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The Korean K-Drama Cookbook: Make the Dishes Seen in Your Favorite TV Shows! PDF

136 Pages·2023·51.47 MB·English
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Preview The Korean K-Drama Cookbook: Make the Dishes Seen in Your Favorite TV Shows!

Eat Like a K-drama TV Star! Features dishes seen in Crash Landing on You Hospital Playlist It’s Okay to Not Be Okay It’s Okay to Crash Landing Record of Not Be Okay Hospital Playlist on You Mystic Pop-up Bar Youth Choi Heejae T H E KK OO RR EE Chocolate What’s Wrong With Hi Bye, Mama! When the Itaewon AA Secretary Kim Camellia Blooms Class NN TTHHEE KK If you’re a fan of Korean TV dramas or of Korean food in general, this book is for you! KKOORREEAANN -- Here you’ll find 61 delicious recipes for dishes featured in 18 top Korean TV series such D D as Hospital Playlist and Crash Landing on You. Includes easy-to-make one-dish meals RR and snacks like bibimbap, kimbap sushi and ramen hot pot—even a Korean Mojito! KK--DD RRAAMMAA AA MM Choi Heejae AA CCOOOOKKBBOOOOKK C Make the Dishes Seen in O Your Favorite TV Shows! O Ramyeon Hot Pot Cucumber Kimchi Ox Bone Soup Spicy Beef Soup Ramyeon K B Choi Heejae studied traditional food and drink culture O at the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine. She runs her O own restaurant in Seoul and operates one day cooking K classes, as well as conducting cooking classes at the Hyundai Seoul department store. ISBN 978-0-8048-5555-6 T TUTTLE U T T www.tuttlepublishing.com L TUTTLE E US $19.99 Printed in China 2210EP TUTTLE Publishing Tokyo Rutland, Vermont Singapore , Contents 目次 Make the Dishes Seen in Your Favorite K-Dramas! 5 Gはlosじsaめry にof Korean Ingredients 6 2  3章 おいしい! 韓国の麺&ライス 8 57 Th掲e 載K-dドraラmマas 一Fe覧atu red in This Book 9 9 カルグクス 58 ムール貝のチャンポン 60 CH APT1ER章 1  ドラマに出てくる韓国C定HAP番TER料 2 理 10 11 アサリのお粥 62 Classic Korean Dishes that Dishes that Have a Starring Role Ap pear in K-drスamンasドゥブチゲ in K-dramas 12 ソルロンタン 64 Soft Tofu Stew 13 Noodle Soup 35 ジャガイモチヂミ 14 スジェビ(韓国風すいとん) 66 Potato Pancakes 15 Crispy Rice 37 Ja pchae Noodles チ 16ャプチェ Spicy Stir-fried Pork 39 16 ジャッグッス(松の実うどん) 68 Korean Barbecue 19 Korean Tonkatsu 40 サムギョプサル 18 クッパ 70 Steamed Eggs 20 Octopus Stir-fry with Spices 43 Bi bimbap 23 ケランチム Korean Corn Dogs 45 20     キンパ 72 Boiled Pork Wraps 25 Stir-fried Pork and Bean Sprouts 47 ビビンパ 22 Beef Bone Soup 27 Braised Mackerel with Daikon 49 Gi nseng Chicken ポSouッp サ28ム Cold Noodles with Beef 51 24   4 章 手間がかかるがおいしい! Se aweed Soup wiコth Bムeeタf 3ン1 Noodles in Spicy Black Bean Sauce2 563 手作りキムチの料理と鍋8 85 Korean Ingredients to Up Your Korean Korean Cocktails 54 サムゲタン 28 Cooking Game! 32 週末にキムチを作りませんか? ワカメスープ 30 白菜の塩漬けを作る 86 Bibimbap, page 23 Spicy Stir-fried Pork, page 39 キムチヤンニョムを作る 88   2 章 ドラマの中で光るあの韓国料理 10 33 白菜をキムチヤンニョムに漬ける 89 グッス 34 おこげ 36 ダイコンキムチ 90 豚肉コチュジャン炒め 38 キュウリキムチ 91 韓国風トンカツ 40 長芋リンゴキムチ 92 タコ炒め 42 キムチチャーハン 93 ハットグ 44 豚モヤシ炒め 46 キムチチゲ 94 サバの煮つけ 48 トッポギラーメン鍋 96 冷麺 50 ホルモン鍋 98 辛口ジャージャー麺 52 餃子鍋 100 2 CHAPTER 4 Homemade Kimchi and 目次 Comforting Hot Pots Homemade Kimchi 86 Daikon Radish Kimchi 90 はじめに 2  3章 おいしい! 韓国の麺C&ucラumbイer Kスimc8hi 91 57 Yam and Apple Kimchi 92 掲載ドラマ一覧 9 カルグクス Kimchi Fried Rice 93 58 Kimchi Hot Pot 95 ムール貝のチャンポン 60 Ramyeon Hot Pot with Spicy Rice Cakes 97  1章 ドラマに出てくる韓国定番料理 10 11 アサリのお粥 Beef Tripe Hot Pot 98 62 スンドゥブチゲ 12 ソルロンタン Mandu Dumpling Hot Pot 101 64 Shopping for Ingredients in Seoul 104 ジャガイモチヂミ 14 スジェビ(韓国風すいとん) 66 More Korean Ingredients to Up Your Korean チャプチェ 16 ジャッグッス(松の実うどんCo)o king Game! 106 68 サムギョプサル 18 クッパ CHAPTER 5 70 Kimbap Sushi Rolls, page 73 Korean Flavors in No Time with ケランチム 20     キンパ Tasty Multipurpose Sauces72 ビビンパ 22 All-purpose Korean-style Soy Sauce 108 CHAPTER 3 Salad with Soy-sauce Dressing 108 ポッサム 24   4 章 手間がかかるがおいしい! Delicious Korean Noodles, Yangnyeom Fried Chicken 111 コムタン 26 Ric e a n d S n a c k 手s 作りキムチの料理とS鍋wee8t an d Salty Yangnyeom Sauce8 1511 Chicken Noodle Soup 59 Shrimp with Gejang Sauce 113 サムゲタン 28 Mu ssels with Spicy週 No末odにle Sキouムp 6チ1 を作りませんGかeja?ng Sauce 113 ワカメスープ 30 Clam Congee 62 白菜の塩漬けを作る Dadaegi Mixed Noodles 115 86 Ox Bone Soup 65 Dadaegi Spicy Meat Sauce 115 キムチヤンニョムを作る 88 Hand-torn Noodle Soup 67 Egg Fried Rice 117   2 章 ドラマの中で光るあの韓国料理 10 33 Pine -nut Noodles 6白9 菜をキムチヤンニョムにS漬imけpleる Soy -sauce