigenvalues of the Krein–von Neumann extension A (cf. [15], [16]). K We first consider the quadratic forms a and t on dom(A )=H˚2(Ω) defined by min a[f,g]:= A f,A g , f,g ∈dom(a):=H˚2(Ω), (4.3) min min L2(Ω) t[f,g]:= (cid:0)f,A g (cid:1), f,g ∈dom(t):=H˚2(Ω). (4.4) min L2(Ω) (cid:0) (cid:1) 10 J.BEHRNDT,F.GESZTESY,T.MICHELER,ANDM.MITREA Since the graph norm of A and the H2-norm are equivalent on domA = min min H˚2(Ω) by Lemma 2.2(ii), it follows that W := (dom(a);(·,·)W), where the inner product is defined by (f,g)W :=a[f,g]= Aminf,Aming L2(Ω), f,g ∈dom(a), (4.5) is a Hilbert space. One observe(cid:0)s that the emb(cid:1)edding ι : W → L2(Ω) is compact; this is a consequence of Ω being bounded. Next, we consider for fixed g ∈ W the functional W ∋f 7→t[ιf,ιg], (4.6) whichis continuousonthe Hilbert space W andhence canbe representedwith the help of a bounded operator T in W in the form (f,Tg)W =t[ιf,ιg], f,g ∈W. (4.7) The nonnegativity of the form t implies that T is a self-adjoint and nonnegative operator in W. Furthermore, one obtains from (4.4) that (f,Tg)W =t[ιf,ιg]= ιf,Aminιg L2(Ω) = f,ι∗Aminιg W, f,g ∈W, (4.8) and hence, (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) ∗ T =ι A ι. (4.9) min In particular, since A ι : W → L2(Ω) is defined on the whole space W and min is closed as an operator from W to L2(Ω), it follows that A ι is bounded and min hence the compactness of ι∗ : L2(Ω) → W implies that T = ι∗A ι is a compact min operator in the Hilbert space W. The next useful lemma shows that the eigenvalues of T are precisely the recip- rocals of the nonzero eigenvalues of A . Lemma 4.2 is inspired by the connection K of the Krein–von Neumann extension to the buckling of a clamped plate problem (cf. [15, Theorem 6.2] and [14, 16, 37]). Lemma4.2. AssumeHypothesis2.1andletT bethenonnegativecompactoperator in W defined by (4.7). Then λ∈σ (A )\{0} if and only if λ−1 ∈σ (T), (4.10) p K p counting multiplicities. Proof. Assumefirstthatλ6=0isaneigenvalueofA andletg be acorresponding K eigenfunction. We decompose g in the form g =g +g , g ∈dom(A ), g ∈ker(A ) (4.11) min 0 min min 0 max (cf. (2.8)), where g 6=0 as λ6=0. Then one concludes min A g =A (g +g )=A g, (4.12) min min K min 0 K and hence, A g −λg =A g−λg =λg−λg =λg ∈ker(A ), (4.13) min min min K min min 0 max so that A A g =λA g =λA g . (4.14) max min min max min min min

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