Dressing 117 89 Beef Soup 71 グッス 34 Kimbap Sushi Rolls 73 CHAPTER 6 おこげ 36 Che esy Chicken Raダmyイeonコ 7ン8 キムチ Great When You Are Busy! 9 0 Make-ahead Korean Dishes Carbonara Ramyeon 78 豚肉コチュジャン炒め 38 キュウリキムチ 91 Spicy Beef Soup Ramyeon 79 Simmered Quail Eggs 120 韓国風トンカツ 40 Ram yeon Pancakes長 79芋リンゴキムチ Dried Squid with Chili 121 92 Spicy Whelks 81 Korean-style Soybean Sprouts 122 タコ炒め 42 キムチチャーハン 93 French Fries with Dadaegi Sauce 82 Korean Rolled Omelet 123 ハットグ 44 Crudités with Gochujang Dip 83 Spicy Braised Tofu 124 Boiled Squid with Chili Sauce 83 Stir-fried Anchovies 125 豚モヤシ炒め 46 キムチチゲ 94 Persimmon, Cream Cheese and Walnut サバの煮つけ 48 R olls 84 トッポギラーメン鍋 Index of Recipes by Main Ingredie9nt6 126 冷麺 50 ホルモン鍋 98 辛口ジャージャー麺 52 餃子鍋 100 3 Make the Dishes Seen in Your Favorite K-dramas! Hello, I’m Choi Heejae. I’ve always been interested in food—I studied at Hattori Nutrition College in Tokyo and also at the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine in Seoul. Now I run my own restaurant and cooking school in Seoul. Recently, as Korean pop culture has spread around the world, my friends in other countries started saying that they loved watching K-dramas on TV and some of them had even tried making some of the Korean dishes they’d seen being eaten on these shows. That gave me the idea for writing this book. The recipes you’ll find here aren’t exactly the same as the ones you’ve seen in your favorite dramas—they are my original takes on those dishes. But I guarantee they are delicious! Korean cooking uses a lot of vegetables and is very healthy—not only will you not get tired of it, you’ll start craving it! It’s also becoming a lot easier to get hold of Korean ingredients these days, either at your local Korean or Asian market, or online. I hope that by making and eating the dishes in this book you’ll not only deepen your enjoyment of your favorite K-dramas, but you’ll feel a closer connection to my home country, Korea. —Choi Heejae 5 Glossary of Korean Ingredients You should be able to find these ingredients in your local Korean grocery store or Asian market. Wherever possible, recipes in this book offer substitute ingredients for Korean ingredients that may be hard to find. AAnncchhoovviieess,, ddrriieedd CChhrryyssaanntthheemmuumm ggrreeeennss DDaaiikkoonn rraaddiisshh Called mareun-myeolchi in Korean, Called ssukgat in Korean, these A thick white root vegetable with a you can find these dried anchovies have a distinctive grassy flavor. spicy flavor and a crunchy texture sold in packets in Korean groceries Use mustard greens or spinach as when raw. When cooked, it becomes or in general Asian markets. The an- a substitute. soft and sweet. Widely available in chovies vary in size: the small ones Asian markets and also in many reg- are good for the recipes in this book. ular supermarkets. AAnncchhoovvyy ppoowwddeerr Available in Korean grocery stores. If you can't find it, grind dried ancho- vies in a food processor. CChheeoonnggjjuu Korean rice wine, clear in color, sim- ilar to Japanese sake. Sake can also be used for recipes in this book that DDaaiikkoonn rraaddiisshh,, ppiicckklleedd call for cheongju. Noticeable for its yellow color, this CChhuunnjjaanngg bbllaacckk bbeeaann ppaassttee pickled version of daikon radish, A salty paste made of fermented called danmuji in Korean can be soybeans and caramel, which gives bought readymade at Asian grocery it its color. It can be substituted stores. The Japanese version is with tianmian (Chinese fermented called takuan and can also be used sweet bean sauce) for the recipes in this book. CCoorrnn ssyyrruupp see Light corn syrup DDaannggmmyyeeoonn nnooooddlleess see page 106 page 106 DDaannmmuujjii see Daikon radish, pickled CChhiinneessee yyaamm DDaaddaaeeggii A long root vegetable with pale A spicy sesame chili sauce (some- brown skin and a viscous, slippery times written as tategi in English), texture. You can find it at Chinese, used to flavor a wide range of dish- Korean and Japanese grocery stores. es. You can make your own meaty version following the recipe on page 115. DDaassiimmaa sseeaawweeeedd Dried kelp, used as the basis for stock in many Korean recipes. Jap- anese kombu seaweed can also be used in recipes that call for dasima. 6

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